
    Russell Simmons: The Yogi Path From Hip Hop Mogul To Happy Vegan

    enFebruary 01, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of empathy and understanding towards those we disagree withEmpathize with others, find common ground, and make a positive impact on the world, as emphasized by Russell Simmons, a hip hop pioneer, entrepreneur, yogi, and meditator.

      Learning from this episode of the Rich Roll Podcast is the importance of empathy and understanding towards people we may disagree with. Russell Simmons, the hip hop pioneer, entrepreneur, yogi, and meditator, emphasized that despite our differences, we all share common hopes and desires, such as love and being loved. He encourages us to put ourselves in other people's shoes and find common ground. Russell's personal journey towards veganism and raising consciousness around various social and environmental issues is a testament to his commitment to making a positive impact on the world. This conversation offers valuable insights into the life of a pop culture icon who is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an advocate for change.

    • Russell Simmons' Journey to Veganism and its ImpactRenowned entrepreneur Russell Simmons adopted veganism for personal, health, and environmental reasons, encouraging simple diet and lifestyle changes for personal and planetary health.

      Russell Simmons, a renowned entrepreneur, philanthropist, and artist, shares his personal journey towards adopting a vegan lifestyle and its impact on his consciousness, health, and the environment. Simmons discusses the ecological damage and health concerns linked to the standard American diet, which he believes contributes to a karmic debt. He also emphasizes his responsibility as a change agent and introduces his new book, "The Happy Vegan," as a practical and affordable guide to improving personal and planetary health through simple diet and lifestyle changes. The conversation was unconventional, with Simmons' candid language and the unexpected interruptions, but it reflects his authenticity and charisma. He is currently working on a movie project about a depressed comedian, and he believes in the importance of various voices, including those that are angry, in bringing about change.

    • Appreciating unique voices and perspectivesRecognize and value individuality in conversations, especially in media. Affordable plant-based options are essential for promoting diet accessibility, and misconceptions about veganism need addressing.

      Representation and individuality are crucial in conversations, especially in mainstream media. Symone's unique voice and perspective, though different, should not be dismissed as angry but appreciated for its value. The discussion also touched upon the challenges of promoting plant-based diets as accessible to all, despite the popular belief that it's only for the elite. The importance of affordable vegan options and the need to address this misconception is highlighted in the upcoming book. Additionally, the conversation revealed the various ways individuals seek to improve their health, from cryotherapy to alternative methods, with varying degrees of belief and skepticism.

    • Promoting Plant-Based Foods: Criticizing Government Subsidies and Lobbying InfluenceThe promotion of plant-based food companies like Hampton Creek and Beyond Meat was discussed, with concerns raised about government subsidies for animal agriculture and the influence of lobbyists. Hampton Creek's Ethan represented the companies' perspective, emphasizing health benefits and the need for support from the animal rights community.

      The discussion touched upon the promotion of plant-based food companies like Hampton Creek and Beyond Meat, with a critique of the government's role in subsidizing animal agriculture at the expense of healthier options. Ethan, a representative from Hampton Creek, felt his promotion was overshadowed by Beyond Meat, and expressed frustration with the FDA and the influence of lobbyists. He also emphasized the health benefits of plant-based alternatives and the need for support from the animal rights community. The conversation also touched upon the media landscape and the role of personalities like Bill O'Reilly in shaping public opinion. Despite some disagreements, there was a shared belief in the importance of promoting healthier food options and questioning the status quo.

    • Finding Personal Growth and CommunityPersonal growth and community are interconnected. Caring for oneself leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world, while supporting underserved communities fosters a sense of purpose and connection.

