
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the importance of taking risks in communicationEngage in generating ideas, push boundaries, and embrace uncertainty for meaningful and interesting conversations. Free speech is essential for allowing these discussions to take place.

      Engaging in the process of generating ideas and taking risks are essential for meaningful and interesting communication. Speaking publicly or having conversations requires pushing the envelope of one's thoughts and being open to uncertainty. This can be anxiety-provoking, but it's necessary for thinking about important and contentious topics. Free speech is crucial for allowing these discussions to take place. The podcast episode discusses the importance of humor and maintaining a sense of it, even in serious situations, as well as the privilege and excitement of speaking to an audience. The speaker, Michaela Peterson, shares her personal experiences and encourages the audience to take risks in their own thinking and communication.

    • Embrace the role of the fool and be willing to make mistakesEmbracing the fool's role allows us to take risks, learn new things, and grow, ultimately leading to new discoveries and wisdom.

      Embracing the role of the fool and being willing to make mistakes and look foolish are essential parts of personal growth and advancement. The image of the fool in tarot represents consciousness and the courage to take risks and step into the unknown. Comedians and jesters serve as reminders that speaking truths others may be thinking but unable to express can lead to a freer society. Carl Jung saw the fool as a precursor to the savior, emphasizing the importance of being willing to transform into a beginner and learn new things. By being open to the possibility of looking foolish, we can move towards new discoveries and wisdom. Ultimately, the truth is a dynamic and elusive concept, requiring constant exploration and re-examination. So, instead of reiterating known truths, it's essential to embrace the unknown and risk being a fool in pursuit of new insights.

    • Engaging in difficult conversations with loved ones leads to deeper truthsThrough challenging discussions, we can make relationships stronger and gain valuable insights.

      The deepest truths in life often come from engaging in difficult conversations with those we love, where we work through problems to make things better. This process can be challenging as it requires admitting to issues, agreeing on the problem, and both parties wanting to find a solution. Technological advancements, such as podcasts and YouTube, have expanded the reach and accessibility of the spoken word, allowing deeper engagement with ideas for a broader audience. This revolution in media has shown that people are capable of thinking about complex concepts and have longer attention spans than previously assumed. The result is a growing interest in serious ideas and a potential shift in how we consume and engage with knowledge.

    • The Intellectual Dark Web's Pursuit of Truth and EthicsThe Intellectual Dark Web values truth and ethics, recognizing the importance of independent thought and the complexity of the relationship between facts and values.

      The intellectual dark web, a diverse group of individuals who have embraced new technology for complex, philosophical dialogue, is united by their early adoption of the technology, independence, and the pursuit of truth. They believe their audiences are intelligent and strive to understand the relationship between hierarchy and the individual, which structures human perception and ethical action. Sam Harris, a rationalist atheist, and the speaker have had a long-standing debate over the existence of objective truth and its relationship to values. The speaker argues that the relationship between facts and values cannot be directly derived and that the pursuit of truth requires independent thought and ethical action. The speaker's current inquiry focuses on understanding the structure of hierarchy and its impact on individual perception and ethical action.

    • Our perception of the world is more complex than it seemsPeople simplify and prioritize their surroundings, shaping their actions and perceptions in subtle ways, like preferring hierarchical organizations for efficiency.

      Our perception of the world is not as simple as it seems. We filter and simplify our surroundings to function effectively, focusing on tools and obstacles rather than factual objects. This process is subtle and complex, influencing our actions in ways we may not fully understand. For instance, research shows that people may prefer hierarchical organizations for their efficiency in resolving disputes, contrary to initial assumptions that equal status would lead to greater happiness. Our brains are wired to simplify and prioritize, allowing us to navigate the intricacies of the world.

    • Social hierarchies shape perception and valueHigh-status individuals influence what we perceive as valuable, and monkeys, like humans, tend to focus on and remember things they pay attention to.

      Hierarchical organizations and social hierarchies play a significant role in shaping how we perceive and value information. According to the discussion, monkeys, like humans, tend to focus on and remember things that high-status individuals pay attention to. This behavior is driven by the fact that high-status individuals have the power to determine what is valuable, and their choices serve as indicators of what is worth looking at. The marketplace of public opinion and social hierarchies are interconnected, and disrupting belief structures can be disruptive to the way we perceive the world and interact with others. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the role of social hierarchies in shaping perception and value.

    • The gaze of others influences our perception of value and social statusObserving others' gazes helps us understand their interests and emotions, but the presumption of innocence is crucial in protecting against false accusations

      The way we perceive value and determine social status is influenced by the gaze of others. This was observed in monkeys, who looked at higher status monkeys more often and in the direction they were looking. This behavior is wired into our biology and has implications for human behavior. Our ability to read each other's eyes is a unique human trait that helps us understand what others are interested in and what they're up to. By sharing gaze, we put ourselves in the same psychophysiological position and align our emotions. However, the discussion also highlighted the importance of the presumption of innocence and the challenge of defending oneself against false accusations. It's not self-evident that we would automatically rise to our own defense, and the legal system's fundamental presumption of innocence is a valuable safeguard.

