
    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in technology for apparel and meditation can enhance personal performance and well-beingIncorporating high-performance apparel from On and practicing mindfulness through Waking Up can lead to significant improvements in comfort, efficiency, and overall well-being.

      Both technology in apparel and meditation practice can significantly enhance personal performance and well-being. The latest apparel technology from On, such as their high-performance running apparel, can make a noticeable difference in comfort and efficiency during physical activities. Meanwhile, the meditation app Waking Up offers a wealth of resources for mindfulness practice, including guided meditations and courses on various topics beyond meditation itself. Additionally, Voicing Change Media, a new venture from Rich Roll, aims to foster meaningful conversations and share thought-provoking content through various shows and platforms. Overall, investing in these areas can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life. To explore these opportunities further, listeners can visit on.com/richroll for On's exclusive discount, wakingup.com/richroll for a free trial of Waking Up, and voicingchange.media for Voicing Change Media's offerings.

    • Joe Rogan's journey from a janky office to a 2,000 square foot studioEven in uncertain times, investing in oneself and taking risks can lead to new opportunities. Perseverance and hard work can result in unexpected rewards.

      Consistency and hard work can lead to unexpected success. Joe Rogan shared his journey from recording podcasts in a janky office to building a 2,000 square foot studio, despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. He emphasized that he never imagined the show would grow to such an extent and that it was a result of his dedication to the process. The lesson is that even in uncertain times, investing in oneself and taking risks can lead to new opportunities. Rogan's success is a reminder that showing up every day and putting in the work can lead to unexpected rewards. Additionally, the importance of delivering value to an audience was highlighted when fans expressed their disappointment over a missed episode. Overall, Rogan's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the potential for growth through hard work and consistency.

    • A reminder of the complexities of unconventional leadershipDespite personal struggles, Tony Hsieh revolutionized e-commerce with a focus on customer service and community

      The passing of Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, serves as a reminder of the complexities and potential challenges that come with unconventional leadership. Hsieh's story, which involved a spiral of alcohol and drug use, is a tragic reminder that wealth and success do not guarantee a problem-free life. However, his impact on the business world, particularly in the e-commerce space, cannot be denied. His emphasis on prioritizing customer service and creating a sense of community for customers was revolutionary. Although we may only know the highlights of his story, it's important to remember that behind every success story, there can be challenges and struggles. This is a reminder that leaders, no matter how successful, are human and face their own unique battles.

    • Zappos' Unique Approach to Business and LeadershipTony Hsieh, the former CEO of Zappos, prioritized personal customer service, eschewed traditional corporate structures, and invested in revitalizing downtown Las Vegas, leading to Zappos' massive success.

      Tony Hsieh, the former CEO of Zappos, built his successful company with a unique approach to business and leadership. He prioritized personal customer service, eschewed traditional corporate structures, and invested in revitalizing downtown Las Vegas. This included creating a campus for Zappos and surrounding it with businesses, art, and sculptures. Hsieh lived unconventionally, transforming a pre-existing condo into a communal space. His courage to experiment and live differently, even as a high net worth individual, contributed to Zappos' growth and the revitalization of Las Vegas. This innovative and people-focused approach to business set Zappos apart and contributed to its massive success.

    • Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh's Cultural ImpactTony Hsieh, known for Zappos and cultural movements, prioritized employee happiness and affordability, influencing modern business practices.

      Tony Hsieh, the late CEO of Zappos, was not only a business visionary but also a catalyst for cultural movements. He supported events like Life is Beautiful in Las Vegas, which became a hub for artistic sensibilities and emerging trends. His unique leadership style, which prioritized employee happiness and affordability, influenced the startup culture and the way companies operate today. Despite his success and wealth, his retirement led him to an existential crisis, and he moved to Park City, where he continued to surround himself with people and support their dreams. Hsieh's legacy extends beyond his business achievements, as he left a lasting impact on culture and the way we view leadership.

    • The Elusiveness of Happiness for Successful EntrepreneursSuccess doesn't guarantee emotional well-being or happiness. Open communication, self-care, and a strong support system are crucial for navigating life's challenges.