      Personal growth and community play significant roles in shaping our perspectives and values. The speakers in this conversation, having gone through their own transformative journeys involving sobriety, yoga, meditation, and veganism, emphasized the importance of self-care and supporting underserved communities. They found their communities in yoga classes, where they not only discovered new friendships but also gained a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This evolution of consciousness led them to prioritize presence, mindfulness, and effective action in their lives. As Symone, a film and television executive and animal activist, put it, "You can't save animals if you're sick. You can't help others unless you tend to yourself first." This principle, which can be applied to various aspects of life, highlights the importance of taking care of oneself while making a positive impact on the world.

    • Every life matters, even if it's a blind dog or a starfishIndividual actions, like rescuing animals or spreading awareness, matter, but systemic changes, like reducing demand for animal products, are also necessary.

      While it may seem insignificant to save one life, such as a blind dog or a starfish, every life matters and making people aware of the massive suffering in the world can lead to meaningful change. The speaker acknowledges the importance of individual actions, like rescuing animals or spreading awareness, but also recognizes the need for larger systemic changes. The factory farming industry, which contributes significantly to animal suffering and environmental degradation, is a particular area of concern. The speaker suggests that simple, accessible resources, like the book "The Happy Vegan," can help people understand the personal benefits of going vegan and contribute to reducing the demand for animal products. Ultimately, the path to making a difference involves doing the best we can with what we have, whether that's through individual actions or larger systemic changes.

    • Impacting lives through practical tools and educationEducating individuals on healthy lifestyle choices and advocating for policy changes can significantly impact people's lives and societal structures.

      The book "How Not to Die" has the potential to significantly impact people's lives by providing practical tools and advice for making healthy lifestyle changes. The authors believe that personal transformations can lead to larger societal changes, but addressing issues from the top down, through policy and leadership, is also crucial. The discussion touched on the power of education and the influence of lobbying on politics. The speakers expressed frustration with the current political landscape, emphasizing the need to address campaign finance reform as a first step towards creating meaningful change. The conversation also touched on the importance of having leaders who stand up for the underserved and tell the truth, despite pressure from powerful lobbies.

    • Reluctance to relinquish advantages hinders selfless servicePeople often resist giving up power and advantages, but recognizing our role as servants to a larger entity and using our platforms for good can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and positive impact.

      Despite the desire for fairness and equal opportunities, few people are willing to relinquish their advantages, even in the political arena. This reluctance stems from a personal desire to maintain power and success. However, as individuals grow and gain a broader perspective, they often come to realize their role as servants to a larger entity and the importance of using their platforms to make a difference. This realization can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and the ability to positively impact the lives of others. The struggle for evolution and growth towards selfless service is a lifelong journey, and it's essential to understand and practice the principles of non-harming, truthfulness, and self-control to effectively contribute to the greater good. Additionally, the concept of dominion over animals should be interpreted as a responsibility to care for and tend to them, rather than a license to dominate or destroy.

    • Actions can contradict beliefs, even in religious contextsA person's journey can start with partying and rap music, but evolve into a deeper study of scriptures and practices. Sharing knowledge and experiences is important, and influential figures can shape personal growth.

      People's actions can sometimes contradict their beliefs, even in religious contexts. This was evident in the discussion about how a yogi's path began with a focus on partying and rap music, but later evolved into a deeper study of yoga scriptures and practices. Another key point is the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences, as the speaker expressed a desire to open a yoga center and share the teachings of yoga as a path to happiness. The speaker also highlighted the influence of influential figures, such as teachers and role models, in shaping one's personal growth and development.

    • Discovering inner peace through yoga and meditationYoga goes beyond physical asanas, it's about finding comfort within and making meditation a daily priority for self-reflection, focus, and brain function enhancements.

      The practice of yoga, as taught by Steve, goes beyond just physical asanas. It's about gaining a seat in life, finding comfort and operating from that space. The seed of yogic knowledge, once planted, leads individuals on their unique journey. Meditation, a key component of this practice, offers numerous benefits, including self-reflection, improved focus, and even scientifically proven brain function enhancements. Despite its transformative potential, many find it challenging to incorporate meditation into their busy lives. However, as Rush emphasizes, even the busiest individuals, like great mediators Namad Rishi, make it a daily priority.

