
    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's rallies pose a challenge to democracyRecognize the broader threats to democracy in Trump's rallies, beyond specific policy issues or gaffes.

      While the media and the public may be focused on specific policy issues or gaffes from politicians, it's essential to recognize the broader threats to democracy and the potential for violence. Susan Glasser, staff writer at The New Yorker and coauthor of "The Divider," emphasizes that Trump's rambling rallies, filled with authoritarian and dystopic visions, are not just about tariffs or policy differences. They represent a challenge to the very pillars of democracy. The need to reduce these events to a news cycle plays into Trump's favor, as people may be more drawn to the sensationalism of potential violence or chaos than to policy debates. It's crucial for the media and the public to acknowledge and address these threats, even if they are not the most convenient or easily digestible topics.

    • Trump's Extreme Rhetoric: Shifting from Hints to Direct Calls for Pardons for Capitol CriminalsTrump's escalating rhetoric on election denialism and justifying Capitol attack actions, along with calls for pardons, pose a challenge to the rule of law and create a dangerous environment where violence is justified, with mainstream Republicans reluctant to condemn.

      Former President Donald Trump's rhetoric at his campaign rallies has become increasingly extreme, with a focus on election denialism and justifying the actions of those involved in the January 6th Capitol attack. Trump's calls for pardons for the January 6th criminals, despite their conviction, are a direct challenge to the rule of law and a shift from his earlier, more subtle hints about pardons over a year ago. Mainstream Republicans have been reluctant to explicitly condemn Trump's rhetoric, allowing the situation to escalate. The January 6th issue is now a central theme in Trump's campaign, and the lack of clear condemnation from Republican leaders is contributing to a dangerous environment where violence is justified. The gradual escalation of Trump's rhetoric, if not addressed, could lead to further instability and potential violence.

    • 2020 presidential race reaches new low with lies and untruthsTrump's false claims against Biden go unchecked, creating a codependent fundraising cycle, requiring factual reporting and accountability

      The political discourse during the 2020 presidential race has reached a new low with the widespread use of lies and untruths, particularly against President Joe Biden. Trump's accusations against Biden, such as accusing him of unleashing criminal gangs and causing inflation, have not been fact-checked extensively due to their frequent occurrence and the resulting desensitization of the public. This asymmetry in fact-checking and media coverage has allowed Trump to continue making false claims with little consequence. The situation has led to a codependency between the two campaigns, with both sides fundraising off the resulting outrage. The media and the public are left to navigate this intense amount of lies and deceptions, making it a significant challenge for the Biden campaign to effectively address these falsehoods in a single speech. The situation highlights the need for factual reporting and accountability in political discourse.

    • Understanding Political Events Beyond the ClipsEngaging with the full context of political events provides a more nuanced perspective, fosters empathy, and encourages constructive dialogue.

      The continuous consumption of clips of political events, particularly those involving controversial figures like Donald Trump, can keep us in a state of permanent agitation without fully addressing the underlying issues. It's important to understand the perspective of those who may not be directly affected by the situation, such as some establishment Republicans. However, engaging with opposing viewpoints and experiencing events firsthand can provide valuable insight. For instance, during the 2021 State of the Union address, President Biden made 13 references to his predecessor without mentioning Trump's name, which was criticized by some Republicans. In contrast, during Trump's Georgia rally, he made over 50 references to Biden. Analyzing these events side by side could offer a more comprehensive understanding of the political landscape. Ultimately, it's crucial to go beyond the clips and engage with the full context of political events to gain a more nuanced perspective. This not only helps us better understand the issues at hand but also fosters empathy and encourages constructive dialogue.

    • White House responses to Trump fuel media coverageThe Biden campaign's engagement with Trump during the 2022 campaign is driven by media incentives and White House responses to Trump's actions.

      The current political climate in the US involves a dynamic between the media, the White House, and political campaigns where criticizing former President Trump leads to increased media coverage. During the Biden presidency, there was debate about whether to continue covering Trump extensively, but the reality is that his actions and responses from the Biden campaign continue to generate news cycles. The Biden campaign's decision to explicitly engage with Trump during the campaign's new phase has been observed as a trend in media coverage. While some argue that this exacerbates clickbait coverage, others argue that the Biden campaign is responding to media incentives. Ultimately, the current political climate involves a cycle of White House responses to Trump leading to increased media coverage, which can be seen as a trend in the 2022 campaign.

