
    Podcast Summary

    • Stand More for Better HealthIncorporating more standing into your daily routine can boost heart rate, aid metabolism, and enhance psychological health

      Making small changes in your daily routine can have a significant impact on your health. Dr. Michael Mosley, a science journalist and host of the BBC podcast "Just One Thing," suggests that one simple yet effective change is to spend more time standing instead of sitting. This can raise your heart rate, help your metabolism, and improve your psychological health. It's an easy and convenient way to boost your overall well-being, especially for those who spend most of their day sitting at a desk. By incorporating more standing into your day, you can improve various aspects of your health without making drastic lifestyle changes. So, next time you're feeling stuck in your chair, try standing up and taking a break. You might be surprised by the positive effects it has on your body and mind. And if you're in the market for a unique engagement ring or planning your next trip, remember to check out Blue Nile and Quince for convenient and ethical shopping options.

    • The Harmful Effects of Prolonged Sitting and the Benefits of StandingProlonged sitting increases health risks, shortens telomeres, and contributes to anxiety and fatigue. Standing for 2-3 minutes every hour can improve health, reduce anxiety and fatigue, and burn more calories. Regular exercise is necessary to fully counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting.

      Prolonged sitting is harmful to our health and can lead to various health issues such as an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even death from all causes. Sitting for long periods can also contribute to cellular aging, indicated by shorter telomeres. Standing, on the other hand, can have positive effects on our health, including reducing anxiety, fatigue, and increasing engagement with work. A study found that bus drivers, who spend most of their shifts sitting, were at a higher risk of heart attacks compared to bus conductors who stood for long parts of the day. Standing for just 2-3 minutes every hour can help break up prolonged sitting and improve overall health. A study with NHS employees showed that those with standing desks reported fewer symptoms of anxiety and fatigue and greater engagement with their work. Standing also burns more calories and helps clear sugar from the blood more quickly. However, it's important to note that simply standing at work doesn't offset the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle outside of work hours. To fully counteract the damage of prolonged sitting, at least 40 minutes of moderately vigorous exercise per day is recommended.

    • The Negative Effects of Excessive SittingProlonged sitting decreases metabolism and circulation, increasing the risk of health issues like type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Break up sitting time with standing or short bouts of physical activity every 30 minutes.

      Excessive sitting is linked to various health issues, including an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. This is because prolonged sitting decreases metabolism and circulation, keeping our bodies in a resting state for extended periods. Despite our beliefs, we may be more sedentary than we think, as people tend to underreport their sitting time by up to 100%. To counteract the negative effects of sitting, incorporating standing into our daily routine, such as during meetings or phone calls, can be beneficial. Standing more frequently can lead to improved engagement and productivity, as Jake's experience demonstrates. The American Heart Association recommends breaking up prolonged periods of sitting with short bouts of physical activity every 30 minutes. To learn more about the science behind standing up, we spoke with Professor John Buckley, a professor of applied exercise science at UC Shrewsbury.

    • Standing up helps maintain health even without intense exerciseRegularly standing up can lower blood glucose levels, improve circulation, and boost overall fitness. Try taking hourly breaks to stand and move for increased productivity and well-being.

      Regularly standing up and allowing gravity to act on your body can help maintain bone density, circulation, and overall fitness, even if you're not engaging in intense exercise. This was demonstrated in a study where office workers were monitored with blood glucose level readings while working a normal day sitting down and then standing up using a standing desk in the afternoon. The results showed that standing in the afternoon led to lower and more quickly recovering blood glucose levels compared to sitting. This effect is due to the constant pull of gravity on our bodies, which can help maintain health when we're not actively exercising. To incorporate more standing into your day, try taking short breaks every hour to stand up and move around, take phone calls standing up, and make an effort to stand during meetings or while working. These small changes can lead to increased productivity, energy, and overall well-being.

    • Incorporating small habits for better healthStanding up every hour can boost heart rate, reduce risk, protect bones, and burn more calories.

