
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Opportunities to Entertain Despite Fear of Cancel CultureComedians like Russell Peters continue to entertain audiences by pushing boundaries, even when faced with potential backlash and fear of cancel culture. Love for hosting events and entertaining audiences outweighs the fear of controversy.

      Despite the fear of cancel culture, comedians like Russell Peters continue to push boundaries and embrace opportunities to entertain, even when faced with potential backlash. During the episode of Whiskey Ginger, Andrew Santino and Russell discussed their experiences with being late for events, particularly in India, and how they handled the unexpected delays with humor. Russell shared how he was once ready for an event earlier than expected but ended up being late due to production delays, resulting in him being drunk during the show. Despite the potential for controversy, Russell expressed his love for hosting events and entertaining audiences, acknowledging that the fear of cancel culture is often overblown. The conversation also touched on the audience's reaction to comedy and how most people don't care about cancel culture, while studios and networks continue to be the ones driving the fear. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of embracing opportunities to entertain and push boundaries, even in the face of potential backlash.

    • Fear of financial loss leads to strict rules and overreactionsMisunderstandings can lead to strict rules and public apologies, highlighting power dynamics and the importance of clear communication and empathy.

      Fear of potential financial loss can lead large corporations and networks to overreact and enforce strict rules, even if the offense is minor or misunderstood. The example given was the incident involving Chelsea Handler and her interaction with a colleague, which led to sensitivity training and public apologies. This reaction highlights the power dynamics at play and the importance of clear communication and understanding. Additionally, the conversation touched on the politicization of everyday life and the role of social media in shaping public opinion. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that open dialogue and empathy can go a long way in resolving conflicts.

    • A surprising connection through hip hop musicTwo individuals bonded over their love for Midwest hip hop artists, revealing they both opened for The Far Side in the 1990s but had vastly different experiences

      Despite their differences, the two individuals share a deep connection through their love for hip hop music. This bond was uncovered during a conversation about their favorite shoes, drinks, and childhood memories. The discussion led to the revelation that they both grew up listening to Midwest hip hop artists such as Atmosphere and Loop Pack. A surprising moment occurred when it was revealed that they had both opened for the Far Side in the 1990s, but had very different experiences - one was booed off stage while the other was a success. The conversation also touched on their unique backgrounds, with one growing up in Toronto with Irish parents and the other in Chicago with a Sicilian father. Despite their differences, their shared passion for hip hop created a meaningful connection between them.

    • Fear and growth in stand-up comedyStand-up comedy can be nerve-wracking, but facing fears and learning from mistakes leads to growth and potential collaborations in the hip hop world.

      Performing stand-up comedy can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for seasoned comedians. The fear of bombing on stage and receiving negative feedback from the audience can be overwhelming, causing anxiety and feelings of wanting to give up. However, experiencing these moments can also lead to growth and learning. In the hip hop world, connections made with artists like Marco Polo helped embed comedians in the scene and led to collaborations with renowned rappers. Despite the challenges, comedians continue to pursue their passion for performing and find joy in the art form.

    • Unexpected Connection with a Music LegendIdolizing figures from the past can lead to unexpected connections, and recognizing their significance is important. Famous people may not always recognize us, but mutual respect can still be attained.

      The speaker, a rapper, shared an unexpected connection with DJ Premier, a music legend he grew up idolizing. This connection came about through mutual friendship with Lord Finesse and a shared love for comedy. The speaker found it strange that his wife didn't recognize DJ Premier's significance, leading him to reflect on the importance of influential figures from his past. The speaker also mentioned that he doesn't fanboy out over famous people unless they hold a special place in his heart, often due to their impact on him as a child. Despite DJ Premier not knowing who the speaker is, they remain in touch and have a mutual respect for each other. The speaker also mentioned performing stand-up comedy during the pandemic and the cancellation of a gig in Chicago.

    • Chicago's comedy scene: Born and raised or just passing through?Despite its rich history, not all comedians who perform in Chicago are native residents. Some claim the city as their own even if they moved there, and pay for performing has historically been low. A friend of the speaker, DL Hughley, passed out on stage due to COVID and a heart condition, highlighting the challenges faced by comedians.

      The comedy scene in Chicago has a rich history and produced many famous comedians, but not all of them were born and raised in the city. The speaker grew up in the same neighborhood as some notable clubs, but didn't start his comedy career there. He noted that some comedians claim Chicago as their own even if they moved there, and that the pay for performing at comedy clubs has historically been low. The speaker also shared a story about a friend, DL Hughley, who passed out on stage due to COVID and a preexisting heart condition. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic but acknowledges that things may not improve for performers.

    • Discovering deeper connections through cigar smokingSmoking cigars can lead to deeper connections and serve as a stress reliever, providing a sense of relief and mental check-down during stressful times.

      The speaker discovered a new bonding experience and stress reliever in smoking cigars, which he had initially kept as gifts for his cigar-loving friend. The act of smoking cigars led him to form deeper connections with his friends, including Cedric, DL, and Anthony Anderson. The speaker also mentioned that there was a psychological aspect to smoking, as it provided him with a sense of relief and mental check-down during stressful times. Despite having quit smoking cigarettes, the speaker still craves the experience of smoking cigars occasionally. The speaker also shared that growing up, smoking was a common practice in his family and at family gatherings, making it a normal part of his childhood.

    • Freezing jeans for a fresher smellFreezing jeans can help disinfect and eliminate staleness, making them smell fresher, especially for expensive denim that can't be machine washed.

      Freezing jeans in a freezer can help disinfect and eliminate any staleness, making them smell fresher. This is particularly useful for expensive denim, as they can't be machine washed. Additionally, during the pandemic, some people have resorted to subleasing or selling their leased cars to get out of payments, or even going electric due to financial constraints. The speaker shared his experience of selling several cars and watches, and trading a Lamborghini Urus for an Audi with the same engine but a lower price. He also mentioned his love for cars and the occasional absurdity of their pricing.

    • Comparing Comfort and Performance in Luxury CarsWhen selecting a vehicle, consider both the exterior appeal and interior comfort to ensure a satisfying driving experience.

      The pursuit of an impressive exterior or high-performance vehicle can sometimes come at the cost of comfort and practicality. The speaker shared his experiences with the Fisker and BMW i8, expressing disappointment with their uncomfortable interiors and difficult access. He contrasted these vehicles with the Tesla Plaid, which he admired for its speed but acknowledged its creator's decision to focus on affordability rather than luxury features. The speaker also shared his personal preference for comfort and customization, leading him to part ways with several expensive cars. Ultimately, he emphasized the importance of considering both the exterior appeal and interior comfort when choosing a vehicle.

    • The Importance of Cherishing Moments and Deep ConnectionsCherished memories and experiences can hold great value and lead to deep connections. Ordinary encounters can lead to meaningful friendships.

      Cherished memories and experiences, even those seemingly insignificant at the time, can hold great value and impact our lives in unexpected ways. The speaker shared a story about his friendship with boxing champion Lenox Lewis, which began as a casual acquaintance during their amateur boxing days. Over the years, their friendship grew stronger, culminating in a unique gesture where the lining of a suit made for Lewis featured a picture of the two of them together. This anecdote highlights the importance of cherishing moments and the potential for deep connections to form from seemingly ordinary encounters. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the challenges of maintaining healthy habits and the influence of upbringing on our relationship with food.

    • Creating a Professional Website with SquarespaceOvercome restaurant challenges and build a unique, beautiful website using Squarespace's user-friendly platform and e-commerce functionality, enhancing online presence and growing business.

      Despite the challenges of excess food at restaurants and missing favorite foods due to COVID-19, creating a professional website through Squarespace is a simple and effective solution for showcasing work, selling products, and growing an online presence. The speaker shares his personal experience with Squarespace's user-friendly platform and the benefits of its e-commerce functionality and customer service. He encourages listeners to make their own beautiful and unique websites, even if they're not tech-savvy. Additionally, the speaker reminisces about a cherished food memory involving a Jamaican meal and the importance of community connections.

    • Sharing the Wealth: Speaker's Past Experience and Ashton Kutcher's GenerosityBoth the speaker and Ashton Kutcher believe in giving away excess gifts instead of hoarding them. Their experiences of receiving and feeling guilty about taking unclaimed gifts led them to share their wealth with others.

      Both the speaker and Ashton Kutcher have a history of receiving generous amounts of free merchandise and gifts, and they believe in sharing the wealth by giving away what they don't need. The speaker shares a story about his past experience of stealing unclaimed gifts at a job, feeling guilty about it, and now, as he receives free merchandise himself, he makes it a point to give it away. Ashton Kutcher, who has been known to give away his own clothing items, shares his experiences of working on Punk'd and receiving an overwhelming amount of free gifts, which led to the idea of donating or giving away the excess. Both individuals emphasize the importance of generosity and sharing, rather than hoarding, and the impact of receiving and giving gifts can have on one's life.

    • A night of indulgence in drugs and alcoholThe speaker shares a personal story of experimenting with drugs and alcohol, highlighting the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of substance use, with elements of curiosity, experimentation, and potential harm.

      The speaker shares a story of an intense night of drinking and smoking, describing it as a fun experience but also one where he overindulged. He mentions his love for combining weed and whiskey, and also talks about his experiences with microdosing mushrooms. The speaker also shares his late introduction to both drugs and alcohol, attributing it to a lack of interest or exposure during his childhood. He also shares anecdotes about growing up around drug use, including encountering his friend's father's addiction to crack. Overall, the speaker's narrative highlights the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of drug use, with elements of curiosity, experimentation, and potential harm.

    • From Cocaine to Weed: Cultural Shift in Drug Use in the NinetiesIn the late nineties, drug culture shifted from cocaine among the wealthy to weed among the masses, affecting families with complex cultural, religious, and drug-related backgrounds.

      The late nineties marked a significant shift in drug culture compared to the eighties. While cocaine was prevalent among the wealthy during the eighties, weed became more popular among the masses in the nineties. The speaker's personal experience involves his father, who was involved in the drug scene and was eventually incarcerated due to drug-related issues. The speaker's grandfather, a hustler, was also a part of the drug scene and exhibited reckless behavior even in his older age. The speaker's family background is a mix of British and Indian heritage, and they were considered "half-breeds," which granted them better opportunities due to the British influence in India at the time. The speaker's father was born in Bombay but grew up in the jungle due to his family's background as Anglo Indians. The speaker's family history is complex, involving various cultural influences, religious backgrounds, and drug use.

    • Navigating Multiple Identities: Food, Music, and Personal GrowthEmbracing diversity enriches our lives through unique experiences with food, music, and personal growth. Adapting to different situations and learning from various cultures can lead to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the world.

      The speaker's diverse heritage and experiences have shaped his perspective on identity, food, and music. Growing up, he noticed how people perceived him differently based on his appearance and the cultures he was exposed to. His Italian mother, with fair skin, was often mistaken for other ethnicities, while his Indian friends were easily identified by their darker complexion. He learned to adapt to these situations and developed a unique perspective on the world. The speaker also shared stories about his experiences with food and music. He remembered the strong smells and spiciness of Indian food, which he initially found off-putting. However, he grew to appreciate it and even took chef training in high school. Similarly, he became a fan of hip hop music and was particularly drawn to the lyrics of artists like Big L and Lord Finesse. Throughout the conversation, the speaker expressed a deep appreciation for the richness and complexity of different cultures. He acknowledged the challenges of navigating multiple identities but also celebrated the ways in which these experiences enriched his life. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing diversity and the unique perspectives it can bring.

    • The Importance of Authenticity and Originality in MusicThe speaker values genuine musical expressions and laments the current focus on commercial success over artistic expression, encouraging appreciation for diverse musical tastes and historical significance.

      The speaker values authenticity and originality in music, and feels that much of what is popular today lacks those qualities. He shares stories of his past experiences discovering music organically and forming deep connections to it. He expresses frustration with the current music scene, feeling that it is overly fabricated and focused on commercial success rather than artistic expression. Despite not personally connecting with certain popular artists or genres, he respects those who strive for originality and innovation, such as Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole. He encourages understanding and appreciation for the younger generation's musical preferences, recognizing that they may hold significance for them. Ultimately, the speaker values the impact and historical significance of music, and laments the loss of that depth in modern popular music.

    • Old School Hip Hop and Personal ExperiencesThe speaker and Big Daddy Kenny discussed their contrasting musical preferences and the impact of personal experiences on their love for hip hop.

      The discussion revolved around the appreciation of old school hip hop and the influence of personal experiences and relationships on music. Big Daddy Kenny, a rapper, and the speaker shared their contrasting musical preferences, with the speaker acknowledging Kenny's knowledge of West Coast hip hop and expressing his own fondness for the Egyptian lover era. They also shared a humorous moment when the speaker suggested opening a nail shop for Tyga, which didn't land well with Kenny. The conversation then shifted to the documentary about Tekashi 69, with the speaker expressing his involvement in producing Hip Hop Evolution and his interest in creating documentaries about music hubs. The speaker also shared his passion for the Emmy and Peabody awards he received for Hip Hop Evolution, despite not making any money from it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the personal connections and experiences that shape people's appreciation for music.

