
    Search Funds 101: The Best Kept Secret in Private Equity

    en-usJanuary 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering Teachers and Supporting EntrepreneursThe WS Skinny podcast supports teacher empowerment through iConnections funds and discusses high-returning search funds for entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of networking and unexpected opportunities.

      The Wall Street Skinny podcast is supporting the iConnections funds for teachers initiative, which aims to empower educators by providing access to the Ron Clark Academy's professional development opportunities. This cause is being funded through events in major cities, with all proceeds directly donated to the academy to aid teachers in participating in its groundbreaking training programs. Additionally, the podcast is discussing search funds, a high-returning investment vehicle that supports entrepreneurs in acquiring and growing privately held companies. A shoutout was given to Elena Nunez for her persistence in introducing the podcast to their guest, emphasizing the importance of networking and relationship building skills. Networking opportunities can come from unexpected places, such as standing in line at a store or on LinkedIn, and should not be underestimated.

    • Every interaction is an opportunity to make a connection and potentially make a difference.Stay open to new opportunities and lean into your values to build a meaningful and impactful career.

      You never know who you might meet or where you might meet them that could potentially lead to new opportunities or significant career advancements. Whether it's in an elevator, on an airplane, or even online, every interaction is an opportunity to make a connection and potentially make a difference. It's important to remember that how we behave in all public spaces, including social media, can impact our reputation and future opportunities. Additionally, having a clear understanding of your values and using them to guide your investment decisions can lead to meaningful and impactful career paths. As Nate shared, his diverse background in finance, family offices, and entrepreneurship through acquisition is a testament to the power of staying open to new opportunities and leaning into one's values.

    • Investing with values: Negative screen and positive allocationInvest responsibly by excluding companies that don't align with your values and allocating to those excelling in specific areas like entrepreneurship, environment, and liquidity based on UN Development Goals.

      Investing in line with one's values is an essential aspect of being a responsible and effective investor. This process begins with a negative screen to exclude companies that do not align with your values. However, it can also involve positive allocation to companies that excel in specific areas. The United Nations Development Goals provide a useful framework for identifying areas of focus. Haulbar, as an investment firm, has adopted this approach, focusing on entrepreneurship, environmental goals, and liquidity in the private markets. By finding the most innovative companies in these areas, Haulbar aims to make a positive impact while generating strong returns for its investors.

    • Thematic investing in lower middle market businesses driven by demographic shift and family offices' roleFamily offices, managing wealth for a single family or small group, play a crucial role in thematic investing in lower middle market businesses due to demographic shift and lack of succession plans. They differ from hedge funds and help investors understand direct investing in private markets.

      Thematic investing in lower middle market businesses is driven by the demographic shift of baby boomers retiring and lack of succession plans. Family offices play a significant role in the investment management ecosystem by connecting intel and growing the scale of their investing power. They differ from hedge funds in that they are typically dedicated to managing the wealth of a single family or a small group of families. Family offices can be categorized based on the wealth continuum, with retail investors having less than $1,000,000 of investable assets, high net worth investors having between $1,000,000 and $30,000,000, and ultra high net worth individuals having more than $30,000,000. Family offices help investors understand the direct investing selection and portfolio construction in the private markets. It's essential for high net worth individuals to right-size their portfolio and not rely solely on it for investment but rather view it as part of a larger investment strategy.

    • Family Offices vs Ultra High Net Worth IndividualsFamily offices offer tax advantages and incentives for UHNWIs with around $250M in assets, but accessing high-quality deal flow and investment products can be difficult for pre-institutional family offices and UHNWIs, requiring thorough due diligence.

      There is a distinction between being an ultra high net worth individual and having a family office. While both may have similar investable assets, organizing as a family office can offer significant tax advantages and incentives once an individual reaches around $250 million in assets under management. This pre-institutional family office stage involves hiring a team to manage money and deploy capital on behalf of the family. As the family office grows, it can eventually become an institutional family office, granting access to institutional contracts and investment opportunities. However, accessing high-quality deal flow and investment products for pre-institutional family offices and ultra high net worth individuals can be a challenge. It's crucial to ensure proper due diligence is conducted to secure these opportunities ethically and effectively.

    • Family Offices Create Their Own Due Diligence Firms for Investment FreedomFamily offices create their own due diligence firms for more investment freedom and top-tier talent, allowing them to invest in various types of deals and assets like individual investors, unlike hedge funds with strict mandates.