    • Blurred lines between Trump's business and politics raise national security concernsDespite financial struggles, Trump receives secret service detail and national security briefings, blurring lines and creating potential conflicts of interest for foreign actors

      Donald Trump's intertwining of business and politics, which was a point of concern during his presidency, continues to raise national security implications as he runs for office again. Despite facing financial struggles, including the rejection of 30 companies to secure a bond for a $454 million judgment, Trump continues to receive secret service detail and national security briefings. This blurred line between business and politics, which was evident during his presidency with his refusal to disentangle himself fully, can create potential conflicts of interest and opportunities for foreign actors to curry favor. Examples of this include his son-in-law Jared Kushner's real estate projects in the Balkans with potential future administration officials, as well as the hiring of convicted tax cheat and fraudster Paul Manafort to help run his campaign. These issues would have been major front-page news stories for any other politician, but have been downplayed in the context of Trump's candidacy.

    • Manafort's potential role in Trump's 2024 campaign raises concerns about rule of law and Russian interferenceTrump's consideration of Manafort, a convicted criminal and Russian asset, for his 2024 campaign breaches patriotic duty and threatens American democracy

      The involvement of Paul Manafort in Donald Trump's 2024 campaign raises serious concerns about the rule of law and potential Russian interference in American politics. Manafort, who was convicted of criminal charges related to his work on Trump's 2016 campaign, was identified by a bipartisan Senate report as a conduit for Russian intelligence assets. Despite this, he was pardoned by Trump and is now being considered for a role in the 2024 campaign. This is alarming because Manafort's work with Russian-backed politicians, including Viktor Yanukovych, has been well-documented. The fact that Trump is considering working with Manafort amid ongoing Russian attacks on American democracy is a clear breach of patriotic duty and a threat to the rule of law. It's important for the American people to remember the established facts of Manafort's involvement with Russian intelligence and the potential consequences of bringing him back into the political fold.

    • Russia's Authoritarian Plebiscite: Putin's Re-electionPutin's re-election was not a democratic process, but a forced ratification of his continued power. Opposition was suppressed, and the war in Ukraine continues, with Putin's goal being the dismantling of Ukraine as an independent state.

      The recent presidential election in Russia under Vladimir Putin cannot be considered a real democratic election. It was more of an authoritarian plebiscite, a forced ratification of Putin's continued tenure and power. The opposition, led by Alexei Navalny, was suppressed, and his supporters bravely protested despite the risks. Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent crackdown on political dissent have led to a more intrusive and full-scale dictatorship in Russia. The war in Ukraine continues, and Putin's definition of victory is the dismantling of Ukraine as a viable independent state. European officials are deeply concerned about the potential implications of a Trump presidency for Putin's aggressive behavior and the reliability of the US as a partner.

    • Europe views US under Trump as a potential threatEuropean officials see a second Trump term as a threat to national security due to internal politics and potential democratic backsliding, with potential damage to institutions and the rule of law.

      European officials view the United States under a second Trump term as a potential national security threat, marking a significant shift from the American superpower status quo. The divisive internal politics of the US and the Republican party's continued loyalty to Trump make it difficult for any president to provide firm commitments to allies. If Trump were to win again, the threat of democratic backsliding could escalate, with potential damage to institutions and the rule of law. Trump's lack of policy expertise, manipulability, and reliance on extreme advisors could lead to a more radical departure from American policy than during his first term. His focus on taking control of the American justice system for personal gain could result in lasting damage. While some argue that institutions held during Trump's first term, a closer examination of his record reveals vulnerabilities that were previously unknown.

    • New DHS Head Raises ConcernsThe appointment of Vivek Ramaswami to lead DHS sparks debate over the department's role, potentially shifting from emergency response to controversy.

      The appointment of Vivek Ramaswami to head the Department of Homeland Security raises concerns about the degradation of the department's role from a response to emergencies to potentially becoming a subject of controversy. This was discussed on The Borg podcast with Susan Glasser, who shared her insights on the current political climate and the implications of this appointment. The podcast, produced by Katie Cooper with audio engineering and editing by Jason Brown, provides valuable perspectives on current events and is a terrific contribution to the media landscape. It's important to stay informed and engaged in these discussions, and we look forward to more thought-provoking conversations with Susan in the future.

