
    Podcast Summary

    • Russian Intelligence Offering Bounties for Killing US and British Troops in AfghanistanDespite multiple briefings about Russian intelligence offering bounties for killing American and British troops in Afghanistan, no action has been taken by the Trump administration. This is a serious national security issue that requires a policy response and briefing to the President.

      The Trump administration has been briefed multiple times about Russian intelligence offering bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American and British troops in Afghanistan, yet no action has been taken. This is a significant national security issue that requires a policy response and briefing to the President. The intelligence, which includes reports of captured Taliban members confessing to receiving bounties and large sums of US cash found in Taliban strongholds, has been confirmed by the CIA and shared with allies. The lack of response from the White House raises concerns about the administration's commitment to protecting its troops and standing up to Russian aggression. The President's denial of being briefed on the matter is also questionable, given the importance and credibility of the intelligence.

    • Trump's Response to Russian Bounties on US SoldiersThe Trump admin's lack of action on Russian bounties on US soldiers raised bipartisan criticism, undermining trust in the White House and endangering American lives.

      The Trump administration's response to alleged Russian bounties on US soldiers' heads in Afghanistan raises serious concerns about the prioritization of American interests under the current presidency. The administration's lack of action, even if Trump himself was unaware of the intelligence, has led to bipartisan criticism and a loss of confidence among military personnel and veterans. The incident underscores Trump's apparent affinity for Putin and Russia, and his administration's seeming inability or unwillingness to effectively address Russian interference in US affairs. The situation is particularly alarming given the potential danger to American lives and the importance of the commander-in-chief's role in protecting US service members. The incident is yet another example of Trump's focus on personal relationships and interests over the wellbeing of the nation.

    • Trump's actions and behavior raise concerns about his fitness for presidencyDespite his presidency ending, Trump's actions continue to cause damage with divisive and morally questionable content, disregard for intelligence briefings, and deference towards autocratic regimes.

      The actions and behavior of former President Trump continue to raise serious concerns about his fitness for the presidency. His apparent indifference to intelligence briefings, deference towards autocratic regimes, and promotion of divisive and morally questionable content demonstrate a lack of competence and judgment. The latest example involves a tweet sharing a video with white power chants, which was later deleted but not before causing widespread outrage. Despite the controversy, some argue that such actions are intentional distractions from other issues. However, regardless of intent, the consequences are damaging to the nation and its people. It's been over four years since Trump's presidency began, yet we continue to grapple with the implications of his words and actions. It's crucial that we hold our leaders accountable for their behavior and demand better from those seeking the highest office in the land.

    • Trump's divisive tactics not resonating with publicDespite promoting violence and racial issues, Trump's divisive tactics are failing politically and dangerously diverting attention from pandemic, economic instability, and police reform.

      President Trump's efforts to divide the country and focus on cultural wars and racial issues are not resonating with the public during a time of pandemic, economic instability, and police reform. His tweets promoting violence and vigilantism are particularly concerning, as they border on incitement and have led to real-world harm. The country is shifting towards a more compassionate and inclusive stance, and Trump's tactics are not only failing politically but also dangerous. The polls show that people see through his attempts to incite racial violence and understand that his focus on protecting Confederate statues and prosecuting protesters is a waste of time and resources. Trump's divisive tactics are not only a threat to his campaign but also to the core principles of Republican politics.

    • Trump's Outdated Strategies on Racial Issues and Economy May Not Win Him the ElectionTrump's outdated strategies on racial issues and the economy, his handling of the pandemic, and lack of a clear alternative plan for healthcare may disillusion voters, particularly those concerned about their well-being. Effectively addressing the pandemic and economy could shift focus away from the racial reckoning.

      President Trump's outdated strategies on racial issues and the economy may not be effective in winning him the election. The country's shifting stance on racial justice and Trump's handling of the pandemic have left many voters disillusioned. The Affordable Care Act's potential repeal, which would leave millions without health coverage, further highlights Trump's lack of a clear alternative plan. Trump's base, particularly senior voters, are increasingly concerned about their well-being and may not be swayed by fear-mongering or racial grievance campaigns. The hope for Trump lies in effectively addressing the pandemic and the economy, shifting the focus away from the current racial reckoning. The Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act could significantly impact the election, but Trump's administration lacks a clear replacement plan.

    • Trump's Health Care Move Leaves Millions Uninsured During PandemicThe Trump administration's attempt to strip away health care protections for COVID-19 survivors could leave millions uninsured, going against public opinion and lack of a viable alternative.

