
    Keynote Saturday: How to Get Over Fear of Judgement on The Internet | From Jan 23, 2020

    enAugust 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace technology for brand building opportunitiesLeverage low-cost social media platforms and underpriced ads to build a brand, focusing on long-term growth rather than short-term gains

      The opportunities presented by social media and technology are immense and underutilized, especially when it comes to building a brand or business. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that the cost of entry is low, with many platforms offering free communication tools, and the ads on these platforms being underpriced. He encourages people to embrace the technology and not let insecurity hold them back. He also highlights the importance of building a brand over focusing solely on short-term financial gains. The power of a device in the palm of one's hand, which is more powerful than the computers of the past, offers endless possibilities for growth and success. It's a game of skill, not just finances, to win in this digital age. The opportunities to build a business or create awareness, which once required significant capital, can now be done with little to no cost. It's a remarkable time, and Gary urges everyone to take advantage of it and not dwell on the past or complain about the opportunities that are right in front of us.

    • Seizing Opportunities in the Digital EraThe digital era offers endless opportunities for businesses and individuals, with free distribution and a focus on building strong brands key to success.

      The current digital era offers unprecedented opportunities for individuals to build successful businesses and pursue their passions, regardless of financial capabilities. The cost of distribution is virtually free, and the key to success lies in what one puts into it. From starting a media company on WordPress or Squarespace, a retail business on Shopify, or even a radio show on Spotify and Apple, distribution is no longer a barrier to entry. The speaker emphasizes the importance of perspective and encourages everyone to see the opportunities that come with the shift towards voice-activated devices. As technology continues to evolve, businesses that focus on building strong brands and making a name for themselves will be the ones that thrive in the future voice-dominated landscape. The speaker's ultimate goal is to inspire at least one person in the room to find peace with their current professional situation and embrace the opportunities available in this era.

    • Overcome fear and judgment to communicate onlineIdentify passions and communicate them online to find opportunities and potential career shifts

      Everyone has the ability to communicate and build a presence online, regardless of their skills or insecurities. The speaker emphasized the importance of overcoming judgment and fear to share content on platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. He encouraged the audience to identify their passions and communicate about them, as this could lead to opportunities and even potential career shifts. The speaker also acknowledged that not everyone may be comfortable with certain forms of communication, such as writing or creating visual content, but emphasized that there are opportunities for everyone to find their unique voice and audience. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized that communication is essential for existence and success in today's digital world.

    • Embrace technology and produce content to stay relevantSelf-awareness and self-esteem help overcome fear of pushback, adapt to technology, and produce content at scale to stand out.

      In today's digital age, it's essential for individuals and businesses to embrace technology and produce a significant amount of content across various platforms to stay relevant and successful. Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known entrepreneur and author, emphasizes this point, drawing on examples from his own experiences and observations. He believes that self-awareness and self-esteem are crucial for overcoming the fear of pushback and taking risks in the digital world. Vaynerchuk also criticizes the hypocritical attitude towards technology and the past, urging us to adapt and produce content at a scale that sets us apart from the majority. He concludes by expressing his belief that the future will validate his perspective and encourages those who are ambitious and vibrant to heed his advice. However, he acknowledges that not everyone will take action, and he has no personal investment in their decisions.

    • Seizing opportunities early and consistently producing contentStarting an Instagram account, podcast, or YouTube show years ago led to significant success. Don't miss opportunities and regret inaction. Adapt to new technologies and take calculated risks to stay ahead.

      Seizing opportunities early and consistently producing content can lead to significant success, while neglecting these actions may result in missed opportunities and regret. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting an Instagram account, podcast, or YouTube show years ago, which led to his current success. He acknowledges that others may not take action right away, but encourages them to do so before it's too late. He also mentions the importance of understanding historical trends and adapting to new technologies, such as the shift from traditional media to the internet. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking calculated risks and staying ahead of the curve in order to succeed.

    • Stay true to yourself and provide value for building a strong online presenceGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes authenticity, flexibility, and value exchange when building a personal brand or business online. Be true to yourself, provide value, and stay adaptable to change.