      Due diligence is crucial for making informed investment decisions, especially for institutional family offices and ultra-high net worth investors. However, finding reliable outsourced due diligence firms can be challenging. That's why some family offices create their own companies to help with underwriting private investments using the same rigorous process. Family office executives, such as the president, CIO, CFO, and COO, are typically compensated with a salary and the opportunity to coinvest in deals they've worked on. This setup allows family offices to afford top-tier investing professionals and offers more investment freedom compared to hedge funds. Family offices operate more like individual investors, with the ability to invest in various types of deals and assets, unlike hedge funds with their strict mandates. For those interested in growth equity, understanding the family office landscape can provide valuable insights into investment strategies and portfolio construction. Yale University's endowment model, for instance, offers a solid framework for allocating capital. Family offices can start portfolio construction discussions by studying university endowments and their investment strategies.

    • Halbar's Unique Approach to Entrepreneurship through AcquisitionHalbar invests in individuals with domain expertise to operate and grow companies, rather than buying companies and finding CEOs (search fund approach). This strategy aims to create long-term value and growth for the companies in its portfolio.

      Halbar, an institutional investment manager, focuses on entrepreneurship through acquisition in the lower middle market. Unlike traditional private equity firms, Halbar invests in individuals with domain expertise to operate and grow companies, rather than buying companies and finding CEOs. This approach is called a search fund, where individuals search for companies to buy and operate. Halbar's strategy is to invest in entrepreneurs with a proven track record and provide them with resources to innovate and lead their businesses for an extended period. This approach sets Halbar apart from traditional private equity firms, which typically buy companies and then find CEOs to run them. By investing in individuals, Halbar aims to create long-term value and growth for the companies in its portfolio.

    • Halbar's Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) Program Solves Problems for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and InvestorsHalbar's ETA program offers financial support, resources, and expertise to middle career entrepreneurs, enabling them to focus on finding the right company to buy and increasing the likelihood of a successful acquisition for all parties involved.

      Halbar and its entrepreneurship through acquisition (ETA) program aim to solve problems for entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors by providing resources, financial support, and expertise. The entrepreneur faces challenges such as limited working capital and lack of knowledge in sourcing and acquiring companies. Halbar addresses these issues by offering two years' worth of salary to eligible entrepreneurs, enabling them to focus on finding the right company to buy. Additionally, Halbar partners with Nova Stone Capital Advisors to provide investment professionals who help underwrite deals and ensure a successful investment. This support not only benefits the entrepreneur but also the business owner and investor by increasing the likelihood of a successful acquisition. Overall, Halbar's ETA program provides a solution to the unique challenges faced by middle career entrepreneurs in their search for a company to buy.

    • Unique alignment of incentives for investors and entrepreneursHalbar's NCA approach minimizes acquisition risk, ensures successful deals, and provides valuable resources post-acquisition, creating impressive IRRs for investors and better performance for companies.

      Halbar's investment approach through NCA provides a unique alignment of incentives for both the investors and the entrepreneurs. By taking the risk out of the search process and having a list of institutional investors ready to invest, Halbar ensures a successful acquisition while minimizing risk. This structure allows institutional investors to invest in a portfolio of profitable companies, creating an asset class with impressive IRRs. The investors' involvement doesn't end at acquisition; they provide valuable resources post-acquisition. Additionally, the investors' active role in the search and selection process creates a deeper connection to the companies and leads to better performance due to the owners' trust and confidence in the new leadership. This model differs from traditional growth equity as it focuses on replacing management in mature companies rather than supercharging new ideas in younger companies.

    • Entrepreneurship through acquisition for experienced professionalsMilitary and corporate backgrounds can lead to acquisition opportunities, providing a safety net for growth strategies with investor support.

      The entrepreneurship through acquisition model provides a unique opportunity for experienced professionals, often with military or corporate backgrounds, to take the helm of established companies and implement growth strategies. This approach offers a safety net, as investors typically provide support and resources, allowing the entrepreneur to "jump off the cliff" with a net beneath them. Nate Taylor's story is an excellent example. With a military background and an MBA, Nate was introduced to the entrepreneurship through acquisition concept and found success in acquiring a clean water transportation company, where he could leverage his logistics expertise and technology implementation plans. This model has proven successful for many individuals, including those with elite MBA degrees, as it offers a chance to lead companies, make a difference, and potentially achieve impressive returns.