    • Unity through individuality for peace and productivityUnderstanding and acting based on individual identities fosters unity and prevents conflict, even amidst cultural changes brought by technology

      Having a shared goal or vision is essential for peace and productivity. This alignment of emotions and motivations allows individuals to understand and act in harmony. The speaker warns against the dangers of prioritizing group identities over individual identity, which can lead to tribalism and conflict. Instead, the proper approach is to interact with others based on their individual identity being superior. This unity through individuality can prevent degeneration into warfare. The technological revolution and the resulting cultural changes present challenges, but the speaker believes that individuality is the way out of potential tribalism and conflict.

    • Understanding Human ComplexitiesPeople are shaped by culture and challenges, carrying a unique burden of self-awareness and mortality. Compassion and understanding are essential for navigating human complexities.

      According to the speaker, human beings are not inherently good or evil, but are shaped by culture and the challenges we face. The speaker also emphasizes the unique burden of being human, including our self-awareness of mortality and suffering. He argues that people deserve sympathy and acknowledgement for the complexities of life. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of a free market system due to human beings' inherent stupidity and the difficulty of making pricing decisions centrally. Overall, the speaker's perspective emphasizes the complexity and challenges of being human, and the need for understanding and compassion.

    • Value and pricing in the free marketDespite errors, the free market collectively determines value through pricing, linking it to social status and intelligence, and offers a viable solution for trading without violence.

      The concept of value and pricing is complex and imperfect. The free market, as a distributed cognitive system, allows for the collective determination of value through pricing, but it's not without errors. Value and social status are closely linked, with high-status individuals often obtaining the most valuable things. However, it's more beneficial to possess the ability to generate wealth than the wealth itself. This ability is linked to intelligence, conscientiousness, and creativity. If given the choice, it might be more advantageous to be born with a high intelligence quotient than a high net worth. The speaker also touches upon the challenges of determining the worth of things, as seen in the Soviet system, and how the free market, despite its imperfections, is still a viable solution for trading without resorting to violence.

    • The Complexity of Resource Distribution and SuccessInvesting in intelligent and hardworking individuals can lead to societal progress, but not all wealth is acquired through exploitation. Intelligence and conscientiousness are key to long-term success, but the role of meritocracy and hierarchy in wealth distribution is debated.

      The distribution of resources and success in society can be a complex issue. While some argue for equal distribution, others suggest that investing in intelligent and hardworking individuals can lead to the solution of complex problems and overall societal progress. However, it's important to note that not all wealth is acquired through exploitation, and various factors contribute to wealth generation. Intelligence and conscientiousness are key predictors of long-term success, but the concept of meritocracy and the role of hierarchy in society remain debated. Ultimately, the goal should be to understand the various pathways to wealth and the implications of each approach.

    • The reality of suffering and malevolencePeterson emphasizes the importance of acknowledging real-world problems and engaging in meaningful dialogue to understand and address them, despite the postmodern belief that social constructions are the only reality.

      According to Jordan Peterson, the existence of suffering and malevolence in the world serves as evidence that we have real problems, despite the postmodern doctrine suggesting otherwise. Peterson argues that there is a solid reality beneath our social constructions, and that death, suffering, and malevolence are some of the solid things we must contend with. He emphasizes the importance of engaging in the process of generating ideas and pushing the envelope of our thinking to create meaningful and interesting dialogue. Peterson also shares his personal experiences and the challenges his family has faced, reminding us that everyone deals with problems and that it's important to maintain a sense of humor and levity even in serious situations.

    • Embracing Foolishness for ProgressTo grow and progress, we must be willing to take risks, make mistakes, and embrace the 'foolishness' of trying something new.

      Taking risks and being willing to make mistakes are essential for growth, both in thinking and in life. The speaker, Jordan Peterson, emphasizes that important things are often contentious and require us to stumble around blindly as we try to figure them out. He uses the example of the fool in tarot, who represents consciousness and is willing to step off a cliff, as an image of the necessary idiocy on the way to wisdom. Comedians, as jesters, play a role in society by saying what everyone else is thinking but would not dare to express. Carl Jung saw the fool as a precursor to the Savior, as one must be willing to make a fool of oneself to transform and advance. In summary, embracing the foolishness of trying something new is a necessary step towards personal and societal progress.

    • Truth is a dynamic processEngage in difficult conversations and problem-solving situations to discover deeper truths. Technology expands the reach and accessibility of spoken word, making podcasts a powerful tool for sharing ideas.

      Truth is a dynamic and evolving concept, not a static one. It requires engagement and dialogue to be discovered and understood fully. The deepest truths often come from difficult conversations and problem-solving situations. Technology plays a significant role in making the spoken word reach and impact more people than ever before, allowing for a wider audience and greater accessibility. Podcasts, in particular, have the potential to reach five times as many people as books do, making them a powerful tool for sharing ideas and insights. Ultimately, truth is a process, and it's essential to remain open-minded and curious to continue discovering new truths.