      Authenticity and value exchange are key when building a personal brand or business presence online. Gary Vaynerchuk recommends having multiple accounts if it adds value and resonates with your audience. He emphasizes the importance of being true to yourself and not being afraid of judgment. The market doesn't care about how you present yourself as long as you provide value. Tucker, who started a podcast called "Behind the Grind Show," asked about monetizing and doing a live audience podcast. Gary advised being flexible and not locking into long-term deals that may not work out. He also encouraged creating content that makes you happy, even if you may not become a well-known figure in your field. Lastly, for a small real estate company looking to disrupt the market with a flat fee model, Gary acknowledged the growing trend and the challenges of acceptance, but encouraged staying true to the vision.

    • Prioritize employees and customers for business successExplore personal interests, network, focus on what you love, and continuously learn to build a successful business while prioritizing employees and customers.

      Building a successful business requires a strong company culture that prioritizes employees and customers, even when scaling. The speaker, who has experienced success by putting employees and customers first, emphasizes the importance of intent and starting with personal interests and passions. He encourages young entrepreneurs to explore their interests and network to begin their careers, while acknowledging that the path to success may not be as straightforward as it once was. The speaker's advice is to focus on what you love and build from there, and to maintain that focus as you grow your business. Additionally, he encourages a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation to the changing business landscape.

    • Persistence and Consistency in Communication Leads to OpportunitiesFollow your dreams, balance responsibilities, manage growth, prioritize happiness, and leverage support systems for success.

      Persistence and consistency in communication can lead to opportunities, as shown by the speaker's experience of hiring DRock after multiple emails. Another important point is the value of following one's dreams and ambitions, even when faced with the challenge of balancing multiple responsibilities. The speaker's success with his quarterback development company and goals of entering the NFL as a coach demonstrate this. Additionally, the importance of managing growth and prioritizing happiness was emphasized, as well as the idea that success doesn't have to be measured solely by the size of a business or age. Lastly, the value of support systems, whether it be mentors, partners, or colleagues, was highlighted.

    • Overcoming obstacles through actionFocus on executing ideas and collaborating directly with others, rather than being held back by regulations or naysayers.

      Instead of seeking permission or being held back by regulations and naysayers, focus on executing your ideas and following your dreams. The speaker shares his own experiences of being told his business ideas were foolish, from launching an Internet site for a liquor store in 1996 to investing in social media platforms before they became mainstream. He encourages reaching out directly to those you want to collaborate with and being clear about the value exchange. A successful example given was a MMA apparel company owner who hands out his merchandise and asks for social media tags in return. The key message is to not let fear or doubt stop you from pursuing your goals.

    • Effective B2B marketing with LinkedIn adsLinkedIn ads offer precise targeting capabilities, increasing chances of reaching decision-makers with tailored content.

      LinkedIn advertising offers precise targeting capabilities that can make B2B marketing more effective than traditional methods like direct mail. The speaker shared his experience of using LinkedIn ads and the impressive results they've achieved by targeting specific professionals, companies, and even employees within those companies. He emphasized the importance of creating tailored content for different sectors, demographics, and mindsets to increase the chances of the content being shared with decision-makers. The speaker also mentioned the ease of access to information on how to target effectively on LinkedIn through simple Google searches. He encouraged exploring this platform and the potential it holds for reaching the right audience with the right message.

    • Persistence and self-awareness are essential for achieving goalsDetermination, understanding strengths/weaknesses, consistency in creating content, and finding what makes you happy are keys to success. YouTube and TikTok have unique advantages for different types of content.

      Persistence and self-awareness are key to achieving your goals, whether that be becoming a sports agent or starting your own business. There are barriers to entry in certain fields, but with determination and a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, you can overcome them. Additionally, consistency in creating and sharing content is essential for building a brand. However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Some people may thrive in entrepreneurship, while others may prefer a more stable employment path. Ultimately, it's about finding what makes you happy and pursuing it, even if it means starting small and working hard to get there. And don't forget to have fun along the way! As for the specific question about YouTube versus TikTok, the answer is that both platforms have their unique advantages and can be effective for different types of content. YouTube may be better for longer, more in-depth videos, while TikTok is great for shorter, more attention-grabbing clips. Ultimately, it's about finding which platform aligns best with your content and audience.

    • Understanding TikTok for brand growthTo succeed on TikTok, research trends, prepare content authentically, engage with others, and learn from their successes.

      TikTok presents a unique opportunity for building a brand or growing a following unlike any other social media platform before it. Speaker Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experience of going from zero followers to reaching hundreds of thousands of viewers within a short time. He emphasized the importance of consuming the platform and understanding the trends before creating content. The mistake many people make is jumping in without proper research or preparation. Vaynerchuk also emphasized the importance of being vulnerable and authentic in one's content, and not demonizing those who have found success. He concluded by emphasizing that content creation on TikTok is like networking on steroids, as one can learn and grow from engaging with others on the platform.

    • Leveraging Technology for Searchable ContentInvesting in making audio information searchable and accessible through voice devices is valuable for both content creators and consumers, prioritizing convenience over privacy is common, and targeting high net worth individuals for investment can lead to more control and belief in your vision.

      Creating a searchable library of content can be incredibly valuable for both content creators and consumers. Content creators can easily categorize and manage their vast amounts of content, while consumers can easily find and access the information they need. This is why some individuals and companies are investing heavily in making audio information searchable and accessible through voice devices. This trend towards convenience and speed is likely to continue, despite concerns over privacy. As one individual in the discussion noted, people often prioritize convenience over privacy in their daily lives. Additionally, when it comes to raising capital for a business, the speaker suggests targeting high net worth individuals for investment, as they are more likely to give you more control and believe in your vision.

    • Finding balance between passions and professionalismReflect on why we care about others' opinions, build resilience, and prioritize self-worth for authentic living in the workplace and online

      Finding balance between sharing your passions publicly and maintaining professionalism in the workplace can be challenging, especially if your organization has a culture that discourages such discussions. For some, this may mean considering a job change to find a more supportive environment. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences and be prepared for any outcome. Additionally, the pressure to conform to others' opinions, both online and offline, can be a significant barrier to living authentically. To truly find balance, it's essential to reflect on why we care so much about others' opinions and consider ways to build resilience in dealing with them. The trend of social media fasting and seeking connection in real life is a step in the right direction, but ultimately, the key is to develop a strong sense of self-worth and self-acceptance that allows us to navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and confidence.

    • Stay open-minded and adaptable for successBe flexible with long-term goals, focus on demand, and avoid comparing oneself to others on social media for personal growth

      Being open-minded and adaptable in life and business is crucial for success. The speaker emphasized the importance of not getting too high or too low when dealing with feedback or comparing oneself to others. Instead, it's essential to focus on the demand and find opportunities to introduce something people enjoy in new places. Long-term goals should be flexible, and one should stay open to new possibilities rather than limiting oneself to a specific path. By doing so, one can avoid missing out on potential opportunities and react effectively to changing circumstances. Additionally, the speaker advised against comparing oneself to others on social media and instead focusing on self-reflection and personal growth.

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Tweet Me: @garyvee

    Text Me: 212-931-5731

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    Maryann Lombardi


    00:00 Introduction of guest, Maryanne Lombardi
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    05:24 Inspiration behind creating video contents
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    Connect with Us:

    Molly Ruland: CEO & Founder ‌
    Book a call with Molly: https://calendly.com/mollyruland/discovery

    Matt Billman: Operations Manager

    Produced by Heartcast Media

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    The goal of American TikTok is to get you addicted to TikTok so you never leave." - Anthony
    The algorithm is watching what you do, and it's really our own fault. The best way to eliminate it is to only follow certain channels and control what content is served to us. - Molly
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    Molly Ruland
    CEO & Founder, Heartcast Media
    Matt Billman
    Operations Manager, Heartcast Media
    Anthony Schiano
    Relationship Manager, Heartcast Media

    00:00 Introduction
    00:53 Tiktok Algorithms with China and US
    04:04 Algorithm’s influence in our behavior
    05:50 Preventing addiction in Short form content videos
    07:20 Important of Consistent Content and Target audience
    12:56 The takeaways with short form videos
    17:32 Outro

    #contentcreation #contentcreators #videoediting #podcast #podcasting #websitedesign #marketing #content
    Sponsored by : Heartcast Media

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    Connect with The Brand Boss: https://linktr.ee/thebrandboss


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