    Recent Episodes from The Bulwark Podcast

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    Sarah Longwell, Jonathan V. Last, and Jonathan Martin: A Disaster
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    show notes:

    Claire McCaskill on Biden's performance
    David Frum on the debate
    Tim's playlist 

    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    Kate Bedingfield and Marc Caputo: Debate Day

    Kate Bedingfield and Marc Caputo: Debate Day
    Former White House comms director Kate Bedingfield serves up some keen insights into Poppa Joe—he is a night person, he regularly seeks out Jill's opinion, and he is a calming influence. And he's probably not as anxious as Tim Miller is about tonight's debate. Meanwhile, Marc Caputo reports from Magaville on Trump's posturing that he is definitely, absolutely not at all prepping for the debate. Your pre-fight night comfort food to calm the jitters.

    show notes:

    Kevin Williamson piece Tim mentioned

    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Stuart Stevens: I think Joe Biden Has Been A Great President

    Stuart Stevens: I think Joe Biden Has Been A Great President
    So many of the people who worked around POTUS 44 think no one will ever be as good as Obama, but Stuart Stevens argues that Democrats need to make the case that Joe Biden is a great president. Meanwhile, Dems on Tuesday showed they are the one party holding their crazy people to account. Plus, Vance is too smart to be Trump's VP pick, more Republicans need to follow Kinzinger's example, and Ole Miss, college sports and civil rights. Tim Miller's show today.

    show notes:

    Stuart's latest book, "The Conspiracy to End America"
    Stuart's book, "The Last Season: A Father, a Son, and a Lifetime of College Football"
    Wright Thompson's piece on Ole Miss in 1962
    Stuart's piece on calling Biden a great president 

    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    Symone Sanders-Townsend: Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

    Symone Sanders-Townsend: Don't Say We Didn't Warn You
    Project 2025 sounds mundane, but it would institutionalize Trumpism, eliminate the Department of Education, mass deport 11 million people, and turn the Department of Health and Human Services into the Department of "Life." Plus, more from the mailbag, and Biden finding the sweet spot between Uncle Joe and punching Trump in the face. Symone Sanders-Townsend joins Tim Miller.

    show notes:

    Symone's interview on Project 2025
    MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024 event in September

    Tim's Mount Rushmore of political books:
    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Jared Polis and Bill Kristol: Live from Denver

    Jared Polis and Bill Kristol: Live from Denver
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    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 24, 2024

    Jane Coaston: He's So Not a Badass

    Jane Coaston: He's So Not a Badass
    Trump is not drawing support from black voters because of his criminality—that's just MAGA's bigotry of low expectations. Meanwhile, he's now promising a green card to every foreign Harvard grad to please tech bro donors. Plus, the attempt to create a race war over Caitlin Clark, the annoying liberals on the coasts are creating MAGA reactionaries, and more from the mailbag. Jane Coaston joins Tim Miller for the weekend pod.

    show notes:

    Reid Hoffman's reply to David Sacks
    Tim interviews Reid Hoffman
    Tim's playlist 

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    Adam Kinzinger: Bat**** Crazy

    Adam Kinzinger: Bat**** Crazy
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    en-usJune 20, 2024

    George Packer: Phoenix, the Most American City

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    Phoenix is a microcosm of the big issues in the election and the country generally, including political extremism, climate change, and the border. But when it comes to the state's water crisis, Arizonians are showing signs of sanity—by accepting facts and downplaying partisanship. Could the city be a guide for America's future? George Packer joins Tim Miller.

    show notes:

    George's piece on Phoenix
    George's 2019 piece on his son's education

    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Lauren Windsor and Ben Wittes: A Deep Rot

    Lauren Windsor and Ben Wittes: A Deep Rot
    Justice Alito and his wife seem to have some pretty deep and dark feelings about the people they dislike. Tim Miller also asks Lauren Windsor about the ethics of her undercover recordings. Plus, Ben Wittes shares his predictions for a presidential immunity ruling, his praise for Amy Coney Barrett's handing of the case, and his observations about the criminals Trump unapologetically hangs out with.

    show notes:

    Justice Alito's 2022 Notre Dame speech
    Lawfare's piece on a presidential self-pardon
    The Bulwark Podcast
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    Will Saletan: Nonstop Shamelessness

    Will Saletan: Nonstop Shamelessness
    Trump visited an African American church in Detroit and the pews were filled with white people; Republicans keep flooding social media with cropped videos to smear Biden; and foreign policy hawks, like Tom Cotton, now say we should be standing up to our allies, not Putin. MAGA land can't quit its shamelessness. Will Saletan joins Tim Miller, who is back from vacation.

    show notes:

    Detroit reporter shared images from Trump's Black church event
    The Bulwark Podcast
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