
    Social Marketing Trends: Wisdom From Gary Vaynerchuk with Michael Stelzner

    enApril 19, 2020
    What does Gary Vaynerchuk emphasize about introverts and success?
    How can introverts leverage their strengths on social media?
    What new feature is Spotify introducing for content engagement?
    Why is content creation ideal for introverts?
    What strategies have helped Vaynerchuk thrive in social media?

    • Introverts can succeed in social media and businessIntroverts can build a presence and succeed by providing valuable content and engaging with their audience

      Being introverted doesn't limit one's ability to be well-known or successful in social media and business. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and social media expert, emphasizes this in his new show "Tea with Gary Vee," where he engages with individuals in deep, in-depth Q&A sessions on Facebook Live every morning. Introverts, like some of the biggest names in various industries such as Tim Schmoyer, Amy Porterfield, and Pat Flynn, have proven this through their significant achievements. So, if you're an introvert, don't let your shyness hold you back. Instead, leverage the core elements of being well-known, such as providing valuable content and engaging with your audience, to build your presence and succeed in social media and beyond.

    • Content creation: A powerful tool for introvertsIntroverts can succeed in content creation with ambition and skill, and it offers a flexible schedule for self-expression

      Content creation, whether it's through writing, podcasting, or video, can be done independently and on one's own schedule, making it an ideal outlet for introverts. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned expert in social media and marketing, emphasizes the importance of ambition and skill in achieving success in content creation. Despite the evolution of social media trends over the past decade, Vaynerchuk's strategies have allowed him to survive and thrive in the industry. For those starting out, looking to introverted individuals like Vaynerchuk for inspiration is a great place to begin. Content creation is a powerful tool for self-expression and can be accomplished with just an individual and some technology. So, mute the inner critic and embrace the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with the world.

    • Staying true and providing valueSuccessful personal branding requires authenticity, caring for community, and consistently adding value.

      Consistency and authenticity have been key factors in building and maintaining a successful personal brand, even as the digital landscape has evolved. Gary Vaynerchuk, who gained prominence in social media in 2009, attributes his longevity in the space to his early successes in business and ecommerce, as well as his natural energy and humility. He emphasizes the importance of caring about one's community and bringing value, even during periods of less visible activity. Vaynerchuk also highlights the importance of seizing opportunities for underpriced attention and being creative in engaging audiences across various platforms. The fortune cookie strategy, which he came up with himself, is an example of this approach. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message is that staying true to oneself and consistently providing value to others are essential for building and sustaining a successful personal brand.

    • Exploring Fortune Cookie Marketing through Text MessagingFortune Cookie marketing via text messaging can create engagement and consumption through personal connection. Provide valuable content, engage with followers, and aim for 43 valuable texts to 7 promotional ones.

      Fortune Cookie marketing might be an underpriced arbitrage, as it can create significant engagement and consumption through the intimate platform of text messaging. The speaker, who has been testing this strategy through the use of a dedicated phone number and app, emphasizes the importance of providing valuable content and context, as well as engaging with followers who reply. SMS marketing, which is more prevalent than messenger apps in the US, offers an opportunity for marketers to build a community and establish a personal connection with their audience. Unlike traditional SMS marketing, which focused on push offers, the speaker suggests treating SMS like Twitter, providing unique thoughts and valuable content to build a loyal following. Marketers should aim to provide 43 valuable texts for every 7 promotional ones, ensuring they have permission to ask for business. The app used is smart enough to consider time zones to avoid accidental late-night messages. Overall, the speaker believes that SMS marketing, when executed correctly, can be a powerful tool for building a community and driving engagement.

    • Exploring the unique strengths of various social media platformsIgnoring any social media platform entirely could be a mistake. Each platform offers unique opportunities for engagement and community building.

      Social media platforms, including Snapchat, have their unique strengths and opportunities, and ignoring any one platform entirely could be a mistake. The speaker shares his personal experience of being active on multiple platforms, including Snapchat, which he believes still holds potential despite its current state. He also expresses his belief that Instagram, while currently dominating, may be on the cusp of facing challenges and disruptions, much like Facebook did in the past. The speaker's perspective is based on his ability to sense the human temperature and anecdotal evidence from his surroundings. He encourages a diversified approach to social media usage, as each platform offers unique opportunities for engagement and community building.

    • Facebook and Instagram's continued dominance, TikTok's rise for younger demographicsStay updated on trends and adjust focus on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for optimal reach and engagement

      Mark Zuckerberg, as the CEO of Facebook, has shown remarkable ability to adapt and evolve the platform to keep up with changing consumer behavior. Facebook has managed to maintain strong organic reach, especially for younger demographics, and offers excellent ad inventory through Facebook Messenger. Instagram is also reaching its peak moment for older demographics. TikTok, which was once dismissed as a potential Snapchat or Instagram competitor, is now a serious contender, especially for younger generations. I've personally invested time and resources into TikTok, amassing over 3 million fans, and have hired a team to help produce content for the platform. Trends and challenges on TikTok, such as the pie or marble challenge, are essential to keep up with and can lead to viral content. Overall, it's crucial for businesses and individuals to stay attuned to these platforms and adjust their attention accordingly to succeed in the organic and ad game.

    • Leveraging TikTok for Business: A Guide for Entrepreneurs and MarketersEarly adoption and engagement on TikTok can help entrepreneurs and marketers understand its unique features and build a personal brand, ultimately increasing exposure and engagement.