    • ETA Program: Investing and Running Middle-Market CompaniesThe ETA program offers individuals the chance to invest in and run middle-market companies, with no MBA requirement but a focus on operator mentality and entrepreneurial spirit. Competition is fierce, but personal growth and gaining an education in this asset class are valued.

      The Equity through Acquisition (ETA) program, which was originally pioneered in elite MBA programs like Harvard, Stanford, and Yale, provides an opportunity for individuals to invest in and run existing middle-market companies. This program was started due to the void of preparing students for investing in and leading such companies. While having an MBA can be beneficial, it is not a requirement as the program looks for individuals with an operator mentality and entrepreneurial grit. The competition for these programs is high, with thousands applying and only a few being accepted each quarter. However, personal growth and going back to school for an MBA at an older age are encouraged. The ETA program is a relatively new asset class and strategy, and as it matures, it is expanding beyond the elite MBA programs.

    • Embracing New Chapters in LifeFocus on personal growth outside of your profession through certifications, self-teaching, or building relationships to stand out and succeed in various fields.

      Retirement as traditionally thought of is no longer appealing to many people, and instead, individuals are embracing new chapters in their lives. This can be seen in the experiences of children transitioning between hobbies or careers. To stand out in a crowd of 3,000 people, focus on personal growth outside of your profession. This can be achieved through certifications, self-teaching, or building relationships. While certain certifications may not be relevant to every industry, they can still add value and demonstrate dedication to learning. Ultimately, being a good human and understanding humans is a key component to being a successful leader and operator. Investing in people, not just their technical skills, but also their interpersonal skills, is essential for success in many fields.

    • Passionate Founders and Societal ImpactPassionate founders and investments in businesses aligned with societal themes can lead to significant financial success and positive societal impact.

      Having a deep passion for a business or product can lead to significant financial success and positive societal impact. Ben, the founder of Cadmium Carbon, is a prime example of this. He started out as an investor but fell in love with the company and became an operator. His passion and interpersonal skills have made him an incredible success. Similarly, when investing, looking for businesses that align with macroeconomic themes, such as decarbonization, can lead to significant financial returns. However, the impact of such businesses can extend beyond just financial gains. For instance, planting trees in urban areas not only helps in decarbonization but also boosts economic activity and improves mental health. Companies like Kiwi Carbon are helping urban centers plant tree canopies, leading to observable changes in economic activity and culture. Therefore, investing in businesses that have a positive impact on society can lead to both financial success and societal benefits.

    • Investing in decarbonization and local benefitsDecarbonization is crucial for combating climate change, investing in large-scale decarbonization companies offers local benefits, and Halbar is a leader in thematic investing focusing on decarbonization and entrepreneurship through acquisition.

      Decarbonization is a crucial strategy for making a difference in combating climate change, and investing in companies that can do it at a large scale is a worthwhile theme. Additionally, there are local benefits to decarbonization efforts, such as planting trees in urban areas through companies like Cambium Carbon, which can lead to the reuse of fallen trees instead of burning them. Corporations are also starting to prioritize certified carbon-smart products, which can help replace the "silver tsunami" of retiring workers with new talent and replant fallen trees. Halbar is an example of a firm leading the way in thematic investing, with a focus on entrepreneurship through acquisition and decarbonization at scale. For investors interested in getting involved, Halbar can be reached through their website. It's important for listeners to leave a review on their preferred podcast platform to help the show reach a wider audience.

    Recent Episodes from The Wall Street Skinny

    73. What It Takes to Be a Credit Investor with Ty Wallach

    73. What It Takes to Be a Credit Investor with Ty Wallach
    In the second of our three SALT iConnections interview series, we sat down with Ty Wallach, a living legend in the credit investing world.  

    Ty was a partner and portfolio manager at Oak Hill and Paulson, two of the most successful and famous names in investing over the past three decades, and is currently the CIO of Atlast Merchant Capital.

    We spoke with Ty about his role as an investor in both the debt and equity during the Caesar’s Palace Coup (check out episodes 39, 40 and 41 for a deep dive into one of the most infamous deals of all time!), how Paulson made billions investing during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, relative value investing within the capital structure of a company, the Orwellian relationship between the markets and economic data in the current environment, and about the optimal paths to pursuing a career as a credit investor, specifically with regard to the merits of the CFA for advancement along that path.  