    • Commitment to Self-Care through Yoga and MeditationThis individual prioritizes self-care through yoga and meditation, believing it makes them a better servant to others by taking care of their first chakra. They practice these habits anywhere, considering it a part of their identity and personal growth.

      Self-care, specifically yoga and meditation, are non-negotiable priorities for this individual. They go to great lengths to ensure they can practice these habits, even when traveling. This commitment to self-care stems from their belief in the importance of taking care of their first chakra, which they believe makes them a better servant to others. They find that meditation can be practiced anywhere, and they don't need to go to special places or follow specific methods to reap the benefits. The individual's dedication to these practices is so strong that they consider it a part of their identity and a key component of their personal growth.

    • Recognizing the value of direct action and compassionEveryone has a unique role to play in creating positive change, no matter how small or imperfect. Direct action and compassion are valuable tools for making a difference in the world.

      The value of direct action and compassion, no matter how challenging or messy, is worth acknowledging and supporting. Whether it's administering life-saving drugs in a jungle or advocating for vegan shoes, the person making a difference on the ground deserves recognition. This perspective challenges us to consider the impact of our choices and actions, even if they don't align perfectly with our personal beliefs or lifestyles. It's essential to remember that everyone has a unique role to play in creating positive change, and we can all contribute in our own way. Ultimately, the path of non-violence and compassion can lead to meaningful connections, personal growth, and a better world for all.

    • Brand Influence on Perceptions and PurchasesPeople's perceptions and purchasing decisions can be influenced by branding. Marketers leverage this to build associations and status, and consumers pay more for perceived value.

      The power of branding is significant and can influence people's perceptions and purchasing decisions. Friends may respond differently to our requests, and some may be more responsive to certain labels or brands than others. The speaker shares an experience of buying a expensive scarf for his daughter, who was influenced by the brand name and its perceived value. The discussion highlights the psychological complexity of why people are willing to pay more for certain brands, and how marketers can leverage this to build associations and status. The speaker also touches upon the difference in quality and pricing between various retailers, and the importance of understanding these nuances.

    • Designer's commitment to principlesDesigner remains dedicated to his beliefs in personal and professional life, acknowledges challenges, values dialogue, and encourages clear goals and deliberate choices.

      The designer, despite his personal complexities and contradictions, remains committed to his principles, whether it's in his business practices or personal life. He acknowledges the challenges of living a monastic life and the importance of being real and accessible to people. He believes in the power of dialogue and understanding, even with those who hold opposing views. He encourages the idea of setting clear goals and making deliberate choices, rather than compromising or weaning oneself off bad ideas gradually. The designer's transparency and willingness to engage with diverse perspectives make him an intriguing and complex figure.

    • Friendship and UnderstandingBuilding bridges and understanding each other's perspectives is crucial for progress. Transition to a plant-based diet for personal health and environmental reasons.

      Despite political differences and opposing viewpoints, building bridges and understanding each other's perspectives is essential for progress. This was evident in the friendship between the speaker and Reverend Jackson, despite their public criticisms of each other. Another key takeaway is the importance of making healthier choices, particularly in regard to diet, as the American food industry is contributing to widespread health issues and environmental damage. The speaker emphasized the urgency of transitioning to a plant-based diet to reduce personal health risks, as well as to alleviate the karmic and ecological consequences of animal agriculture.

    • The Importance of Spreading Awareness About Veganism and SustainabilityEmbrace personal involvement, dedication, and activism to promote positive change towards a more sustainable and compassionate lifestyle through spreading awareness about the benefits of veganism and the necessity of transitioning towards a plant-based food system.