      TikTok is a young and fun social media platform that currently dominates the attention of the 15-30 age demographic. Gary Vaynerchuk believes that being an early adopter and active user of the platform is beneficial for entrepreneurs and marketers, as it allows them to engage with the community and understand the unique features of the platform, such as the importance of comments and hashtags. Unlike other social media platforms, there are currently no links in bios, but recent updates have allowed for the addition of links. The strategy for using TikTok for business may involve building a personal brand and engaging with the community to increase exposure and engagement. Additionally, Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of having practical experience and being a top practitioner in digital marketing, which has been a significant advantage for him in competing with other agency CEOs.

    • Marketing to younger demographics on TikTokExplore TikTok for reaching Gen Z and millennials, adapt content to unique platform context, focus on engaging communities instead of famous creators.

      Businesses targeting younger demographics should consider using TikTok as part of their marketing strategy. While it may not be the best platform for every business, the app's rapid growth and engagement make it an essential testing ground for companies looking to reach Gen Z and millennial audiences. The speaker shared his personal experience of learning the nuances of consumer behavior and content creation on emerging social media platforms, which ultimately helped him succeed on later platforms like Instagram and TikTok. He also suggested that understanding the unique context of each platform and being able to adapt content accordingly is crucial for success. As for who to follow on TikTok for inspiration, the speaker recommended looking beyond the most famous creators and focusing on accounts that are effectively using the platform to engage with their audience and build a community.

    • Leveraging social media for insightsSocial media can provide valuable insights when we look beyond individual posts and focus on behavior patterns. Virality is unpredictable, and platforms should allow for more reach variance. Hiding metrics like followers and likes could reduce insecurity and encourage authenticity. Influencer marketing faces challenges but is a valuable tool for brands.

      Exploring and consuming content on social media platforms like TikTok can lead to valuable insights if one is capable of synthesizing them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of looking at the bigger picture of behavior rather than focusing on individual people. He also mentions that the virality of posts can be unpredictable and that platforms should allow for more variance in reach. The speaker is in favor of hiding metrics like followers and likes, believing it would help reduce insecurity and pandering to metrics. He also expresses his support for influencer marketing, acknowledging the challenges of determining true influence without follower numbers but believing it's here to stay.

    • LinkedIn's transformation into a content platform with increased organic reachLinkedIn's unique professional environment offers increased organic reach for personal and company content, emphasizing authenticity and valuable content

      LinkedIn has evolved into a content platform with remarkable organic reach for users, regardless of their audience size. Originally focused on business content, it has since opened up to more personal content, leading to increased engagement and a shift in user behavior. Although Microsoft's purchase may have influenced its growth, the professional networking site has maintained its unique identity, offering a more cautious and less controversial environment compared to Facebook. Both personal and company profiles can be effective on LinkedIn, and while video content is present, its metrics are not as clear-cut as on other platforms. Ultimately, the success on LinkedIn lies in creating valuable and authentic content that resonates with your professional network.

    • Adapting to Different PlatformsStay flexible and adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape, focusing on the unique features and audience response of each platform.

      While some platforms like Instagram and Twitter have different levels of engagement for individuals, it's essential to adapt and prioritize based on the platform's UI and audience response. Gary Vaynerchuk, for instance, has been active on Twitter for 14 years and engages there the most, but he's also seeing growth on YouTube and is now focusing more on YouTube stories. He emphasized that content creators on YouTube have a different mindset and struggle to adapt to other platforms. Spotify is also experimenting with stories, and Gary plans to start using it more. Overall, the key is to stay flexible and adapt to the changing landscape of social media.

    • Spotify introduces Stories functionality for podcastsSpotify's new Stories feature for podcasts could lead to increased user engagement and new monetization opportunities for creators.

      Spotify is introducing a new "Stories" functionality and expanding its offerings beyond just music to include podcasts. This move could significantly impact the way users engage with content on the platform, potentially leading to new opportunities for creators and marketers. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful podcast host and social media influencer, discussed his experiences with podcasting on Spotify and shared his excitement about the upcoming pre-roll ad product, which could offer new monetization opportunities for podcast hosts. Overall, these developments suggest that Spotify is aiming to become a more comprehensive content platform, which could benefit both consumers and creators alike.

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    The goal of American TikTok is to get you addicted to TikTok so you never leave." - Anthony
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    Molly Ruland
    CEO & Founder, Heartcast Media
    Matt Billman
    Operations Manager, Heartcast Media
    Anthony Schiano
    Relationship Manager, Heartcast Media

    00:00 Introduction
    00:53 Tiktok Algorithms with China and US
    04:04 Algorithm’s influence in our behavior
    05:50 Preventing addiction in Short form content videos
    07:20 Important of Consistent Content and Target audience
    12:56 The takeaways with short form videos
    17:32 Outro

    #contentcreation #contentcreators #videoediting #podcast #podcasting #websitedesign #marketing #content
    Sponsored by : Heartcast Media

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    Maryann Lombardi


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    Molly Ruland: CEO & Founder ‌
    Book a call with Molly: https://calendly.com/mollyruland/discovery

    Matt Billman: Operations Manager

    Produced by Heartcast Media

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought!

    Watch the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHHl35TBHQc&t=905s

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