      Even those who seem to have it all can struggle with their mental health and predicting what will truly make them happy. The case of Tony Hsieh, a successful entrepreneur and happiness advocate, serves as a reminder that emotional well-being can be elusive, even for those who have achieved great success. Hsieh's experimentation with various unconventional methods, including psychedelics, extreme fasting, and oxygen deprivation, ultimately led to his untimely death at the age of 46. Despite signs of concern from friends, Hsieh lacked a supportive network to help him through his struggles. This story highlights the importance of open communication, self-care, and having a strong support system to help navigate the ups and downs of life.

    • The pursuit of happiness may not lead to lasting fulfillmentFocusing on living a meaningful and intentional life can bring about a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Discomfort and struggle can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

      The pursuit of happiness as a primary goal in life might not lead to lasting fulfillment. Instead, focusing on living a meaningful and intentional life can bring about a sense of purpose and fulfillment. The speaker draws parallels between the experiences of ultra athletes and those who use psychedelics to seek enlightenment, suggesting that discomfort and struggle can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. The irony is that those who seem most focused on happiness, like the man in the discussion who dedicated his life to spreading it, may ultimately find it elusive. Instead, it's important to recognize that happiness is a fleeting emotion and that the human animal may be hardwired to seek something beyond it.

    • The importance of intangible values and personal growthPursuing material possessions and consumerist ideology can hinder true fulfillment. Focus on intangible values, fulfillment, and personal growth for a meaningful and purposeful life.

      That the pursuit of material possessions and consumerist ideology can hinder our path to true fulfillment and happiness. The documentary "Less is More" emphasizes the importance of intangible values such as community, service, and personal growth. Fulfillment, rather than happiness, should be the primary focus, as it is a byproduct of living a purposeful and meaningful life. The relationship with oneself is crucial, and external factors like a great job or possessions can only contribute so much. Ultimately, it's essential to address internal issues and understand one's own needs and desires to achieve true fulfillment. The passing of Tony Hsieh serves as a reminder to reflect on the trajectory of successful lives and learn from potential missteps. The use of psychedelics, while not explicitly discussed in the context of the documentary, can also play a role in personal growth and spiritual exploration.

    • Approach use of psychedelics with caution and reflection, not as a crutch or quick fix.While psychedelics offer potential therapeutic benefits, they should not be taken lightly or used as a substitute for addressing root causes of pain or seeking shortcuts to self-actualization. Misuse can have negative consequences and ease of access can be dangerous, especially for those with addiction or seeking quick fixes.

      While the therapeutic applications of psychedelic substances are promising, their routine use should not be taken lightly. The cultural convergence of psychedelic drug culture and the wellness movement can create a permissive attitude towards these substances, leading some to seek answers in them rather than addressing the root causes of their pain. These substances are not a panacea and their misuse can have negative consequences. The ease of access to substances like THC, which is being marketed as part of a wellness routine, can be dangerous, especially for those who are already struggling with addiction or seeking shortcuts to self-actualization. It's important to approach the use of these substances with caution and reflection, rather than relying on them as a crutch or a quick fix.

    • Psychedelics: Transformative but RiskyMental health challenges and isolation during the pandemic can heighten risks associated with psychedelics. Seek support and maintain balance to mitigate potential dangers.

      While psychedelics may offer transformative experiences for some individuals, they can also pose risks, particularly for those in recovery or dealing with mental health issues. The pandemic's emotional toll and lack of social connections can exacerbate these risks, making it crucial to surround oneself with supportive and objective people. Escapism, in moderation, can be beneficial, but when it becomes the sole focus, it can lead to dangerous consequences. The story of Tony Hsieh serves as a reminder of the complexities of mental health and the importance of seeking help and maintaining a balanced life.

    • Regulating Tech Monopolies: The Antitrust Case Against FacebookFacebook's acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram are being challenged as violations of antitrust laws, potentially reducing competition and consolidating power in the tech industry, with important implications for innovation and consumer choice.

      Antitrust laws are important in regulating the power and behavior of dominant tech companies like Facebook. The recent lawsuits against Facebook for illegally crushing competitors and demanding the undoing of acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram highlight the potential consequences of monopolistic power in the tech industry. These acquisitions, which occurred in 2012 for WhatsApp and 2014 for Instagram, are now being challenged as violations of antitrust laws. The government's argument is that Facebook's acquisitions were made to reduce competition and consolidate power, leading to a downstream impact of reduced competition in the marketplace. Facebook argues that these acquisitions went through the proper regulatory process. Regardless of the outcome, this issue raises important questions about the power and control these tech companies exert over our lives and the potential impact on innovation and consumer choice.

