
    Podcast Summary

    • Solving common bra problems and enjoying summer comfortablyBrand 3rd Love offers comfortable and sexy solutions for various bra sizes, while IKEA provides affordable and stylish outdoor furniture for summer enjoyment. Unexpected friendships can form through shared experiences.

      There are solutions for common bra problems that prioritize both comfort and sexiness, as demonstrated by the brand 3rd Love. They offer a wide range of sizes and even invented half cups to ensure a perfect fit for every woman. Additionally, IKEA provides affordable and stylish outdoor furniture and accessories, allowing individuals to enjoy summer comfortably regardless of their budget. Furthermore, unexpected connections can be formed through shared experiences and circumstances, as Jerry and Tom's friendship illustrates. Despite their initial impressions, they developed a strong bond that transcended their past and formed a deep connection as friends and family.

    • Unexpected opportunities from shared experiencesMeaningful connections can lead to unforeseen collaborations and a deeper understanding of various forms of strength, including physical, emotional, and mental, especially in the context of fatherhood and marriage.

      The power of connections and shared experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and deep relationships. In this case, two men met through mutual interests and hunting trips, which eventually led to the creation of a podcast. The discussion also highlighted the importance of various forms of strength - physical, emotional, and mental - in different stages of life, particularly in the context of fatherhood and being a husband. The men's podcast focuses on exploring these aspects of masculinity, going beyond the surface-level understanding of strength as just physical prowess. Overall, the conversation underscores the value of building meaningful connections and embracing different aspects of strength in one's personal and professional life.

    • Understanding and Eliminating Toxic MasculinityEmotional strength and understanding are key to eliminating toxic masculinity. Men should learn from experiences, express emotions appropriately, and take care of their families. Open communication, empathy, and distinction between whining and legitimate emotional responses are crucial.

      Toxic masculinity is not inherent in masculinity itself. Rather, it's a result of individuals choosing to behave poorly. The discussion emphasized the importance of emotional strength and understanding the unique needs of partners. Men are encouraged to learn from their experiences and adapt to their roles in their families. The goal is to eliminate toxicity and promote healthy expressions of masculinity. It's essential to teach boys that it's okay to express emotions and to take care of their families. However, it's also important to distinguish between whining and legitimate emotional responses. Overall, the conversation underscored the need for open communication, empathy, and understanding in relationships.

    • Men prioritize intentional communication and growth in relationshipsMen value open, solution-oriented communication and aim to promote positivity and growth in their relationships, recognizing the importance of emotional presence, sharing mental load, and avoiding negative pigeonholing.

      Men, like women, strive to be intentional with their relationships and seek to improve themselves and each other through open and solution-oriented communication. The conversation between friends acknowledges the challenges and uncertainties of parenting and the importance of having supportive and inspiring figures in their lives. They emphasize the need to validate feelings and work together to solve problems rather than complain. The discussion also highlights the importance of division of labor and responsibilities in the household, with no fixed gender roles. They aim to promote positivity and growth, staying away from controversial topics and negative pigeonholing. Ultimately, they believe in the importance of men being emotionally present and supportive, sharing the mental load with their partners, and working together to create a strong and balanced family dynamic.

    • Essential life skills for everyone, not based on genderEmbrace learning essential life skills, regardless of gender, for independence and self-sufficiency in future relationships and life situations

      Both men and women should embrace and learn essential life skills, regardless of gender roles. The speaker shares her personal experience of dividing household responsibilities with her partner, but emphasizes that it's not about assigning specific tasks based on gender. Instead, she believes that everyone should be able to handle basic life situations, such as changing a tire or mowing the lawn. She also expresses concern about the lack of these skills in the younger generation, particularly among sons, and the potential consequences for their future relationships and ability to function independently. Ultimately, she encourages teaching these skills to both sons and daughters to ensure they can protect and provide for themselves and others.

    • Teaching kids essential skillsParents should teach kids basic skills, shaping the next generation and fostering a sense of community

      It's essential to teach children basic skills, even if we can afford to pay someone else to do it. These skills not only help us appreciate the value of hard work but also prepare them for an uncertain future. Unfortunately, many kids lack these skills due to the convenience of outsourcing tasks. Parents, especially those without a masculine figure in their lives, must step up and teach their children these principles. It's not just about teaching our kids but also being there for others' kids when needed. By doing so, we become the "dudes" who help shape the next generation. Ultimately, this approach fosters a sense of community and mutual support.

    • Teaching essential life skills to childrenEmpower children with practical skills for self-sufficiency and independence, regardless of gender.

      Teaching children essential life skills, regardless of their gender, is important for self-sufficiency and independence. The speaker shares personal experiences of teaching their children how to pump gas, change tires, and other practical skills. They emphasize that this is not about making boys more manly or girls less feminine, but rather about preparing them for potential situations where they may need to rely on themselves. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of strong women and their abilities, noting that women can be mentally and physically stronger than men. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of instilling a sense of self-reliance and resilience in children, regardless of their gender.

    • Enhancing daily life with IKEA and Amica InsuranceIKEA offers affordable and stylish outdoor essentials for enjoyable summers, while Amica Insurance provides peace of mind through life insurance policies, emphasizing the importance of being there for loved ones. Empathy, preparation, and resilience are essential in overcoming challenges.

      Both IKEA and Amica Insurance offer solutions to enhance our daily lives in different ways. IKEA provides affordable and stylish outdoor essentials, making summer enjoyable and lasting beyond vacations. Amica Insurance, on the other hand, offers peace of mind and security through their life insurance policies, emphasizing the importance of being there for loved ones. The discussions also highlighted the determination of individuals to overcome challenges, whether it's completing a marathon or dealing with unexpected tragedies. Empathy, preparation, and resilience were recurring themes throughout the conversations.

    • A father's influence on his daughter's relationshipsA father's respect towards his daughter's partners can positively impact their behavior towards her, while a lack of respect can lead to negative behaviors. Parents' roles in shaping their children's perceptions of women and respect for them are crucial.

      The way a father treats his daughter's potential partners can significantly impact how those men treat the daughter. Respect from the father towards the man can create a positive influence, making the man more likely to treat the daughter well. Conversely, a lack of respect or interference can lead to negative behaviors. The father's role in shaping his son's perception of women and respect for them is crucial. Additionally, the dynamics between mothers and sons, and fathers and daughters, are different, and understanding these differences can help foster better relationships. Overall, the way parents treat their children's partners can have long-lasting effects on their kids' relationships and future interactions with romantic partners.

    • Evolution of family roles and relationshipsModern families require both parents to take on multiple roles. Teach children about healthy relationships and equality. Express love and communicate openly in partnerships.

      The dynamics of relationships and family roles have evolved over generations. Traditional gender roles, such as women being the homemakers and men being the breadwinners, are no longer the norm. In the conversation, it was discussed how some older generations may have had distinct gender roles, but modern families, especially single-parent households, require both parents to take on multiple roles. It's essential for parents to teach their children about healthy relationships and the importance of equality in partnerships. The speaker also mentioned the importance of expressing love and affection towards one's partner, regardless of societal norms or expectations. The conversation also touched upon the significance of open communication and the importance of adapting to changes in family structures and societal expectations.

    • The importance of both parents in raising a familyBeing a single parent comes with challenges, but having both parents present can provide essential support and understanding in meeting a child's needs and maintaining a healthy family dynamic.

      Being a single parent comes with unique challenges, and while it's possible to manage on one's own, there are certain aspects that require the presence and support of both parents. This was evident in a discussion about a heartfelt dog video, where the speaker expressed the desire for both parents to be present for their child's needs. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being a good husband and father, and how neglecting one's partner can hinder one's ability to effectively care for their family. The speakers acknowledged the difficulties of balancing parenting responsibilities with personal needs and relationships, and emphasized the importance of learning and adapting to these challenges. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of mutual support and understanding in raising a family.

    • The importance of intentional date nights in a relationshipPrioritize romantic time, treat each other as partners, and seek support to maintain a healthy and connected relationship.

      Prioritizing intentional date nights and making time for each other is crucial in maintaining a healthy and connected relationship. The speakers shared their personal experiences of making this a priority, despite the challenges of raising children and having limited family support. They emphasized the importance of treating each other as romantic partners and not just parents, and how neglecting this can lead to frustration and disconnection. They also discussed the importance of having a support system, whether it be through friends or family, to help make date nights possible. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of prioritizing relationship time and the positive impact it can have on a couple's connection.

    • Balancing personal time and family responsibilitiesEffective communication and finding a balance between personal needs and family responsibilities are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship, even for parents.

      Having personal time and space is crucial in a relationship, especially for parents. The discussion highlighted the importance of balancing family responsibilities with individual needs. Jerry shared an experience where his wife's excessive involvement in taking care of their children led to growing resentment, as she couldn't have her own time. This resonated with the speaker, who also mentioned facing similar challenges during her breastfeeding phase. They agreed that both partners need to have their own time, hobbies, and social connections to maintain a healthy relationship. It's essential to communicate openly about these needs and find a balance that works for both parties. Even though it might be challenging, especially when raising young children, it's important to remember that personal growth and self-care are essential aspects of being a human being.

    • Balancing Personal Time and Family ResponsibilitiesEffective communication and planning are crucial in balancing personal time and family responsibilities. Understand unique parent-child dynamics, prioritize self-care, and appreciate each other's roles.

      Effective communication and planning are essential in balancing personal time and family responsibilities. The speaker shares an experience of feeling sidelined as a parent when their child preferred the other parent. They also discuss the importance of scheduling personal time and learning to prioritize self-care. The speaker emphasizes the significance of understanding the unique dynamics between fathers and daughters versus mothers and sons. The conversation also touches on the importance of recognizing and appreciating each other's roles and contributions in raising a family. This discussion can be applied to various aspects of life, including work-life balance and personal relationships. By acknowledging the importance of open communication and planning, individuals can create a more harmonious and balanced lifestyle.

    • Parenting: A constant learning processParents discover different ways to adapt to their children's unique personalities and needs, and the experience of parenthood is a constant learning process.

      Every experience, whether it's traveling to new places or becoming a parent, brings unique emotions and challenges. During a conversation about their children's births, the speakers shared that while both labors and deliveries were different, the feelings of joy and amazement were equal. However, they noted that as their children grew, they discovered different ways to parent based on each child's unique personality and needs. This experience of parenthood, they agreed, was a constant learning process. Another topic touched upon was the difference in emotions experienced during their first and second births. The first birth was described as an overwhelming surge of emotion, while the second birth was more focused and less emotional. This could be due to maturity, prior experience, or the specific circumstances of each birth. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of adapting to the individual needs of each child and embracing the unique experiences that come with parenthood.

    • Two different childbirth experiences: medicalized vs naturalChildbirth is a transformative experience, regardless of the circumstances, that leaves a profound impact on parents and makes them feel like new people.

      Childbirth is a transformative experience, full of unexpected twists and turns. The speaker shared stories from two of his children's births, highlighting the differences between medicalized and natural deliveries. In the first experience, he was unprepared and unsure of his role, but eventually embraced the moment and found awe in the process. In the second experience, he was more in control and actively participated, finding joy in the intimacy of the natural birth. Regardless of the circumstances, the speaker emphasized the profound impact of witnessing the birth of his children, noting that it made him feel like a whole new person.

    • Support from partner and professionals enhances childbirth experienceHaving a supportive partner and professionals during childbirth can greatly improve the experience for both parents, providing emotional support and easing concerns.

      Having a supportive partner during childbirth can significantly enhance the experience for both mother and father. The speaker shares his awe and excitement during his wife's second labor, feeling more at ease and focused on her comfort. He emphasizes the importance of having professionals like a doula to assist during the birth, as he acknowledges his limitations in providing emotional support. The comfort and ease he felt during the second labor allowed him to fully appreciate the moment and be present for his wife and newborn. The use of a doula also alleviated his concerns about not being able to provide adequate emotional support. Overall, the experience of witnessing the birth of his second child was vastly different from the first, with the presence of a supportive partner and professional making all the difference.

    • Trust your instincts and be true to yourselfBe cautious of red flags, trust your gut, and don't be afraid to walk away. Be true to yourself and don't put on a facade to impress others. Empathy and understanding others' perspectives can help navigate complex situations with kindness and compassion. Make the most of summer with affordable options.

      First impressions can be deceiving, and sometimes people may try to manipulate situations to their advantage. In the first story shared, a woman ignored several red flags but was still taken aback when the man she was meeting for lunch went through her car looking for change. This experience served as a reminder that it's important to trust your instincts and not be afraid to walk away if something feels off. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of empathy and the role it plays in various aspects of life, from parenting to dating. At Amica Insurance, they understand the importance of empathy and the responsibilities that come with being a new parent. Similarly, in dating, empathy can help us understand the perspectives of others and navigate complex situations with kindness and compassion. Furthermore, the conversation highlighted the importance of being true to oneself and not trying to put on a facade to impress others. In the second story, the man's attempt to hustle the woman for change was a clear example of this. Lastly, the discussion also touched on the topic of affordability and making the most of summer, with IKEA offering affordable outdoor furniture and accessories to help make the most of the season.

    • Being honest in online dating profilesAuthenticity matters in online dating. Don't lie or manipulate your profile to attract partners. Be true to yourself and use humor to make a connection.

      People should be honest and authentic in their online dating profiles. The speaker expresses frustration towards individuals who misrepresent themselves or have unrealistic expectations. They mention specific examples of men who lie about their age, number of children, and financial situation. The speaker also shares their personal bias against dating men with children based on past experiences. They also discuss the importance of physical attraction and how some individuals may use deceptive tactics to get a date. Additionally, they mention a woman's profile that uses humor as an icebreaker and find it effective. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not trying to manipulate or deceive potential partners.

    • Online Dating: The Good, The Bad, and The UglyWhile some find success in online dating, others face frustrations and inappropriate messages. The gender disparity in matches persists, but some groups, like military men, seem to fare better.

      While some people use dating apps like Tinder for casual hookups, others are genuinely seeking meaningful connections. However, the experience can be frustrating and disheartening, with some receiving inappropriate messages or feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of options. One speaker shared a story from 2015 about receiving a crude message, while another discussed their own experiences with eharmony and Tinder, highlighting the disparity in matches for men and women. Despite this, some believe that more women are looking for relationships on these apps, and that military men seem to have more success. Ultimately, the speaker expressed a sense of relief at not having to navigate the world of online dating, preferring instead to approach potential partners in person and avoid the awkwardness and uncertainty of starting over on every first date.

    • Free meals attract women to Barely FamousListeners encouraged to connect on social media, affiliations with CrossFit and a basement project, promotion of Pluto TV, Amica Insurance, and Way Day sale

      During the discussion on Barely Famous, it was mentioned that there are a significant number of women who join their community for the free meals. However, this approach is not sustainable and not the primary focus. The guests also encouraged listeners to connect with them on various social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify. They also mentioned their affiliation with CrossFit and a basement project. Additionally, they promoted Pluto TV for true crime enthusiasts and Amica Insurance for new parents. Lastly, Wayfair's biggest sale of the year, Way Day, was advertised, offering up to 80% off on various home goods and free shipping.

    Recent Episodes from Barely Famous

    Life After Lock Up - Ghosts of The Past

    Life After Lock Up - Ghosts of The Past

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into episode four of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They discuss the continuity problems in the episode, Gypsy's nightmares, and her tattoo experience. They learn that Gypsy's mom, Dee Dee, was also a victim of Munchausen by proxy. The hosts react to Gypsy visiting Dee Dee's grave and share their thoughts on Gypsy talking to her deceased family member. They are particularly bothered by stepmom Kristy's actions regarding Gypsy's ex-boyfriend Ken and debate whether Gypsy loves Ryan the same way she loved Ken.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - Is This My Life?

    Life After Lock Up - Is This My Life?

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into episode three of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They share their reactions to Gypsy's appearances on The View and Good Morning America, pondering how she handles media pressure so effectively. The discussion shifts to Ryan, exploring his family, job, and the authenticity of his personality. Gypsy's confessions about nightmares of her mother prompt Kail to reflect on her own past and whether she has any regrets about her decisions.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into episode two of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They discuss Gypsy's viral TikTok video, react to her revelations about experimenting with women in prison, and debate whether Ryan comes off as less cringy this episode. Finally, they theorize how much of the show might be staged and share their suspicions about the family's participation.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail and Kristen dive into the premiere of "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup." They explore the confusing footage of Gypsy's release, share insights on her family dynamics, and discuss the challenges she faces in moving beyond her past. Plus, they give their take on her unusual and cringe-worthy husband. Tune in for a compelling conversation on Gypsy's journey to freedom.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    Crying at Taco Bell

    Crying at Taco Bell

    This week on Barely Famous, Kristen returns with much-needed life updates. She shares what she's been up to since her health scare, the importance of getting a second opinion, the tests she still needs, and how the outpouring of support on social media has comforted her. Kail and Kristen also discuss their upcoming vacation plans, including Kail's family trip to Disney World. They dive into the topic of adoption and how they are both considering it for their families in the future. Finally, Kristen surprises Kail with some outrageous dating stories.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Girthmaster: The Man Behind the Girth

    Girthmaster: The Man Behind the Girth

    This week, Kail and Tracey Carnazzo talk to the one and only Girthmaster, an OnlyFans creator who recently went viral for revealing his impressive earnings on the platform. Kail and Tracey dive deep to get to know the man behind the viral video. They discuss how he got into the industry, how his work affects his relationships, how his life changed after gaining fame, and whether he would date someone with kids. Girthmaster also reveals what goes on behind the camera and what fans can expect from him in the future.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    May is Definitely Maying

    May is Definitely Maying

    This week, Kail talks life updates including her fitness journey, plastic surgery plans and updates on her book club. She then gets into a listener Q&A session where Kail answers burning questions such as: Does she feel disconnected from Elijah? Will she be adding more tattoos to her collection? What girl names did she consider but ultimately decide against? Plus, gain insights into her family's travel plans and much more!

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail talks to comedian and fellow podcaster, Tracey Carnazzo. Kail and Tracey discuss keeping friendship and business separate, as well as the nuances between secrets and gossip. Tracey shares her love of self-tanner, including the latest tantouring trend, and introduces Kail to the 'Girthmaster.' They also discuss Teen Mom: Family Reunion Season 3 and brainstorm ways to improve the Teen Mom franchise

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    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    This week on Barely Famous, join Kail as she opens up about some recent life updates, including a mortifying experience during a home visit and handling an emergency while waiting in the school pickup line. She also dives into listener-submitted topics such as whether all men cheat or not, discussing her relationship with Lindsay, sharing thoughts on overrated authors, and offering advice on how to encourage partners to pull their own weight. Tune in for these engaging discussions and much more!

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    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews

    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews
    Kail journeys to Alabama to do farm chores with Matt Mathews, and talk about kids, thirst traps, coming out, pivoting, naming chickens & ducks, and sleeping nekkid & robes. They also get serious about traumatic childhoods, and growing up around addiction and loss. Thanks for supporting our sponsors! Quince: Go to https://quince.com/famous for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Redfin: Download the Refin app today to find your forever home. Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://RocketMoney.com/FAMOUS Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/barelyfamous Zocdoc: Go to https://https://Zocdoc.com/BARELY and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. To watch the full episode + other exclusive content, join my Patreon community! Patreon.com/kaillowry

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    Bill Stierle: Become a Better Communicator! – Part 1

    Bill Stierle: Become a Better Communicator! – Part 1

    Did you know that the #1 reason couples break up is because of lack of communication? Did you know miscommunication happens very frequently in the workplace too? Would you like to be a better communicator all around? Our guest today is Communications Specialist and Expert Coach Bill Stierle, who talks deeply about the subject of “needs-based” communication. Bill has a groundbreaking way of understanding language and coaches people to communicate in healthy, compassionate, and productive ways.  

    Today Bill talks about thinking, learning, and communication styles based on the “Herrmann Brain Dominance Model” and the “Needs-Based Communication” technique. He helps us with our ability to develop communication and compassion. He and Lisa discuss various types of communication including parenting skills and how to effectively communicate with children and other family members. 

    Bill advises us to be empathic first, especially before starting to make suggestions and offer solutions. He says to “guess” what the person may be feeling, and what they may be missing. He suggests repeating what the person says for clearer understanding. 

    Bill also suggests using the word “torn” several times a day and asking someone, “Could you be feeling ‘torn’?” For example, that can be a source of miscommunication. Maybe you want to go out and have fun, but you know you have work to do first. This leads to a feeling of being “torn.” 

    They also discuss how division in this country appears to be at an all-time high. And each side believes their needs are most important. We tend to “manage” feelings rather than addressing them. Through needs-based communication, you try to find the word for the feeling that’s arising. Bill explains that feelings are only indicators. They are neither positive nor negative. They indicate what emotion is happening. He offers tips for observation to help determine what the need may be.  

    Basic needs include the need for Choice. You can practice by clarifying the choice. Ask someone, for example, if they would prefer to go see a movie, or would they rather stay home and order dinner? Or are they torn? Consideration, trust, truth, respect, creativity, and acknowledgement are all very common needs.  

    Bill Stierle has been working with individuals, couples, and families for more than 30 years. He has coached thousands of people and has taught numerous workshops locally and nationally on topics that address personal and professional effectiveness, relationships, and parenting. The material Bill presents is designed for people who want to create more ease and effectiveness within their relationships, both at home and work. His latest book is “The Emotional Sobriety Solution: Have More Joy in Your Life in Less Than 30 Days.” This is Part 1 of the interview. Info: https://www.billstierle.com/

    Now That's What I Call Parenting Hell - Volume 5

    Now That's What I Call Parenting Hell - Volume 5
    While we're on a very short record break so here's a hand crafted selection of the finest tales and advice from the Parenting Hell podcast archives. Each one a guaranteed banger... TRACK LISTING:1. Kerry Godliman (Series 1 Episode 5)2. Jason Manford (Series 1 Episode 6)3. Alison Hammond (Series 1 Episode 12)4. Lorraine Kelly (Series 1 Episode 17)5. Judi Love (Series 1 Episode 25)6. Robbie + Ayda Williams (S1 EP 66)7. Michael Sheen (Series 2 EP5) If you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.ukTWITTER: @parenting_hellINSTAGRAM: @parentinghellA 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 33. Popcast

    Ep 33. Popcast
    This week on the podcast Chris and Rosie discuss week one on Strictly, the train to London with Sandra the Womble, popping spots, noisy randy neighbours and there is a fishy question from Chris's brilliant dance partner Karen Hauer.

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    59: GKBarry's Manager Talks $1M Deals, Grace's SECRETS & Working on Adult Films!

    59: GKBarry's Manager Talks $1M Deals, Grace's SECRETS & Working on Adult Films!
    GKBarry's manager Hannah Holland is here to spill the tea. She doesn't hold back on signing million dollar deals, secrets to becoming a successful influencer & working in p*rn before starting her own company.

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