
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the lesser-known side of Joseph Stalin's personal lifeDespite being known for his political career and its impact on millions, Joseph Stalin had a personal life filled with love for late-night movies, weekend getaways, and a passion for cinema. These lesser-known facts add depth and complexity to historical figures.

      No matter what stage of life you're in, there's always an opportunity for a comeback. Whether it's furthering your education with Purdue Global, planning a family road trip in the new Hyundai Santa Fe, or simply learning about history's lesser-known figures, there are always steps you can take to make your life count. Speaking of history, today we delved into the lesser-known side of Joseph Stalin. Beyond the well-known facts of his political career and the millions of lives he impacted, there's also the story of his personal life. Born in Georgia, Stalin was known for his thick accent and his love for stalling – not at work, but in his personal life. He enjoyed late-night movies, weekend getaways, and even had a passion for cinema. These are the stories that often go untold, but they add depth and complexity to the historical figures we study. So, no matter what you're facing in life, remember that there's always more to explore and that every moment can be a comeback.

    • Childhood experiences shaped Stalin's desire for powerStalin's violent upbringing fueled his ambition and resentment, contributing to his rise to power

      The background and upbringing of historical figures, including Joseph Stalin, can greatly influence their lives and actions. Stalin, who grew up with a violent and abusive mother and an absent father, developed a deep sense of resentment and a desire for power. His childhood experiences, marked by physical and emotional trauma, shaped his character and fueled his ambition. Despite the hardships, Stalin's intellect and determination led him to rise above his circumstances and become a significant historical figure. However, it's important to remember that this is a simplified interpretation, and the complexities of Stalin's life and motivations cannot be fully captured by a single takeaway.

    • Stalin's formative experiencesStalin's education, encounters with social injustice, and exile to Siberia shaped his strong beliefs in social justice and revolution, influencing his future actions as a leader.

      Stalin's early life experiences, including his education and encounters with social injustice, significantly influenced his ideologies and future actions. At a young age, he attended a religious school where he was an informant, leading to his admission of snitching on peers. Around the age of 13, he read Darwin's "The Origin of Species," leading him to question the existence of God. He dropped out of school at 14 and became involved with the local Bolshevik party, organizing protests against the wealthy's exploitation of workers. These experiences, coupled with his exile to Siberia, shaped his strong beliefs in social justice and revolution, which he carried with him throughout his life. Despite the hardships, he looked back on this period fondly, often sharing stories of his experiences in Siberia, even after becoming the leader of the Soviet Union.

    • Stalin's resourceful bank heistStalin's early political career was marked by his determination and resourcefulness, demonstrated through a daring bank heist during a difficult personal time.

      Stalin's early political career was marked by his ability to get things done, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures like a bank heist. In 1907, Stalin, along with his associates, orchestrated a grenade attack on a stagecoach carrying money for the Bolshevik party. Although most of the stolen money was ultimately found to be useless, Stalin's actions demonstrated his determination and resourcefulness. This event took place during a difficult year for Stalin, as his wife passed away, leaving him with five children. Despite the challenges, Stalin continued to rise through the ranks of the Bolshevik party, changing his name to "Joseph Steel" and becoming an editor at Pravda. When World War 1 broke out in 1914, Stalin's actions proved crucial for the Bolsheviks, and his career continued to progress. This early experience of getting things done, no matter the cost, would become a defining characteristic of Stalin's leadership style.

    • Early Years of Stalin's Rule: Power-Sharing and Personal LifeStalin's early rule was marked by a power-sharing arrangement with Moscow elites, but his increasing power, infidelities, and authoritarianism foreshadowed the atrocities of his later reign.

      The early years of Stalin's rule in the Soviet Union were marked by a power-sharing arrangement with a group of political leaders, known as the magnates. These men, who included figures like Molotov, Khrushchev, and Milinkov, were mostly self-educated and lived and worked together in Moscow. Despite their close relationships, Stalin's growing power and charisma, as well as his increasing infidelities, led to the end of his marriage to Nadia Aliyeva. Stalin's early years in power were also marked by his increasing authoritarianism and ruthlessness, with the starvation of the peasants and his handling of romantic advances from women revealing his growing madness. These events set the stage for the more infamous atrocities of Stalin's later rule.

    • New ways to enjoy Monopoly and NFL schedule releasesMonopoly Go offers unique gameplay experiences and rewards, while the NFL schedule release brings excitement for the upcoming season.

      Monopoly Go offers a fresh and exciting experience every time you play, with various tournaments, timed events, and rewards to discover. Meanwhile, the 2024 NFL schedule release is an anticipated event for football fans, bringing excitement for the upcoming season. In a different context, the relationship between Joseph Stalin and Nadia was filled with tension and heartbreak, ultimately leading to an unexplained tragedy. While Monopoly Go and the NFL schedule release bring joy and anticipation, the story of Stalin and Nadia serves as a reminder of the complexities and sadness that can exist in relationships.