    • Technological shift brings deep thinking to a broader audienceThe intellectual dark web, a diverse group of individuals, uses technology to pursue truth in complex conversations, challenging assumptions and provoking deeper thought.

      The technological revolution, specifically the rise of platforms that enable long-form, complex, philosophical dialogue, has brought serious ideas to a broader audience and revealed a collective intelligence and interest in deep thinking. The intellectual dark web, a diverse group of individuals, is united by their early adoption of this technology, independence, and a desire to pursue truth in conversation. This technological shift has allowed for a more nuanced exploration of topics like the relationship between facts and values, and the role of hierarchy in shaping individual perception and ethical action. The dialogue between individuals in this space challenges assumptions and provokes deeper thought.

    • Filtering Complex Information for Effective PerceptionWe simplify our perception of the world to focus on necessary info for survival and interaction, but this filtering process makes our perception subjective and influenced by personal experiences and perspectives.

      Our perception of the world is not as straightforward as it seems. We don't just passively receive objective truths, but rather actively filter and simplify the complex information around us. The world is infinitely complicated, and if we were to perceive it in all its detail, we would be overwhelmed and unable to function. Instead, we simplify our perception to focus on what is necessary for survival and interaction with others. This filtering process allows us to navigate the world effectively, but it also means that our perception is subjective and influenced by our individual experiences and perspectives. Additionally, values and morality cannot be derived solely from facts, but require intermediation and interpretation by human beings.

    • Our perception of the world is based on functional elements, not factual objectsPeople prioritize tools, obstacles, and social hierarchies in their perception of the world, challenging factual objects and their assumed meanings.

      Our perception of the world is not based on factual objects and their assumed meanings, but rather on functional elements such as tools and obstacles. Our brains simplify the world by focusing on what we should pay attention to and ignoring the rest. This is demonstrated through various examples, such as people's preferences for hierarchical organizations, monkeys' gazes towards high-status individuals, and the marketplace of public opinion. The hierarchy we create socially is closely linked to the hierarchy we use to perceive the world, and disrupting belief structures can be unsettling because it challenges our perception of what is important.

    • The influence of consensus on our perception of realityOur beliefs are shaped by consensus, challenging them can be disruptive, and our perception of value is influenced by societal norms and the gaze of others. Humans have unique vision capabilities that may have evolved to help us detect predators and understand social cues.

      Our perception of reality is influenced by the consensus of those around us, and having our beliefs challenged can be a disruptive and even dangerous experience. This is due to the fact that our belief structures shape how we perceive the world, and being out of sync with others can lead to feelings of alienation or even psychosis. The legal system's presumption of innocence is a testament to the difficulty of mounting a defense when faced with opposition. Additionally, the way we determine value is influenced by consensus and the gaze of others. Humans have unique vision capabilities, including high resolution vision, which may have evolved to help us detect predators. Our eyes, with their distinct iris and sclera, allow others to read our gaze, further highlighting the importance of consensus in determining value.

    • Observing interests and shared goals deepen connectionsUnderstanding someone's interests and sharing common goals leads to deeper connections, promoting peace and productivity. Value individuality over group identities for safe and respectful interactions.

      Understanding someone involves observing what they're interested in and sharing common goals. Our eyes and facial expressions reveal our interests, and when we share a gaze, our emotions and motivations align, leading to a deeper connection. This concept of shared aims is crucial for peace and productivity. In today's diverse world, it's essential to adopt a common framework, vision, and purpose to live harmoniously. The ability to unite people under a shared goal is the foundation of peace and productivity. Additionally, individuality should be valued over group identities, as interacting with others based on their unique identities is the proper and safe way to approach the world.

    • Understanding the complexities of human natureHuman beings are complex creatures capable of both good and evil, and culture can either corrupt or ennoble us. It's important to acknowledge challenges we face as a species and extend sympathy to ourselves while continuing to find meaning in life.

      While group identities are a part of human nature, making them paramount can lead to tribalism and conflict. Human beings are complex creatures, capable of both good and evil, and culture can either corrupt or ennoble us. It's important to acknowledge the challenges we face as a species, such as our impact on the environment, but also to extend some sympathy and understanding to ourselves. As the only creatures that fully comprehend our mortality and the passage of time, the burden of existence can be overwhelming. Yet, despite this, we continue to persevere and find meaning in our lives.

    • The Free Market as a Distributed Cognitive SystemThe free market's pricing process creates a hierarchy of value and enables trade, reducing the need for violence or theft, while allowing individuals to generate wealth.

      The free market functions as a distributed cognitive system that allows for the collective determination of value through pricing. This system, while imperfect, is effective in enabling trade and reducing the need for violence or theft. The pricing process inherently creates a hierarchy of value, with social status and value closely linked. The question then arises: would one rather be rich or have the ability to generate wealth? The free market's pricing mechanism, though not perfect, offers a practical solution to the complex problem of valuing goods and services.

