
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Relatable Experiences with Steph TolevThe shared humor and relatable experiences between the host and their guest, Steph Tolev, made for an entertaining episode as they navigated topics ranging from pop culture to bodily functions.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Whiskey Ginger is the unique and humorous connection between the host and their guest, Steph Tolev. Throughout the conversation, they shared stories about their past encounters, including Drake from Degrassi, and their differing perspectives on various topics. One of these topics was the representation of teenage hookups in shows like Euphoria. Steph expressed her discomfort with the idea, reminiscing about the awkwardness and grossness of high school hookups. The conversation then shifted to a comparison of male and female bodies, with Steph pointing out that women leak more than men due to biological differences. The conversation was filled with laughter and light-hearted banter, making for an entertaining episode. So, in essence, the takeaway is the shared humor and relatable experiences between the host and their guest, as they navigated topics ranging from pop culture to bodily functions.

    • Revisiting Past Encounters and Sharing ExperiencesTwo individuals shared stories of their first meeting and reminisced about their differences in preferences and ethnic backgrounds, all while maintaining a light-hearted and humorous tone.

      The conversation between the two individuals revolved around their past encounters, shared experiences, and common interests. They reminisced about meeting each other for the first time in Montreal and discussed their differences in preferences, such as comedy styles, drinks, and smoking habits. The conversation also touched upon their ethnic backgrounds and the arranged marriage of their parents. The tone was light-hearted and filled with humor, showcasing their strong connection and mutual respect for one another. Additionally, they mentioned the upcoming ban on menthol products in California, leading to a conversation about their smoking habits and the differences between Canadians and Americans.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Being an Outsider in the Comedy SceneDespite believing in his talent, a comedian faces frustration and disconnect in Canada's comedy scene, leading to feelings of being an outsider. Personal experiences add to the complexity of navigating relationships and professional goals.

      The speaker expresses frustration about not being able to tour or gain recognition in Canada's comedy scene, despite believing he is a talented comedian. He expresses a sense of disconnect from the current comedy scene and feels that he is an outsider. He also shares some personal experiences, including a family vacation to a rented house that turned out to be a swinger's paradise, and his new relationship with a Mormon man. The speaker's tone is often humorous, but he also expresses feelings of being misunderstood and ignored. Overall, the conversation highlights the challenges and complexities of navigating personal and professional relationships, particularly when one feels like an outsider.

    • Navigating Authenticity and Politeness in the Entertainment IndustryDespite appearances, it's important to interact with industry peers respectfully and authentically, even if they're not who they seem publicly. Learning to navigate complex situations with transparency and safety measures is crucial.

      The entertainment industry often involves putting on a show and people may not be who they seem based on their public persona. This can lead to misunderstandings and the need to navigate between authenticity and politeness. The speaker shares her experience of meeting someone who appeared to be someone else for the industry, but was actually quite different in person. She also discusses the importance of learning to be pleasant and humanly interact with people in the industry, despite any personal differences. Additionally, she touches upon the topic of sex parties in the industry, expressing her skepticism and need for transparency and safety measures. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of navigating the entertainment industry while maintaining authenticity and respect for others.

    • Size and IntimacySize doesn't determine satisfaction or intimacy. What matters is the ability to please a partner and the acceptance of one's own body and others'.

      Size doesn't matter when it comes to intimacy and satisfaction. The speaker expresses discomfort with the idea of watching their partner with someone else, regardless of the size of the other person's genitals. They also share an experience from high school where a classmate's large size was a source of embarrassment and rejection. The speaker then reassures those with smaller endowments that they have an advantage, as women are not necessarily fixated on size. Instead, what matters is the ability to perform and please a partner. The conversation also touches on the idea that larger sizes can sometimes be problematic, as they may not get fully erect due to insufficient blood flow. The speaker also shares their experiences with gambling, expressing a preference for older, simpler games over modern ones. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of acceptance, whether it's of one's own body or the bodies of others.

    • Growing up with limited resources for vacations and hobbiesThe speaker valued their experiences growing up, despite financial limitations, and appreciated their parents' sacrifices for their Highland dance competitions

      The speaker grew up in a working-class family that didn't have the means for fancy vacations or expensive hobbies, unlike some of their peers. Instead, they spent their weekends traveling for Highland dance competitions, which required a great deal of dedication and sacrifice from their parents. The speaker also shared their amusement at the concept of Muskoka or Anorondack chairs, which are associated with wealthy cottage-goers. Despite their humble background, the speaker expressed appreciation for the unique experiences they had growing up and the sacrifices their parents made for their interests.

    • Embracing the Charm of Traditions and SportsThe speaker cherishes Black people's unique approach to sports and shares fond memories of their grandparents' quirky nicknames and traditions, including Bulgarian practices like beekeeping and Bonitza.

      Despite the antiquated nature of certain traditions and sports, there is enjoyment and unique charm to be found in them. The speaker expresses a fondness for the way Black people approach sports and shares personal experiences of grandparents and their quirky nicknames. They also discuss the importance of Bulgarian traditions, such as the pastry Bonitza, and the role of beekeeping in pollinating the world. The speaker expresses admiration for their grandpa's fearlessness in handling bees and shares stories of their grandparents' unique ways of preserving food, like country ham and moonshine. Ultimately, these traditions and experiences shape the speaker's identity and add richness to their cultural background.

    • Sharing stories of underage drinking experiencesThe speaker fondly recalled her underage drinking experiences but emphasized the importance of innovation in growing businesses through platforms like Squarespace, offering features for monetization and growth.

      People often engage in risky or forbidden activities, such as underage drinking, for the thrill and excitement they provide. The speaker in this conversation shared stories of her experiences with underage drinking in Canada and Chicago, using various methods to obtain alcohol, including dial a bottle and stealing from liquor stores. Despite the risks and negative consequences, she described these experiences fondly as "the good old days." Another key takeaway is the importance of technology and innovation in creating new revenue streams and opportunities for businesses. The speaker mentioned Squarespace, a website building platform, and highlighted its features, such as member areas, appointment scheduling, video studio, and analytics, which can help creators monetize their content and expertise and grow their businesses. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of risk-taking, nostalgia, and innovation, providing insights into human behavior and the role of technology in our lives.

    • Identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions, manage expenses, and lower bills with Rocket MoneyRocket Money helps users save an average of $720 per year by identifying and canceling forgotten subscriptions, simplifying the cancellation process, and offering tools to manage expenses and lower bills.

      Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps users identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions, manage expenses, and lower bills. With an estimated 80% of people having forgotten subscriptions, this app can save users an average of $720 per year. Its easy cancellation process eliminates the need for long customer service holds or tedious email correspondence. Rocket Money has already helped 3 million people save money, and it could be the next solution for those looking to simplify their finances and stop wasting money on unwanted subscriptions.

    • Memories of favorite hangout spots and the importance of hostingPerforming at favorite hangouts and hosting events can bring excitement and fulfillment, even in challenging circumstances, and engaging the audience is key to setting the tone for a successful show.

      The pandemic and the closure of favorite hangout spots have led many people to feel stuck and unfulfilled, longing for better experiences. The speaker shares memories of his favorite bar and improv comedy club, reminiscing about the excitement of performing for the first time and the importance of hosting. He also discusses the challenges of performing at corporate events where the audience may not be receptive to comedy. Despite these challenges, the speaker values the experience of hosting and using it as an opportunity to engage the crowd and set the tone for the show.

    • Roasts and the joy of mean-spirited humorThe speaker finds joy in roasts, appreciating their raw and genuine nature, and sees it as a stepping stone for comedians. Despite facing jokes about their own appearance, they refuse to let it affect them and continue to enjoy their unique brand of humor.

      The speaker finds joy in mean-spirited humor, particularly roasts, as long as it comes from a place of genuine enjoyment and not hate. The speaker reminisces about the early days of roast battles, where they were raw and genuine, but now sees it as a way for people to climb in the comedy world. The speaker admits that they have a large nose and has faced jokes about it, but refuses to let it affect them. They share a joke about a date where the man lied about his height and the speaker had to verbally state their shoe size, finding the observation of the emasculating experience to be funny. The speaker acknowledges that not everyone may find their brand of humor appealing, but they continue to enjoy it.

    • Finding humor in unexpected placesHumor can help us cope with challenges and find joy in everyday life. Be playful, have a sense of whimsy, and embrace your quirks.

      Humor can be found in the most unexpected places, and sometimes it's the simple things in life that provide the best material for jokes. The speaker shared an example of finding humor in bowling, noting how the use of gutters and ball speed could impact the game. They also emphasized the importance of being playful and having a sense of whimsy in comedy. The speaker's own experiences with being bullied in school led them to develop a thick skin and a sense of humor, which they used to cope with difficult situations. They also highlighted the importance of being true to oneself and embracing one's quirks and uniqueness. Overall, the discussion underscored the power of humor to help us navigate life's challenges and find joy in the everyday.

    • High school experiences shaped comedy careerSpeaker's past relationships and energy on stage influence his comedy; he enjoys performing in large venues despite challenges

      The speaker's experiences in high school, including having popular girlfriends and making fun of them, have influenced his comedy career. He shares these experiences in his one-woman show, which includes roasting his former girlfriends. The speaker also discusses his energy and movement on stage, which can be distracting when watching recordings but feels natural to him. Touring with Bill Burr in arenas has reinforced the speaker's enjoyment of performing in large venues. Despite the challenges of constant performing and his active energy on stage, the speaker continues to push himself creatively and refine his comedy style.

    • Navigating Large Venues as a ComedianStay true to your comedic voice and approach, while adapting to different audiences and venues. Old jokes can still be effective, but focus on honing your craft and audience response.

      Performing comedy at large venues can be an out-of-body experience for comedians, and it requires adjusting one's pace and approach to connect with the audience. The comedian in this conversation shared that he felt uncomfortable doing crowd work at an arena, as the audience was unfamiliar with his material. He also learned that his old jokes were still effective and received well, despite his initial hesitation. The comedian faced a challenging crowd that accused him of being racist, which led him to feel defensive and perform older material as a response. However, he came to realize that focusing on the opinions of other comedians and holding back new material was not productive. Instead, he emphasized the importance of honing one's craft and focusing on the audience's response, rather than worrying about what other comedians think. The comedian also acknowledged that performing at smaller venues, such as comedy clubs, is essential for refining material and preparing for larger shows. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to one's comedic voice and approach while adapting to different audiences and venues.

    • Comedians embrace their unique perspectivesComedians value their individual vibes and experiences, contributing to their act, and don't feel the need to change to match others.

      The comedians in this conversation value their unique perspectives and the balance they bring to their performances. They acknowledge their differences and use them to create a dynamic stage presence. One comedian jokes about criticizing men, while the other jokes about women. They understand that their individual vibes and experiences contribute to their act and they don't feel the need to change their material to match others. Additionally, they discuss the unexpected joy of falling in love later in life and the potential of blending their personal and professional lives. Despite the occasional controversy, they trust their instincts and continue to be authentic on stage.

    • Handling challenges and finding success in comedyPerseverance and resilience are crucial for comedians to overcome challenges and find success in their careers. Validation and support from loved ones can also play a significant role in their journey.

      Overcoming challenges and handling tough moments on stage can significantly contribute to a comedian's growth and success. The speaker, a comedian, shared her experiences of receiving harsh criticism and performing in smaller venues early in her career. Despite these challenges, she found joy and validation in her eventual success, such as selling out shows and releasing a Netflix special. For the comedian, these accomplishments were especially meaningful as a Canadian woman in a male-dominated industry. She also shared how her parents' support and validation played a role in her journey, even when her material pushed boundaries. Overall, the comedian's story highlights the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Parents' unconventional behavior and community reactionsEveryone's upbringing shapes their actions and what's considered normal varies among communities.

      Everyone's upbringing shapes them differently, and what may be considered taboo or offensive in one community is normal in another. The speaker shared stories of her parents' unconventional behavior and the contrasting reactions she received from various communities, including a Mormon neighborhood in Utah where she was told to pray for her because of her use of certain words. Despite the differences, the speaker also highlighted the strong sense of community and neighborly care in the Mormon neighborhood. The speaker's goal for the new year is to tour and potentially release a comedy special based on a recent performance in New York.

    • Embracing Negative Comments for Online GrowthComedian Steve Tolev uses criticism as a tool to boost his online presence and engages with his audience, even when they criticize him. He also performs live in various cities and hosts a podcast, Steph Infection, focusing on body-related topics.

      Comedian Steve Tolev embraces the polarizing nature of his comedy and uses negative comments as a tool to boost his online presence. He sees humor in the hate and continues to engage with his audience, even when they criticize him. Tolev also looks forward to performing live in various cities, including Milwaukee and Vancouver, and encourages fans to attend his shows. He also mentioned his podcast, Steph Infection, which focuses on body-related topics. Despite the occasional harsh comments, Tolev remains confident and excited about his career, believing that he will have a big year ahead. He ended the conversation by inviting listeners to join him in saying "dick shake" into the camera.

    • Names and labels can be misleadingLook beyond first impressions to truly understand what something is all about, as names and labels can sometimes be misleading.

      That the horse named Ginger and the whiskey with the same name share a common characteristic - they both evoke strong reactions. The horse, named Ginger, was described as a "hell no," implying a strong dislike. The whiskey, also named Ginger, was stated to be liked by the speaker, despite the negative association with the horse's name. This shows that names and labels can sometimes be misleading and that it's important to look beyond first impressions to truly understand what something is all about. Additionally, the speaker's statement "I like gingers" could suggest a preference for things that have a strong and distinctive flavor or personality, much like the whiskey and the horse both possess. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of not judging things solely based on their names or initial impressions.

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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson
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