    • Stalin's Complex Character: Charming, Ruthless, and TerrifyingStalin, the Soviet Union's leader, was a complex character known for his ability to manipulate and his brutal actions, including a campaign of terror against his enemies, even family members. Despite his dark actions, some found his charisma irresistible.

      Stalin, the Soviet Union's infamous leader, was a complex and multifaceted character. He could be charming, sensitive, and even manipulative, but also brutal and ruthless. After his wife's suicide, which he claimed left him devastated, he began a campaign of terror against his enemies, including many members of his own family. Valerian drops, meant to calm nerves, were offered to Stalin's wife but consumed by him instead. He believed that Stalin represented Soviet power, not himself. Stalin was known for his ability to read a room and manipulate people, even children. He could be funny and pithy, but also foul-mouthed and cruel. Despite his dark actions, some found his charisma irresistible. Stalin's legacy continues to be debated, with some seeing him as a brilliant leader and others as a monster.

    • Stalin's Hidden Sense of HumorStalin, known for his ruthless dictatorship, had a surprising side - a crude sense of humor, which included throwing oranges and writing vulgar captions for artworks.

      Stalin, the infamous Soviet dictator, had a surprising side to him - a sense of humor, particularly a vulgar one. Oranges were a symbol of wealth and joy for him, and he enjoyed throwing them around. Stalin also had a hidden talent as a caption writer, approving and adding captions to submitted artworks. These captions often contained vulgar humor, reflecting his unique personality. The captions ranged from encouraging people to work instead of wanking, to joking about starvation and masturbation, using Marxism as an alternative. These discoveries provide an intriguing insight into Stalin's character, revealing a side that was not typically associated with him. Despite the crudeness of the humor, it showcases his ability to find amusement in everyday situations, even during his reign as a ruthless dictator.

    • Newly discovered Stalin doodles reveal quirks and violenceRecently uncovered archives show Stalin's comical and ominous doodles, providing a rare glimpse into his personality and temperament

      Stalin, the absolute ruler of the Soviet Union, had a quirky and sometimes violent side, as evidenced by recently discovered archives which include his doodles and annotations on political figures. These drawings range from the comical, such as a naked man being told not to sit on stones with his naked bottom, to the ominous, like a finance minister being suggested to be hanged by his genitals. Stalin's temper was explosive, and he could go from being friendly to wanting someone dead in an instant. These findings provide a unique insight into the personal side of one of history's most infamous leaders.

    • Stalin's Complex EmotionsStalin's actions were driven by complex emotions, including regret and a desire for control, but he also showed compassion and understanding at times. His emotional issues are highlighted in Svetlana's description of him.

      Stalin, despite being known for his tyranny and ruthlessness, was not consistently an emotionless or heartless leader. His actions were driven by complex emotions, including regret and a desire for control. Svetlana's description of him as unable to remember past friendships and loyalty highlights the depth of his emotional issues. However, there were moments where he showed compassion and understanding, such as when he comforted an old woman after an accident. These complexities challenge the simplistic view of Stalin as a cold, heartless sociopath. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the book "The Court of the Red Czar," which sheds light on Stalin's unpredictable nature and his capacity for remorse. Overall, this discussion adds depth to our understanding of Stalin as a complex and multifaceted historical figure.

    • Focusing on growth and developmentHistorical figures like Navy Federal Credit Union and Amy Winehouse prioritize growth and development, while Stalin's unusual priorities led to iconic outcomes.

      Both Navy Federal Credit Union and Amy Winehouse prioritize growth and flourishing, whether it's helping their members financially or allowing Winehouse to share her voice and story through music. Meanwhile, Stalin's actions during World War 2 show a stark contrast, with his unusual priorities like launching a national anthem contest during a major military operation. Despite his eccentricities, Stalin was pleased with the outcome, leading to the iconic Soviet national anthem. This discussion highlights the importance of focusing on growth and development, while also showcasing the unexpected quirks of historical figures.

    • Stalin's Drinking Habits During WW2During WW2, Stalin's drinking habits changed significantly. He kept relatively sober during the early stages due to pressure, but later drank excessively, leading to erratic behavior and long, exhausting dinners.

      Stalin's drinking habits significantly changed during World War 2. He kept relatively sober during the early stages due to the immense pressure of the global conflict. However, after the risk of defeat was minimized, he began to drink excessively. An infamous example of this occurred during a diplomatic meeting with Charles de Gaulle in 1943, where Stalin got drunk and made insensitive jokes, ignoring French concerns. This marked the beginning of Stalin's "drunk as fuck period," characterized by nightmarish drinking sessions and practical jokes. Despite his erratic behavior and increasing strokes, Stalin continued to ask his inner circle for dinner every night, leading to lengthy and exhausting dinners. This shift in Stalin's behavior highlights how the stresses of war can impact leaders, leading them to make decisions that may have far-reaching consequences.

    • Stalin's Drunken Dinners: A Tool for Manipulation and IntimidationStalin used excessive drinking sessions to manipulate, intimidate, and assert dominance over his comrades, leading to a dangerous and debilitating environment where potential threats were revealed and severe consequences ensued.

