
    Podcast Summary

    • Exposing Yourself to Germs for a Strong Immune SystemConsider exposing yourself to germs to build a strong immune system, as shared by podcast guest Steve O. Trust your body to adapt and potentially avoid serious illnesses.

      Steve O, a guest on Whiskey Ginger, believes that building a strong immune system involves exposing yourself to potential germs, like by drinking tap water in various places around the world. He shares his experience of making this decision at a young age during a school trip to Egypt and how he's continued this practice throughout his life. Despite potential risks, Steve believes that this habit has helped him build a strong immune system and has never made him seriously ill. He encourages listeners to consider this approach and trust their bodies to adapt. Additionally, Steve is a fan of ginger and invites listeners to subscribe to the Whiskey Ginger podcast for more content.

    • Dispelling the myth of bottled water safetyDespite common beliefs, tap water is often safer to drink than bottled water. Age and maturity can change perspectives and lead to respect for hardworking individuals, regardless of background or success. Be aware of health risks from plastic water bottles and their chemicals.

      Tap water is often safer to drink than bottled water, despite common perceptions. The discussion also touched upon the shared experiences and connections between the speakers, as well as the challenges and blessings of crossing over from one area of entertainment to another. The speakers reflected on how maturity, both in age and in comedy, can shift perspectives and lead to respect for those who work hard and put in the effort, regardless of their background or previous success. The conversation also highlighted the importance of being aware of the potential health risks associated with plastic water bottles and the chemicals they contain.

    • Embracing vulnerability in the entertainment industryVulnerability and self-doubt are common in the entertainment industry, but embracing vulnerability and continuously working on one's craft can lead to greater success. External validation and exposure can be unhealthy, but they're a part of the industry. Remember, everyone has struggles and vulnerabilities, keep pushing forward.

      Fear and insecurity are common experiences in the entertainment industry, regardless of one's level of success or fame. Even those at the top of their game may struggle with self-doubt and a need for external validation. Hiding one's vulnerabilities and not promoting one's work openly can hinder growth and lead to complacency, which can ultimately result in a decline in one's career. Embracing vulnerability and continuously working on one's craft can help overcome these insecurities and lead to greater success. The need for external validation and the exposure that comes with it can be unhealthy, but it's a part of being in the entertainment industry. It's important to remember that everyone, including entertainers, has their own struggles and vulnerabilities, and it's essential to keep pushing forward and not let fear hold us back.

    • Incorporating multimedia into stand-up comedyAuthentic experiences and innovative approaches are essential for artists to gain respect and success.

      Steve-O believed that establishing himself as a stand-up comedian through authentic and true experiences would earn him respect and success. However, despite taping a special for Showtime, his life didn't change, and he realized he needed to push boundaries further. He came up with the innovative idea of incorporating multimedia footage of his stories into his stand-up act, which he had previously avoided due to discomfort. By recording and editing his shows, he was able to overcome his aversion to watching himself perform and bring his act to the next level. Ultimately, authenticity and innovation are crucial for artists seeking to make an impact and stand out in their fields.

    • Embracing discomfort for personal growth and unique projectsExploring past mistakes, new challenges, and unexpected experiences can lead to personal growth and unique creative projects.

      Pushing through uncomfortable experiences, whether it's revisiting past mistakes or facing new challenges, can lead to personal growth and unique creative projects. The comedian's experience of filming a stand-up comedy special with old footage and new material, reuniting with the Jackass gang, and undergoing a painful skin graft procedure, resulted in a fresh and original performance. Furthermore, the discovery of the body brokerage industry during a chance encounter with a friend added an unexpected layer to the production process, highlighting the interconnectedness of life experiences. Ultimately, the comedian's willingness to embrace discomfort and explore new avenues led to a successful and meaningful project.

    • Steve O's DIY Comedy SpecialComedian Steve O bypassed traditional platforms to produce and distribute his comedy special, investing $300,000 and owning the distribution rights. This approach inspired others and signaled a shift towards independent content creation in the media landscape.