      We're witnessing a cultural shift towards plant-based living and sustainability, which is becoming increasingly popular and accessible. Lance Essien, a vegan activist and author, emphasized the importance of spreading awareness about the benefits of veganism and the necessity of transitioning towards a plant-based food system due to environmental concerns. The vegan movement is gaining momentum, with books and advocacy becoming more visible and influential, and it's essential for individuals to contribute to the conversation and make a difference. Tyler Pyatt, the podcast producer, shared his experience of creating the podcast's theme music and how it has remained unchanged despite initial plans to replace it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of personal involvement, dedication, and activism in promoting positive change towards a more sustainable and compassionate lifestyle.

    • Tyler is leaving the podcast team to focus on his band AnalemaTyler, a team member and musician, departs to record first album with band Analema, influenced by Nick Drake, Neil Young, Radiohead, and Grizzly Bear, mentored by Chris from Grizzly Bear

      Tyler, a valued team member and musician, is leaving the podcast team to focus on his band, Analema. The band, composed of Tyler, Trapper on drums, Harrison Mathis, and Dylan Brosnan, is preparing to record their first album in a professional garage studio. The music, described as a candid singer-songwriter chorus with atmospheric and ambient touches, has a unique vibe and influences from artists like Nick Drake, Neil Young, Radiohead, and Grizzly Bear. Chris from Grizzly Bear is mentoring the band, and Tyler will be working with him on production. The podcast team will miss Tyler, but they're excited for his musical endeavors and encourage listeners to check out Analema's Facebook page (facebook.com/analemmammusic).

    • Anna Lemma introduces new song 'Be Still' on Rich Roll podcast and shares updatesAnna Lemma shares her latest song 'Be Still' on the Rich Roll podcast, discusses upcoming YouTube video, mom's podcast, and acoustic performance. She encourages listeners to check out her merchandise and invites them to submit questions for future Q&A podcasts.

      The artist, Anna Lemma, expresses melancholic emotions in her music, creating a calm yet edgy sound. She collaborated with her bandmates and Jimmy Hori to create their latest song, "Be Still," which she introduced on the Rich Roll podcast. Anna also shared some announcements, including a new YouTube video, her mom's podcast, and an acoustic performance of another song available on Facebook and Twitter. She encouraged listeners to check out her merchandise at richroll.com and invited them to submit questions for future Q&A podcasts. Anna expressed gratitude for her supporters and Amazon users, and she wished Tyler success in his new venture. She clarified that she and Tyler co-wrote "Be Still," with contributions from all band members. Overall, Anna's music embodies a melancholic yet calming vibe, and she invited listeners to connect with her through various platforms.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    Millennials & Why It’s Cool To Be Conscious and Actively Involved
    The subject of “Millennials” generally conjures up adjectives like lazy or entitled. No work ethic. Spoiled brats, the lot of them. TIME Magazine went so far as to call millennials the “Me Me Me Generation”. This has not been my experience with the teens and twenty-somethings among us. In fact, I can honestly say that I find myself relating to many millennials better than I relate to my own generation. Maybe that just makes me juvenile. But that's a perspective lazier that the millennial stereotype itself. Admittedly, my exposure to this cross-section of our society is somewhat self-selecting. But it's worth noting that over the last several years I've had the good fortune of meeting dozens of incredibly dynamic, conscious and entrepreneurial young people. Kids highly engaged in things my generation didn’t give a crap about like permaculture, social issues, sustainability, conservation and mindfulness. Students with doctorates and business degrees who could be on Wall Street instead toiling away on organic farms, working for non-profits, or starting their own — choosing career paths based not on security and salary but on impact. People leveraging the power of social media to challenge societal norms, disrupt outdated modalities, create self-styled careers that didn't previously exist and launch their own grassroots movements. The common thread is the singular goal — to make the world a better place for all of us. Jackson Foster is one of these guys — the best kind of millennial. A guy whose life presented him with every open door possible, it would have been easy for Jackson to simply step into a safe and secure (an illusion I know, but you get my point) high paying business career. But Jackson has other plans. In high school, while most of Jackson’s teen peers were playing video games, partying and generally just acting like, well teenagers, Jackson spent a year in the Colorado wilderness. After being accepted into the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, he decided instead to defer so he could travel – a year spent bicycling across the US, hiking the John Muir Trail, mountaineering in Laos and even working at an orangutan orphanage in Borneo. These experiences left him thinking about one thing: food. Jackson noticed how food greatly affected the livelihood of different communities around the world, which motivated a desire to immerse himself in diet and lifestyle study. This exploration left him with no choice but to walk his talk; a wholesale transition from a beer drinking, weed smoking, junk food vegetarian teenager reborn as a whole food plant-based activist and educator. Jackson transferred from RISD to Colorado College as an Environmental Policy major and went to work. Outside his college coursework he found the time to: become a Certified Yoga Instructor; obtain a Certification In Plant-based Nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies ; start the website Plantriotic ; found and chair a vegan student group at Colorado College; write for Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine ; spend his summers working with environmental groups like 350.org ; help with student recruitment for the recent...

    #443 - Being Plant Based with BOL Foods Paul Brown

    #443 - Being Plant Based with BOL Foods Paul Brown
    The plant-based movement is gaining traction, but why, what’s the key driver, health, sustainability, conscious living, ethics, or a bit of it all? You’ll have likely seen BOL Foods on the shelves of your supermarket, founder Paul Brown joins me on the show to discuss his journey with plant-based nutrition, the mission for BOL foods, the future of food, sustainable capitalism, and more.

    Find BOL Foods in a supermarket near you.

    1:45 An introduction to Paul & BOL foods

    3:15 Is plant based the same as veganism?

    5:27 What drove the decision to become a fully plant based company?

    11:30 Does there need to be more education around how to make vegan food easy & exciting?

    14:30 How Paul uses Bol for convenience & health

    17:50 Sustainable capitalism - what BOL is doing to try and influence the changes we need to make as a society

    22:15 The future of plastic packaging

    29:50 Accepting that you can’t make everyone happy, all of the time.

    35:05 Paul’s tips on how to include more vegetables in your diet

    Debra Messing & Mandana Dayani ON: How To Talk With People Who Have Opposing Views & Coexist Without Resentment

    Debra Messing & Mandana Dayani ON: How To Talk With People Who Have Opposing Views & Coexist Without Resentment

    Mandana Dayani & Debra Messing's passion for action & justice has cemented their bond and their collective voice. Their hit podcast, The Dissenters, is a space for honest conversations and hard questions.

    Today you'll see how they are helping a movement of world changers gain momentum & learn how you can be involved in making the world better. Dayani and Messing discuss overcoming fear, dealing with overwhelm and the power of showing up.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Best of 2014 (Part 2)

    The Best of 2014 (Part 2)
    Welcome to Part 2 of our second annual Best of the RRP Anthology series. If you haven't already, I suggest listening to The Best of 2014 Part 1 first. Once again, this is a compendium of some of my favorite conversations of 2014. Our way of saying thanks. Our way of giving back. Our way of trying to catapult you into the new year armed with the information and inspiration required to make it your best year yet. Once again, it's worth reflecting upon the incredible year that was 2014. My blessings are many. My gratitude is overflowing. This is my way way of saying thank you. I appreciate you. Here's to an extraordinary 2015 — the year we manifest our greatest dreams into reality. Join me, and let's do this thing together. Peace + Plants, Rich

    #391- Saving the World with Zanna Van Dijk

    #391- Saving the World with Zanna Van Dijk
    How can we, the collective, save the world? The stats are starting to get scary, climate change is saying our tipping point is 12 years away, meat production isn’t sustainable, plastics are filling our oceans, and oil is due to run out in 40 years. The AWESOME Zanna Van Dijk joins me to talk plastics, plant-based nutrition, climate change and the environmental impact of our actions in a short and frank discussion. In short, how WE, yes you and me, can save the world, one action at a time!