    A must listen for anyone interested in public markets or private credit investing!

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    71. From Wall Street to the White House and Back Feat. Anthony Scaramucci

    71. From Wall Street to the White House and Back Feat. Anthony Scaramucci
    Live from SALT iConnections in NYC, we are joined by Anthony Scaramucci, a financial, political, and pop culture icon here in America.  Anthony worked at Goldman Sachs, is the founder of SkyBridge Capital (a global alternatives investment firm), and is the founder of the SALT iConnections cap intro conference...but is possibly most infamous for his 11 day stint as the White House Communications Director during the Trump administration. Particularly timely as many gear up for their summer internships, Anthony shares with us his lessons in resilience, in learning to chase personal growth vs prestige, and in how to graciously take a joke.

    Anthony's latest book, "From Wall Street to the White House and Back," is a must-read and is available here:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1637584636/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 25, 2024

    70. The Skinny On NVDA's Stock Split, SALT iConnections Recap, and Gold Decoupling

    70. The Skinny On NVDA's Stock Split, SALT iConnections Recap, and Gold Decoupling

    We're BACK from a whirlwind 48 hours in NYC, fully rested and ready to give you the skinny on the latest in global markets.  First, a quick recap of our adventures at one of the world's largest cap intro conferences, where we got to chat with some of the industry's greatest thought leaders and meet new friends throughout the industry.  Next up, a quick note on today's Bloomberg article (linked below) discussing the decoupling of Gold and US Treasuries for the first time in 50 years.  And finally, we touch on NVDA's spectacular sales growth and their stock split announcement, the mechanics of which Kristen explains in detail.


    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    69. Capital Intro 101 with Ron Biscardi

    69. Capital Intro 101 with Ron Biscardi

    We talk about Hedge Fund, Private Equity, and other "Alternative" Investment Funds all the time.  But we don't always stop to ask, "how do they get all their money?"  In this episode, we sat down with CEO of iConnections Ron Biscardi to explore the world of "Cap Intro": the ecosystem within which capital --- meaning, the money from pension funds, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, family offices etc --- gets allocated to fund managers in the Alts space.  We learn about seed capital (money that gets new funds off the ground), explore the roles of third party marketers, broker dealers, & prime brokerage within a bank when it comes to cap intro, and discuss how iConnections has built a platform backed by technology to facilitate the world's largest cap intro conferences.  

    An expert in relationships and connecting people, Ron also shares his experience involving athletes, stars, and influencers like Kim Kardashian, Shaquille O'Neal, and Eli Manning in the conversation, all of whom have become formidable investors in their own right and are at the forefront of deal making in the space today.  We are so excited to share this episode ahead of next week's SALT iConnections conference in NYC from May 20-21, where (thanks to Ron!) we will sharing live interviews with some of the industry's most influential and innovative thought leaders.  

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 18, 2024

    68. The Skinny On AI and the GPT-4o Update, Meme Stocks Return, and Golf & Finance

    68. The Skinny On AI and the GPT-4o Update, Meme Stocks Return, and Golf & Finance

    In today's episode we share our thoughts on the new Ghat-GPT4o update in light of Apple's controversial commercial, our thoughts on the difference between gambling and investing in light of the GameStop / AMC resurgence, and finally the intersection of golf and finance. 

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    67. Finance, Philosophy, and the Yen Carry Trade feat. John Normand

    67. Finance, Philosophy, and the Yen Carry Trade feat. John Normand

    We often talk about institutional investors as the allocators of capital to the public and private markets.  They are huge, active participants driving supply and demand dynamics in the fixed income and equity markets, and they often make sizable investments as LPs in private equity and private credit funds.  But what exactly are they trying to accomplish, and why?