    • Women's preference for high-status men: Wealth vs. GenerativityWomen often prefer high-status men for their wealth or generativity. Intelligence, conscientiousness, and creativity are fundamental traits for long-term success. Debating wealth distribution, intelligence and conscientiousness are the best predictors of success. Understanding human hierarchies can be complex, not all wealth is obtained through exploitation.

      Women's preference for high-status men, whether for wealth or the ability to generate wealth, is a cross-cultural phenomenon. Intelligence, conscientiousness, and creativity are fundamental characteristics that have been selected for in human beings, making it a better bet to choose generativity over wealth. The debate arises over whether resources should be distributed equally or unequally, considering the potential increase in problem-solving rates. The best predictors of long-term success in a Western society are intelligence and conscientiousness. Competence might be more valuable than material wealth. However, understanding human hierarchies can be complex, with critics labeling it as a willfully blind or ignorant critique of cultural and economic systems. The critique often compares the wealthy to the oppressed, but it's essential to acknowledge that not all wealth is obtained through exploitation.

    • Recognizing the Reality of ProblemsEffective problem-solving requires acknowledging real-world issues like suffering and malevolence, rather than dismissing them as mere social constructs.

      Despite the ideological arguments, wealth is not always obtained through exploitation of others. Instead, some people generate wealth through intelligence and conscientiousness in solving complex problems. Moreover, the existence of real-world problems such as suffering, malevolence, and death necessitates the need for competent individuals to find efficient solutions. The belief that there's no reality beyond social construction is a postmodern doctrine that can be dangerous, as it disregards the existence of undeniable realities like suffering and malevolence. Ultimately, recognizing the reality of problems and the need for effective solutions is crucial for progress and improving the human condition.

    • Invest in competent individuals to solve complex problemsInvesting in competent individuals, even if unequal, leads to problem-solving and progress.

      The most effective way to allocate resources to solve complex problems is by funneling them towards smart and competent individuals, even if there is a genetic component to traits like conscientiousness and intelligence. Hierarchies based on competence are inevitable and supported by scientific literature, as they help ensure that resources are devoted to those most likely to solve problems. While inequality may seem unfair, it's necessary for the development and mass accessibility of new and expensive products. This unequal distribution of wealth allows for innovation and progress.

    • Inequality is a necessary precondition for wealth creationThe reduction in poverty and economic progress can be attributed to the end of the Cold War and free market principles, but it's important to ensure opportunities for those at the bottom to rise up.

      While it's tempting to imagine a world of perfect equality where everyone is exceptional in every way, the reality is that producing spectacular achievements requires unequal resources. Inequality might be the necessary precondition for the existence of wealth itself. Furthermore, the economic progress of the past few decades, which has led to a significant reduction in absolute poverty, can be attributed to the end of the Cold War and the adoption of free market principles. These developments have allowed many countries to improve their economies and reduce starvation rates. However, it's important to remember that every system produces inequality and hierarchies. The key is to ensure that these inequalities also create opportunities for those at the bottom to rise up.

    • The future may prioritize ethical values and reduce environmental degradationAs societies evolve, they may focus on ethical values, long-term visions, and reducing suffering, leading to a decrease in population and less environmental degradation.

      The future may see a decrease in population due to declining birth rates, and as societies become wealthier, environmental degradation decreases. The evolution of hierarchies points towards values beyond material wealth, power, or exploitation, with truth-telling being a key component. The core of functional hierarchies is ethical, aiming for health, love, community, and long-term visions to improve reality and reduce suffering. The image at the center of hierarchies may be an ideal of a transcendent mode of being, like the divine individual in Christianity, representing the highest value for individuals to strive towards.

    • Recognizing and addressing societal ideals for the perfect individualUnderstanding societal pressures and our unconscious religious presuppositions can help us address the collective dream of the perfect individual, leading to personal meaning and solving real-world problems.

      Recognizing and addressing the collective dream of the perfect individual, as reflected in societal hierarchies and expectations, can bring personal meaning and help solve real-world problems. This concept, which was discussed in relation to Jung's ideas, emphasizes the importance of taking on the responsibility to alleviate suffering and confront evil, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life. It's essential to acknowledge our unconscious religious presuppositions and the influence they have on our aspirations, as well as the impact of societal pressures in shaping these ideals. Furthermore, efforts to challenge identity politics and restructure political messages, as demonstrated by Greg Hurwitz's work, can contribute to positive change.

    • Peterson's belief in human instinct for meaningPeterson argues against materialist atheism, believing it leads to nihilism, and emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries for young parents

      While Sam's materialist atheist perspective presents a significant challenge to the traditional religious worldview, Jordan Peterson believes that the human instinct for meaning is a valid guide to being. He bases this belief on scientific evidence and the universality of archetypal stories. Despite the potency of the materialist atheist framework, Peterson argues against it, believing that it leads to nihilism and ultimately, a wrong direction. He also shares some advice for young parents, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries and allowing children to learn responsibility.

    • Consistent bedtime routines matter for child development and family dynamicsEstablish a consistent bedtime routine for fewer tears and better sleep, communicate effectively with your partner, and set clear boundaries for effective discipline.

      Consistent bedtime routines are crucial for a child's development and maintaining a healthy family dynamic. The method of randomly interacting with your child during bedtime, as described in the discussion, can lead to negative consequences, such as teaching them to persist in negative emotions and potentially damaging the parent-child relationship. Instead, parents should establish a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it, as this can lead to fewer tears and a better night's sleep for both the child and the parents. Additionally, communication and teamwork between parents are essential in creating effective disciplinary routines and setting clear boundaries for children. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of patience, consistency, and effective communication in raising a well-adjusted child.

    • Rules and Discipline for Long-Term BenefitsConsistently enforcing rules, even with resistance, helps children learn important behaviors and avoid repeating harmful actions. Maintain a strong support system, assess situations, and only apologize if genuinely at fault.

      Consistent rules and discipline, even if met with initial resistance, help children learn important behaviors and avoid repeating harmful actions. Comparing this to physical objects that don't change, like tables, the speaker emphasizes the importance of enforcing rules and accepting the temporary discomfort for long-term benefits. Additionally, having a strong support system, such as family and friends, can help individuals navigate conflicts and criticism. When faced with hate or conflict, it's crucial to assess the situation, maintain a presumption of innocence, and only apologize if genuinely at fault. If innocent, mount a defense and don't let criticism derail progress. Finally, when faced with unavoidable challenges, like a runaway train, it's essential to confront them head-on and accept the inevitable outcome.

    • Weathering personal scandals with composure and detachmentStaying calm and focused during personal scandals requires deliberate effort, careful consideration of words, and belief in the importance of one's work.

      Maintaining composure and detachment during times of personal scandal or adversity can help one weather the storm and ultimately come out on the other side. The speaker shares his experience of facing multiple scandals over two years, including a petition to have him fired from his university. Despite the number of people involved and the seriousness of the situation, he remained calm and focused, attributing this to his past recordings of lectures and careful consideration of every word he spoke. Additionally, his faith in the impact and meaning of his work gave him the strength to endure. The speaker emphasizes that handling scandals with grace and resilience is not a matter of luck or brilliance, but a conscious choice to stand by one's beliefs and values.

    • Exploring the profound impact of Jordan Peterson's work on people's livesPeterson's work resonates deeply with people, helping them overcome challenges and embrace life as an adventure. Consider reading his books or joining his online programs for personal growth.

      Jordan Peterson's impact on people's lives can be profound and transformative. Whether it's helping someone overcome addiction or reuniting a long-lost father and son, Peterson's work resonates deeply with people. Furthermore, the technological changes and cultural impact of his online presence and books are an exciting adventure. Peterson encourages us to embrace life as an adventure and continue learning and growing. If you've enjoyed this podcast, consider reading Peterson's books, such as "12 Rules for Life" or "Maps of Meaning," for a deeper exploration of his ideas. Don't forget to leave a rating on Apple Podcasts and follow Peterson on social media for updates on his tour dates and recommended books. For those seeking personal growth, Peterson's online writing programs at self-authoring.com may also be of interest.

    Recent Episodes from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

    460. AI, Internet Scams, and the Balance of Freedom | Chris Olson

    460. AI, Internet Scams, and the Balance of Freedom | Chris Olson

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with cybercrime expert and CEO of The Media Trust, Chris Olson. They discuss the key targets for cybercrime, dating and other online scams, what legislative measures for internet safety might look like, and the necessary sacrifice major companies need to make for a better digital ecosystem.


    Chris Olson is the CEO of The Media Trust, a company founded with the goal of transforming the internet experience by helping technology and digital media companies create a safer internet for people. Under his leadership, the company invented the world's first digital data compliance, Children's Online Privacy (COPPA) and website/mobile-app malware scanning technologies. Through infrastructure in 120 countries, The Media Trust protects billions of people every month from digital attacks. Fortune 10 to hundreds of small and medium-sized tech and digital media companies leverage The Media Trust to protect their customers from digital harm and unwanted data collection.



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    459. Texas Children's Hospital Exposed for Illegal Gender Affirming Care | Dr. Eithan Haim

    459. Texas Children's Hospital Exposed for Illegal Gender Affirming Care | Dr. Eithan Haim

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with trauma surgeon and whistleblower, Dr. Eithan Haim. They discuss the Texas Children’s Hospital, their illegal continuation of gender affirming care, the pathology and lies attached to the treatments, and why Dr. Haim blew the whistle when so many in his field remain silent (or worse, lie).

    Dr. Haim is a General and Trauma Surgeon in Greenville, Texas. He recently finished his general surgery training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where he was a resident from 2018 to 2023. During this time, he helped expose Texas Children’s Hospital, the largest children’s hospital in the world, for lying to the public about the existence of their pediatric sex change program.


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    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


    458. Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh

    458. Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with the headmistress of the Michaela Community School, Katharine Birbalsingh. They discuss the importance of K-12 education, why it matters more than the universities in regard to the formation of thinking minds, how children can pursue both excellence and a life of dignity, and why strictness, absent tyranny, is the best form of education.


    Katharine Birbalsingh is Headmistress and co-founder of Michaela Community School and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission. She is known as “Britain’s Strictest Headmistress”, following the ITV documentary about Michaela. Michaela’s Progress 8 score placed the school top in the country the last two years. In 2023, OFSTED graded the school as “Outstanding” in every category. Birbalsingh read “Philosophy & Modern Languages” at the University of Oxford and has always taught in inner London. She has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and podcasts and has written for several publications. Birbalsingh has also written two books and edited another two, the last of which is “The Power of Culture,” which is about Michaela.  Birbalsingh was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020 and Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford in 2021.


    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They discuss the subversion of the West, how the pursuit of truth has become the ownership of it, the corruptive nature of the oppressor/oppressed power narrative, the importance of Christian ideals, and why a push for restoration is more necessary than ever before.


    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, a Senior Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the bestselling author of “Infidel” (2007) and “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now” (2015). Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Hirsi Ali strove to live as a devout Muslim during her early life, but in 1992, fled to the Netherlands to escape a forced marriage. She became a citizen and went on to study at the University of Leiden. From 2003 to 2006, Hirsi Ali served as an elected member of the Dutch parliament and then moved to the U.S., where she founded the AHA Foundation to protect and defend the rights of women from harmful traditional practices. In 2024, Hirsi Ali founded Restorationbulletin.com, where she explores the forces of subversion plaguing Western society.



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    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

    Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere

    Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with filmmaker and science author Max Lugavere. They discuss his upcoming film, “Little Empty Boxes,” that details his mother’s progression through dementia, which set Max on his life’s journey to understand and communicate the science behind health and nutrition. Dr. Peterson and Lugavere also discuss obesity, toxic exposure, hypertension, and elimination diets.


    Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller “Genius Foods” and the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Genius Kitchen.” He hosts The Genius Life podcast, one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the U.S. His appearances on The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, The Doctors, and The Joe Rogan Experience have made him a respected and well-known voice in the field. His debut film Little Empty Boxes, a project 10 years in the making and the first film to document the science of dementia prevention, is available for pre-order now at LittleEmptyBoxes.com.


    This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024



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    For Max Lugavere:


    Pre-Order “Little Empty Boxes” (Film)  http://littleemptyboxes.com


    On X http://x.com/maxlugavere


    On Instagram http://instagram.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on YouTube (podcast) http://youtube.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on Spotify (podcast) https://open.spotify.com/show/5WkdjiVLo1kp3alPfFZItS?si=e0189092486a4653

    455. The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor

    455. The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with author, historian, and professor of political science, Dr. Paul Kengor. They discuss the lifestyle, writings, and religious ideations of Karl Marx, how communist dogma evolved through modern day, and why equal outcome is wrong on the level of malevolence.


    Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is a professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and editor of The American Spectator. He’s a New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 books, including “The Devil and Karl Marx” and “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism,” which is the basis of the new movie “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid. Kengor is a renowned historian of the Cold War, communism, and Reagan presidency.


    This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



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    For Paul Kengor:


    On X https://twitter.com/DrPaulKengor


    The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Karl-Marx-Communisms-Infiltration/dp/1505114446


    The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Crusader-Ronald-Reagan-Fall-Communism/dp/0061189243

    God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life (Book) https://www.amazon.com/God-Ronald-Reagan-Spiritual-Life/dp/006057142X 

    454. Urban Warfare, Civilian Casualty, & Human Shields | John Spencer

    454. Urban Warfare, Civilian Casualty, & Human Shields | John Spencer

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with urban warfare expert and scholar John Spencer. They discuss the ongoing war in Israel, the ideology of Hamas, their capture of western universities, the complexity of the tunnel system beneath Gaza, the underlying roots of anti-Semitism, and the reality of war in the mess of politics.


    John Spencer is an award-winning scholar, professor, author, combat veteran, national security and military analyst, and internationally recognized expert and advisor on urban warfare, military strategy, tactics, and other related topics. Considered one of the world’s leading experts on urban warfare, he served as an advisor to the top four-star general and other senior leaders in the U.S. Army as part of strategic research groups from the Pentagon to the United States Military Academy.


    This episode was recorded on June 4th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



    - Links -


    For John Spencer:

    On X https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Website https://www.johnspenceronline.com/


    Understanding Urban Warfare (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Urban-Warfare-Liam-Collins/dp/1912440350


    The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender (Online guidebook) https://www.johnspenceronline.com/mini-manual-urbandefender


    Urban Warfare Project (Podcast) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-warfare-project/id1490714950 

    453. Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann

    453. Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with author and professor of politics Eric Kaufmann. They discuss where the instinctive feminine ethos goes wrong, when beliefs solidify in cognitive development, how the loss of cultural power comes about, and how to potentially fix the corruption of education.


    Eric Peter Kaufmann is a Canadian author and professor of politics from the University of Buckingham. He was appointed in October 2023 following his resignation from his post at Birkbeck, University of London, after two decades of service, citing political differences. He is a specialist on Orangeism in Northern Ireland, nationalism, and political and religious demography.



    - Links -


    “The Third Awokening” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D459XT8N/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1IRUVF15JQLKQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hX4h5NrOyN1lCkRuKp4UM-I2wmwiOo7jUKUzhijCGUqplpOicK_sf92FtJ-RfvQCkLb-J3v7R1LQttqtXd5p5aWQAk85EIH09e3OkVAOcMs_NnMSC3RjN7eb80EPEy9BQ68ymHIEb7YchloiwzoiKXIrEl-vfbGxutr5w4AInTpEZKg8-dJcRmaR_aptULkpp81Ls-j0vvPn2q_MWHEQTjxAoJ5MPzlk5VvsAe_R7Wo.dZIyu_PWY2izuf3jBSYhx-wobgzxqiUuNJYOKjrbgmM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Eric+kaufmann&qid=1715744487&sprefix=eric+kaufmann%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-3


    Entitled “Taboo” in outside of the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution-ebook/dp/B0CKFD8Z16


    University of Buckingham course - Woke: the Origins, Dynamics and Implications of an Elite Ideology https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/?_gl=1*5vuahc*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzNzMwNDE3Ny4xNzE2ODQ3MjIy*_ga_PWEL0GXNN9*MTcxNjg0NzIyMi4xLjAuMTcxNjg0NzIyMi4wLjAuMA..


    Centre for Heterodox Social Science https://www.heterodoxcentre.com/


    Website www.sneps.net


    On Twitter https://twitter.com/epkaufm?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor  

    452. The Loudest Woman in Comedy | Roseanne Barr

    452. The Loudest Woman in Comedy | Roseanne Barr

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with actor, standup comedian, and podcaster Roseanne Barr. They discuss her recent voice acting role on the new show Mr. Birchum, how humor shines a light on and disperses darkness, the rarity and hardships of being a female comic, her overnight success in Hollywood, and what really matters in living a good (and humorous) life.


    Roseanne Barr is an American podcaster, writer, producer, actor, and standup comic. She was awarded both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her hit show “Roseanne” which ran for nine seasons. She has written two books, ran for president once, and recently taken up podcasting with her son, as well as a voice acting role in the DW+ show Mr. Birchum.



    - Links -

    Website https://www.roseannebarr.com/?_sm_nck=1


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/roseannebarr 


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@roseannebarr 

    The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

    The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

    This is a special release from the We Who Wrestle With God Tour in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses how worldview operates as a useful story, why might doesn't make right, how chaos manifests as infinite possibility without aim, the biblical role of women, and the original sins of Adam.

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    Bret Weinstein || Uniting America

    Bret Weinstein || Uniting America

    Today we have Bret Weinstein on the podcast. Bret has spent two decades advancing the field of evolutionary biology, earning his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan before teaching at the Evergreen State College for fourteen years. He has developed a new Darwinian framework based on design tradeoffs and made important discoveries regarding the evolution of cancer, senescence, and the adaptive significance of moral self-sacrifice. He is currently working to uncover the evolutionary meaning of large-scale patterns in human history and seeking a game theoretically stable path forward for humanity. With his wife Heather Heying, he is co-writing A Hunter Gatherer’s Guide to the Twenty-First Century and is the host of Bret Weinstein’s Dark Horse Podcast.

    Time Stamps

    [00:00:00] Introducing Bret Weinstein
    [00:00:43] The meaning of “evolutionary theoretical biology”
    [00:01:37] Critiques of evolutionary psychology
    [00:03:08] Critiques of epigenetics
    [00:03:59] The unfortunate competition between theory and empiricism in academia
    [00:05:19] Protests against Bret at Evergreen State College
    [00:07:35] The role of fear in collective protests
    [00:08:47] Sources of racial tensions in the US: deindividuation on the left & a lack of interracial compassion on the right
    [00:12:37] Defining the deindividuation problem
    [00:15:08] Unity2020and the fight to return policymaking to the average American
    [00:17:15] The meaning of "wokeness": then and now
    [00:21:51] Encouraging Black Lives Matter (BLM) supporters to join Unity2020
    [00:27:33] Considering Andrew Yang as a center-left candidate for Unity2020
    [00:28:45] Considering Admiral William McRaven as a center-right candidate for Unity 2020
    [00:29:53] Influencing Trump supporters to join Unity2020
    [00:32:07] Analogies between religion and political polarization
    [00:35:04] "Dichotomy-transcendence"
    [00:43:25] Scott’s Twitter run in with the Intellectual Dark Web
    [00:45:13] Defining principles of the Intellectual Dark Web
    [00:50:26] Possible criticisms of the Intellectual Dark Web
    [00:55:05] Bret’s experience growing up with a learning disability
    [01:00:57] Assessing IQ as a measure of intelligence
    [01:02:07] The danger of studying the correlations between genetics and intelligence
    [01:07:00] How we are a long way from understanding how the mind works
    [01:12:10] Answering Twitter questions for Bret

    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    297. Decoding India's Economic Path

    297. Decoding India's Economic Path

    Dr. Raghuram Rajan Economist, Educator & Former Governor, RBI speaks in context of his latest book - Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future, in the context of a first-time collaboration between Dr Rajan and economist Rohit Lamba. These two distinguished voices from the field of economics and public policy have put together a gripping book about the future of India’s economic development. There is a truly Indian path to prosperity, they argue, that builds on the strengths of our people and our political and societal frameworks. They examine fundamental policy choices that concern every Indian.

    In this episode of BIC Talks, Dr. Rajan speaks followed by a conversation with Dr. Lamba and Prof. Manaswini Bhalla, Associate Professor of Economics, IIM-B, tackling questions like - Where is India going today? Is it surging forward, having just overtaken the United Kingdom to become the fifth-largest economy in the world? Or is it floundering, unable to provide jobs for the millions joining the labour force? What should India do to secure a better future? Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future tackles these critical questions that revolve around India’s growth and progress in the 21st century.

    This is an excerpt from an in-person event that took place in December 2023.

    Subscribe to the BIC Talks Podcast on your favourite podcast app! BIC Talks is available everywhere, including Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsCastboxOvercastAudible and Amazon Music.

    Uncanceling ContraPoints (Integral Left)

    Uncanceling ContraPoints (Integral Left)

    She's been called the "Oscar Wilde of YouTube," and her videos have been archived by the Library of Congress. I'm talking about ContraPoints, aka Natalie Wynn -- a transgender ex-philosopher and leading personality of the YouTube left, who was recently canceled by many on the far left. In this episode of the Infinite Lunchbox: how can ContraPoints transcend cancel culture? And how can she do that through the emerging philosophy of the *Integral Left*?

    Infinite Lunchbox is better viewed than heard — consider watching on YouTube: https://bit.ly/influnch

    Show Notes:
    • ContraPoints: https://www.youtube.com/contrapoints
    • Infinite Lunchbox episode on Integral Strategy: https://bit.ly/integralstrategy
    • Integral Left Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/535434173723489/
    • Rebel Wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/rebelwisdom
    • Brent Cooper's "Enlightening the Intellectual Dark Web": https://medium.com/the-abs-tract-organization/enlightening-the-intellectual-dark-web-41f3a1e81b3e
    • Jeremy Johnson's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCJe10jGgklt50oQYBYAFA

    If you appreciate the Infinite Lunchbox, please keep it alive! Thank you: patreon.com/stephlepp

    Common Sense in the Age of COVID | 06.29.20

    Common Sense in the Age of COVID | 06.29.20

    This week we examine claims against the accuracy of former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton's new book, and the ongoing struggle communities are facing in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    What are the real "nightmare scenarios" that could occur this November with the U.S. election? We've had a number of issues on our mind recently, ranging from why we haven't made Election Day a federal holiday, to the ongoing debate over mail-in voting in 2020, with rising concerns about the second-wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Meanwhile, many of us stepped outside over the weekend to see that there was a fine coating of Sahara dust around our homes, but that's not all that was red in recent days: Former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton's new book has drawn criticism from the left and the right for what many consider to be inaccuracies it may portray. Then shifting gears, we turn our attention to the ongoing struggle many communities face in light of the COVID-19 threat, with states like Texas and California closing many businesses that had only recently managed to reopen. We are a long way from being free of the problems presented by COVID-19, and now is more important than any time to be maintaining safe and healthy practices.

    Finally, with many of the positive social changes that are being fought for in our communities right now, are there moments where we should recognize where efforts pushing for change might go "too far"? We hear from our friends in the community known as the "Intellectual Dark Web" and get their take on these, and other issues this week on Middle Theory.

    Coronavirus Charities: If you are able, please consider supporting the following charities that are offering relief for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic:


    A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

    • Scott Dais 
    • Sean O’ Neil
    • Connie Fletcher
    • Jill Ellis
    • Jennie Vongvith
    • Brett Giles
    • Brian Davis
    • Mark Hankins II
    • Jamie Craven

    If you like Middle Theory and want to help support the show, you can donate to the program here:



    We also offer SUBSCRIPTION accounts for those who would like to make recurring monthly payments to Middle Theory. If you would prefer to SUBSCRIBE to the program, click here to visit our DONATES page, and scroll down below the primary DONATE button. 


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    Biden’s best vice-president pick is obvious

    CHIP LAW: Michigan Is Trying To Make It Illegal For Companies To Put Microchips In Their Employees

    ACCURACIES: Bolton grilled on Fox News about accuracy of his book 

    A COVID STORY: Hypervigilant mom followed every guideline. She still caught virus

    WHO: Pandemic 'not even close to being over'

    ICU beds in Houston filled with young


    To send us feedback, you can email us here. Also, follow Middle Theory on Twitter too... this is highly recommended, and may even be vital for some of you. Finally, as mentioned earlier, some may be further compelled to donate to the program, which helps keep ads for survival gear, water filters, male enhancement supplements, and do-it-yourself earthworm farming kits off the program.