
    Simone Biles: “I thought America hated me” [VIDEO]

    enApril 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Support in Personal Growth and SuccessSupport from loved ones is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success. Self-care and self-awareness are crucial for mental health and social connections. Explore BetterHelp for therapy and Sephora for inspiration in fashion and makeup. Find inspiration for various occasions on sacks.com.

      Support from loved ones is crucial for personal growth and success. Simone Biles, a renowned Olympic gymnast, shared her journey of being adopted at the age of six due to her parents' drug and alcohol abuse. Despite this challenging start, her parents have been her biggest supporters throughout her career. This unwavering support has given her the strength to overcome obstacles and become the goat in her field. Moreover, the episode emphasized the importance of self-care and self-awareness. BetterHelp was introduced as a resource for individuals seeking therapy to improve their social lives and mental health. The episode also highlighted the importance of finding inspiration in fashion and makeup, as showcased by Sei's clean and sustainable products at Sephora. Lastly, the episode encouraged listeners to explore their wardrobe and find inspiration for various occasions on sacks.com. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of support, self-care, and personal expression in leading a fulfilling life.

    • Impact of Adoption on One's LifeAdoption shapes one's identity and future by providing stability and saving them from potential hardships. The speaker's story highlights the importance of family and the profound impact it can have on an individual's life.

      Adoption has a profound impact on one's life. The speaker shares her experience of being adopted at a young age and the anxiety she felt due to the fear of being separated from her siblings. She also recalls the shocking moment when she discovered she was adopted in front of her gym class. Despite the initial confusion, she came to appreciate her adopted family and the stability they provided. The speaker also reflects on how adoption likely saved her from potentially ending up homeless or on the streets, as many foster kids do. She concludes by sharing how she discovered her passion for gymnastics during a field trip to the gym, which became a turning point in her life. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of family and the significant role adoption plays in shaping one's identity and future.

    • Discovering hidden talents late in lifeUnexpected circumstances can reveal hidden talents and determination, leading to success in unexpected areas.

      Sometimes, people discover their talents and passions later in life than others may expect. The speaker, for instance, was identified as having a natural build for gymnastics despite never having participated in the sport before. Her unique circumstances led her to pursue the sport, and her competitive nature and discipline were influenced by her hard-working parents. The journey to elite-level gymnastics required the entire family's support and sacrifice, and the speaker's teenage experiences were limited due to her intense training schedule. Ultimately, the speaker's story demonstrates that talent and determination can emerge in unexpected ways and at unexpected times.

    • Childhood dedication to gymnastics led to isolationSuccessful gymnast sacrificed social life for training, felt uncertain about future after major achievements

      The speaker's dedication to gymnastics during her childhood and teenage years consumed her life, leading to a deep sense of isolation from her peers. She spent most weekends at the gym, unable to attend social events or hang out with friends due to her rigorous training schedule. This sacrifice paid off with her achieving great success in the sport, including three consecutive world championships and dominating the Rio Olympics at the age of 19. However, her success left her feeling uncertain about her future and the possibility of topping her greatest achievement. Despite the challenges, she remained committed to her passion and found comfort and confidence within the gymnastics community.

    • Pressure and expectations after winning Olympics at a young ageYoung Olympic athletes face unique pressures to grow up quickly and navigate fame and adulthood, often feeling isolated and in need of finding their identity beyond their sport.

      Winning the Olympics at a young age brought immense pressure and expectations for Simone Biles, leaving her feeling isolated and in need of finding her identity beyond gymnastics. The sudden fame and celebrity status were overwhelming, and she struggled to balance her new role with her personal life. The pressure to be strong and perform at a high level, both on and off the mat, left her feeling like she couldn't show vulnerability or weakness. Despite the challenges, Biles learned to lean on her family and stay grounded, recognizing the importance of maintaining a sense of normalcy in her life. The experience highlighted the unique pressures faced by young athletes in the public eye, requiring them to grow up quickly and navigate the complexities of fame and adulthood.

    • Simone Biles speaks out about her abuse to help othersGymnast Simone Biles shared her traumatic experiences to help others, despite the ongoing impact on her mental health and the challenge of being understood.

      Simone Biles, a successful gymnast, chose to speak out about the abuse she endured due to her large following and desire to help others. She had always been open about her life, but the decision to share her traumatic experiences came after she realized the potential impact on others. Biles struggled with depression and anxiety following the abuse, which she described as feeling heavy and dehumanizing. She learned through therapy that the guilt was not hers to hold, but it was a difficult process. As an athlete, she found it challenging to accept that the trauma was not something that would heal quickly like an injury. Despite the ongoing nature of the trauma, Biles emphasized that it does not define her. However, she noted that it can be difficult for others to understand the long-term impact of such experiences.

    • Mental injuries are a part of life, don't ignore themMental injuries, like physical ones, impact performance and should be acknowledged and prioritized, just as we do with physical health.