      Steve O took full control of producing and releasing his comedy special despite facing rejections from traditional platforms. He invested a substantial amount of money, around $300,000, but was proud of the final product and owned the distribution rights. This approach resonated with other comedians who also wanted to bypass gatekeepers and connect directly with their fans. The process took over two years, but ultimately, Steve O was satisfied with the outcome and saw it as a step towards the future of independent content creation. This shift towards self-distribution reflects the changing landscape of media, where artists can build their audience and monetize their work without relying on intermediaries.

    • Marketing outside the boxUnconventional tactics can lead to publicity and financial success, even with potential costs and legal consequences. Stay determined to deliver a high-quality product and build trust with your audience.

      The speaker's unconventional marketing tactics, including protesting on a billboard and creating adult-only content, have led to significant publicity and financial success for his business, despite the costs and potential legal consequences. The speaker's determination to deliver a high-quality product and build trust with his audience has paid off, and he plans to continue pushing boundaries with his future work. Despite initial setbacks, such as being rejected by Netflix, the speaker saw these as opportunities to double down on his vision and create something even better.

    • Pursuing the Unlikely: Steve O's Bucket List AdventuresDetermination and persistence can help turn unlikely dreams into reality, even when faced with numerous challenges

      Steve O, a well-known stunt performer, fulfilled items on his bucket list that were considered outrageous and unlikely to happen. These included a vasectomy during the Vasectomy Olympics and skydiving naked while masturbating, which he named "skyjacking." Despite the challenges, such as finding a licensed skydiving instructor, he persisted and made it happen. The process was filled with obstacles from start to finish, but his determination paid off. The story illustrates the importance of following through on one's dreams, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    • Finding joy in unexpected experiences with the right personEmbrace unconventional experiences with the right person, prioritize mental health, and try new things for joy and growth.

      Choosing the right person for an experience, like skydiving, can make all the difference. The speaker shared a story about a particularly memorable skydiving experience with an instructor named Doggo, who was known for jumping naked. Despite the unconventional nature of the experience, the speaker felt a strong connection with Doggo and appreciated his enthusiasm. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the importance of addressing mental health issues. The speaker opened up about the challenges of 2020 and encouraged listeners to prioritize their mental well-being. He recommended BetterHelp, an online counseling service, as a resource for those seeking professional help. Additionally, the speaker promoted Manscaped, a men's grooming brand, and their new cologne scent. He shared that the cologne had a positive impact on his partner and encouraged listeners to check it out. Overall, the discussion touched on the importance of finding joy in unexpected experiences, prioritizing mental health, and trying new things.

    • Feeling good includes financial well-beingEmbrace self-care through personal grooming and financial management, with MANSCAPED and Upstart's solutions

      Self-care extends beyond just physical appearance and includes financial well-being. MANSCAPED encourages men to feel and smell good with their signature scent and grooming essentials, while Upstart offers a solution for managing credit card debt with simple monthly payments and a quick online rate check. Additionally, comedian Adam Burke shared his unique experiences with humor and adventure, highlighting the importance of embracing new experiences and taking control of one's life, whether it be through personal grooming or financial management. Remember, feeling good includes both looking good and having peace of mind with your finances. Use the codes "whiskey twenty" for MANSCAPED and visit "upstart.com/whiskey" for Upstart to take advantage of their offers.

    • A sober drug addict's euphoric encounter with etomidate during surgeryA sober patient discovered unexpected euphoria from etomidate during a failed GoPro shot attempt under anesthesia, sparking curiosity and new performance possibilities.

