
    Podcast Summary

    • Be Kind to YourselfPractice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness, acknowledging mistakes are natural, and setting boundaries for better mental wellbeing.

      Treating yourself with kindness is essential, just as you would treat a friend. Self-talk can often be harsh and critical, but it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and being kind to yourself can help improve your mental wellbeing. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging that you are human, mistakes are a natural part of life, and you are still a good person despite any errors or missteps. Instead of berating yourself, try speaking to yourself as you would to a friend, offering words of encouragement and understanding. Remember, being assertive and setting boundaries is also an important aspect of self-care, and it's okay to stand up for yourself and make decisions that benefit your wellbeing. So, be kind to yourself, practice self-compassion, and remember that you have the right to assert your boundaries.

    • Join Everyday Positivity with Kate CockerAttend the event through Facebook group, Eventbrite, or Patreon membership at specified times.

      If you want to attend the Hangout today, you have a few options to join. The event is happening at 5 PM UK time, 1 PM Eastern American Time, and 10 AM Pacific Time. You can access the Zoom link by visiting the Facebook group "everyday positivity with Kate Cocker." Alternatively, you can sign up for the event on Eventbrite. If you're a member of the Patreon tiers named bird, squirrel, or elephant, you already have access to the event through your Patreon membership. The event is called "everyday positivity," and Kate Cocker will be hosting it. Don't forget that you have 100% got this, and have a great day!

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    Ep. 68- "Boundaries, Self-Care, and Positive Self-Talk: The Secrets to Success for Ambitious Women"

    Welcome back to the Intentional Queen Podcast to empower women to become the best version of themselves on their journey to restoration in self-love, self-healing, and a growth mindset! 

    For the month of April, we are celebrating the Power of Vulnerability and Self-Care!

    Dear ambitious moms, you are doing an amazing job, but don't forget to take care of the most important person - YOU!
    It's okay to feel overwhelmed and stressed out, but it's also important to practice self-love and grace. 

    If this is you and you enjoyed this Snippet Episode,

    make sure to sign up to my email list to catch the instant FULL replay of my Healing and Self-Love Summit with over 150 views and multiple testimonials...Click Link Below!
    You will learn how to:
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    2. Prioritize self-care by scheduling it in your calendar and delegating tasks.
    3. Set boundaries by saying no to activities or commitments that don't align with your priorities.


    I am a Mindset Coach + Self-Love Expert.

    I help ambitious moms and women alleviate overwhelm and self-neglect by regaining their inner peace, wholeness, and confidence. Teaching them how to stop neglecting themselves and incorporate more self-love!

    You are not alone! I had to overcome these things too!

    Queen, let’s chat and start your 1:1 12-week transformation coaching today with me as your personal Mindset Coach!

    Group coaching launching soon...waitlist now open!

    Book your Free 1:1 Consultation call with me today!


    For more wisdom nuggets…The monthly newsletter is now called “The Intentional Refuel” because you are leveling up your I.Q. to a Better You! Make sure to Subscribe to the Email Newsletter on the website, and it will be sent to Refuel you on the Last Thursday of Every Month!



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    -"Dig a Little Deeper" | Self-Belief and Self-Love...Click here.

    -Mindset Growth Blog Post...Click here.

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    #april #selflove #selfcare #mindfulness #mentalhealth 


    Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends! 

    *Connect with Me*:

    Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!