    • Loss of personal spaces during pandemic leads to new interestsAmidst pandemic-related downsizing, individuals discovered joy in new hobbies like golfing, which requires focus and offers social benefits

      The pandemic led to downsizing for some, resulting in the loss of personal spaces like pool tables, man caves, and golf courses. However, these losses were not insurmountable, and new interests, such as golfing, could bring unexpected joy. Golfing, like jujitsu, requires focus on small adjustments and intricacies, making it an appealing pastime for some. The social aspect of golfing, including drinking, smoking cigars, and spending time with friends, adds to its appeal. Despite initial reluctance, some may find themselves falling in love with the game. Boxing and MMA are preferred sports for both individuals, with boxing holding a sentimental place due to nostalgia.

    • The Surprising Complexity of SportsDespite initial impressions, sports can have intricate strategies and game plans, as evidenced by the unexpected accuracy of MMA expert Royce Gracie in predicting baseball outcomes.

      While some sports may seem straightforward, they can actually have complex strategies and game plans. The speaker shares his surprise when he discovered Royce Gracie, a mixed martial arts (MMA) expert, could predict baseball outcomes with accuracy. He had previously thought baseball was just about hitting a ball, but learned it was a highly analytical sport. The speaker also reflects on his past jokes about "nerdy" sports and realizes the irony, as baseball is one of the most data-driven sports. The Japanese and Koreans excel in baseball due to their focus on numbers and analytics, but size can be a challenge for them. America, with its larger population and focus on athletic development, excels in baseball despite having a diverse player base. The speaker admits his weakness in recognizing celebrities and comedians, but can easily identify comics he's met. He concludes by sharing a joke from a comedian he's working with, Jeff Joe, about using Siri to understand big words. Overall, the speaker's conversation highlights the unexpected complexities and nuances in sports and the importance of looking beyond initial impressions.

    • Family bonds and business roles evolveFamily relationships can provide valuable business support and evolve to accommodate changing societal norms and personal goals

      The roles and expectations of family and business can evolve with each generation. In the conversation, a man reflects on his relationship with his older brother, who became his business manager. He expresses gratitude for his brother's guidance and structure, despite their age difference. The man also acknowledges that societal norms and pressures have changed, allowing people to pursue personal goals later in life. He shares how his father, who was much more traditional, would have faced different expectations and limitations. The conversation highlights the importance of adapting to new circumstances and the potential for strong family bonds to support business endeavors.

    • Exploring the shift from cable TV to streaming servicesSwitching to streaming services can lead to cost savings and access to desired content, but it's important to be open to new experiences

      People's preferences and habits, especially when it comes to entertainment and communication, can significantly change their daily lives. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of switching from traditional cable TV to streaming services like Hulu and YouTube TV. He was initially hesitant but was convinced by a friend to try it out. Once he did, he discovered that he could access all the channels he needed, including his favorite shows like Family Feud, for a lower cost than his previous cable package. The conversation also touched upon how people can unintentionally adopt speech patterns or mannerisms from different places they visit or grow up in. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of being open to new experiences and how they can lead to unexpected discoveries and improvements in one's life.

    • Nostalgic memories of a pop shop delivery service and learning the value of saving money from his fatherThe speaker shares his childhood fascination with a pop shop delivery service and reflects on his father's influence in teaching him the importance of saving money, leading him to adopt a minimalistic approach to energy usage in his home.

      The speaker shares a nostalgic memory of growing up with a pop shop delivery service, which he found fancy as a child. He also reflects on how his perspective on expenses changed as he grew older. The speaker's father was particular about saving money and made small sacrifices, such as not having air conditioning in their car. The speaker adopted this minimalistic approach to energy usage in his own home. The conversation also touched on the speaker's upcoming shows and his experiences with different comedy clubs. He mentioned a few clubs he didn't enjoy due to how he was treated, but overall, he appreciated performing in various venues. The speaker expressed a fondness for Nashville and Texas, making a connection between these places and his comedy career.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the Comedy Scene During a PandemicFocus on creating a strong act that appeals to audiences, ignore peers' opinions, and stay focused on personal goals in the unpredictable comedy scene.

      The comedy scene, like many other industries, has been significantly impacted by the pandemic, leading to canceled shows and uncertainty for performers. The speaker shares his personal experiences of attending shows in different locations, some of which he enjoyed and others not as much. He also mentions the judgmental nature of other comedians towards each other and the importance of focusing on the audience rather than their peers. The speaker advises a young comic to not worry too much about other comedians' opinions and instead focus on creating a strong act that will appeal to audiences. He also suggests that following each other on social media may not be beneficial for comedians on a professional level. Overall, the discussion highlights the challenges and complexities of the comedy scene and the importance of staying focused on the audience and one's own goals.

    • Managing Online Presence and Authentic ConnectionsManage online presence by unfollowing, prioritize genuine connections, and value authentic relationships over social media metrics.

      Social media interactions can be complex and multifaceted, even among friends. The speaker shares his experience of unfollowing people not as a personal slight, but as a means to manage his online presence and focus on genuine connections. He also reflects on the pandemic's impact on revealing who truly cares and the importance of genuine human connections, even if they've never met in person. The speaker admires those who have overcome adversity and found success, like Joey Diaz, and acknowledges the importance of prioritizing personal relationships over online ones. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to value authentic connections and not get too caught up in social media metrics or comparisons.

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    Ralph Barbosa

    Ralph Barbosa
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    Jason Kelce
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    Dan St. Germain
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    Brian Simpson
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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos

    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
    The Greek Boys are in the studio! Yannis Pappas & John Stamos teamed up in a triumphant return to the show. This one was wild! Sit back and enjoy! #johnstamos #yannispappas #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS TWILLORY PROMO CODE: WHISKEY18 https://twillory.com RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT PXG GOLF PROMO CODE: WHISKEY for SAVINGS! https://pxg.com BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
    Gary Owen, a master of laughter, brings a unique blend of humor that resonates across diverse audiences. Known for his sharp wit and relatable stories, Gary's journey from sailor to stand-up sensation showcases his ability to connect with everyone from small comedy clubs to large theaters. His appearances in films and TV, alongside his acclaimed specials, mark him as a comedic force who turns everyday observations into comedy gold. #garyowen #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey MANDO $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://shopmando.com USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOORDASH PROMO CODE: WHISKEY25 For 25% OFF YOUR ORDER DOWNLOAD THE APP! RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT MAGIC MIND SPECIAL OFFER https://magicmind.com/whiskeyginger ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    #18 MISTAKES

    In the eighteenth episode of the Creative Island Podcast Adam & Jason touch on the top 10 mistakes creative entrepreneurs make within their first two years of business.


    Tune in next week for a where we discuss what makes someone talented vs. mediocre. 


    Our Mission

    To create a thriving community of heart-centered, purpose-driven, and results-focused individuals transforming ordinary into extraordinary.

    Our Vision

    A community of artists, actors, comedians, performers, musicians, film directors, producers and so many more, supporting one another with resources and connections to meet the right people, at the right time, to make the right deal.

    No Matter where you are on your journey, just starting out, or have vast chatlogs of work. This community is designed to help you see your passion in a higher resolution so you can thrive as an independent artist.

    From Marketing to Money, Mental Health to Networking, We set out to make sure you have all the tools so you can create your best work.

    If you haven’t already, sign up for our weekly newsletter so you have access to all the latest news, events and so much more.

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    In the fourteenth episode of the Creative Island Podcast Adam & Jason discuss the trials and tribulations surrounding procrastination. In true procrastinating fashion, Adam was 2 hours late to the podcast. We're all guilty of it, so listen to learn the steps to conquer procrastinating those tasks you don't want to do.

    Tune in next week to hear us discuss what it means to feel it, to reveal it. We had fun on this one!

    Our Mission
    To create a thriving community of heart-centered, purpose-driven, and results-focused individuals transforming ordinary into extraordinary.
    Our Vision
    A community of artists, actors, comedians, performers, musicians, film directors, producers and so many more, supporting one another with resources and connections to meet the right people, at the right time, to make the right deal.
    No Matter where you are on your journey, just starting out, or have vast chatlogs of work. This community is designed to help you see your passion in a higher resolution so you can thrive as an independent artist.
    From Marketing to Money, Mental Health to Networking, We set out to make sure you have all the tools so you can create your best work.
    If you haven’t already, sign up for our weekly newsletter so you have access to all the latest news, events and so much more.
    See you at the top!








    In this episode of the Creative Island Podcast Adam & Jason discuss how you are a mechanic for your business, and your business is a vehicle that needs to be properly maintained in order to achieve success.

    Our Mission

    To create a thriving community of heart-centered, purpose-driven, and results-focused individuals transforming ordinary into extraordinary.

    Our Vision

    A community of artists, actors, comedians, performers, musicians, film directors, producers and so many more, supporting one another with resources and connections to meet the right people, at the right time, to make the right deal.

    No Matter where you are on your journey, just starting out, or have vast chatlogs of work. This community is designed to help you see your passion in a higher resolution so you can thrive as an independent artist.

    From Marketing to Money, Mental Health to Networking, We set out to make sure you have all the tools so you can create your best work.

    If you haven’t already, sign up for our weekly newsletter so you have access to all the latest news, events and so much more.

    See you at the top!