      During a failed attempt to capture a GoPro shot while under anesthesia, the patient, a sober drug addict, experienced a unique encounter with etomidate, a less pleasant alternative to the notoriously abused drug propofol. Despite initial apprehensions, the experience left the patient feeling euphoric and unharmed, leading to a newfound curiosity about the drug and its effects. This incident, which occurred during the patient's bucket list tour, sparked conversations with medical professionals and added a raw, live element to the tour's footage. Although the anesthesia bike ride was a failed experiment, it opened up new possibilities for the patient's performances and fueled their desire to explore unconventional experiences.

    • An Unexpected and Bizarre ExperienceDespite pain and fear, the speaker found an unexpected experience to be 'shady, illegal, and awesome.' He and his fiancée are starting an animal sanctuary in Canada and have a love for UFC legends.

      The speaker had an unexpected and bizarre experience involving running until exhaustion, receiving a failed tattoo attempt, and encountering a dangerous situation. Despite the pain and fear, he found the experience to be "shady, illegal, and awesome." Another key takeaway is the speaker's desire to start an animal sanctuary with his fiancée, as they don't want children. They are currently looking to buy property in Canada for this purpose. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's love for UFC legends and his unsuccessful attempts to receive a tattoo from them. Overall, the conversation was filled with unexpected twists and turns, showcasing the speaker's adventurous and unconventional spirit.

    • Canada's comedy scene: a mix of theaters and comedy clubsCanada's comedy scene offers a diverse experience for performers, with both small theaters and comedy clubs providing essential elements to their careers, allowing them to reach larger audiences and audiences with unique experiences.

      The comedy scene in Canada offers a unique blend of both small theaters and comedy clubs, each providing distinct experiences for performers. The leap from comedy clubs to theaters can be significant, but it's worth it for comedians seeking larger venues and audiences. The speaker shares a fondness for both types of venues and appreciates the mix of them during tours. Specifically, he mentions his affinity for Bronson's Room in Canada, which holds personal significance for him. In the comedy club world, performers often travel extensively, spending only a few days in each city. The speaker shares an experience where he had to assert his preference for performing on Fridays and Saturdays instead of Thursdays and Sundays, leading to booking gigs at larger clubs. Overall, the comedy scene in Canada offers a rich and diverse experience for performers, with both theaters and comedy clubs providing essential elements to their careers.

    • Struggling with Traditional Marriage Rituals as a Non-Religious PersonDespite discomfort with traditional aspects, the importance of marriage and desire for a stable home life are recognized by a non-religious person.

      The speaker, who is a non-religious person, had a difficult time understanding and connecting with the traditional aspects of marriage due to their non-religious background. They discussed their discomfort with wearing an engagement ring and attending ceremonial events, which they saw as flawed and unnecessary. Despite this, they acknowledged the importance of marriage and the desire to be home more. The speaker also shared their experience as a touring comedian, expressing the grind and repetition of the lifestyle, but also the satisfaction of developing new material and performing on stage. Ultimately, they are working on a new book and continue to explore and express their unique perspective on life and relationships.

    • The mental and emotional toll of excessive touringExcessive touring can lead to mental and emotional exhaustion, hindering comedians' growth and improvement. It's crucial to strike a balance and not overdo it to maintain a healthy and fulfilling career.

      While developing material can be incredibly fulfilling, the touring cycle can become repetitive and mentally draining for comedians. Some comedians tour extensively due to financial necessity, but doing so too frequently can hinder the evolution and improvement of their material. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling overwhelmed and unhealthy from touring too much, leading him to become irritable and anxious. He emphasizes that touring can be lucrative, but it's essential to strike a balance and not overdo it to avoid stagnation and potential harm to one's mental and emotional well-being. The speaker also reflects on his early days in stand-up comedy, when he was surprised by the earning potential of touring and felt the need to take advantage of it while he could, despite the toll it took on him.

    • Comedian's dedication to fan interactionComedian values fan interaction, recognizing its importance in building a fanbase and promoting his comedy, but also prioritizes maintaining boundaries and handling intoxicated or pushy fans.