    • Facebook's Legal Battle with the FTC over Instagram and WhatsApp AcquisitionsThe FTC is challenging Facebook's acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp, alleging anticompetitive impact and consumer harm. The burden of proof is high, requiring clear evidence of intent and harm. Future antitrust targets could include companies like Amazon, and decoupling businesses from a company's core enterprise may be a potential defense.

      The ongoing legal battle between the FTC and Facebook over the acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp hinges on the idea of anticompetitive impact and consumer harm. While Facebook argues that these apps have thrived under its umbrella, critics like Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway believe otherwise. The FTC must prove both that Facebook's intent was to squelch competition and that consumers would have been better off without the mergers. This burden of proof is steep, requiring the government to demonstrate clear evidence of intent and consumer harm. The legal process is just beginning, and it's expected to be a long and complex battle. As for future antitrust targets, experts suggest looking at companies like Amazon, which controls a significant portion of the internet through its cloud service, AWS. Decoupling certain businesses from a company's core enterprise could be a potential defense against antitrust scrutiny. This is a developing story, and it's an exciting time for antitrust law as growing political will drives increased focus on the power wielded by large corporations over the market and consumers.

    • Potential tech giant breakups could lead to increased innovationThe potential dismantling of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Apple could result in increased competition, consumer benefits, and innovation.

      The potential breakup of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Apple could lead to increased innovation and consumer benefits, according to the discussion. However, it's unclear how the ongoing lawsuits against these companies will play out, especially with the upcoming Biden administration's potential interest in antitrust matters. The speakers also noted that consumers are often not the primary customers for these tech companies, but rather their advertisers. Despite this, the narrative around these companies and potential breakups may focus on consumers, and it's important to consider who each company identifies as their consumer. Additionally, companies are taking steps to protect themselves, with Facebook making it more difficult to separate its messaging services and Apple cutting commission charges on the App Store. Ultimately, the speakers believe that reducing corporate hegemony could lead to a period of great innovation, as seen in the past with the breakup of telecom companies.

    • The impact of big corporations on small businesses and wealth distributionLarge corporations can lower prices for consumers but may harm small businesses and limit wealth distribution. Breaking up tech companies could promote competition and wealth redistribution. 'Feels Good Man' is a quality documentary that struggled with discoverability despite awards and critical acclaim.

      While large corporations like Walmart and tech companies may drive down prices for consumers, the collateral damage to small businesses and the lack of wealth distribution can be significant. The discussion also touched upon the argument for breaking up tech companies to promote more competition and wealth redistribution. The documentary "Feels Good Man" was highly recommended as an example of a worthy but underappreciated piece of art that struggled with discoverability due to streaming platforms and distribution deals. The film, which tells the story of artist Matt Furie and his attempt to reclaim his frog character Pepe from internet trolls, was praised for its quality and originality. Despite premiering at Sundance and winning awards, it faced challenges in finding a distributor and gaining widespread recognition. The speaker strongly urged listeners to seek out the documentary and appreciated its artistic merit.

    • Exploring societal issues and art through 'Boys State' and R. Crumb moviesThe podcast discusses the impactful documentary 'Boys State' and the disturbing R. Crumb movie, highlighting societal issues and art's complexities. Guests gifted a Boys State comic print and mentioned a thought-provoking book. The host is taking Rob Bell's writing class to learn creativity and craftsmanship.

      The documentary "Boys State" and the R. Crumb movie discussed in the podcast provide unique perspectives on societal issues and art, respectively. The former raises awareness about important social issues, while the latter delves into the disturbing aspects of art. The combination of these two, along with the artistic value of the animation, makes for an exceptional viewing experience. Additionally, the podcast guests brought a print from the Boys State comic as a gift, which is a beautiful artifact of culture. The guests also mentioned a book, "Night Riders," which is artistically similar to "Where the Wild Things Are," but it doesn't have a neat and tidy story for children. Lastly, the podcast host shared his excitement about taking Rob Bell's writing class. Bell, a good friend of the show, is known for his brilliance in unlocking creativity, and the host took the class to learn from him, especially since he's currently wrestling with a novel and interested in exploring craftsmanship in writing. The host was inspired by Bell's enthusiasm and wonder towards his work and aims to adopt a similar mindset for himself.