    We sat down with John Normand --- the former head of Cross-Asset Strategy at JP Morgan and the current head of Investment Strategy at Australian Super --- to discuss investment strategy at a superannuation fund (what we in the US think of as a "pension fund").  John is one of our most accomplished and distinguished guests to date.   Not only does he explain the mechanics of defined benefit / defined contribution plans, but he also shares his philosophical perspective on the ethics of investing, his current views on the macro environment, and a crash course in one of the staples of fixed income markets: the Yen carry trade.  This episode is a must listen for anyone who wants to understand how some of the biggest allocators of capital in both the public and private markets approach investment strategy.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 11, 2024

    66. The Skinny on "FTX Found the Money"...plus Boston vs NYC, Middle School, and Phobias

    66. The Skinny on "FTX Found the Money"...plus Boston vs NYC, Middle School, and Phobias

    Today's episode is a bit lighter. We get into what it means that "FTX found the money" as well as catch up about some super random stuff including the Tom Brady roast, NYC comedy clubs, Broadway, musical instruments, and our personal phobias. 

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    Many assume that those who are skilled in high finance are also experts in personal finance and managing their own money.  But NOTHING could be further from the truth!  We sat down with Katy Song, a former Investment Banker and published author, who is the Chief Financial Planner for Domain Money (a new financial planning company that is revolutionizing the approach to personal finance) to understand the role and career path of a financial planner, explore the different challenges people face when it comes to managing their own money, and drill down into the specific advice she gives to clients looking to build wealth and accomplish their goals.

    Book a consultation session with Katy here:

    Access additional information and resources (including Katy's book, "Fear Less") here:  https://www.domainmoney.com/advisors/katy-song

    Raised in Rye, New York, Katy moved to California in 1993 to attend the University of California, Santa Cruz (Go Banana Slugs!). After graduating in 1997 with honors and a B.A. in Global Economics, she worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce in the International Trade Administration. Katy attended the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley (Class of 2002), after which she worked as an investment banker for Citigroup.

    Since 2008, Katy has focused on helping families with young children and couples get their financial lives in order and put them on track for living the life they want. She is a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA).

    At Domain Money, Katy serves as Chief Financial Planner, overseeing a team of CFP® professionals dedicated to crafting personalized financial plans that alleviate client stress and pave the way for their desired lifestyles. She spearheaded the development of Domain Money's financial planning process and service offerings, ensuring a client-centric approach.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    64. The Skinny On Bank Balance Sheets, And The Paramount Deal

    64. The Skinny On Bank Balance Sheets, And The Paramount Deal

    This week in 'The Skinny On' we get into an update on the Fed, Jen rants about bank balance sheet reqs and Kristen gives you the skinny on the drama unfolding at Paramount amid merger talks with SkyDance and Apollo.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


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    Today’s Lending Landscape with Anton Mattli

    Today’s Lending Landscape with Anton Mattli

    To access a FREE collection of resources, go to www.TheMaverickVault.com 


    Amidst the dynamic evolution of the commercial real estate market, Anton Mattli sheds light on crucial insights about the current lending landscape. His perspective offers invaluable guidance for both borrowers and lenders, steering them towards a successful navigation of the future in commercial real estate.



    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    • Changes in the commercial real estate market over the past few years
    • The complexities of the current commercial real estate market
    • Expert insights to thrive in the commercial real estate industry 
    • Key questions to ask when seeking commercial real estate financing
    • Why networking and familiarizing with your chosen asset class is essential



    References/Links Mentioned



    About Anton Mattli

    Anton Mattli is the co-founder & CEO of Peak Financing. He has decades of experience in commercial and investment banking, private equity, and commercial real estate. After graduating from Zurich Business School in banking and finance, he held senior management positions at major financial institutions in New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Zurich. During that time, Anton was in charge of UBS' commercial bank subsidiary in Japan, managed a business division for Standard Chartered Bank with offices spread across Asia, financed and restructured commercial real estate worth several billion U.S. Dollars, and oversaw loan portfolios consisting of aircraft, ocean vessels, and infrastructure assets. Anton also directed the structuring of complex cross-border commodity and trade finance transactions for Fortune 500 companies.



    Connect with Anton


    Are you a passive real estate investor seeking financial freedom? Almost daily, new headlines break on the latest financial market upset. Now is the time to get educated on how to strategically invest in commercial real estate for long-term financial freedom. Grab your copy of “How to Passively Invest in a Changing Economic Environment” Go to…www.MavericksInvest.com 


    Want to keep up to date on the commercial real estate market, trends, investing tips and know what Neil is buying right now? Connect with him at https://AgentOptional.com, and be sure to register for his newsletter. 