      The comedian's dedication to putting on a great show and connecting with fans, even in mundane situations, has been a consistent aspect of his career. He values meeting fans and taking photos with them as a form of grassroots promotion. However, the meet and greets can be draining, and he encounters fans who are too intoxicated or pushy. Despite this, he continues to prioritize fan interaction, recognizing its importance in building a fanbase and promoting his comedy. The comedian also emphasizes the importance of maintaining boundaries and not accepting unwanted gifts or substances from fans. Overall, his commitment to delivering a top-notch performance and engaging with fans has been a defining aspect of his touring experience.

    • Reassessing Priorities During the PandemicAmidst the challenges of the pandemic, Steve O started a podcast, created a fulfillment center, and focused on family and career. The crisis helped him gain emotional ground and appreciate what he can control.

      The pandemic forced many people, including Steve O, to take a break and reassess their priorities. Steve O used this time to start his own podcast, create a fulfillment center, and focus on what he values most, such as his family and career. Despite the negative aspects of the pandemic, Steve O believes it helped people gain emotional ground and appreciate what they can control in their lives. He encourages listeners to check out his website for his comedy special and signed book. A notable example of Steve O's resilience during the pandemic was his stunt of doing a front flip off a three-story building roof into a five-foot pool, which gained media attention and showcased his determination to adapt to the challenging circumstances.

    • Steve-O's Charitable GivingDespite facing challenges, Steve-O donated over $600,000 to charities, demonstrating the power of resilience and adaptability to create positive change.

      Steve-O, known for his wild stunts and antics, turned a challenging year into an opportunity to give back to his community. He donated over $600,000 to various charities, including food banks, fire departments, and skate park projects. Steve-O's resilience and adaptability allowed him to create new revenue streams and focus his efforts on charitable causes. His actions serve as a reminder that even in difficult times, there is always an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. We can all learn from Steve-O's generosity and commitment to giving back. To support his cause and learn more about his journey, check out SteveO.com and purchase his book or watch his special.

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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Unlocking Creativity: Dr. Vervaeke, Gregg Henriques & Guests on Art & Cognitive Science | Transcendent Naturalism #6

    Unlocking Creativity: Dr. Vervaeke, Gregg Henriques & Guests on Art & Cognitive Science | Transcendent Naturalism #6

    Dr. John Vervaeke and Gregg Henriques lead an insightful discussion with guests Dr. Rich Blundell and Rita Leduc, diving into the heart of creativity, art, and cognitive science. The conversation explores the profound concepts of cognitive approaches, creativity, the importance of intimacy in art, and the link between ecological health and economic wealth. As the guests share their unique perspectives on life, creativity, and science, they lay out a path for deeper understanding, and encourage exploration beyond the surface. The episode also features a thought-provoking discussion on niche construction, ecological intelligence, and the interconnectivity of nature and culture.





    Oika Spain - Fred Adam

    Incomprehensible Certainty: Metaphysics and Hermeneutics of the Image - Thomas Pfau




    "Extended naturalism is committed to all of that. There's a difference between knowledge and grasping the significance of the knowledge, especially the significance for personal transformation. When one grasps that significance so that one overcomes ways in which one is self-deceptive, disconnected from reality so that one understands reality in a way that transforms one. That's a good account of what wisdom is." - Dr. John Vervaeke


    “I call it the process of acquaintance. I aspectualize my understanding of that place. I use so many different media and techniques—different muscle memories, different colors, sensory things, let as much in as possible, but also let myself in. This is, in fact, me trying to understand myself at a particular time and place.” - Rite LeDuc


    “The garden provides a place for the two cultures of the academy—science and humanity—to come together in a mutually inspiring dialectical dance.” - Gregg Henriques



    [00:00:00] Dr. John Vervaeke introduces the episode and highlights the interconnectivity of the Cognitive Science series and guests. He presents the ongoing Oika framework discussion.