    • Collaborating with the projectApproach writing as a steward, ask what the project wants, co-create, own the process, trust writing makes you a writer, separate flow draft from edit draft.

      Writing is a collaborative process between the writer and the project. Steven Pressfield encourages writers to approach their work as a steward of the energies of the project, asking what the project wants to be and co-creating with it. He also emphasizes the importance of owning the writing process and trusting that the act of writing makes one a writer. Pressfield also separates the flow draft from the edit draft, encouraging writers to focus on getting words out each day without worrying too much about editing until later. Additionally, Pressfield's enthusiasm and joy for his work may contribute to his productivity and lack of creative resistance. Overall, Pressfield's perspective offers valuable insights for writers looking to approach their work with confidence and a sense of collaboration.

    • Transforming ideas into compelling presentations or writingsEmbrace unique qualities of each project, experiment with methods, and document unusual observations to fuel creativity.

      Effective communication and bringing ideas to life requires a clear mind, open approach, and ownership of the project at hand. This was emphasized in a lengthy audio lecture series called "Something to Say" by a prolific writer, who shared his insights on transforming ideas into compelling presentations or writings. He encouraged experimenting with different methods and keeping a fresh perspective, even for seasoned writers. The key message is to embrace the unique qualities of each project and not be overly self-critical or precious about the work. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of being observant in daily life and documenting unusual observations to fuel creativity. These lessons can be applied to various pursuits beyond writing, reminding us to approach each project with a fresh perspective and a willingness to experiment.

    • Unexpected sources of inspiration and learningUnexpected sources like Zoom classes with motivational speakers and grassroots activists' stories can provide valuable insights and inspiration for personal and professional growth.

      Inspiration and learning can come from unexpected places, even if they're not traditional classroom settings. For instance, a Zoom class with Rob Bell provided valuable insights and motivation for a mid-career writer, even if it didn't offer nuts-and-bolts writing techniques. Meanwhile, the Goldman Prize, often referred to as the Nobel Prize for grassroots activists, highlights the impact of individuals making a difference on a grassroots level, like Crystal Ambrose, an ocean plastics activist from The Bahamas who was recently recognized as a Goldman Prize winner. Her story shows how curiosity and determination can lead to significant change.

    • Grassroots activism leading to global changeA Bahamian educator's efforts to tackle plastic pollution led to a plastic bag tax and ban, inspiring global recognition and further study on transboundary waste.

      Grassroots activism can lead to significant changes, even on a global scale. Crystal Ambrose, a Bahamian educator, is a prime example of this. She started by engaging students in addressing plastic pollution through workshops and community surveys. Their efforts led to the implementation of a plastic bag tax in the Bahamas, which later evolved into a ban on all single-use plastic. However, the issue isn't fully resolved as plastic waste continues to enter the country from external sources. Crystal is now pursuing a PhD to study transboundary waste and its impact on island nations. Her work, along with other activists like Chibeze Ezekiel, Leide Pec, Lucie Pinson, and Nemonte Nankimo, has been recognized with the prestigious Goldman Prize for their grassroots achievements. Despite missing the award ceremony, Crystal's life work and impact have been celebrated and brought attention to her cause.

    • Balancing ego and humility in authentic livingListen to intuition, lean into patience, and embrace healthy ego and humility for authentic living. Goldman Prize winners demonstrate this through real reporting and activism.

      Living authentically and navigating a new path in life requires a balance of healthy ego and humility, patience, and intuition. The Goldman Prize, which honors grassroots environmental activists, showcases real reporting in areas of conflict and real stakes, highlighting the stories of true heroes. For those seeking guidance on their own path, it's important to lean into intuition and pay attention to the signals that are being given to you. This may involve saying no to things you're used to saying yes to and making micro adjustments. Remember, a healthy ego and humility can coexist, and patience is key in this journey.