      Incorporating small changes into your daily routine, such as standing up every hour, can have significant positive effects on your health. This simple habit can help increase heart rate, reduce cardio metabolic risk, and potentially protect bones. Additionally, adding movement while standing up can increase calorie burning. The BBC Sounds podcast "You're Dead to Me" explores historical topics in a humorous way, and Whole Foods Market offers great deals for Mother's Day shopping, including savings on body care and candles, flowers, and special treats. Overall, making small improvements in your daily life and showing appreciation for the important women in your life can lead to positive outcomes.

    Recent Episodes from Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley

    There’s Only One Michael Mosley

    There’s Only One Michael Mosley

    Michael's last interview, How to Live a Good Life, is with psychologist Paul Bloom and was recorded in the BBC tent at the Hay Festival on 25 May, 2024.

    Paul is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Yale and Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto and he shares with Michael his top five tips for living a good life. And we hear Michael at his best - full of warmth, insight and enjoying his time with the audience and sharing some of his reflections on his life, career and the importance of family.

    Presenter: Michael Mosley with Chris Van Tulleken Producer: Nija Dalal-Small Series Producer: Geraldine Fitzgerald Production Manager: Maria Simons Executive Producers: Helen Thomas and Sasha Feachem Commissioning Editor: Rhian Roberts Studio Engineer: Richard Ward

    Eat Slowly

    Eat Slowly

    In our bustling modern lives, it can be all too easy to wolf down our meals on the go, and never take the time to enjoy them properly. In this episode, Michael Mosley finds out how simply slowing down the speed at which you eat can help you feel full for longer, snack less, and improve your digestion. Michael speaks to Dr Sarah Berry from the department of nutritional sciences at King's College London, who shares findings showing that eating slower can reduce your blood sugar response to food, as well as reducing your calorie intake. Our volunteer Stewart tries to make eating slowly a habit in an attempt to improve his sleep.

    Series Producer: Nija Dalal-Small Science Producer: Christine Johnston Researcher: William Hornbrook Researcher: Sophie Richardson Production Manager: Maria Simons Editor: Zoë Heron Commissioning Editor: Rhian Roberts A BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.



    In this episode, Michael Mosley discovers that, as well as being a very rewarding thing to do, volunteering your time, labour or spare room can really benefit your health too. Michael speaks with Dr Edith Chen from Northwestern University in the US, who has been investigating the power of helping others. She tells Michael about her studies showing that by boosting your mood and empathy, volunteering can lower chronic inflammation, cholesterol and even help you lose weight. It’s also a great way to meet new people! Meanwhile, Matt gives back to his local community by volunteering at a food bank. Series Producer: Nija Dalal-Small Editor: Zoë Heron A BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.



    Although yoga is thought to have been practised for over 5,000 years, its myriad benefits for our health and wellbeing are still being uncovered. Professor Rima Dada from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi reveals the extraordinary findings into the benefits of yoga - how half an hour a day can slow down ageing at a cellular level by protecting your mitochondria and your DNA. It can also improve your brain health and even reduce symptoms of depression. Just a few sessions are enough for our volunteer James to catch the yoga bug!

    Series Producer: Nija Dalal-Small Editor: Zoë Heron A BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

    Read a poem

    Read a poem

    Reading poetry can reduce stress and help give you words to express the things you're feeling. And reading a poem out loud has been shown to be a surprisingly simple way to activate your relaxation response and bring about a sense of calm. It’s all to do with the way it slows and controls your breathing rate, which in turn stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system and can lead to many beneficial effects. Michael Mosley speaks to Dietrich von Bonin from the Swiss Association of Art Therapies, who says as little as 5 minutes of rhythmic poetry read aloud can be even more effective than slow-paced breathing at relaxing your body and mind. Our volunteer Colm dives into the world of Irish poetry and incorporates reading it aloud into his bedtime routine.

    Series Producer: Nija Dalal-Small Editor: Zoë Heron A BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

    Deep Calm - Episode 5: Using Music

    Deep Calm - Episode 5: Using Music

    Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically-proven technique for activating the body’s built-in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to explore what’s happening inside as we find stillness and calm.

    Most of us instinctively know that music can have a huge impact on our mood. But it can also be an effective tool to tap into your body’s relaxation response. Plus thought loops, soundwaves and an encounter with the Organ of Corti.

    Guest: Stefan Koelsch, professor at the University of Bergen in Norway.

    Series Producer, sound design and mix engineer: Richard Ward Researcher: William Hornbrook Production Manager: Maria Simons Editor: Zoë Heron Specially composed music by Richard Atkinson (Mcasso) A BBC Studios Audio production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

    Deep Calm - Episode 4: Using the Power of Nature

    Deep Calm - Episode 4: Using the Power of Nature

    Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically-proven technique for activating the body’s built-in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to explore what’s happening inside as we find stillness and calm.

    What is it about the natural world that has such a positive impact upon our physiology - slowing our heart rate and blood pressure, settling our thoughts and so much more? One theory is that it’s connected to the repeating patterns in nature - fractals - and Michael discovers that we live in a fractal universe.

    Guest: Richard Taylor, professor at the University of Oregon.

    Series Producer, sound design and mix engineer: Richard Ward Researcher: William Hornbrook Production Manager: Maria Simons Editor: Zoë Heron Specially composed music by Richard Atkinson (Mcasso) Extract from "Fractal compositions No.1” composed by Severin Su in collaboration with 13&9 Design. A BBC Studios Audio production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

    Deep Calm - Episode 3: Using Your Imagination

    Deep Calm - Episode 3: Using Your Imagination

    Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically-proven technique for activating the body’s built-in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to explore what’s happening inside as we find stillness and calm.

    If you imagine yourself somewhere safe and relaxing, using something called Guided Imagery, you can activate the body’s relaxation response. Plus brainwaves, pupils and thought-birds.

    Guest: Katarzyna Zemla, PhD candidate SWPS / PJATK Universities in Warsaw.

    Series Producer, sound design and mix engineer: Richard Ward Researcher: William Hornbrook Editor: Zoë Heron Specially composed music by Richard Atkinson (Mcasso) A BBC Studios Audio production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

    Deep Calm - Episode 2: Relaxing Your Body

    Deep Calm - Episode 2: Relaxing Your Body

    Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically-proven technique for activating the body’s built-in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to explore what’s happening inside as we find stillness and calm.

    Deliberately tensing and then relaxing groups of muscles all through the body is a potent technique for engaging your body’s relaxation response. We also encounter the magnificently-named Golgi tendon organ afferent nerve cells, and the interconnected nodes of the brain.

    Guest: Ian Robertson, professor at Trinity College Dublin.

    Series Producer, sound design and mix engineer: Richard Ward Researcher: William Hornbrook Editor: Zoë Heron Specially composed music by Richard Atkinson (Mcasso) A BBC Studios Audio production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

    Deep Calm - Episode 1: Using Your Breath

    Deep Calm - Episode 1: Using Your Breath

    Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically-proven technique for activating the body’s built-in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to explore what’s happening inside as we find stillness and calm.

    By deliberately slowing your breath you can help bring peace and calm to your body and mind. We discover a sweet spot (it’s around six breath per minute but varies from individual to individual) where bodily rhythms align to enhance this relaxation response, and encounter the wandering Vagus Nerve with its central, critical role in all of this.

    Guest: Mara Mather, professor at the University of Southern California.

    Series Producer, sound design and mix engineer: Richard Ward Researcher: William Hornbrook Production Manager: Maria Simons Editor: Zoë Heron Specially composed music by Richard Atkinson (Mcasso) A BBC Studios Audio production for BBC Sounds / BBC Radio 4.

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