    [00:02:24] Dr. Blundell starts his summary of the previous discussion by addressing the difference in approaches to using propositional knowledge and creating theoretical frameworks.


    [00:09:52] Gregg Henriques emphasizes the need to clarify worldviews and values. He speaks about embodying and living these values in social practices.


    [00:12:20] Rita Leduc talks about stepping out of comfort zones, embracing vulnerability, and building trust. She emphasizes the experiential mode for creatives.


    [00:19:00] Rita explains her artistic process, describing it as a process of acquaintance where she attempts to understand a place, using different media and techniques to aspectualize her understanding.


    [00:24:16] Dr. Vervaeke discusses the coherency of different aspects, likening them to melody notes rather than cacophony. 


    [00:28:14] The discussion turns towards the aspectualization of dialogically enhancing understanding of a place. Dr. Rich Blundell shares an anecdote about filming a documentary, highlighting the immersive and transformative nature of the creative process.


    [00:32:52] Dr. Vervaeke explores mental framing, linking it to art creation. He draws parallels to the Eastern Orthodox tradition of icon carving.


    [00:34:53] Rita Leduc explains the idea of niche construction in her practice, showcasing her unique artistic philosophy.


    [00:41:30] Dr. Vervaeke seeks further explanation of niche construction in Rita's art. Dr. Rich Blundell explains how Rita's process of creating art involves letting the world shape her and creating an artifact that becomes part of the world.


    [00:47:06] Dr. John Vervaeke draws a connection to wisdom and the process of internalizing the world and its spiritual intelligence. Leduc connects her feelings and experiences in the woods to a cosmic story. She describes how this connection affirms her creativity.


    [00:49:23] Dr. Rich Blundell discusses the concept of Eidos and how it relates to the process of life emerging from non-life.


    [00:51:55] Gregg Henriques talks about the reawakening of intimacy across various aspects of life. Dr. Vervaeke prompts Henriques to elaborate on the concept of intimacy, emphasizing its recovery in modern society.


    ​​[00:53:00] Henriques explores the idea of embodiment of intimacy across ontological continuity and how it has been lost in modern socialization.


    [00:57:00] Dr. Rich Blundell introduces the idea of radical affection and falling back in love with life.


    [01:00:36] Rita criticizes superficiality in work and encourages deep intimacy. 

    [01:06:02] Dr. Blundell shares various projects, including European collaborations and economic models. He discusses the importance of recoupling economic wealth and ecological health, highlighting how artists can contribute to this through their unique practices.


    [01:10:44] Discussion about how art is now back in service of the sacred, overturning the modern and postmodern thrust in art, and how the art around the sacred predates agriculture and is probably the precursor to civilization, challenging certain reductionist accounts of human behavior.


    [01:17:20] - Gregg Henriques underscores the significance of Oika and its connection to art. He reflects on his own journey and the importance of cognitive science and psychology in filling explanatory gaps, and he emphasizes the need to appreciate our natural intelligence as we transition into the artificial world.


    #366 How to connect with your innate creativity, cultivate your vulnerability, and enhance your imagination, with Patrick Williams.

    #366 How to connect with your innate creativity, cultivate your vulnerability, and enhance your imagination, with Patrick Williams.

    Unlock the secrets of your own creative potential as we journey with Patrick Williams, a self-taught painter whose evolution from child artist to creative maestro is nothing short of inspiring. Our conversation isn't limited to the canvas - it's about the creativity that permeates every facet of our lives.


    Discover how to rekindle the imaginative play of your youth and harness the inner creative spark that's been waiting to burst forth. Patrick's story is a testament to the universal nature of creativity, reminding us that it's an innate quality we all share, ready to be expressed in myriad ways beyond the traditional arts.


    Venture into the spiritual dimensions of creativity as Patrick and I explore how a deeper awareness enhances the creative process. Discover practical techniques for tapping into your creative wellspring, such as focused breathing and immersion in nature. 


    We reflect on the deep connection between vulnerability and creativity, and acknowledge the fears that often accompany the act of creation. This discussion promises to shift your perspective, illustrating how vulnerability is not just a challenge to overcome, but a powerful ally in amplifying your creative voice.


    Finally, we examine the intricate dance of personal development within the creative journey, encouraging you to nurture your creative spark with the care it deserves, and to listen closely to the whispers of your heart as you create your next masterpiece.



    0:01:56 - Exploring Creativity and Identity

    0:06:05 - Defining and Understanding Creativity

    0:14:14 - Levels of Creativity

    0:20:53 - The Connection Between Vulnerability and Creativity

    0:26:27 - Creativity and Improvisation in Creating Something

    0:31:04 - Artistic Creativity and Social Media Discussion

    0:34:12 - Personal Development and Creativity 


    "Don't go too fast. Slow down." 


    Patrick's website: http://patrickwilliams.com/

    Instagram: @pmwcreativity


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    1. Embracing Vulnerability in Creativity: Learn the importance of embracing vulnerability as an integral part of the creative process. By understanding that making mistakes and taking risks are necessary for authentic expression, you can unlock a richer and more genuine creative voice.

    2. Connecting with Your Inner Creativity: The conversation provides practical advice on reconnecting with your innate creativity. This includes engaging in simple practices such as focused breathing and spending time in nature, as well as recalling the imaginative play of your childhood to tap into your unique creative potential.

    3. Enhancing Imagination through Practice: The podcast outlines exercises that can stimulate your imagination, such as the practice of drawing circles and making various marks on paper. By doing this regularly, you can train your mind to think more divergently, thereby expanding your creative abilities.

    The #1 Tactic for Anyone Just Starting

    The #1 Tactic for Anyone Just Starting

    Today's episode is another GaryVee TV Classic, an interview from "Tea with GaryVee". The problem we all face when just getting started with our new business or personal brand is we lack the credibility in the space to garner attention. A great hack to get that attention is by sharing your best ideas on your social feeds with your community. This will allow your ideas to get exposed to more people and potentially let someone with a lot of credibility see your post and use it in some compacity, launching you into a much better position.

    P.S. It might be time to bring back Tea with GaryVee. Tweet me and let me know your thoughts!

    Tweet Me: @garyvee

    Text Me: 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    122: Don't Send Me a Bill.. Ft. Chris Klemens

    122: Don't Send Me a Bill.. Ft. Chris Klemens
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Chris Klemens!! This episode features stories that could have us immediately calling our therapists after. I've personally never cried so much in an episode lol. TW: We do read coconut story again but Chris has the most unreal reactions it's worth it.

    My episode on Chris's podcast!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0E1qWRW1Vs

    Our PO Box!! Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
    Bonus Content on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TwoHotTakes
    Watch our Iceland Travel Vlog!!! https://youtu.be/FISXcwnw49E

    Our SubReddit to Submit YOUR Stories!!! https://reddit.app.link/twohottakes
    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

    PDS Debt: PDSdebt.com/tht
    ZocDoc: Zocdoc.com/tht
    Babbel: Babbel.com/tht

    Your desires are the Roadmap of your heart

    Your desires are the Roadmap of your heart

    This week's episode is about the desires that are written in your heart. do you have any? what are the deepest yearnings of your heart? do you push them away or do you write them down and try to see where they can lead you?

    I share insights on how our desires are a window to the things we are supposed to accomplish in this life and how God has laced there for a reason. Your desires will take you to unknown territory but in the end, will you create so much more than you ever thought possible. If they are curious, true, kind, lovely, just, or bring more love and goodness into this world, why not? what is stopping you from doing it?


    I empower you with stories of how my desires have brought us the very best in me.

    Please share, follow\subscribe to my podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast.


    For more information about what I do check out my website https://www.loiniraymond.com

    Do you need to work on your creativity join my waiting list Creativity

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