    • Embracing Authenticity with HumilityHonor yourself, embrace unique identity, question limiting beliefs, challenge self-imposed boxes, and be your own biggest fan.

      The perceived conflict between humility and living authentically or following one's intuition is not an egoistic or selfish act, but rather an act of self-love and self-respect. Humility is not about staying small or pleasing others, but rather about honoring oneself and embracing one's unique identity. Confidence, faith, and patience are necessary for authentic living, and these traits are not selfish but rather protect what serves us. It's important to question whether external forces are keeping us in limiting boxes and consider the difference between humility and sheepishness or fear. Authentic living can be humbling in a positive way, as we connect with the cosmos and find joy in our unique path. The key is to challenge limiting beliefs and embrace the freedom to be our own biggest fans.

    • Bridging the Distance: Embrace VulnerabilityEmbrace vulnerability to bridge relationship gaps, practice in a safe space, and build intimacy through uncomfortable conversations.

      In order to bridge the distance that can build in relationships, it's important to embrace vulnerability and have uncomfortable conversations. Poor self-esteem and avoidance of discomfort can keep people separated from others and prevent them from truly seeing and being seen by their partners. However, these tendencies can also be coping mechanisms to prevent hurt and rejection. To cultivate vulnerability, start by setting aside time for conversations and practicing in a low-stakes environment with a trusted friend. Ultimately, taking risks and weathering discomfort can lead to intimacy and bonding.

    • Building intimacy and self-esteem in relationshipsVulnerability, self-forgiveness, self-esteem-building acts, healthy boundaries, and open communication are key to deepening relationships and boosting self-worth.

      Building intimacy and self-esteem in relationships takes time, vulnerability, and self-forgiveness. Vulnerability is key in allowing the other person to feel safe and trusted, leading to deeper connections. Self-esteem can be built through performing esteemable acts for yourself and others, setting healthy boundaries, and investing in relationships. Forgiving yourself and letting go of negative narratives is essential in creating a new, healthier story. As relationships evolve, it's important to communicate openly, listen actively, and trust that distance won't feel like a barrier if you're being true to yourself. For athletes in their late fifties, focusing on heart health and endurance activities is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and strong relationships. Remember, intimacy and self-esteem are worth the effort, and the process of growth and self-improvement is a valuable journey.

    • Heart health is crucial during lengthy gravel bike racesRegular heart testing, focusing on recovery, and proactive training are essential for heart health during gravel bike races. Consult professionals for safe and effective training.

      While engaging in lengthy gravel bike races can be an exciting challenge, it's essential to prioritize heart health. Michael's concern about heart issues is valid, especially living in an area with a high concentration of athletic individuals. Regular heart testing, such as calcium scans and blood work, is recommended to establish a baseline and monitor potential issues. It's important to be proactive and not let fear prevent participation in desired activities. However, being responsible and conscious of training efforts, focusing on recovery, and paying attention to the body's response are crucial as we age. Professional consultation, whether from a coach or a training plan, can also help ensure safe and effective training. Remember, endurance athletes with heart problems are exceptions, and many lead long, fulfilling lives by training responsibly and enjoying their activities.

    • The Importance of Heart Health as We AgeFocus on heart health through tracking heart rate, using recovery tools, and consulting healthcare professionals. Be proactive to prevent injuries and prioritize overall wellness.

      As we age, focusing on heart health becomes increasingly important. This can be achieved through various methods such as tracking heart rate during training, using tools like heart rate monitors and Whoop to monitor recovery, and consulting with knowledgeable healthcare professionals. The speaker shares his personal experience of neglecting recovery and dealing with injuries, which led him to realize the importance of paying attention to heart health. He also mentions the cultural emphasis on health and fitness in places like Boulder, Colorado, where there are likely many resources available for those looking to prioritize heart health. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of being proactive about heart health as we age, and offers practical tips for doing so.

    • Explore new topics and ideasStay engaged, curious, and take advantage of resources. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.

      The importance of staying engaged and curious. Lance encourages listeners not to be afraid to explore new topics and ideas, and to take advantage of the resources provided in each episode. He invites listeners to submit questions and engage with the community through various channels, including voicemail and social media. Lance expresses his appreciation for his audience and the value he derives from producing the show. Despite his reassurance that there will be new episodes in 2021, he acknowledges that he is currently in "parts unknown," emphasizing the sense of adventure and discovery that comes with learning and growing. Overall, Lance's message is one of encouragement and connection, reminding us to embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.

