
    Stop being a sucker for piss poor conversion

    enNovember 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Optimize sales channels through a conversion-first approachFocus on quantifiable metrics, align marketing efforts with audience needs, and optimize each sales channel for conversions to increase leads, improve quality, and boost sales.

      To grow your business effectively, you need to segment your audiences and optimize your sales channels through a conversion-first approach. This means focusing on quantifiable and normalized metrics, such as combinations of impressions and engagement, to improve overall performance. Avoid chasing vanity metrics and ensure your marketing efforts align with your audience's needs and pain points. By optimizing each sales channel, you can manage and improve conversions across various platforms, leading to increased leads, higher quality leads, and ultimately, more sales.

    • Focus on profitable sales channelsIdentify and prioritize channels that generate leads and sales for long-term business growth. Measure success through lead and sales attribution.

      Focusing on channels that generate sales and profits for your business is essential for long-term value. As a direct response marketer, I recommend identifying the channels that create leads and sales for your organization, as these are the customers who vote for what they want through their monetary behavior. By understanding where your customers come from and implementing lead and sales attribution, you can effectively allocate resources and measure the success of each channel. My background in multi-channel marketing includes experience with catalog companies, e-commerce, and direct sales of various products and services. While it's tempting to chase the latest platforms, staying focused on proven sales channels and implementing key metrics will help you grow your business.

    • Understanding audience needs and offering solutionsIdentify target audience, tailor marketing efforts, engage in meaningful ways, provide lead magnets, tag prospects to track engagement sources

      Effective marketing involves understanding your audience's needs and offering solutions to their problems. This means focusing your advertising budget on channels where your target audience is most likely to be found and engaging with them in a meaningful way. By identifying specific buyer segments and their stages in the buying process, you can tailor your marketing efforts to help facilitate their purchase journey. This may involve providing lead magnets or other resources to address smaller problems and qualify leads before making an offer. It's important to remember that impressions, likes, and follows do not equate to engagement, and true engagement occurs when prospects click a link or call your business to inquire about your products or services. By tagging prospects from the prospecting realm to the inquiry realm, you can gain valuable insights into the sources of your inquiries and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.

    • Identifying Leads Through Their ActionsUnderstanding leads' interests and needs by tracking their actions and gathering more information helps tailor communications and provide effective offers.

      Identifying the source of a lead is crucial in determining their level of interest and potential value to your business. This can be achieved when individuals provide information through actions such as filling out a form, downloading content, or making a phone call. Once identified, it's important to gather more information about these leads through surveys or other means to better understand their interests and needs. This narrows down the focus and allows for more relevant and effective offers to be made. Additionally, privacy concerns aside, understanding the behavior and interests of leads who have engaged with your content on various channels can provide valuable insights and help tailor communications to their specific needs.

    • Targeting potential buyers in digital marketingBy using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, marketers can build profiles, segment buyers, and make specific offers to pre-qualified leads, saving time and resources and increasing conversions.

      In digital marketing, it's essential to identify and focus on potential buyers rather than just gathering leads or increasing exposure. By using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, marketers can build contextual profiles, segment individuals into buying cohorts, and make specific offers to pre-qualified buyers. This targeted approach saves time and resources by eliminating unqualified leads and webinar attendees. Marketers can optimize conversions by analyzing data from repeat buyers and refine their advertising to reach individuals with specific problems who want to solve them with their products or services. This approach is more effective than traditional methods like door-to-door sales, where marketers would target businesses based on visible signs of need. In digital marketing, clever tagging, initial sales, and follow-up sales funnels can help zero in on potential buyers and increase conversions.

    • Focus on qualified prospects and understand customer lifetime valuesInvest in multi-channel marketing to reach highly qualified prospects and measure results to optimize efforts. Understand customer needs and provide value to build a loyal customer base with high lifetime values.

      In today's digital marketing world, it's essential to focus on highly qualified prospects who have problems you can solve, rather than wasting resources on tire kickers or people with minimal buying power. If your products or services are commoditized or you're in a highly competitive market, it's crucial to understand your customer lifetime values and invest in multi-channel, direct response marketing. By measuring leads and sales, building attribution maps, and creating relevant content, you can skip the line and get maximum attention from your target prospects through paid advertising. It's also essential to have audience segmentation, platform tagging, and marketing reserves to jump on opportunities. If you're selling high-ticket services or solutions, focus on helping your customers solve their problems rather than just selling them a commodity. By understanding your customer's needs and providing value, you can build a loyal customer base with repeat business and customer lifetime values in the millions.

    • Test marketing channels effectively with analyticsAnalyze different marketing platforms to reach qualified buyers, explore lesser-known ones, understand audience needs, target buyer personas, and make AB split offers to generate high-quality leads and improve sales.

      To grow your business and improve profitability, it's crucial to have analytics in place to test different marketing channels effectively. Don't limit yourself to popular platforms like YouTube or Facebook; explore lesser-known ones like Rumble and Bitch Shoot. Understanding your audience and their needs on each platform is essential for making specific offers and generating high-quality leads. By targeting buyer personas and customer avatars, you can skip the slowness of organic traffic and make AB split offers to those most likely to be interested in your product or service. In essence, buying advertising allows you to jump to the front of the line and reach qualified buyers more quickly. Don't be distracted by the multitude of available platforms or try to be overly sensitive to their needs; instead, focus on testing offers in front of specific audiences to improve sales and overall business success.

    • See yourself as a customer on ad platformsFocus on platforms with high customer net worth and lifetime value, invest in leads and conversions, and prioritize accountability and measurable results.

      Instead of being a consumer or free contractor on advertising platforms, businesses should see themselves as customers with the power to optimize their ad spend. Platforms prioritize advertisers, so focusing on platforms that bring in new money and have high customer net worth and lifetime value can lead to significant returns. Businesses should aim to spend more on leads to outperform competitors and recoup their investment. Traditional brand agencies and platforms may oversell the importance of reach and engagement, but direct response advertising with a focus on accountability and measurable results is key for businesses delivering tangible, high-value services. Don't waste resources on impressions or engagement; invest in leads and conversions.

    • Maximize profits through audience segmentation and conversion rate optimizationUnderstand audience segments and optimize ad spend to increase sales, revenue, and customer equity. Focus on qualification to maximize ROI and shorten sales cycles.

      To maximize profits and optimize advertising spend, it's crucial to understand audience segmentation and conversion rate optimization. By focusing on these areas, businesses can track sales and revenue, build customer equity, and shorten sales cycles. Platforms like Google monetize attention even during sales pitches, so it's essential to make every investment count. Justin Hit from Ad Briefings emphasizes the importance of being highly qualified and offers resources to help businesses increase sales and profits. This approach to marketing has remained effective since traditional advertising methods, and it's essential to optimize time, ad dollars, and overhead to acquire and retain profitable customers. If you've got questions or need further information, reach out to Justin and his team at Ad Briefings.

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    Here, we find solace in the power of genuine connection. A place to build business relationships through words that sell. I'm looking forward to your comments below.

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    Writing content is easier than ever before. AI writing tools can write hundreds of articles in seconds. Folks focus on content because it feels like progress.

    Instead of writing content, there is a better, more reliable way to get clients. Big technology doesn't want you to know about this productivity hack.

    Writing for clients rather than clicks is what this episode is about. Stop working for Google, YouTube, and Facebook without getting paid.

    Are you a copywriter or marketer who wants more clients? Get client attracting insights, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Do you want more sales and grow your opportunity? It starts by becoming a recognized expert. Learn how here, https://www.jwhco.com/product/establish-instant-credibility/

    Justin Hitt is an expert in helping subject matter experts attract high-ticket assignments. With his help, clients have gained more than a billion dollars in growth in the last two decades.

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    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way

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    Stop wasting time chasing Google Search updates. Most websites can't convert traffic even if search engines send you traffic.

    Stop deleting content on a hunch chasing rankings. Instead, use a scientific approach that triples conversion.

    You're in the right place if you want double digital conversion rates and more cash flow from your business website.

    This approach looks at extracting best practices for lead and sales conversion. Then turns those best practices into better evergreen content.

    Evergreen content helps you draw consistent visitors and conversion. You'll have more predictable results for your business website.

    Unfortunately, many marketing managers choose to delete content rather than improve it. They look for quick wins without understanding how conversion rate optimization works.

    Copywriters and marketers can provide a valuable service in rewriting poor-performing content. This is value-added because you understand targeting.

    More importantly, as conversion rates increase, so can cash flow. Documenting best practices makes new content creation more predictable.

    I'm looking forward to your questions in the comments.

    Want more consistent cash flow in your freelance copywriting or small agency? Start with lessons on the business of copywriting. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

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    Do this to read the minds of prospects. Over your copywriting career, you'll be more productive. This concept of information management makes you more productive.

    You don't need any fancy database, software, or even a librarian. Start organizing your research to help you reach hungry prospects.

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    And most importantly, you'll set yourself up for faster onboarding of new clients. You'll need it because your results will justify being a high-demand copywriter.

    If you're ready to graduate from freelance copywriter to agency owner, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Discover the systems and business of copywriting that grow your earnings. You'll earn more with fewer hours and less headache. Thanks for subscribing.

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    My Strategic High Ticket Selling System Revealed
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    The majority looks for "marketing secrets" that don't require effort, or somehow magically work in every economy. Those shiny objects are an illusion.

    This high-ticket-selling system is strategic. In teaching it I demonstrate how the system works, but also how you can make it work.

    There is no need to create gobs of content. Content marketing is a distraction. You don't have to design a high-ticket product either.

    Start where you are today as a freelance copywriter, marketer, or subject matter expert. Don't be a part of the distracted masses.

    This proven system is disguised as hard work. That's why I'm not concerned about revealing it to you. Most don't take action.

    Do you want a seven-figure agency? Or at least to earn more income more consistently. If you are an action taker, you'll join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #StartAgency #MarketingSystem #FreelanceCopywriter #SellingSystem #ProspectSurvey

    By the way, I have a PDF of my handwritten notes available for those who request it. You'll be the first to see the marketing funnel and ascension ladder I discuss here.

    The only way to get it is to ask for it. Use the form here, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/contact/

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    It may seem like more listeners means more customers, but that is not the case. Because there are many reasons to listen and fewer reasons to buy further analysis is necessary.

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