    Connect with Neil Timmins on LinkedIn. If there is a topic you want to know more about or a guest that you would like to see on the show, shoot Neil a message on LinkedIn. 



    About Neil Timmins

    Neil is a commercial real estate syndicator, published author, and podcast host.


    Neil’s entry point into the Real Estate industry came after a few short years in banking. Recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a Top 100 team and the #1 REMAX agent in Iowa by the age of 29, Neil had solidified his role as a force in the industry.


    Having completed hundreds of Fix & Flips, Wholesales, Wholetails, Novations, and Owner-Financed deals, Neil longed to quit forfeiting time for dollars. After building a portfolio of single-family rentals to produce passive income, he found the strategy to be anything but passive.


    Neil, however, didn’t go looking for his first commercial deal, he actually stumbled into it. Since then, he has refined the process of analyzing and buying commercial properties that produce stellar cash flow.


    Neil has been involved in over $300,000,000 in real estate transactions. While his holdings in commercial asset classes include apartments, offices, mobile home parks, and self-storage units, his passion is industrial property. Neil now has verticals in residential real estate, multiple commercial asset classes, brokerage, publishing, and this successful podcast.


    Neil and his wife, Emily, are the proud parents of three active teenagers. Those who know Neil say he is a competitor by nature, whether for the biggest fish on a deep-sea fishing trip, the best ribs at a barbeque, or playing football back in his day at his alma mater, the University of Nebraska at Omaha as a Maverick. Neil is always up for travel, spending time on the water, and of course, meeting people interested in learning about and investing in commercial properties.


    Click here to see video of the podcast. 

    From Police Officer to Multi-Millionaire Investing in ATM’s (With Paul Alex)

    From Police Officer to Multi-Millionaire Investing in ATM’s (With Paul Alex)
    In this episode of The Personal Finance Podcast, we’re going to talk to Paul Alex on how he went from Police Officer to Multimillionaire investing in ATM’s Join Our Newsletter here! Learn to Invest with Index Fund Pro! Our complete step-by-step guide to investing! https://mastermoney.co/index-fund-pro/ Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors!:  Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/pfp. Thanks to Ka’Chava For Sponsoring the show! Go to kachava.com/pfp and get 10% off on your first order.  Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/pfp Policygenius: This is where I got my term life insurance. Policygenius made is so easy. To get your term policy go to policygenius.com and make sure your loved ones are safe. Connect with Paul Alex: Paul’s Instagram Pau’s Website : Merchandise Automation Paul’s Linkedin Paul’s Website: ATM Together Checklist of relevant episodes:  How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30 With Brennan Schlagbaum From House Hacking to Future Millionaire with John Eringham (Johnefinance) How to Become an IRA Millionaire in 2023 (With the New IRS Rules!) From Graduate to Millionaire By Age! (High School and College!) Personal Finance Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@thepersonalfinancepodcast  FREE GUIDES: ============== - Free Ebooks here: https://mastermoney.co/resources/  -Check out the free guide on where to put your money in what order!  https://www.mastermoney.co/stairway-to-wealth   -Here is the free How to Ask for A Raise ebook! https://www.mastermoney.co/get-a-raise-ebook   -Get Access to the 75-Day Challenge: https://www.mastermoney.co/75daychallenge    =============   We have a YOUTUBE channel! Check it out here!    Our Latest Videos:  How To Grow A Podcast Organically What Would Happen If You Maxed Out Your Roth IRA By Age?! (These Results Will Amaze You!) How to Become a Millionaire With a Small Amount of Money (Is it Really This Easy!?) Pre-tax moves for high earners   Got questions? Ask me on Instagram Here. @mastermoneyco This is the fastest way to get in touch with me.  ============   Want to Support the Show? Follow on Spotify or Follow and Leave a 5-Star Review on Apple Podcasts!   ============   Check out all the Stuff I Recommend!  Check out all my favorite Credit Cards https://milevalue.com/top-offers-mastermoney/    USEFUL RESOURCES: The Year-End Money Checklist https://mastermoney.co/year-end-money-checklist/   The 75 Day Money Challenge https://mastermoney.co/75-day-challenge/  Finally, Get That Raise https://mastermoney.co/resources/  ============     DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. This Podcast is for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am sharing my opinion.    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion.   ============     Check us out on social fam!    Twitter   Tiktok   www.thepersonalfinancepodcast.com   www.mastermoney.co Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices