
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Santino's Tour and Podcast UpdateAndrew Santino is on tour in various cities, updates tour dates and merchandise on his website, and shares childhood memories and thoughts on genetics in his podcast.

      Andrew Santino, the host of Whiskey Ginger podcast, is currently on tour in various cities including Edmonton, Alberta, Denver, Minneapolis, and Madison. He encourages fans to check out his website, andrewsantino.com, for tour dates, merchandise, and Patreon exclusives. During the episode, he shared stories about childhood memories of yard work and the importance of having strong thighs for soccer. He also mentioned the influence of genetics on physical attributes and the frustration of not being able to change certain body parts despite efforts. The episode featured a relaxed and humorous conversation between Santino and his guest, Ryan Sickler.

    • Don't Neglect Leg Day: A Lesson from DadMaintain a balanced workout routine, building proportionate strength throughout the body, is crucial for overall performance and injury prevention. Intense physical activity comes with risks, so proper care and attention should be given to maintain overall health and well-being.

      Focusing solely on building upper body strength while neglecting the legs can lead to an imbalanced and less effective workout routine. This was a lesson our speaker's father instilled in him during his high school years. He warned against skipping leg day, especially for those playing sports, as strong legs are crucial for overall performance and injury prevention. The speaker shared an example of a classmate who focused solely on bench press and developed a disproportionate body, which didn't serve him well. It's essential to maintain a balanced workout routine and build proportionate strength throughout the body. Moreover, the speaker also touched upon the NFL and the importance of having strong, sturdy players, even if they carry some extra weight. He admired Lamar Jackson's ability to revolutionize offense in the NFL, despite the common belief that scrambling quarterbacks are injury-prone. However, he also acknowledged the potential risks of high-intensity play and the importance of taking care of one's health, especially in a contact sport like football. In essence, the key takeaway is to remember the importance of a balanced workout routine and the dangers of neglecting any part of the body, especially the legs. Additionally, the risks and rewards of intense physical activity should always be considered, and proper care and attention should be given to maintain overall health and well-being.

    • Dennis Rodman's Unique Role in Chicago Bulls' SuccessRodman led the league in rebounds while Jordan led in scoring during the Bulls' 1990s run, contributing to their success despite teammates' lack of rebounding skills.

      Dennis Rodman's impressive achievement during the Chicago Bulls' run in the 1990s was leading the league in rebounds while Michael Jordan led in scoring. This feat is even more impressive considering that Rodman's teammates were not exceptional rebounders. Rodman's impact on the Bulls, along with Jordan, contributed to the team's magic and success during that era. The speaker, a big Bulls fan, fondly remembers the spoiled childhood filled with sports privileges and the assumption that such success was normal for big cities. Despite the team's struggles in recent years, the speaker remains a hardcore Bulls fan and finds solace in the Ravens' football season. The speaker also shares a personal connection to Rodman, as they both have unconventional hair colors. The speaker no longer goes to bars to watch games but instead stays home with his family.

    • Experiencing the joy of communal bars in ChicagoThe speaker misses the sense of community and camaraderie found in neighborhood bars and longs to recreate those experiences in Los Angeles.

      The sense of community and camaraderie found in neighborhood bars is something that the speaker deeply misses in Los Angeles. During a trip to Chicago, he experienced the joy of being surrounded by fans and discovered the magic of a communal bar experience. In these types of establishments, people are not just locals, but they form a unique bond with the place and each other. The speaker fondly recalls a specific experience in Baltimore where they would randomly pick a neighborhood bar, sing karaoke, and form connections with the regulars. He longs for this type of experience in LA, where people can come together, sing, laugh, and form lasting memories.

    • Authentic Relationships at a Baltimore BarExperience authentic human connections at unpretentious local establishments, where people openly live their lives and accept each other's complexities and surprises.

      The speaker and his friends shared a memorable experience at a local bar in Baltimore, where they witnessed authentic and raw relationships between people, some of whom had a history with each other. The atmosphere was real and unpretentious, with people living their lives openly, and the speaker appreciated the authenticity of it all. He contrasted it with the hype and popularity of other bars, and shared a particularly surprising and unexpected encounter between an older man and a woman in the bar, which was met with amusement and acceptance by those involved. The overall feeling was one of camaraderie and acceptance of the human experience, with all its complexities and surprises.

    • Discover hidden gems and unique experiencesExploring new places can lead to discovering extraordinary individuals and unique experiences, even in unexpected places

      No matter where you go, there are extraordinary individuals who leave a lasting impression, often hidden in the local scene. These individuals may never leave their nooks, but their talent and passion can be just as remarkable as those who have achieved national recognition. Traveling and stepping out of one's comfort zone can be challenging, but it also opens up opportunities to discover hidden gems and unique experiences. The allure of staying in familiar surroundings can be strong, but the sacrifices made to pursue bigger opportunities can ultimately lead to personal growth and success.

    • Finding joy in the present moment and being gratefulFocus on present, be grateful, embrace change, love what you have, and keep an open mind for new opportunities

      Finding happiness requires focusing on the present moment and being grateful for what you have, rather than constantly chasing after the next thing. The speaker shares his experience of wanting to help others, even if it's as simple as cutting their grass, and being content with being the "B roll" in their story. He also reflects on the importance of being happy where you are and embracing change, as shown in his transition from podcasting at home to joining a professional studio. The quote he mentioned about happiness resonated with him, emphasizing the importance of being present and loving what you have, while still keeping an open mind for new opportunities. The speaker also expresses his admiration for the community he's joined and his desire to learn Spanish, even if he's not fluent yet. Overall, the takeaway is to find joy in the present moment and appreciate the opportunities that come your way.

    • Negative experiences with language grades in high schoolThe pressure of grades in language classes can hinder learning and enjoyment, and a pass/fail system may be more effective for language education.

      The speaker's negative experiences with being graded on language classes in high school, particularly Spanish, made them dislike the subject and wish they could have learned it without the pressure of grades. They felt that their teachers, who were often attractive and seemed to be favored by their classmates, made learning the language more enjoyable for others. The speaker also mentioned their struggle with the German language, which they had learned as a child, and how they managed to graduate with a 3.0 GPA by focusing on subjects they were good at and getting passing grades in others. The speaker expressed their disagreement with the education system's emphasis on grades and suggested that a pass or fail system would be fairer and more effective for learning a second language.

    • Father's absence and shared deception in schoolFamily dynamics significantly influence a student's academic journey. Empathy and communication can help navigate adversity.

      The speaker's challenging upbringing, marked by his father's death and his mother's absence, shaped his experiences in school. He recounts how he and his twin brother, despite being separated in classes, forged their father's signature on a math quiz out of fear and embarrassment. This deception was discovered in front of their class, leading to a moment of shared understanding and laughter. The incident underscores the impact of family dynamics on a student's academic journey and the importance of empathy and communication in dealing with adversity.

    • Unexpected consequences of actionsReflecting on past actions can lead to profound realizations, cherish moments, and understand the interconnectedness of events in life. Declutter and sell items on Mercari for extra space and cash.

      Our actions and the people we meet in life can have unexpected and profound consequences. The speaker shares a personal story about how cheating on a test led to the discovery of the last picture taken of his father. This moment hit him deeply and made him realize the importance of cherishing moments and the interconnectedness of events in our lives. Furthermore, the speaker also talks about decluttering and selling items through the Mercari app, emphasizing its user-friendly and reputable nature. He encourages listeners to make space in their lives by selling or buying items on the platform. Lastly, the speaker shares his appreciation for Screwball Whiskey and encourages listeners to check it out. Overall, the discussion touches on the themes of reflection, connection, and the value of experiences and possessions.

    • Appreciating cherished memoriesValuing moments and experiences, especially those involving waiting and anticipation, can make them more memorable and meaningful. Cherished memories can come from unexpected places and situations, and can be shaped by the way we respond to challenges.

      Cherishing moments and experiences, especially those that involve waiting and anticipation, can make them more valuable and memorable. The speaker shared a story about a moment in high school when they and a friend cheated on a test, but when they were caught, the teacher handled it in a cool and understanding way. This moment became a cherished memory for the speaker, and they appreciated the opportunity to hear the teacher's side of the story. The speaker also reflected on how technology has changed the way we capture and store memories, and how the anticipation and excitement of waiting for photos to be developed made those memories more meaningful. They acknowledged that not everything was better in the past, but that some moments can be sweeter due to the lack of technology. The speaker's mother is another example of someone who values natural, unposed photos and cherishes memories. Overall, the speaker's message is to appreciate the moments and experiences in life, even the challenging ones, and to find joy in the waiting and anticipation.

    • The Impact of Technology on Communication and Access to InformationTechnology offers convenience and connectivity, but also presents challenges with misinformation and privacy. We must navigate these changes responsibly and value human connection.

      Technology and the Internet have significantly changed the way we access information and communicate, especially for younger generations. This can lead to both positive and negative consequences, such as increased access to knowledge and entertainment, but also potential issues with misinformation and privacy. The speaker also reminisces about the past when information wasn't readily available at our fingertips and the importance of memorizing phone numbers and other important details. However, the convenience and connectivity offered by technology cannot be ignored, and it's up to us to navigate these changes responsibly. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of human connection and the shift from making plans and showing up in person to relying on technology to keep us connected. Despite the challenges, technology continues to evolve and shape our lives in profound ways.

    • Using Marijuana Before Age 18 Can Impact Brain DevelopmentStarting marijuana use before age 18 may negatively affect brain development, potentially leading to unwanted consequences during school hours.

      Starting to use marijuana at a young age, specifically before the age of 18, can potentially have negative effects on brain development. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting to use marijuana in his late teens and regrets not waiting longer. He emphasizes that the brain is still developing during the teenage years and using marijuana during that time may hinder that development. He also mentions that marijuana can make classes seem longer and more enjoyable due to its novelty, but also warns that getting too high during school hours can lead to unwanted consequences. Overall, the speaker advises waiting until after the age of 18 to try marijuana for the first time.

    • Personal experiences of rigid education systemsRigid education systems can lead to humiliation and disconnection, emphasizing the need for flexible, understanding learning environments

      Rigid educational systems and strict rules can push students, especially those who struggle, to the brink. The speaker shares a personal experience of being forced to perform in front of his class while high, which led him to feel humiliated and anxious. This incident, along with other challenges he faced in school, made him feel disconnected from the educational system and led him to question its effectiveness. He believes that the one-size-fits-all approach to education doesn't work for everyone and that there should be more flexibility and understanding towards students' individual needs. The speaker's story underscores the importance of creating educational environments that foster growth, rather than punishment and humiliation.

    • Don't let fear of the unknown hold you backEmbrace your passions and trust your instincts, even if it means venturing into the unknown or facing challenges in unfamiliar areas.

      Individuals should not let the fear of not being skilled in certain areas deter them from pursuing their passions. The speaker shares his experience of feeling pressured to take unnecessary courses in college due to anxiety about his future, but ultimately found success in creative writing and journalism. He emphasizes that students should not worry about what they "should" be doing, and instead focus on discovering their own interests and strengths. The speaker also shares an anecdote about his experiences working in a junkyard as a teenager, highlighting the corrupt practices that existed within the industry. While acknowledging that junkyards have a reputation for being shady, he points out that this is not unique to them, and that individuals may encounter deceitful practices in various industries and situations. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to trust their instincts, follow their passions, and not be afraid of the unknown.

    • NCAA's Rules Criticized as ScamsThe speaker challenges the NCAA's rules on college athletes' compensation and eligibility, arguing for regulations and questioning the justification of a free education. He supports athletes being paid and draws parallels to licensed activities.

      The speaker believes the NCAA's rules and regulations surrounding college athletes' compensation and eligibility are scams. He argues that insurance companies can be a threat and that the NCAA's justification of providing a free education is flawed. The speaker also supports the idea of college athletes being paid for their talents but thinks there should be regulations in place. He draws parallels between the NCAA's rules and the need for licenses for certain activities, such as driving a car or owning a gun. The speaker's perspective is that the NCAA is handcuffing athletes until they deem it valid for them to "fly free," and he advocates for more checks and balances in the system.

    • NCAA's Pay-to-Play Rules: Unfair to Student AthletesThe NCAA's pay-to-play rules create an unfair system, leaving student athletes without financial education and support while allowing boosters and institutions to profit illegally. A more balanced approach, including financial advisors, reasonable expenses, and a cap on payments, is needed to support and empower student athletes.

      The NCAA's pay-to-play rules create an unfair system that leaves student athletes without proper financial education and support, while allowing boosters and institutions to profit illegally. The speaker argues for a more balanced approach, including financial advisors for student athletes, reasonable expenses, and a cap on payments. The ongoing debate around this issue highlights the deeply rooted influences of politics and religion in our society, and the importance of education and financial literacy for young athletes. The speaker's personal experience with family discussions and the Netflix show "Family" further emphasizes the passion and belief systems that can lead to arguments and conflicts. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a fairer system that supports and empowers student athletes both on and off the field.

    • Navigating Relationships and Personal Safety for Public FiguresBe cautious and aware of surroundings, both men and women can be perpetrators and victims, prioritize personal well-being, and be mindful of potential pitfalls in relationships.

      Navigating relationships and personal safety, especially for public figures, can be a complex and challenging issue. The speaker shares her experiences with predators who use manipulation and deceit to trap individuals, often targeting athletes for financial gain. She emphasizes that both men and women can be perpetrators and victims, and that people should be cautious and aware of their surroundings. The speaker also shares her thoughts on the societal perception of women as inherently good, and the consequences of entering into relationships during high-profile careers. Ultimately, she encourages individuals to prioritize their own well-being and be mindful of potential pitfalls. The speaker also mentions her upcoming album, "Theme Hail Predators," which touches on these themes.

    • Unexpected collaborations from serendipitous connectionsPromises kept lead to meaningful collaborations. Keep an open mind for unexpected opportunities and value the importance of following through.

      Serendipitous connections and promises made long ago can lead to meaningful and unexpected collaborations. The speaker shared a story about discovering the voice of Carlotta Wood over the phone at a Beverly Hills hotel years ago and promising to use it in a project someday. They reconnected years later and the speaker kept his promise, leading to a podcast collaboration. The speaker also emphasized the importance of keeping promises and the value of unexpected opportunities. Additionally, the speaker's passion for whiskey and appreciation for the name "Carlotta Wood" were notable elements of the conversation.

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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Eric's Perspective Feat. STIX

    Eric's Perspective Feat. STIX

    In this episode, in this episode, Eric sits down with rapper, producer, songwriter, entrepreneur, activist and founder of Think Watts... STIX aka "Watts Stix"! They discuss his family history and how they first settled in Watts, California and the impactful cultural figures that have emerged from the region throughout history. How he first began making music and how he eventually reevaluated his purpose in life.. how he first began giving back to his community in Watts, California; to eventually establishing his foundation "Think Watts". They discuss all of the inspiring and impactful initiatives that he has led, the various collaborations with corporations and institutions, his entrepreneurial endeavors.. all with the mission of doing good and bringing about positive change in the world.

    For more visit: www.ericsperspective.com

    Guest Bio:  Born and raised in Watts, California, Brandon “Stix”; Salaam-Bailey has worked his way to become a rapper, record producer, songwriter, and entrepreneur over the last 16 years. However, his involvement with music is a jumping off point to his advocacy to giving back to his community through his THINK WATTS Foundation; with a primary focus on community grassroots activations along with developing financial literacy programs, custom container housing solutions, and charitable fundraising through entertainment industry efforts. As a staple in the community, Stix has formed deep rooted community relationships building bridges from the community to some of its professional residents such as LAFC, LA Clippers, and the LA Rams.

    About Eric's Perspective: A podcast series on African American art with Eric Hanks — African American art specialist, owner of the renowned M. Hanks Gallery and commissioner on the Los Angeles County Arts Commission; offers his perspective on African American art through in-depth conversations with fellow art enthusiasts where they discuss the past, present & future of African American art.

    For more on Eric's Perspective, visit www.ericsperspective.com


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    Visit Eric's Perspective website: https://bit.ly/2ZQ41x1
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    Twitter: https://bit.ly/2OMRx33


    About Eric Hanks: African American art specialist, owner of the renowned M. Hanks Gallery and commissioner on the Los Angeles County Arts Commission… was one of the leading representatives of Black artists through his Santa Monica gallery, M. Hanks Gallery, founded in 1988. By selling their works nationally, contributing to museum collections, and publishing catalogs, Hanks has helped create an audience and market for these artists.