      Stalin, the Soviet Union's infamous dictator, used excessive drinking sessions as a tool to assert dominance and manipulate his comrades. These late-night dinners, filled with alcohol like wine, vodka, and brandy, often led to a state of drunkenness beyond control. Stalin would force others to drink to loosen their tongues and reveal potential threats, creating a dangerous and debilitating environment. The consequences were severe, with some magnates vomiting, soiling themselves, and even dying from alcohol poisoning. These drinking binges were a daily occurrence, and those who couldn't keep up were shamed or punished. The stakes were high, as the wrong words spoken in a drunken state could lead to imprisonment or death. Stalin's paranoia fueled these sessions, as he believed that everyone would be honest when under the influence. This manipulative tactic not only demonstrated Stalin's power but also created an atmosphere of fear and submission among his comrades.

    • Stalin's Entertaining Practical JokesDuring Stalin's rule, Russian state business was primarily conducted during drunken dinners, where practical jokes and humiliation were common forms of entertainment.

      During Stalin's rule in the Soviet Union, the magnates and high-ranking officials would engage in crude practical jokes to keep him entertained and distracted, often involving drunkenness and humiliation. These all-night drunken dinners were where the majority of Russian state business was settled, including political decisions and executions. Stalin's mean sense of humor included humiliating his daughter and throwing tomatoes at his friends. The vast majority of Russian state business was conducted in a state of extreme drunkenness. These incidents highlight the dark and absurd nature of power dynamics during this time in Soviet history.

    • Stalin's love for late-night moviesAmidst political tensions, Stalin found escape in late-night movies, distorting his perception and influencing decisions

      ...despite the chaotic and often dangerous circumstances surrounding the late-night movie screenings during Joseph Stalin's reign, these events provided a brief respite from the tensions and dangers of political life. Stalin, a complex and terrifying figure, found solace and entertainment in American movies, particularly those with fight scenes and gangster themes. His movie curator, Bolshakov, held a precarious position as he selected the films for Stalin's viewing pleasure. Stalin's obsession with cinema seemed to distort his perception of reality, leading him to make decisions based on the propaganda he saw on screen. This unusual aspect of Stalin's character, his love for movies and his intense involvement in their selection, offers a glimpse into the man behind the fearsome leader.

    • Stalin's Surprising HobbyStalin's late-night DJ sessions brought joy and connection, challenging perceptions of his complex personality, allowing him to avoid overthrow despite excessive drinking and late-night antics.

      Despite the infamous reputation of Joseph Stalin as a ruthless dictator, he had a surprising hobby that brought him joy and connection with his colleagues - DJing late into the night, playing comedic records and making them laugh. This humanizing detail sheds light on the complexities of historical figures and challenges our perceptions. Despite his excessive drinking and late-night antics, Stalin managed to avoid being overthrown, leading his inner circle to join in his revelries rather than plotting against him. This unusual behavior, while not saving the world from the horrors of his regime, adds an intriguing layer to history.

    • Stalin's tomato nuke prank and ancient drug experimentationComedian Brandi Posey joked about Stalin's potential prank with a tomato nuke button, while Robert Evans discussed experimenting with ancient drugs in his book. JCPenney offers inclusive fashion options, and Lazarus Naturals ensures transparency in CBD production.

      During a hypothetical conversation about Stalin's potential use of a "button" for nuclear weapons, Brandi Posey, a comedian, joked about Stalin pressing a tomato nuke button or sending a bomb full of orange peels to Washington DC. Stalin, known for his control and manipulation, would have relished the attention and chaos such a prank would have caused. Meanwhile, in a more serious note, Robert Evans discussed his book "A Brief History of Vice," where he experimented with ancient drugs. He encouraged listeners to check out the Behind the Bastards website for more information. The NFL schedule release for the 2024 season was also announced, with the schedule revealing every game on NFL Network, ESPN 2, and NFL Plus. JCPenney was highlighted for its inclusive fashion options, allowing customers to find stylish and comfortable clothing that fits various body types. Lazarus Naturals was mentioned for its transparency in handling each step of the production process for CBD products to ensure quality, potency, and consistency.

    • Transparency and Accessibility: Prioritizing Quality and Mental HealthLazarus Naturals ensures product quality with transparent labels and access to test results, while BetterHelp offers affordable online therapy for mental health support.

      Transparency and confidence in product quality are essential, especially in the hemp industry. Lazarus Naturals emphasizes this by providing scannable labels on their hemp patches, allowing consumers to access test results and ensure safety and quality. Meanwhile, mental health is another crucial aspect of overall well-being, and access to mental health support should be accessible to everyone. BetterHelp offers online therapy, providing flexible, simple, and more affordable solutions compared to traditional in-person therapy. By prioritizing transparency and accessibility, Lazarus Naturals and BetterHelp are making a difference in people's lives. Remember, mental health challenges can affect anyone, and seeking help is an important step towards managing them effectively. To learn more about Lazarus Naturals and their hemp products, visit lazarusnaturals.com. For mental health support, connect with a licensed therapist through BetterHelp at betterhelp.com.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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