      Mental injuries, just like physical ones, are a part of life and should not be ignored or stigmatized. Simone Biles, a renowned gymnast, opened up about her experience with mental injuries, specifically the Twisties, during the Olympics. She felt the shame and pressure to hide her struggles, but her therapist encouraged her to confront and address them. Mental injuries, unlike physical ones, can be hidden and ignored for a long time, but they cannot be compressed indefinitely. Biles' experience shows that mental injuries can unfold unexpectedly and can significantly impact performance. It's essential to acknowledge and prioritize mental health, just as we do with physical health. The conversation around mental health should be ongoing, and it's important to remember that these experiences do not define us but are a part of who we are.

    • The Olympics: A Unique Sense of Unity and Unexpected Challenges for Simone BilesDespite the Olympics' unifying power, athletes like Simone Biles can face unexpected challenges, emphasizing the importance of trusting instincts for health and performance.

      The Olympics represent a unique and powerful sense of unity and camaraderie that transcends differences in race, religion, and nationality. Simone Biles, a renowned gymnast, shared her experience of feeling that connection strongly during the 2016 Olympic Games. However, during the Tokyo Olympics, she felt something was off, both in the atmosphere and in her own performance. Despite her intense preparation, she experienced unexpected challenges and had to trust her instincts to prioritize her health. The moment she landed on the mat during the team final, she was fighting not just her body and mind, but also the disconnected feeling that enveloped the event. The Olympics, which are meant to bring people together, felt strangely disconnected in Tokyo. This experience underscores the importance of being attuned to our inner signals and trusting our instincts, even when things don't feel right.

    • Experiencing Fear and Doubt at the OlympicsDespite one warm-up attempt before competition, athletes can feel overwhelmed and doubt their abilities, and experiences like 'twisties' can make execution difficult, emphasizing the importance of mental resilience and self-belief.

      The pressure and expectations at the Olympics can be overwhelming for athletes, leading them to make mistakes and experience moments of doubt and fear. The speaker, a gymnast, shared her experience of performing a faulty vault at the Olympics and the emotional turmoil that followed. She explained that during competition, gymnasts usually get one warm-up attempt before sitting and waiting for their turn to perform. On that day, the speaker's warm-up attempt went wrong, leaving her uncertain about her ability to perform well in her actual competition run. The fear and anxiety led her to doubt herself and question her decisions, ultimately leading to a subpar performance. The speaker also discussed the concept of "twisties," a common issue in gymnastics where athletes lose their sense of spatial awareness and control in mid-air, making it difficult to execute twisting skills. The speaker's experience highlights the mental and emotional challenges that athletes face in high-pressure situations and the importance of resilience and self-belief in overcoming setbacks.

    • Feeling disconnected mentally can be as debilitating as a physical injuryMental health plays a crucial role in athletic performance, and ignoring it can negatively impact both the athlete and their team.

      Mental and physical disconnect in athletic performance can be as debilitating as a physical injury. The speaker's experience of losing control during a gymnastics meet and being unable to continue was described as feeling like waking up without knowing how to drive a car. After withdrawing, she felt internally terrified but externally composed, and her team was deeply affected by her absence. Despite logically knowing there was nothing more she could have done, she felt a strong sense of responsibility and guilt. Ultimately, she became her team's loudest cheerleader, but wished she could have contributed physically. The team's chances of winning a medal were dependent on her performance, and her absence due to mental disconnect could not be easily replaced. This experience highlights the importance of addressing mental health in athletic performance and the significant impact it can have on both the athlete and their team.

    • Acknowledging and addressing mental health struggles in sportsSimone Biles' mental health crisis at the Tokyo Olympics highlights the importance of acknowledging mental health struggles in sports and the need for open conversations and support.

      Mental health is an essential aspect of an athlete's well-being, and it's important to acknowledge and address it openly. Simone Biles, a renowned Olympic gymnast, experienced a mental health crisis during the Tokyo Olympics, which left her feeling broken and unable to compete. She shared the experience with her family, who provided comfort and support. Biles felt that she had let down not only herself but also her team, coaches, and supporters. Despite the emotional turmoil, she eventually participated in the individual beam competition and won a bronze medal. In the end, Biles recognized the importance of acknowledging mental health struggles and encouraged others to join her on the journey towards healing. Her parents, while reacting differently, were instrumental in providing emotional support during a challenging time. Biles' experience underscores the importance of addressing mental health in sports and the need for open conversations about mental well-being.

    • Embracing setbacks and staying true to oneselfDespite criticism and disappointment, it's essential to embrace setbacks, learn from them, and not let external validation dictate self-worth.

      Mental resilience is crucial in dealing with setbacks and disappointments, even in the face of public scrutiny. Simone Biles, a world-class gymnast, shared her experience of dealing with the aftermath of a fault during the Olympics. Despite receiving a bronze medal instead of the expected gold, she was shunned and criticized. However, she refused to let others' opinions define her worth or her achievement. Instead, she learned to embrace her bronze medal and view it as a symbol of her hard work and determination. The experience taught her the importance of staying true to herself and not letting external validation dictate her self-worth. Even amidst the public parade and expectations, she found solace in her family and therapy, allowing her to process her emotions and move forward. Ultimately, her strength and resilience shone through, enabling her to continue her career and find joy in her performances.