      The Trump administration's attempt to strip away health care protections for survivors of COVID-19 during a pandemic could leave millions uninsured with no clear alternative in sight. This move, which could label survivors as having preexisting conditions, goes against the grain of public opinion and is seen as political insanity. The repeal effort against the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which began a decade ago, has failed repeatedly due to the lack of a viable alternative. The current political climate may allow Joe Biden to propose more comprehensive health care plans, such as a public option or even Medicare for all, but it's unlikely he will fully embrace the latter given his previous stance. The ongoing debate around healthcare proposals may have left the issue a bit confusing, but the need for affordable and accessible healthcare, especially during a pandemic, is more important than ever.

    • Expanding Healthcare Coverage Amidst the Economic CrisisThe pandemic underscores the risks of employment-tied health insurance, presenting an opportunity for Democrats to expand coverage through a public system. Implementation requires Senate approval and leaning towards more comprehensive public option plans could facilitate a smoother transition to a more expansive healthcare system.

      There's a significant opportunity for Democrats to expand healthcare coverage for millions of Americans during the current economic crisis. The pandemic has highlighted the risks of tying health insurance to employment, making a compelling case for moving towards a public system. However, implementing such a change would require convincing Senate Democrats, many of whom hold more moderate positions. The public option versus Medicare for all debate was oversimplified during the primary, with some plans being more robust than others. Biden and his Unity task force have the opportunity to lean towards more comprehensive public option plans. If successful, this would make the eventual transition to a more expansive healthcare system smoother for those advocating for Medicare for all. The political moment is ripe for ensuring every American has access to healthcare during this emergency, and such a move would likely enjoy broad popular support.

    • COVID-19 Cases Rising Again, But With ImprovementsGovernment and individuals must prioritize testing, contact tracing, protective gear, masks, social distancing, and hand washing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and support healthcare systems.

      The current state of the COVID-19 situation is complex and challenging. We are seeing similar numbers of daily cases as the earlier peak in March and April, with record numbers continuing to rise. However, there are some improvements, including a lower fatality rate due to younger populations being affected and increased medical knowledge. Yet, the strain on healthcare systems, particularly in the South and Southwest, is causing concern. To get the situation under control, both the government and individuals need to take action. The government must prioritize extensive testing, contact tracing, and ensuring protective gear for healthcare workers. Individuals should wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands frequently. The lack of consistent guidance and chaos in the economy is making it difficult for small businesses to navigate the situation. Overall, it's crucial for everyone to work together to mitigate the spread of the virus and support those in need.

    • Federal response to COVID-19 hinders state effortsThe lack of a unified national response to COVID-19 is making it difficult for states to effectively control the virus, leading to inconsistencies and pressures to reopen prematurely, requiring a coordinated effort.

      The lack of a coordinated national response to the COVID-19 pandemic from the federal government is making it difficult for individual states, like California, to effectively control the spread of the virus. The fragmented approach to addressing the crisis is creating inconsistencies and pressures on states to reopen prematurely, which can lead to a resurgence of cases and hospitalizations. The pandemic requires a unified national response, and asking each state to handle it on its own will not succeed. Regarding the presidential race, Joe Biden's campaign should frame it as both a referendum on Donald Trump's performance and a choice between two different visions for the future. While voters have already made a decision about Trump, they also need to be convinced that Biden can offer solutions to the country's problems, such as handling the pandemic and economic recovery differently. Biden's approach to the campaign has been shaped by the monumental events of 2020, which have disproportionately affected younger and marginalized communities. He must address these issues and offer concrete plans to help those groups recover.

    • Fighting for the Soul of America: Biden's Relevant Message Amidst CrisesBiden's campaign message about fighting for America's soul is more relevant than ever. His progressive agenda, particularly on climate change and jobs, is gaining recognition. However, voters still have concerns about his economic management abilities.

      Joe Biden's campaign message about fighting for the soul of America has proven to be more relevant than ever, as the country grapples with crises in health, economy, and social justice. Biden's agenda, which includes bold plans on climate change and jobs, has always been more progressive than perceived during the primaries. The shift in public opinion towards Biden's leadership and policies, particularly on issues like climate change, shows a growing recognition of the need for transformative change. However, Biden still faces a challenge in convincing voters to trust him on economic management and recovery. It's possible that voters are still processing the events of the past few months and may take more time to fully appreciate Biden's leadership qualities and policy proposals. Biden may need to continue to emphasize his plans for economic recovery and emphasize his experience and competence in managing crises to address this concern.

    • Understanding the Economic Impact of Trump's COVID-19 ResponseBiden's plan to create jobs and address the economic crisis faces opposition in the Senate, but the campaign must focus on reaching voters through creative methods like social media and grassroots organizing to get Biden's message out.

      The economic damage caused by Trump's mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis is more severe than a temporary setback, and voters need to understand this. Biden, on the other hand, has a plan to create jobs and address the economic crisis. However, if Biden wins the election, he will face significant opposition from the Senate, even with a democratic majority. The speakers emphasized the importance of winning the election and gaining control of the Senate to implement Biden's agenda. They also discussed the challenge of getting Biden's message to voters when the media focuses more on Trump's speeches. While Biden has been giving numerous speeches, some cable networks do not cover them extensively. The campaign will need to rely on creative methods, such as social media and grassroots organizing, to reach voters and get Biden's message out.

    • Preparing for debates against TrumpThe Biden campaign is confidently preparing for debates against Trump, expecting him to lie and interrupt, but this year, Trump's record of failure may make it harder for him to hide his shortcomings.

      The Biden campaign is working to ensure that the former vice president's remarks reach the public, whether through cable networks or alternative means, and they are preparing for debates against President Trump. The Trump campaign has expressed a desire for more debates, but the Biden campaign has committed to participating in the debates organized by the presidential debate commission. Preparing for debates against Trump in 2016 taught that he lies and interrupts frequently, but this year, Trump's record of failure may make it harder for him to hide his shortcomings. Despite the challenges, the Biden campaign is confident that their candidate will do well in the debates.

    • The 2020 debates will highlight the stark contrast between Biden and TrumpVoters will make their choice based on the candidates' contrasting responses to crises in pandemic, economy, and racial issues during the debates.

      The upcoming debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be shaped by the current crises facing the country, making the contrast between the two candidates' agendas and character more stark than ever. During the 2012 debates, Joe Biden held his own against Paul Ryan despite initial underestimation, and Biden's ability to keep the focus on major issues will likely serve him well against Trump's distractions. The crises, including the pandemic, economic recession, and racial reckoning, have highlighted the differences between the two candidates, and voters are now more aware of these distinctions than ever. The debates will present a critical moment for voters to make their choice based on these contrasts. Trump's attempts to distract and divide during the debates, as he has done throughout his presidency, are likely to be met with strong defense from Biden. The stark contrast between their responses to the crises will be a defining factor in the debates and the election.

    • 2020 Debates: Biden's Strategy and Trump's RepetitionBiden focuses on contrasting their handling of crises and characters, while Trump may bring repetition of old attacks.

      During the 2016 debates, Hillary Clinton outperformed Donald Trump but Trump's repeated attacks on her as a "crook" left a lasting impact on the public. For the upcoming debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the focus is not just on what Biden will do, but also on whether Trump will bring anything new to the table beyond repetition of old attacks. The contrast between the two candidates' handling of crises and their respective characters is expected to shine through. While Trump's "shtick" may have worn thin, the challenge for Biden is not just about his performance, but also about Trump's ability to present something new and not just a repetition of past attacks. Ron Klain, Biden's campaign manager, was a guest on Pod Save America and shared insights on the debate strategy, leaving some aspects for the post-debate episode in October.

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    Why No One’s Winning Young Voters (Ep. 5)

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    Pod Save America
    enJuly 07, 2024

    Democrats Debate Biden's Future

    Democrats Debate Biden's Future

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    Joe vs. The Unknown

    Joe vs. The Unknown

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    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The first debate is upon us, and you’re not the only one feeling nervous. Guest host Stacey Abrams joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan, live in Brooklyn, to talk about what we can learn from the 2020 debates, and what would constitute a win for Biden on Thursday night. Then, Strict Scrutiny’s Melissa Murray joins the hosts to break down the latest from the Supreme Court and what’s still to come this term, and Run for Something co-founder Amanda Litman talks with Dan about why it’s so important to have progressive candidates running in local races.Democracy or Else is out now! 


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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    Donald Trump vows to cut education funding by half, throws his support behind displaying the Ten Commandments in public classrooms, and offers a new, anatomically specific theory for how Joe Biden gets his pre-debate uppers. With Biden holed up in debate camp, his campaign works to set expectations, and marks the second anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade with a blistering new attack ad and waves of surrogate events around the country. Plus, it’s publication day at last: Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps is out now! Head to your local bookstore or www.crooked.com/books to order your copy.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    Jon is joined by Carlos Odio and Stephanie Valencia, founders of Equis Research, the nation’s leading polling and research firm focused on the Latino electorate, to talk about what Democrats can do to win back the Latino voters who left the party for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Why are some of them leaning towards Trump? How did they react to Biden’s border actions? And what issues are they most focused on in 2024? Jon, Carlos, and Stephanie dive into the focus groups to answer these questions and Leo Murrieta, Director of Make the Road Nevada, joins to talk about his trip to the White House and offer his advice for the Biden campaign.

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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