
    Podcast Summary

    • The power of bittersweet emotionsBittersweetness, a quiet state of longing or ache, can lead to deep joy, connection, and transcendence. Embrace it and discover new depths of human experience.

      Bittersweetness, the quiet state of being attuned to the gap between reality and our desires, can lead to deep joy, connection, and even transcendence. Susan Cain, a bestselling author and expert on introversion, explores this concept in her book "Bittersweet." This state of being is not about sadness, but rather a longing or ache that makes us feel more connected to the human experience. Cain's work, which includes her first book "Quiet" and numerous TED Talks, has helped millions understand the power of introverts and the importance of embracing quieter emotions. If you're looking to optimize your sleep, consider investing in a Birch mattress, which is organic, sustainably made, and offers a perfect balance of softness and support. For those interested in gut health, Seed's d s o one daily symbiotic is a science-backed probiotic and prebiotic that supports overall well-being. And for high-performance apparel, On's next-gen premium fabrics and sophisticated designs can help you get moving in comfort and style.

    • Embracing Introversion and BittersweetnessIntroversion is a strength, not a weakness, and can lead to deeper thinking, creativity, and connection. Bittersweetness, the ability to appreciate complexities and contradictions, adds depth and meaning to experiences. Recognize the value of experiences and pursue passions when the time is right.

      Our conversation with Susan Cain highlights the importance of embracing and leveraging the often misunderstood states of introversion and bittersweetness. Introversion, a trait that can be intimidating for some, is a powerful resource when properly harnessed. It's not a weakness, but a strength that can lead to deeper thinking, creativity, and connection. Similarly, bittersweetness, the ability to appreciate the complexities and contradictions of life, can add depth and meaning to our experiences. Both introversion and bittersweetness are underappreciated in our culture, but they are essential for personal growth and fulfillment. The conversation between Susan and the interviewer also underscores the importance of recognizing the value of our experiences and the need for a catalyst to help us pursue our passions. Whether it's a personal loss or an external opportunity, it's essential to recognize when it's time to move on from our comfort zones and embrace new possibilities.

    • Valuing the Undervalued: Introversion and SensitivityEmbrace introversion and sensitivity as valuable traits, and acknowledge the importance of bittersweet moments in life for growth and resilience.

      Both of Susan Cain's books, "Quiet" and "Bittersweet," emphasize the importance of valuing and celebrating aspects of the human experience that are often undervalued or misunderstood by society. These aspects include introversion and sensitivity. Introversion, as defined by Cain, is the way people gain energy and respond to stimulation. Introverts are drained by too much stimulation, while extroverts thrive in it. Shyness, on the other hand, is a fear of social judgment. Cain argues that society places a high value on extroverted traits, leading to a significant waste of talent and happiness for introverts. She encourages embracing both ways of being, as they each bring unique strengths and powers. The takeaway from "Bittersweet" is the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the bittersweet moments in life, as they are an inherent part of the human experience and contribute to our growth and resilience.

    • Understanding the Connection Between Introversion and SensitivityIntroverts and highly sensitive people share the trait of sensitivity, but not all introverts are highly sensitive and vice versa. Society needs to value and include these individuals in the workplace to foster creativity and innovation.

      Sensitivity, a trait often associated with introverts, is linked to bittersweetness, a state of mind characterized by being attuned to the interconnectedness of joy and sorrow in life. According to a quiz developed by Susanne Babbel, Scott Barry Kaufman, and David Yaden, highly sensitive people, who make up 80% of introverts, score high on both traits. However, not all introverts are highly sensitive, and not all highly sensitive people are introverts. Despite the misconception that introverts struggle in the workplace, many creative and forward-thinking leaders are introverts. Babbel argues that society needs to reevaluate its cultural norms to better understand and leverage the talents of introverts and highly sensitive people. By raising awareness and fostering an inclusive workplace culture, we can create an environment where these individuals can thrive. Babbel's work emphasizes the importance of solitude in creativity and encourages us to recognize the valuable contributions of introverts and highly sensitive people in various fields.

    • Shifting towards introvert-friendly workplaces and educational institutionsResearch shows open floor plans negatively impact introverts' focus, productivity, and health. The pandemic has accelerated the rethinking process, allowing individuals to reassess work arrangements and make adjustments for better well-being.

      There is a growing awareness and shift towards accommodating introverts in workplaces and educational institutions. This includes rethinking hiring and promotion practices, as well as the way feedback is given to students. The trend towards open floor plans and collaborative workspaces has been identified as problematic for introverts, who often require private environments to focus and do their best work. Research shows that open floor plans can negatively impact concentration, productivity, and overall health. The pandemic has accelerated this rethinking process, with many people reevaluating their work arrangements and the impact of their environments on their well-being. While the long-term effects of the pandemic on introversion and extroversion in the workplace are still uncertain, it has provided an opportunity for individuals to reassess their previous work arrangements and make adjustments that better suit their needs.

    • The bittersweet beauty of emotionsEmbrace the bittersweet aspects of life to find creativity, connection, and transcendence through shared experiences and artistic expressions.

      Author's perspective on life is that it's bittersweet, and this viewpoint is not a result of the pandemic or personal losses, but rather a long-held belief. Seeing the world in this way allows her to find the light even in difficult times and appreciate the beauty of emotions, rather than avoiding them. This holistic approach to emotions is reflected in various wisdom traditions and artistic expressions throughout history. The author's fascination with bittersweet emotions began when she discovered her intense reaction to sad music, which she now believes connects people through shared experiences. By acknowledging and embracing the bittersweet aspects of life, we can find creativity, connection, and transcendence.

    • The Power of Emotional ConnectionMusic and shared emotional experiences can bridge gaps, empathy and vulnerability foster connections, and emotional landscapes tap into our primal need for human connection.

      Connection is a fundamental human desire, and music or shared emotional experiences can help bridge the gaps that divisiveness and masks create in our modern culture. Our ability to empathize and connect with others on an emotional level, often triggered by the vagus nerve, is an evolutionary advantage that dates back to our primal need to care for each other. This connection can be fostered through vulnerability, specificity, and levity, as seen in communities like AA. By allowing ourselves to indulge in emotional landscapes, we tap into our deepest human needs and form bonds that make us feel more human.

    • Exploring personal growth through apps and podcastsInvesting in apps like Waking Up and podcasts from Voicing Change Media can enhance daily life by promoting mindfulness, embracing the bittersweet state of being, and fostering creativity and growth.

      Investing in personal growth through apps like Waking Up, which offers a wealth of meditation resources and courses on various topics like stoicism, cognitive behavioral therapy, and time management, can significantly enhance your daily life. This bittersweet state of being, as described by the speaker, is a way of being attuned to the gap between the world as it is and the world as we wish it to be. It's a state of longing and reaching for something better, which can be a powerful driver for creativity and growth. Additionally, Voicing Change Media, a new media consortium, offers thought-provoking content through podcasts like Soulboom, where intellectuals and philosophers discuss existential questions. Practicing mindfulness and embracing the bittersweet state of being can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

    • Embracing difficult emotions for personal growthTransforming pain into creativity and gratitude, rather than suppressing it, leads to personal growth.

      Acknowledging and embracing difficult emotions, rather than suppressing them, can lead to personal growth and creativity. The speaker shares how contemplating mortality helped her put down her cell phone during bedtime and be present in the moment, fostering a sense of gratitude. Musicians, poets, and artists have the ability to transform conflicting emotions into something meaningful and transcendent. The choice is ours: we can either suppress or run away from pain, leading to negative consequences, or we can sit with it, make sense of it, and transform it into something positive. This is a fundamental human impulse, as seen in the surge of applications to help others during times of crisis. Our instinct is to take our pain and turn it into a creative offering. The speaker reflects on her own life and realizes she has unconsciously practiced this instinctually. Embracing pain and transforming it is a powerful way to live and create.

    • Embracing the Complexity of EmotionsUniversal human pain drives us to seek transcendence and self-improvement, but our culture often pushes repression and a win/lose mentality. Embrace emotions' complexity for personal and societal growth.

      The human experience of pain and suffering is a universal and complex aspect of the human psyche. Many people, including those in recovery from addiction, search for transcendence and self-improvement in unhealthy ways due to unresolved pain and the desire for something better. The recovery community is a testament to this aspirational nature, as individuals learn to transform their pain into creative offerings that heal not only themselves but others. However, our culture often pushes us towards repressing difficult emotions and viewing ourselves as winners or losers, with roots in Calvinistic ideas of predestination and the emphasis on hard work and success. By recognizing and embracing the complexity of our emotions, we can challenge ourselves to grow and mature as individuals and as a society.

    • Fear of being labeled as losers and societal pressure to be winnersEmbracing difficult emotions and allowing ourselves to feel and process them can lead to healing and growth, while societal stigma and avoidance of death can lead to lack of gratitude, increased anger, and superficial relationships.

      Our fear of being labeled as "losers" and the societal pressure to constantly be winners has led to a culture where challenging emotions, such as grief and depression, are stigmatized and overlooked. This not only makes it difficult for individuals to communicate and seek help when they need it, but it also undercuts our ability to develop emotional resilience and weather the inevitable hardships of life. Furthermore, our avoidance of death and difficult emotions can have pathological consequences, leading to a lack of gratitude, increased anger, and a focus on superficial relationships. Instead, embracing the truth of our experiences and allowing ourselves to feel and process difficult emotions can lead to healing and growth.

    • Discussing life extension through podcastsPodcasts like 'The Conversation' and 'The Proof' tackle complex issues, including life extension, providing clarity while raising profound philosophical questions about human existence and our relationship with mortality.

      There are individuals with influential voices who tackle important issues through podcasts, such as "The Conversation" and "The Proof." These podcasts provide clarity on complex topics like mental health, nutrition, and even life extension. However, the latter raises profound philosophical questions about the human condition and our relationship with mortality. Some proponents of life extension may oversimplify the issue, focusing solely on the potential benefits of immortality, disregarding deeper questions about the meaning of life and the nature of human existence. While there's an aspirational aspect to tackling the problem of mortality, it's essential to remember that our challenges extend beyond the fear of death. These discussions highlight the importance of addressing the complexities of human existence and the potential motivations behind the pursuit of life extension.

    • The human longing for something greaterExploring immortality and transcendence reveals our fundamental desire for meaning and purpose, even if the answer lies in the yearning itself.

      The human experience of longing and yearning for something greater than ourselves, whether it be through spirituality, religion, art, or other means, is a fundamental aspect of our existence. This idea was explored in the discussion around the potential for immortality and the concept of transcendence. The speaker suggested that if we truly had a choice in the matter, we might not view death as giving meaning to life. However, they also acknowledged the elegiac nature of this longing and the idea that the answer we seek may be found in the yearning itself. The speaker's personal exploration of this topic led them to recognize the common thread of longing and yearning across various aspects of human experience, including religion, and even in their own agnostic perspective. They found parallels between their own feelings and those expressed through music, nature, and the language of the divine. Ultimately, the act of striving towards union with the divine or towards any greater purpose is satisfying in and of itself.

    • The longing for connection and spiritualityExploring spiritual and mystical traditions enhances our lives by increasing our sense of wonder and awe for the world. Cultivating bittersweetness allows us to fully embrace life's joys and tragedies, making us more present and mindful.

      Our shared human experience, as depicted in various children's stories, is often marked by a sense of longing and primal desire for connection, which can be traced back to our innate DNA. This longing can lead us to explore spiritual and mystical traditions, ultimately enhancing our lives by increasing our sense of wonder and awe for the miraculous world around us. Bittersweetness, a state characterized by the coexistence of joy and sadness, is closely related to this sense of wonder and spirituality. Cultivating bittersweetness is a trainable skill, and it allows us to fully embrace the joys and tragedies of life, making us more present and mindful in our daily experiences. The idea of living in a broken world, as described in the Kabbalah, offers a way to make sense of the tragedies in life while still finding joy and beauty in the world. By turning our awareness towards these bittersweet moments, we can elevate our life experience and find meaning in the complexities of the human condition.

    • Confronting past traumas for personal growthFacing past traumas can lead to healing, growth, and enriching experiences despite the initial discomfort and fear.

      Confronting past traumas and painful emotions can be a daunting task, as it requires courage and the willingness to deconstruct built-up walls. People may resist this process due to fear, but it can lead to significant personal growth and enriching life experiences. The speaker's personal story about her relationship with her mother illustrates this concept. Despite having a close and loving bond with her mother during childhood, the mother's past traumas made their relationship difficult during the speaker's adolescence. The speaker ultimately chose to move on and grow up, but the process was painful and resulted in a strained relationship. However, the speaker's writing and the revelation of her diaries to her mother led to a profound understanding and eventual reconciliation. While it may not always be easy or straightforward, confronting past traumas can lead to healing and growth.

    • Transforming pain into a creative offeringConfronting and working through emotions can lead to healing and growth through creative expression, regardless of artistic achievements.

      The complexities and challenges of our relationships, even those with loved ones, can leave deep emotional scars. For the speaker, the experience of caring for a mother with Alzheimer's brought up painful memories and unresolved issues from their past. The mother's condition forced the speaker into a role they weren't prepared for, leading to a sense of bittersweetness and confusion. However, through the process of writing about their experiences, the speaker was able to find peace and reconciliation. This journey of confronting and transforming pain into a creative offering is a powerful way to heal and grow as a person. It's important to remember that this process doesn't require grand artistic achievements, but rather the courage to face and work through our emotions. Whether it's through writing, art, music, or other means, turning pain into a creative offering can lead to a more complete and fulfilled life.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Human EmotionsEncouraging the pursuit of longing and bittersweetness, rather than just happiness, could lead to a healthier cultural understanding of emotions. Engaging with beauty and meaning in everyday life can foster deeper emotional connections and community.

      Our society's focus on the pursuit of happiness may be limiting our ability to grapple with the complexities of human emotions. The speaker suggests that if the Declaration of Independence had encouraged the pursuit of longing or bittersweetness instead, it could have led to a healthier cultural understanding of the full range of human experiences. The speaker also notes that as we become less religious as a culture, we may be losing valuable outlets for exploring existential questions. To address this, the speaker suggests actively engaging with beauty and meaning in everyday life as a way to foster deeper emotional connections and community. The story of Beethoven's Ode to Joy, which started as a poem about love and brotherhood, is an example of how art can bring people together and channel emotional experiences into something shared.

    • Art from personal strugglesEmotional expression in art can foster connection and understanding, even during difficult times. Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' and artists' letters during emotional periods reveal profound works.

      The deep emotions and experiences of artists, even during difficult times, can lead to the creation of profound works of art. Beethoven's composition of "Ode to Joy" despite his hearing loss and personal struggles, resulted in a powerful piece that resonated with audiences due to its blend of joy and longing. A study by an economist at MIT revealed that periods of heightened emotional expression in artists' letters corresponded with their most profound works. Emotional storytelling can foster connection and understanding between people, offering a potential antidote to societal division. Creating safe spaces for honest, open, and vulnerable storytelling, with the option for anonymity, could help bridge the rift in our society. Storytelling, in its essence, is a powerful tool for connection and learning, transcending the need for prescriptive solutions.

    • The Power of Stories and IntrovertsUnderstanding introverts' needs, transforming pain into creativity, and honoring preferences can lead to happiness and growth

      Stories have a deeper impact on us than lists or instructions. This can be traced back to our evolutionary past and the campfire gatherings where stories were shared. Podcasts, with their intimate voice-in-the-ear format, tap into this connection. The author's next project is a podcast. The core idea from the book "Bittersweet" is that pain can be transformed into creativity and that there are hidden "superpowers" in ways of being that are often overlooked. For those with introverts in their lives, it's essential to understand their unique needs and preferences, rather than pushing them into social situations if they're not comfortable. The research shows that introverted children need only a few close friends for happiness. If fear or discomfort is the issue, strategies can be employed to help them face their fears in small, manageable steps. But if it's just a preference, it's crucial to honor that while ensuring they don't become too isolated. This nuanced approach requires sensitivity and understanding.

    • Supporting introverts in new experiencesBe patient and supportive of introverts during new experiences, allow them to take small steps, ensure work aligns with passions and values, and encourage stepping out of comfort zones while providing restorative time.

      Introverted individuals may require a longer adjustment period when introduced to new experiences, such as learning to swim or starting a new job. It's important to be patient and supportive, allowing them to take small steps and gradually build confidence. When introverts are promoted into roles requiring extroversion, it's crucial to ensure that the work aligns with their passions and values. If not, it may be time to consider a change. Introverts can also learn to step out of their comfort zones in the service of their work or people they care about, but it's essential to give themselves adequate restorative time to recharge. Ultimately, self-awareness and careful consideration are key when navigating the balance between staying true to one's constitution and growing professionally.

    • Quiet and Introverted Individuals: Embrace Your Inner SuperpowerQuiet and introverted individuals have unique strengths, creating a safe environment helps them thrive, and speaking from conviction makes a profound impact.

      Everyone has unique strengths and ways of contributing to the world, and for introverts and sensitive individuals, their quiet and introspective nature can be a powerful superpower. It may take time and self-discovery to recognize and embrace this, but the quiet and grounded person can have a profound impact by speaking from a place of conviction and authenticity. Creating a safe and recharging environment, whether it's a physical space or a morning routine, is essential for introverts to be at their best and share their unique gifts with the world. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and needs are different, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to living a fulfilling life. Embrace your inner superpower and trust that it will make a difference.

    • Exploring the power of continuous learning and community supportEmbrace lifelong learning, pursue your passions, and surround yourself with like-minded individuals for growth and inspiration.

      The importance of continuous learning and growth, as well as the power of community and support. The guest shared their passion for their work and encouraged listeners to pursue their own interests, while also emphasizing the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. To further explore this topic and learn more about the guest, listeners are encouraged to visit the episode page on richroll.com, subscribe to the newsletter, and support the podcast through subscriptions, reviews, and shares. The show is produced with the help of a dedicated team and supported by sponsors. The theme music was created by Tyler Pyatt, Trapper Pyatt, and Harry Mathis. Keep learning, growing, and connecting with others. Peace. Plants. Namaste.

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    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More
    This week, I’m joined by Matthew Hussey, the celebrated relationship expert and bestselling author, to discuss the intricacies of modern dating and to raise standards for authentic connections. With honest truths, he addresses embracing self-worth, setting boundaries, and cultivating a mindset that attracts an equal partnership based on decency, kindness, and respect. Exploring internal fears, anxieties, and the allure of chaotic relationship dynamics, Matthew discusses unreliable instincts and recognizing red, amber, and green lights. He provides a practical roadmap for breaking destructive cycles, navigating vulnerabilities, and nurturing healthy interdependence. Additionally, we examine gender differences in dating insecurities and societal pressures. Matthew emphasizes the importance of open communication, productive arguments, and empowering your partner’s growth. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use code Rich Roll for 15% OFF your first purchase 👉gobrewing.com  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    #23 Moving Through Depression ~ Jessi Brings a Little Color to New York City

    #23 Moving Through Depression ~ Jessi Brings a Little Color to New York City

    Your Creative Sparks:

    • Holding EMOTIONS happens in the BODY. We FREEZE in the middle.
    • Giving women the time and space to tell the STORY of their BODY can help them to identify THEMES and LESSONS… the what, the why, and the LOVE.
    • Jessi’s BIO process creates a biographical SCULPTURE, a TANGIBLE reminder that you have SURVIVED.

    Dirt is Love. Dirt, jiggle, sweat and vocalizing connection bring us deep into this balmy, beautiful day in Union Square Park. Following on the heels of two notable celebrity suicides, Jessica Browne-White of DreamscapesInk meets our Lobsterbird for a conversation around depression, shadow and the emotional body. Jessi is the colorful and exuberant creator of BIO (Body Image Object), an artistic process in which women’s body stories are collected and cast into sculptures that create a healing transformation for the participants. Leave us a Rating & Review!

    Your Travelogue

    • Jessi is a hero just because she showed up for this interview. Having dealt with depression for most of her life, her journey is teaching her how to release the stigma and overcome, instead of falling victim to ingrained patterns of isolation and shame. [6:47]
    • We often don’t know what to say when we see someone in a struggle with depression. But you can’t go wrong by saying, “I love you. I’m here.”  [12:55]
    • The dark times and the shadow places are often the source of your ability to have compassion and to help people. When we realize a path that works for us, we can integrate the shadow and bring others along the healing journey with us. [15:45]
    • BIO – Body Image Object was formed out of Jessi’s desire to integrate her inner and outer world. She found that her inner turmoil manifested in physical ways, specifically in her body. BIO became a tangible way to release the pain and the self-recriminating judgement being frozen within the body and instead reclaim the beauty, complexity and purpose of it. [22:33]
    • Jessi’s BIO process begins with a conversation and ends with a biographical sculpture. During the client’s storytelling, it becomes clear which part of the body has stored the main emotions, lessons, and recurring themes. Jessi creates a ribboned cast of this part of the body, a sacred ritual object, as a reminder that there is beauty and strength in all of these things that you have experienced. [26:26]
    • We that have the greatest capacity for light experience the deepest darkness. Not only is it okay, but It’s GOOD. Open yourself to feel ALL of the world. Even in the shadow, there is found humor and joy. [35:25]
    • The Practicum! Jessi leads Lobsterbird in a practice to help move and shift energy through the emotional body. [45:45]

    Links and resources:

    • Lobsterbird’s newest book: Level Up: Power Practices for Spiritual Superabundance by Sophia Remolde
    • Jessica Browne-White is a Waking Dreamer and Energy Artist who makes the invisible, visible. She named herself DreamscapesInk nearly 10 years ago and has been making her dreams a reality ever since. She delights in exploring complexity, layered realities, and shifts in perception. Mystery, magic, and transformation also underpin her work. She believes we are all dreaming the world into being - creating & re-creating our existence - everyday. Jessi has over 25 years of visual and performing arts experience and all of her training has taught her how to identify, create, shape, and shift energy to create a desired outcome. The manufacturing of possibility. The means to make the invisible visible, tangible, possible. She invites you to dream your dream with her and shift your perception, and therefore the trajectory, of your life.

    Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

    Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, exploring the retrograde energy of the cosmos in the foothills of the Shenandoah Mountains near Madison, Virginia. Sonya Louise is also the force of Nature behind Sacred Survivor Quest.

    For Free Energy Readings from Sophia and to learn about upcoming Hero’s Way Pilgrimages, visit: lobsterbird.com.

    ✨The newest pilgrimage is a Virtual Pilgrimage beginning in August! If you are interested in soaking in some magic so you can Level Up, shoot an email over to magic@lobsterbird.com for more details!✨

    If you liked this episode, please subscribe to our podcast and drop some starshine on us in iTunes. Leaving 5 stars makes it possible to bring you more goodness. Bonus points for leaving a review!

    Ticks: Lobsterbird Solo on Sacred Ground

    Ticks: Lobsterbird Solo on Sacred Ground

    In her first solo walk with us in months, Lobsterbird travels along a magical path lined with multi-colored mushrooms, catching us up on her adventures through the many realms of spirituality, entrepreneurship, pilgrimage, the quantum field and more. Join us on the border of the forest of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, where the New Jersey Devil is in fact said to live, as Lobsterbird faces parasitic hunters in order to return home with the healing elixir she discovered along her hero's journey.

    Leave us a Rating & Review!


    Your Creative Sparks:

    • COLLABORATE with FEAR. Think of it as a fun art project.
    • We are going through a real DEATH PERIOD right now, in which we will be REBIRTHED.
    • We are being asked to RAMP IT UP in our ability to deal with LETTING GO, SURRENDER AND FAITH.
    • POLARITY is like a FALSE MATRIX of thinking.

    Your Travelogue

    • It was about a year ago that I had a dark night of the soul that lasted like an entire year. Like it's just finished. There are many times throughout the course of the past year where I actually thought it was over, and then it just kept going. [1:49]
    • This is the magic spot, and when I was little, it was in this spot that I knew that I was crossing over the threshold into another realm, much like the bridge to Terabithia. [5:42]
    • Ticks. People are super scared of them because apparently they're hunters. [7:56]
    • I came home to birth some kind of energy baby. [9:19]
    • “I'm walking through the spiderwebs, leave a message and I'll call you back.” The way to collaborate with fear and make it an artistic project is to allow it to be there and make really creative choices with it. [15:55]
    • We are in this time right now where people are really being asked to step up and express their truth.  [25:31]
    • I am going to expose my own darkness and that's what this past year has been about. [30:04]
    • A thirty second walking meditation for crossing out of the weird donut hole. [41:49]
    • When the Buddhists were talking about duality and seeing through the illusion, I thought I knew what that meant. But the multiverse had to create this amazing obstacle course to really teach me what the Buddhists meant by duality. [43:45]
    • We are here, on the path in the woods to liberation. [46:54]
    • Because of our conscious awareness, we have an equal role in helping to sustain the planet, much as the planet does. What do you have to say to that, magic forest? [52:43]
    • There's a different way to do this y'all, and that's what we have to get to. And we'll only get there if we are investigating really deeply what our own energies are that are running under the surface. And then we must learn how to clear it and how to transmute it and how to turn it into something which then does give us power. [57:03]
    • I am convinced that we need new leaders to emerge in this world right now. [59:57]
    • It is possible to be in a state of beingness. And it actually doesn't matter if you're walking through a magical forest of your childhood or you're walking around on the streets in New York City amongst all the chaos. [1:02:52]
    • IRL Pilgrimages: Let's get enlightened. Purify our Karma. Heal our hearts and save some lives and build some elephant enclosures. It's going to be epic. [1:15:11]

    Links and resources:

    Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

    Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, founder of Performance Podcasting, and presently practicing Earth Medicine in Vero Beach, Florida.

    For Free Energy Alignments from Sophia and to learn more about upcoming Hero’s Way Pilgrimages, visit: lobsterbird.com.



    The Co-Creation Project is our brand new jam! and we are inviting a small group of like-spirited beings to join.

    what the world needs right now are Light Warriors who are willing to go deep—to co-create from the quantum field of all potential and fully embody that energy here on earth. it’s not enough to say we’re spiritual, to spout off wisdom and/or meditate in a void. this world needs us to bring all this energy into a state of complete beingness, compassion, and interconnectedness with life, and see what new earth emerges from that kind of collaboration.

    we gotta walk our talk. it takes community willing to do the work together to learn to be together in new ways. we must become attuned to the earth and larger ecosystem—physically, intuitively, emotionally, and analytically—to train and develop this kind of intelligence. 

    this is full-on integration and birthing new ways of being. in The Co-Creation Project, we'll come together as a community, to unleash our creative power and tap into a new realm of collective inspired action. the result will be a social action art project that will add fire to all your other endeavors and ignite possibilities for your life that you’ve dreamt of.

    this next journey is going to be wild. it will be deeply healing and transformative. it will be the most rewarding work we can do.

    want to Co-Create together? we can do it from anywhere on the planet and all you need is an open heart. if you feel those spirit tingles, inquire: magic@lobsterbird.com

    we’ll see what it really means to BE together. from there, a new earth will arise.

    +++/or: want Lobsterbird to be your personal healer in 2020? what can't we heal together? (hint: nothing.) there’s one 1:1 spot open and it includes a personalized pilgrimage. woot! email for deetz:



    If you liked this episode, please subscribe to our podcast and drop some starshine on us in iTunes. Leaving 5 stars makes it possible to bring you more goodness. Bonus points for leaving a review!

    #43 Lobsterbird? What the Heck is a Lobsterbird?

    #43 Lobsterbird? What the Heck is a Lobsterbird?

    Your Creative Sparks:

    • A lobster and a bird could FALL IN LOVE, but WHERE would they LIVE?
    • If you are listening to this podcast, then I am guessing YOU are ALSO a mythical, MAGICAL CREATURE!
    • It was humbling for people to want to WATCH THE LOBSTER - and not me.
    • When we perceive POLARITIES and bring them TOGETHER in a space where they can COEXIST, they actually TRANSCEND both of the things themselves and CREATE something completely different and completely new.

    Let us cross over into a mythical land full of mystical creatures - which includes YOU. Maybe you already knew this when you were very little. Maybe you saw things, or had lucid dreams, or talked to friends other people couldn’t see. Maybe you thought you were born to save the world. This story is for YOU, to inspire you to go on your own epic journey, to re-discover that you are indeed magical, that you have super powers, and that the world needs you to step into those powers and into your true BEing-ness. Leave us a Rating & Review!

    Links and resources:

    Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

    Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, who is presently on holiday in magical Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Sonya Louise is the force of Nature behind GO Solo Travel & Vision Quest.


    For Free Energy Readings from Sophia and to learn about upcoming Hero’s Way Pilgrimages, visit: lobsterbird.com.



    Are You a Spiritual Leader, Healer, Artist or Changemaker? Do You Have a Message of Hope and Healing that Needs to Reach More People?

    If so, you can join us this winter in ASIA on the adventure of a lifetime! Experience huge transformations in your life and business, while exploding your message out to those who need you. Email us at magic@lobsterbird.com for more details!✨

    If you liked this episode, please subscribe to our podcast and drop some starshine on us in iTunes. Leaving 5 starsmakes it possible to bring you more goodness. Bonus points for leaving a review!

    The Art of Yoni Dancing with Lyoni Fisher in Bali

    The Art of Yoni Dancing with Lyoni Fisher in Bali

    Your Creative Sparks:

    • LIFE and DANCE are the same thing.
    • WALK in the world as the GODDESS SEXPOT you are, if that is what you want.
    • To be FEARLESSLY, uniquely oneself is to give the world a GIFT.

    Today we are transmitting from the beautiful, sensual land of Bali in Indonesia, introducing *Yoni Dancer* fresh from the Bali Pilgrimage. Lyoni experienced the “arc of healing” which represented lifetime of healing in only ten days. The crucible of pilgrimage allowed her to discover she could be her authentic self, in all her unique glory, and still be accepted, embraced and loved. She also discovered a new language of energy, one that is felt in the body and personified in the dance. Leave us a Rating & Review!

    Your Travelogue

    • Everyone has their own unique way of understanding and interacting with energy. [4:44]
    • What happened when Lyoni hiked up her skirt in the temple... [8:21]
    • Lyoni’s primary access point to energy is clairsentience - the feeling capacity. As a dance teacher, she works intimately with the body, and working with the body is a gateway to working with much more than that. [14:03]
    • When you see that woman walking down the street, and you can see that special *something* about her, and you think, "I wish I had that"... [19:05]
    • I've noticed that when I don't feel good, running away isn't the solution. [22:11]
    • You access the power of the mind through the body.The body actually feels first. Then the mind tries to figure out what the body's feeling - and can sometimes miscommunicate and think it's feeling one thing and it isn't. [25:40]
    • The bell curve of healing: Sometimes that pain accentuates, and normally we freak out and want to run away from it. But we can stick with it, so it can clear. [29:33]
    • For the women who want to get their sexy back - It's letting go of any self judgement that makes you look so sexy. To be naked just as you are, in your comfort and purity, is so sexy, so regal. [35:10]
    • Integration happens in the body, not just in the mind. [43:23]


    Links and resources:


    Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

    Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, founder of Performance Podcasting, and presently practicing Earth Medicine in Vero Beach, Florida.


    For Free Energy Readings from Sophia and to learn about upcoming Hero’s Way Pilgrimages, visit: lobsterbird.com.


    Are You a Spiritual Leader, Healer, Artist or Changemaker? Do You Have a Message of Hope and Healing that Needs to Reach More People?

    If so, you can join us in Thailand on the adventure of a lifetime! Experience elephants, monks in monasteries, and huge transformations in your life and business, while exploding your message out to those who need you. We are filming Part 2 of the pilot for Modern Magic the TV Show! Email us at magic@lobsterbird.com for more details!✨

    If you liked this episode, please subscribe to our podcast and drop some starshine on us in iTunes. Leaving 5 starsmakes it possible to bring you more goodness. Bonus points for leaving a review!