
    REVEALED: All the Texts About Fani Willis and Nathan Wade Relationship Between Lawyer and Witness, with Phil Holloway | Ep. 733

    enFebruary 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Texts reveal contradictory statements about DA's romantic relationshipA former law partner's texts contradict their denials of a romantic relationship between the special prosecutor and the DA, raising questions about their honesty.

      During a hearing in Fulton County, it was revealed that Terrence Bradley, a former law partner and friend of special prosecutor Nathan Wade, had exchanged texts with defense attorney Ashley Merchant about Fannie Willis, the DA, and Wade's romantic relationship. Bradley had previously told Merchant that the relationship began before Willis hired Wade to prosecute Trump, but under oath, he claimed he was speculating about the timeline. The texts contradict their denials of the affair and raise questions about their honesty. Despite this, Bradley seemed to have forgotten the details when testifying in court. The texts were exchanged recently, and yet Bradley claimed he couldn't recall specifics. The judge had ruled that the testimony about the relationship was not protected by attorney-client privilege, and Bradley chose to claim forgetfulness as his defense.

    • Texts reveal possible relationship between Ashley Merchant and Terrence Bradley before hiringTexts suggest Ashley Merchant and Terrence Bradley may have started a relationship before she hired him, potentially while she was a judge in South Fulton in 2019. Bradley instructed Merchant to include him in a footnote regarding the money he made from the DA's office.

      Text messages between Ashley Merchant and Terrence Bradley suggest that their relationship began before she hired him, possibly while she was a judge in South Fulton in 2019. This revelation came to light when Phil Holloway shared the texts during the trial, which had been taking place since early January 2023. The texts also revealed that they met at a Municipal Court CLE Conference. Additionally, Terrence Bradley instructed Ashley Merchant to include him in a footnote regarding the money he made from the DA's office. The texts were exchanged just before Ashley Merchant filed a bombshell motion to disqualify both Willis and Wade from the case against the former president of the United States due to an alleged affair and kickbacks. Despite the potential implications, Terrence Bradley did not deny the accuracy of the texts, but only corrected the court they met on.

    • Lawyer's Witness Confuses Testimony, Mutters 'Oh, Dang'During a trial, a witness for Trump's lawyer contradicted earlier testimony and muttered 'oh, dang' when presented with potentially damning evidence. The inconsistency and muttering raise questions about the authenticity of the witness's on-stand statements.

      During the trial of multiple defendants in a case, each lawyer got a chance to question witnesses. Trump's lawyer, Sadau, questioned Terence Bradley about the alleged relationship between Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade. Bradley had previously testified that the relationship started when Willis left the DA's office and became a judge in South Fulton. However, during the trial, Bradley claimed it was speculation on his part. When asked why he didn't say "I don't know" when asked about the start of the relationship, Bradley couldn't provide an answer. A clip from the trial shows Bradley muttering "oh, dang" when presented with potentially damning texts about the relationship. It's unclear if Bradley's muttering was captured by the court camera or Fox News' camera. Some speculate that someone in the Wade-Willis sphere may have contacted Bradley before his testimony, threatening him if he revealed what he knew. The identity of this person is reportedly Gabe Banks, a close friend of Nathan Wade's, and his wife is the chief of staff to Fannie Willis. The inconsistency between Bradley's testimony and the texts raises questions about the authenticity of his on-stand statements.

    • Text messages as significant evidence in courtText messages outside court contradicting testimony can be used as substantive evidence and potentially change the outcome of a case.

      Text messages used outside of a courtroom setting can serve as significant evidence in a case when they contradict a witness's testimony. In Georgia, such text messages are considered prior inconsistent statements, which can be used as substantive evidence. The judge can discount the witness's testimony in the courtroom and rely on the prior inconsistent statement instead. During the trial of the Trump Rico case, text messages between Fonnie Willis and Nathan Wade were presented as evidence of their romantic affair, which contradicted their testimony. Despite the defense team's attempts to change the meaning of the texts, the judge acknowledged their inconsistency and understood the parties' intentions. These text messages served as a crucial piece of evidence that could potentially lead to the dismissal of Fonnie Willis's prosecution.

    • Subpoena issued for text communications in court caseA subpoena has been issued for all text messages between a defense attorney and a former law partner regarding a court case, highlighting the increasing scrutiny on the attorney's conduct and the Senate's power to make laws impacting prosecutors.

      During a court case, a defense attorney and a former law partner had a conversation regarding a footnote in a motion, where the former law partner requested to be included. The attorney reviewed the motion and responded that it looked good, but during the trial, the former law partner denied remembering the conversation. A subpoena has now been issued by the Georgia State Senate to obtain all text communications related to this case between the attorney and the former law partner. This subpoena signifies the growing legal and ethical scrutiny on Fannie Willis, and the Georgia State Senate has the power to make laws impacting prosecutors' conduct and oversight. The significance of this subpoena lies in the fact that the document with all the text exchanges is not yet public.

    • Texts between witness and defense lawyer could reveal case origins and political motivationsPotential texts between a witness and defense lawyer could provide context on a case's origins and the role of politics in the prosecution

      The texts between Ashley Merchant, a lawyer for one of the defendants, and Terrence Bradley, a potential witness in a case, could provide crucial context when they become public. The texts may show that Bradley was actively involved in discussions about Nathan Wade, a key figure in the case. The larger issue at hand is the potential political motivations behind the prosecution, with allegations that the district attorney, Linda Dunikoski Willis, has used her office to target political enemies. The defense team has filed a motion to disqualify Willis and her office due to her public statements and media attention, which they argue undermines her impartiality. The texts could potentially shed light on the origins of the case and the role of politics in the prosecution.

    • The Importance of Previous Statements and Text Messages in the CaseThe use of past statements and text messages as evidence in the case could sway the judge's decision, as they may provide crucial details about the affair between Nathan Wade and Fannie Willis before 2022, which could impact the outcome of the trial.

      Text messages and prior statements could be used as substantial evidence in the ongoing case, as long as they confirm relevant details about the affair between Nathan Wade and Fannie Willis. The lawyers will argue this point to the judge on Friday, hoping he relies on earlier statements instead of in-court ones. Terrence Bradley, a key witness, was accused of lying during his testimony, but the specifics of their alleged office encounters before 2022 are unclear and could significantly impact the case. The prosecutor, Anna Cross, who questioned Bradley during the cross-examination, is now absent from the case, leaving many wondering about her sudden departure. Additionally, it was clarified that the reference to "that office" was to Fannie Willis' earlier office in Evans, which she rented as far back as 19, making the timeline of their alleged affair before 2022 crucial to the case.

    • Attempted proof of relationship based on witness testimonyWitness testimony lacks concrete evidence, and judges may consider other sources to make decisions

      During a court hearing, Ashley Merchant attempted to prove that the romantic relationship between Fannie Willis and Terrence Bradley began in 2019 based on information she received from a potential witness, Terrence Bradley. However, Bradley later denied making certain statements about the relationship, leaving Merchant without concrete evidence to support her claim. Additionally, Merchant had obtained information about trips taken by Willis and Bradley, but the full texts were not yet available, leaving important context missing from the testimony. The judge is not obligated to rely solely on testimony from the witness stand and may consider other evidence, such as the texts, to make a decision. The case is ongoing, and further evidence, including potentially damaging admissions from witnesses, is still being presented.

    • Texts reveal Merchant knew about affair before disqualification motionTexts between Merchant and Bradley suggest Merchant was aware of Wade and Willis's affair before she filed a motion to disqualify them, casting doubt on her honesty and intentions in the case.

      The text messages between Terence Bradley and Ashley Merchant, obtained by guest Phil Holloway, suggest that Merchant had knowledge of Wade and Willis's affair before she filed a motion requesting their disqualification from the case. The messages show Merchant expressing shock and disbelief when Bradley denies knowing about the affair, despite evidence suggesting it started before she hired him. Bradley also mentions that they met at a Municipal Court CLE conference, a detail he wants to keep hidden due to their falling out. The messages add to the growing evidence of the affair and raise questions about Merchant's honesty and motivations in the case.

    • Collusion between Defense and ProsecutionTexts reveal Bradley shared non-privileged info from Wade's case with defense team, raising concerns about legal process integrity

      The texts between Ashley Merchant and Terence Bradley reveal a collusion between them, with Bradley sharing non-privileged information from Nathan Wade's case. This collaboration was an attempt to expose the truth before Wade and Willis testified under oath. Despite Bradley's efforts to keep his involvement discreet, the texts show that he was actively working with the defense team. Additionally, the texts reveal Bradley's belief that the prosecution would deny the allegations and his concern that they might become public liars if they did so. Overall, these texts provide significant evidence of collusion and raise questions about the integrity of the legal process.

    • Witness Terrence Bradley suggests Fannie lied under oath about her relationship with NathanWitness Terrence Bradley's inconsistent testimony about Fannie's relationship with Nathan raises concerns about his truthfulness and underscores the significance of investigating potential lies under oath.

      During a court hearing, Terrence Bradley, a key witness in a case involving Fannie Willis, a district attorney, and Nathan Wade, testified that he believed Fannie had been lying under oath about the timeline of her romantic relationship with Nathan. He urged the investigation team to obtain her original security detail from 2020, suggesting that they would have crucial information. Additionally, he mentioned that her kids and command staff would know about the affair. However, during previous testimony, Terrence had claimed to have only had one conversation with Nathan about the relationship. This inconsistency raises serious concerns about the truthfulness of Terrence's testimony and highlights the importance of thoroughly investigating potential lies under oath.

    • Discussion reveals affair between Robin URT and Terence Bradley, potential perjury, and need for special prosecutorAn affair between Robin URT and Terence Bradley led to Robin's firing, potential perjury during a hearing, and the need for a special prosecutor to investigate Fannie Willis and Terence.

      During a discussion, it was revealed that Robin URT, who was hired by Fannie Willis around 2019, was involved in an affair with a man named Terence Bradley. Robin was fired around June 2022, and it appears that Fannie and Terence lied under oath about the affair during a hearing. The discovery of this affair raises questions about potential perjury and the need for a special prosecutor to investigate Fannie and Terence. Additionally, it was mentioned that Fannie had hired several special prosecutors, including Cross and Floyd, and had taken extravagant trips with Nathan, her alleged partner in a kickback scheme. The subpoenaing of Chris Campbell and Nathan's office staff was also discussed, and it was acknowledged that Ashley Merchant, who was facilitating the communication between Terence and the investigator, might also have to take the stand.

    • A witness shares potential evidence with a lawyer during a court caseA witness discussed past affairs and involved individuals with a lawyer, suggesting they investigate and disclose any fraudulent affidavits.

      During a court case, a witness and a lawyer were having a conversation about potential evidence related to the case. The witness shared information about the involvement of certain individuals in an affair before a key person became a District Attorney in 2020. The lawyer, who may have had a professional and personal relationship with some of the individuals involved, was encouraged by the witness to help investigate the circumstances of the affair. The conversation included discussions about reaching out to others who might have knowledge of the situation and potential lies under oath. The witness also suggested that the lawyer might have a duty to alert the court to any fraudulent affidavits filed in the case. The conversation provides important context to the case and highlights the creative ways lawyers investigate for their clients when they are limited in their ability to conduct pretrial depositions in criminal cases in Georgia.

    • Allegations of lies under oath by three court officersAn independent investigation is necessary to determine the truth and maintain the dignity of the court when allegations of lies under oath by court officers arise.

      During a court case, it was alleged that not one, but three officers of the court may have lied under oath. The lies were about the timeline of an affair and cash payments. The judge may not have been aware of all the details, but the text messages in question are about to become public records due to a subpoena from the Georgia state senate. If the judge wants to maintain the dignity of the court, an independent investigation is necessary to determine the truth and prevent any potential fraud from continuing. This situation is unique and complex, and would make for an excellent ethics exam for law students. The potential consequences for the judge's reputation and dignity are significant if he does not thoroughly investigate these allegations.

    • Anna Cross' absence from Terrence Bradley's testimony and recent filing raises questionsThe absence of special prosecutor Anna Cross during Terrence Bradley's testimony and from a recent filing in the high-profile case raises questions about her involvement and potential for a fraud on the court.

      The absence of special prosecutor Anna Cross during Terrence Bradley's testimony and her non-appearance on the most recent filing raises questions about her involvement in the case and the potential for a fraud on the court. While it's unclear why she was not present or why her name was missing from the filing, her absence is particularly noteworthy given her role in the proceedings and the timing of the defense's presentation of contradictory evidence. The fact that she is a private lawyer working for the Fulton DA's office adds to the complexity of the situation. If Anna Cross had believed that her boss, Fannie Willis, had committed a fraud on the court, she would have had to recuse herself from the case. The lack of transparency surrounding her absence and the reasons for it only adds to the intrigue surrounding this high-profile case.

    • Lawyer's testimony questioned due to text messagesNewly obtained texts contradict lawyer's testimony, emphasizing the importance of truthfulness and complete context in a courtroom.

      During a trial, a lawyer cannot participate in fraud or lie under oath. In the ongoing case, a lawyer named Terrence Bradley is under scrutiny for potentially lying during his testimony about a relationship between two individuals. The lawyer claims he doesn't recall if he lied to the witness about specific details of the relationship. However, newly obtained text messages between Bradley and another person suggest he may have been dishonest. The level of detail in the texts contradicts Bradley's testimony, leading to doubts about his truthfulness. This situation highlights the importance of complete context and transparency in a courtroom. The audience should remember that a person's claims don't automatically make them true, and it's essential to consider all available evidence when evaluating the situation.

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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Phone records expose lies by Fani Willis, Nathan Wade about timing of affair, could sink Trump election fraud case

    Phone records expose lies by Fani Willis, Nathan Wade about timing of affair, could sink Trump election fraud case
    Donald Trump's attorneys in the Fulton County election fraud conspiracy case submit phone records showing a plethora of calls and text messages between district attorney Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade, well before they testified their confirmed love affair began in November of 2022. Their lies under oath over a massive potential conflict of interest threaten to sink their case altogether, which would mark a landmark legal victory for Trump and his Presidential campaign.