    • Simone Biles' therapeutic journey beyond gymnasticsGymnast Simone Biles learned to value her worth beyond sports after a traumatic Olympic experience. She found comfort in fan support and family, confronted her fears, and is excited for the future.

      Olympic gymnast Simone Biles' therapeutic process is a layered and ongoing journey. She compartmentalized her trauma as an athlete, but her tour experience helped her realize the importance of her worth beyond gymnastics. After the traumatic experience at the Olympics, she found comfort in the support of her fans and family. Returning to the gym was traumatizing, and she had to confront her fears with the help of her coach. The lowest point came when she tried to return to training, facing her demons and the fear of getting lost in her routines. Despite the challenges, Biles feels stronger and more excited for the future, ready to face new experiences and emotions.

    • Overcoming the 'twisties' in gymnasticsMental strength is vital in overcoming challenges, even in high-pressure situations like gymnastics. Address mental health concerns when ready and never give up on oneself.

      Mental strength plays a crucial role in overcoming challenges, especially in high-pressure situations like competitive sports. The speaker, a gymnast, shared her experience with the "twisties," a common issue among gymnasts where they lose their sense of spatial awareness mid-air during a routine. This experience left her feeling lost, scared, and uncertain, leading to multiple attempts to leave the sport. However, she eventually returned with the help of her coaches and therapy, focusing on mental and physical well-being. The process was exhausting but necessary, and she learned that it's essential to address mental health concerns when ready and not to give up on oneself, even when faced with setbacks.

    • Importance of prioritizing mental health and seeking helpGymnastics legend Simone Biles emphasized the significance of mental health, therapy, and self-care. She encouraged everyone to prioritize mental health, not rush the healing process, and be vulnerable about struggles. Biles also highlighted the importance of setting boundaries with the media and acknowledged the toxicity of ghosting therapists.

      It's essential to prioritize mental health and set boundaries, even during challenging times. Simone Biles, a gymnastics legend, shared her experience of the importance of therapy and self-care. She emphasized the significance of not feeling pressured to rush the healing process and the importance of being vulnerable and open about mental health struggles. Biles also highlighted the importance of setting boundaries with the media and acknowledged the toxicity of ghosting therapists. She encouraged everyone, especially athletes, to prioritize mental health and seek help when needed. Additionally, she shared her personal experience of meeting her husband, NFL player Jonathan Owens, on Raya and how his profile stood out to her. The conversation also touched on the importance of self-care and balancing vaginal health with Azo products. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of prioritizing mental health, seeking help, and setting boundaries.

    • Online authenticity and shared interests lead to strong connectionsFirst impressions can be misleading, but genuine interests and authentic online presence can lead to meaningful relationships, even during unexpected challenges like long-distance marriages.

      First impressions matter, but authenticity and shared interests can lead to strong connections. The speaker shared how she carefully curated her online profile to show her face and interests, but was drawn to a man's charisma and shared love for dogs. Their first date was unconventional due to the pandemic, but the excitement of their dogs meeting led to a strong connection. However, their relationship took an unexpected turn when Jonathan's football career took him away, leading to a long-distance marriage. Despite the challenges, they continue to support each other in their respective athletic careers. The viral moment where Jonathan claimed not to know who she was initially only added to their story and didn't change their relationship dynamics.

    • Perceptions vs RealityPeople's perceptions can be influenced by various factors and may not be an accurate representation of reality. It's important to consider the full context before forming an opinion.

      Perception can be very different from reality. In the speaker's experience, she met a man who believed he was good at everything, and she found it amusing. However, when an interview he gave went viral, many people perceived him negatively based on the interview alone, without knowing him personally. The speaker was hurt by the negative comments about her husband and felt the need to defend him. It's important to remember that people's perceptions can be influenced by various factors, and it's crucial to consider the full context before forming an opinion. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of supporting and loving one's partner, even if they have their moments in the spotlight.

    • Navigating Fame and Criticism: Simone Biles' JourneyGymnast Simone Biles learned to balance authenticity and discretion in dealing with fame and criticism. She's excited for her partner's potential Olympic debut and hopes to leave a lasting legacy as an advocate.

      Simone Biles, a renowned gymnast and Olympic gold medalist, has learned to navigate the challenges of fame and criticism by finding ways to express herself authentically while also learning when to hold back. She shared that she used to have a fiery response on social media but has since learned the value of tact and discretion. Biles also expressed her excitement for her partner, Jonathan, potentially attending the Olympics for the first time and her hopes for leaving a lasting legacy as an advocate for various causes and someone who gave it her all during her career. Despite the pressures and expectations, Biles remains grateful for the opportunities she's had and appreciates those who trust her with her story.

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