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    Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

    Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It
    Phil Stutz is a renowned psychiatrist, author, and the protagonist in the Netflix documentary “Stutz”. This conversation explores the intersection of spirituality and Phil’s iconoclastic perspective on personal growth, which emphasizes actionable tools over traditional talk therapy. We discuss Phil’s backstory, his therapeutic philosophy, the drivers of happiness, the importance of embracing reality and uncertainty, the role of faith, finding purpose through service and action, and many other topics. Along the way, Phil expertly psychoanalyzes me. Phil is a treasure. And this conversation is a gift. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF my favorite products 👉 livemomentous.com/richroll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Brain.fm: Get 30 days FREE of science-backed sound 👉brain.fm/richroll This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month by visiting 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 03, 2024

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More
    This week, I’m joined by Matthew Hussey, the celebrated relationship expert and bestselling author, to discuss the intricacies of modern dating and to raise standards for authentic connections. With honest truths, he addresses embracing self-worth, setting boundaries, and cultivating a mindset that attracts an equal partnership based on decency, kindness, and respect. Exploring internal fears, anxieties, and the allure of chaotic relationship dynamics, Matthew discusses unreliable instincts and recognizing red, amber, and green lights. He provides a practical roadmap for breaking destructive cycles, navigating vulnerabilities, and nurturing healthy interdependence. Additionally, we examine gender differences in dating insecurities and societal pressures. Matthew emphasizes the importance of open communication, productive arguments, and empowering your partner’s growth. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use code Rich Roll for 15% OFF your first purchase 👉gobrewing.com  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    Chuck Wisner - Conscious Conversations: The Key to Deepening Relationships & Fostering Understanding | STM Podcast #168

    On episode 168, we welcome Chuck Wisner to discuss the importance of conscious conversations in building deeper connections and understanding between people, the role of active listening in conscious conversations, how it can transform our relationships and interactions, strategies for cultivating empathy and compassion during conversations, why these qualities are essential for effective communication, how ego and internal storytelling disrupt relationships, how practicing mindfulness can improve our ability to communicate with others, the ways in which conscious conversations can be used to address difficult topics, examples of conscious conversations in action, creativity from collaboration and why it shouldn’t matter who gets credit, practical tips and exercises for developing the skills and habits needed for conscious conversations, how readers can apply these strategies in their daily lives, and what Chuck learned from meeting the Dalai Lama.

    Chuck Wisner is president of Wisner Consulting. His client list includes companies such as Google, Rivian, Apple, Tesla, Harvard Business School, Ford, and Chrysler. Wisner was a senior affiliated mediator with the Harvard Mediation Program and was among the first to be certified through the Mastering the Art of Professional Coaching program at the Newfield Institute. He was also a specialist in organizational learning and leadership as an affiliate with MIT’s Center for Organizational Learning. His new book, available now, is called The Art of Conscious Conversations: Transforming How We Talk, Listen, and Interact.


    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

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    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    Finding Your Pivot with Adam Markel

    Finding Your Pivot with Adam Markel
    It's easy to "go with the flow" during our often busy lives. When things are going well this is great, but when our lives are less satisfying inertia can be a powerful enemy. To get out of a rut, we need to learn how to "pivot" in order to make the big changes that can point us in the right direction. If you feel that it might be time for a change, this is the episode for you. Our gust today is Adam Markel. Adam is the author of Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life. He’s given a popular TED talk, has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and Forbes, and is the host of the Conscious Pivot podcast. Support the Podcast: We're on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Key Topics: 01:04:Two pivots from Adam's life. 06:20: What were some of the things that contributed to your pivot? 08:03: What helps people when a pivot is shocking or surprising? 14:07: What are the enduring and stable attributes of people that enable them to be resilient, or pivot well? 18:07: How do we know when a pivot is good for us? 22:09: How can people who are less resourced internally call upon allies in their life? 28:44: If you could back in time and tell a younger version of yourself anything, what would you say? Overcome Anxiety:  Let go of anxiety and grow a greater sense of calm strength with Rick's Dealing with Anxiety program, which offers 5 powerful practices for managing stress and worries. Save 10% with coupon code BEINGWELL. Sponsors: Reset and rebalance with Recess, a sparkling water infused with hemp extract and adaptogens. Take 15% off your first order by using code BEINGWELL at checkout. Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!  Connect with the show: Follow us on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Subscribe on iTunes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    #692: Arthur C. Brooks — How to Be Happy, Reverse Bucket Lists, The Four False Idols, Muscular Philosophies, Practical Inoculation Against the Darkness, and More

    #692: Arthur C. Brooks — How to Be Happy, Reverse Bucket Lists, The Four False Idols, Muscular Philosophies, Practical Inoculation Against the Darkness, and More

    Brought to you by Wealthfront high-yield savings account, Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating, and AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement. 

    Arthur C. Brooks (@arthurbrooks) is the Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Public and Nonprofit Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and Professor of Management Practice at the Harvard Business School, where he teaches courses on leadership and happiness. He is also a columnist at The Atlantic, where he writes the popular “How to Build a Life” column. Brooks is the author of 13 books, including the 2022 #1 New York Times bestseller From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life and his newest Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier with co-author Oprah Winfrey. He speaks to audiences all around the world about human happiness and works to raise well-being within private companies, universities, public agencies, and community organizations.

    Please enjoy!


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    [07:10] The reverse bucket list.

    [13:00] Intention without attachment.

    [14:49] Writing Thích Nhất Hạnh’s obituary.

    [17:30] Buddhist views through a Catholic lens.

    [20:43] Blood occlusion training and physical fitness over 40.

    [24:22] Arthur’s semi-mystical teenage experiences in Mexico.

    [30:30] Arthur’s academic dad on complex vs. complicated.

    [33:35] Happiness hygiene for genetically baseline gloominess.

    [36:19] Happiness and unhappiness: hand in hand.

    [39:31] Being effective with one’s affects.

    [42:53] The three macronutrients of happiness.

    [51:21] Identifying (and learning to live with) our idols.

    [1:03:48] Secularly securing transcendent perspective.

    [1:10:32] Money doesn’t buy happiness — it lowers unhappiness.

    [1:15:17] Tithing and adoption.

    [1:18:43] How Arthur and his wife met, and how their values aligned over time.

    [1:25:58] Advice for seeking love in the modern world.

    [1:33:06] Death meditation.

    [1:42:54] Finding personal purpose and meaning.

    [1:56:50] Four fundamental micronutrients of happiness.

    [1:59:53] Translating a need for change into action.

    [2:07:13] Aristotle’s secrets to happiness.

    [2:11:57] Real friends help us put the kibosh on self-deception.

    [2:19:13] Reflecting on the repercussions of living for the mirror’s approval.

    [2:22:46] Collaborating with Oprah on Build the Life You Want.

    [2:28:14] The point Arthur hopes people don’t miss in Build the Life You Want.

    [2:31:54] Reading recommendation: The Noonday Demon.

    [2:33:32] Exposure therapy: making pain part of one’s medicine.

    [2:38:15] A practical way to be grateful for life’s bad things.

    [2:41:12] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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    #226 - Ryan Holiday - Taking Wisdom From The Lives Of The Stoics

    #226 - Ryan Holiday - Taking Wisdom From The Lives Of The Stoics
    Ryan Holiday is a marketer and an author. Stoicism is the hot new girl in school. Increasingly we're being exposed to the lessons of ancient Athens 2000 years ago but without the context of knowing the lives that these philosophers lived, our insights can hit a ceiling. Expect to learn Ryan's 3 favourite stoics of all time, why the stoic writings still sound so relevant today, why ancient Athens was an ideal place for philosophy but an awful place to live, what the stoics would be most upset by in modern society and much more...  Sponsor: Get 20% discount on Reebok’s entire range including the amazing Nano X at https://www.reebok.co.uk (use code MW20) Extra Stuff: Buy Lives Of The Stoics - https://amzn.to/2S57MKh Check out Ryan's website - http://dailystoic.com/  Get my free Ultimate Life Hacks List to 10x your daily productivity → https://chriswillx.com/lifehacks/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices