
    Revolutionary Wellness Through Biohacking w Dave Asprey

    enDecember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding our body's energy conservation systemHack your body's system to make goals feel achievable by making small changes that save energy and time

      Our bodies operate like an "operating system" (MeetOS) that makes decisions based on energy conservation. This system, designed to save energy, can make it challenging for us to stick to our goals, such as working out regularly. Instead of relying on willpower, we can hack our system by making small changes that save energy and time, making our goals feel more appealing and achievable. For instance, instead of committing to a long gym session, we can opt for shorter, more efficient workouts. By understanding and working with our body's natural tendencies, we can make positive changes in our lives more effectively. This concept is further explored in Dave Asprey's new book, "Smarter, Not Harder: The Biohacker's Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want."

    • Our bodies have natural mechanisms limiting weightlifting progressTechnologies and strategies can confuse proprioceptors, enabling more weight lifting and faster muscle growth

      Our bodies have built-in mechanisms, like proprioceptors, which can limit our strength and ability to lift weights due to the fear of injury. This is a natural response to protect us, but it can hinder our progress in building muscle. Technologies and strategies, such as electro muscle stimulation or the "cheat machine," can help confuse the proprioceptors and allow us to lift more weight and grow more quickly. The book discusses these strategies in detail and the benefits of being more strategic with our workouts rather than relying on long hours in the gym.

    • Maximizing muscle growth with re-hit trainingRe-hit training involves full muscle exhaustion, quick recovery, and proper nutrition for faster muscle growth. Interval training, with short bursts of intense activity and rest, improves cardio health efficiently.

      Maximizing muscle growth requires full exhaustion of muscles, followed by quick recovery and proper nutrition. This strategy, known as re-hit, reduced exertion, high intensity training, can lead to faster muscle growth than traditional methods. Additionally, interval training, which involves short bursts of intense activity followed by rest, is an effective way to improve cardio health in less time compared to traditional cardio methods. This approach reduces exertion and is driven by artificial intelligence in some cases, allowing for a more efficient workout.

    • Maximize fitness gains with sprint workouts and breathworkSprint workouts and breathwork practices can boost cardiovascular health and longevity by increasing VO2 max, ejection fraction, and promoting angiogenesis through reduced oxygen levels.

      Incorporating high-intensity sprint workouts and breathwork practices into your fitness routine can lead to significant improvements in cardiovascular health and longevity. These workouts involve short bursts of maximum effort followed by periods of rest and recovery, which can help increase your VO2 max and ejection fraction. Additionally, reducing oxygen levels through breathwork or hypoxic training can trigger angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels, and promote heart health. These methods offer a more efficient and effective alternative to traditional long-duration cardio workouts, making it easier to fit cardio into a busy schedule. Overall, incorporating these practices can lead to substantial health benefits in a relatively short amount of time.

    • Exploring Personal Growth Through Therapy, Breath Work, and BiohackingInvest in personal growth through therapy, breath work, and biohacking for individual and business success. Therapy offers convenience with online platforms, strong company culture fuels business growth, and biohacking presents both risks and rewards.

      Personal growth and self-improvement can come from various sources, including therapy, breath work, and biohacking. The speaker shared his experience with using LSD for personal growth until it became illegal, and then transitioning to breath work. He emphasized the importance and benefits of therapy, especially with the convenience of online platforms like BetterHelp. For business owners, creating a strong company culture is crucial for growth, and Insparity HR can help in building and refining a culture aligned with business goals. The speaker also shared his obsession with biohacking and the significant investment he's made in it over the years, despite some concerns and risks. Overall, the discussion highlights the various ways individuals and businesses can prioritize growth and self-improvement.

    • Perceptions vs Reality: Understanding Ourselves and OthersUnderstanding that our perceptions of ourselves and others may differ greatly. Embrace personal growth, accept differences, and leverage strengths to positively impact others.

      Our experiences and perceptions of ourselves and others can be vastly different. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about buying a brain stimulator and temporarily losing the ability to speak, yet appearing extroverted on stage. He also notes his introverted nature in everyday life. He observes the speaker's expressive and gregarious demeanor on stage contrasted with their quiet and introverted behavior in person. The speaker reflects on the importance of understanding and accepting these differences, as well as the power of embracing one's passions and strengths to make a positive impact on others. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of personal growth and self-improvement, using his own journey to overcome health challenges and enhance his brain function as an example.

    • Improve focus and health through various methodsPlay brain games for better brain blood flow, use saunas for cardiovascular benefits, and avoid anti-nutrients for improved focus and well-being

      There are various external and internal methods to improve focus and overall health. Playing brain training games on your phone, like Mendi, can help increase blood flow to the front of the brain, benefiting individuals with ADHD. Saunas, both traditional and infrared, raise heart rate and improve blood flow, acting as a low-impact alternative to exercise for cardiovascular benefits. Additionally, the book discusses the importance of being aware of anti-nutrients in your diet, such as lectins and high oxalic acid content in certain plants and grains. These substances can cause inflammation and form crystals in the body, leading to various health issues. Understanding and addressing these factors can significantly enhance focus and overall well-being.

    • Foods High in Oxalic and Phytic Acids Can Negatively Impact HealthConsuming large quantities of plant-based foods high in oxalic and phytic acids can lead to pain, calcium depletion, mineral deficiencies, and contribute to global warming through increased flatulence. Maintain a balanced diet and be aware of potential drawbacks.

      Certain foods, particularly those high in oxalic and phytic acids, can negatively impact the body by causing pain, stealing calcium and minerals, and weakening bones over time. These substances are found in various plant-based foods, even those considered healthy like spinach, nuts, and whole grains. While not causing immediate pain like oxalic acid, phytic acid can lead to mineral deficiencies and other health issues. Consuming large quantities of these foods can result in tiredness, anxiety, and even contribute to global warming due to increased flatulence. It's essential to maintain a balanced diet and be aware of the potential drawbacks of overconsuming plant-based foods. Additionally, the importance of minerals in maintaining good health was emphasized, as they play a crucial role in various bodily functions and cellular processes.

    • Build a strong foundation for your healthImprove health and performance by ensuring adequate levels of fat-soluble vitamins (D, A, K2, E) and minerals. Start with Vitamin D and mineral supplements, and consider incorporating trace minerals through coffee or supplements.

      Building a strong foundation for your health is essential before investing in expensive supplements or vitamins. The foundation includes having adequate levels of fat-soluble vitamins (D, A, K2, and E) and minerals. These nutrients help improve performance and make your body healthier while guiding minerals to the right places. A good starting point is taking a supplement like Vitamin D and a broad-spectrum mineral supplement. Additionally, incorporating trace minerals into your daily routine through products like Danger Coffee or supplements can also be beneficial. Remember, prioritizing a strong foundation is crucial before exploring other health-related options.

    • Efficient Hiring with Indeed's Instant Match FeatureUsing Indeed's Instant Match Feature can save time and increase chances of finding qualified candidates for your business. Prioritize high-quality protein sources, such as wild-caught fish and grass-fed beef, for optimal health and muscle growth.

      When it comes to hiring qualified employees, using a platform like Indeed can save time and ensure you're interviewing candidates who are genuinely interested and qualified for the job. The "instant match" feature provides access to a large pool of candidates within 24 hours, increasing the chances of finding the right fit for your business. Additionally, when it comes to nutrition, it's important to focus on consuming high-quality sources of protein, such as wild-caught fish and grass-fed beef, rather than relying on plant-based sources alone. These animal proteins provide essential nutrients that are important for overall health and muscle growth. However, it's important to note that these options can be more expensive, so finding affordable alternatives, such as lean chicken or pastured pork, can still provide beneficial protein sources. Overall, the key takeaways are the importance of efficient hiring practices and prioritizing high-quality protein sources in your diet.

    • Achieving Optimal Health: Nutrition, Exercise, and Substance ConsiderationImplement specific dietary and workout habits for noticeable improvements in strength, energy, and body fat percentage. Properly research and seek guidance from professionals before trying new substances like psychedelics to minimize risks. Consider starting with trauma release work and breathwork before exploring psychedelics.

      Optimal health and vitality can be achieved through a combination of proper nutrition, regular exercise, and careful consideration before trying new substances like psychedelics. The speaker shares his personal experience of noticeable improvements in strength, energy, and body fat percentage after implementing specific dietary and workout habits. He also acknowledges the potential benefits of certain substances, but emphasizes the importance of proper preparation, research, and guidance from qualified professionals to minimize risks. He recommends starting with trauma release work and breathwork before considering psychedelics.

    • Exploring Altered States of ConsciousnessPractice Tantra, Conscious Kink, neurofeedback, or use psychedelics responsibly for profound spiritual experiences and self-discovery.

      There are various methods to access altered states of consciousness, some of which include practicing Tantra or Conscious King for a powerful orgasm, trying neurofeedback for brainwave exploration, and using certain psychedelic substances like MDMA, mushrooms, LSD, and ayahuasca for deep introspection and healing. These practices can lead to profound spiritual experiences, but it's important to approach them with respect and use them responsibly, as occasional tools for self-discovery rather than daily habits. The ultimate goal is to open your operating system and explore the depths of your own reality, but keep in mind that these methods require dedication, time, and a trustworthy guide when using psychedelics.

    • Exploring the therapeutic uses of psychedelic substancesPsychedelics like LSD, mushrooms, and ketamine have therapeutic potential for enhancing focus, creativity, treating mental health conditions, and improving athletic performance. Use responsibly for optimal benefits and minimal harm.

      Psychedelic substances like LSD, mushrooms, and even ketamine, can have various uses beyond recreational purposes. While LSD and mushrooms have low addiction potential, they can be used for microdosing to enhance focus, creativity, and overall well-being. Ketamine, when used safely in clinics, can help treat mental health conditions and brain injuries. Ultra-endurance athletes, like ultra-marathon runners, have been known to use microdosing for improved performance. These substances can increase neuroplasticity and have profound effects on the brain, especially when combined with other therapies like neurofeedback and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. However, it's essential to use these substances responsibly and avoid overuse to prevent potential harm to the brain.

    • Exploring Psychedelic Therapy and NetSuitePsychedelic therapy, particularly with LSD and a therapist, can effectively treat depression. NetSuite is a popular cloud-based financial system software for businesses with customized solutions and financial management features.

      Psychedelic therapy, specifically with LSD and the guidance of a therapist, can be effective and safe for depression, with a long history of use and availability. Additionally, NetSuite by Oracle is a popular cloud-based financial system software for businesses, offering customized solutions, financial management, and more. The speaker also mentioned his personal use of peptides like MSH for tanning and aging benefits, and BPC 157 for regenerative purposes. While he uses them inconsistently, he emphasized the importance of listening to your body and not forcing use if it doesn't feel right.

    • Exploring the Future of Health and Longevity through BiohackingBiohacking offers new possibilities for health and longevity, with advancements in peptides, gene therapy, and stem cell treatments. Personal exploration and experimentation are encouraged to achieve individual health goals, and the potential for a lifespan of 180 years is reasonable given the current rate of knowledge growth.

      Our understanding of biology and medicine is advancing at an unprecedented rate, opening up new possibilities for health and longevity. The speaker, who is an advocate for biohacking, shares his personal experiences with using peptides, gene therapy, and stem cell treatments to improve his health and appearance. He believes that with the current rate of knowledge growth, it's reasonable to aim for a lifespan of 180 years, as the advancements in the field will likely continue to outpace our current achievements. The speaker encourages individual exploration and experimentation within the realm of biohacking to achieve personal health and wellness goals.

    • Dave Asprey's Longevity Venture Fund: Maximizing Life Beyond 180 YearsDave Asprey's new venture fund focuses on extending life beyond the predicted 180-year lifespan, emphasizing continuous learning and improvement over mere hard work.

      Dave Asprey, a pioneer in the health and wellness industry, has been advocating for extended lifespan and groundbreaking ideas that were once considered radical but are now gaining mainstream acceptance. He recently announced plans for a longevity venture fund, aiming for a target higher than the minimum predicted 180-year lifespan. The conversation between Dave and Ed touched on the importance of continuous learning and striving for improvement, rather than just working harder. The end message: Max out your life and stay tuned for more insights from Dave.

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    💎 JOIN SKINCAMP at https://rachelvarga.ca and register NOW! If you select the VIP option you can SAVE 15% on EVERYTHING with me for the ENTIRE SkinCamp season!!! Early birds will save $100 on their registration as well! Each seasonal SkinCamp begins and ends with each seasonal equinox to align with our seasonal rhythms so your skin routine can too!

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    💎 Purchase your dermaroller, serums and learn the order of operations here! https://store.rachelvarga.ca/collections/dermarolling-starter-kit


    Watch this video to get you started with dermarolling while it is still FREE! https://youtu.be/4gEz7RpTcQM (If this link no longer works it is because it is no longer free!)


    Here are a few dermarolling tips to get you started:


    Stabilize the skin for 2 weeks with your 5 basics to stabilize your skin (Shop my skin care essentials here! https://store.rachelvarga.ca/collections/skin-care-essentials)


    If you would like to learn exactly which products could be more optimal for your specific skin needs be sure to book your One on One with me at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started and join my next skincamp like Fall SkinCamp to access my tutorials and demos at https://fallskincamp.com


    💎 DOWNLOAD my FREE 9 Keys to Slowing Skin Aging at https://rachelvarga.ca/slowaging

    💎 BOOK A ONE ON ONE with Rachel Varga for customized skin and rejuvenation guidance and use code PODCAST15 for 15% off at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started

    💎 SAVE on my top at-home and in-office biohacking tools like red light therapy, emf mitigation, air purifiers and SO MUCH MORE to help you age impossibly well at https://RachelVarga.ca/favorites

    💎 RESEARCH and additional insights into my peer reviewed and academically published articles can be found at https://rachelvarga.ca/research

    As a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011 with over 20,000 rejuvenation treatments performed on thousands of patients. I offer guidance through education on skin, rejuvenation practices/treatments, and achieving overall wellness in the areas of spirit, mind, body and beauty.

    I would love to hear from YOU!

    Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, CANS

    Email: info@rachelvarga.ca

    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

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    A Business Meeting With Legendary Producer iLLMIND

    A Business Meeting With Legendary Producer iLLMIND

    This completely fire meeting I had with my man iLLMIND is one that you really can't miss. Loved chatting wit this guy about everything music industry, hip hop and business while we were both in LA - let me know what you think of it & hit him up at @illmindproducer on Instagram. <3

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message