
    Talking with Adrianah Lee

    en-usOctober 23, 2022
    What are the prevalent issues in gaming communities?
    How did Adrianna's experiences affect her relationships?
    Why did Adrianna choose to speak up about her trauma?
    What coping methods does Adrianna use for her trauma?
    How does Adrianna feel about sharing her feelings with others?

    • Sharing experiences of sexual harassment and assault in gaming communitiesSurvivors of sexual harassment and assault in male-dominated spaces like gaming communities often stay silent due to trauma. Sharing experiences can validate feelings, create safer spaces, and raise awareness.

      Sexual harassment and assault are prevalent issues in male-dominated spaces like gaming communities, and it's essential to raise awareness and create safe spaces for survivors to share their experiences. Adrianna, a gaming community member, shared her personal experience of being a survivor of multiple sexual assaults throughout her life. She mentioned that these experiences affected her relationships and various aspects of her life, but she stayed silent due to the trauma. However, when she started hearing similar experiences from other women in the community, she felt the need to speak up. The topic is important to Adrianna because it's a shared experience for many women in the gaming community. She mentioned an incident involving another streamer where she was a victim, and it took a toll on her. It's crucial to note that this conversation is not therapy, and everyone involved should feel comfortable sharing what they're willing to share. The goal is to raise awareness, validate experiences, and create a safer space for survivors.

    • Victim Blaming: Harmful Responses to Survivors of Sexual AssaultVictim blaming harms survivors by deepening their feelings of guilt and shame, making it harder for them to come forward, and leading to feelings of disassociation, depression, and numbness. Believe survivors, listen to them, and hold perpetrators accountable.

      Victim blaming is a harmful and common response when someone shares their experience of sexual assault. The survivor may already feel shame and guilt, and when others blame them, it can deepen their feelings of guilt and make it harder for them to come forward. Victim blaming can take many forms, such as questioning what the survivor was wearing or what they were doing. The survivor may have already internalized these blameful messages, making it even more painful to hear them from others. This can lead to feelings of disassociation, depression, and numbness. It's important for people to understand that victim blaming is never the survivor's fault, and that speaking up about sexual assault can be a difficult and emotional process. It's crucial to support survivors by believing them, listening to them, and holding the perpetrator accountable.

    • Pressure to Speak Out About Personal ExperiencesVictims of harm should be given space and support to process experiences and speak out when ready, without pressure or doubt.

      Pressure to speak out about personal experiences, especially those involving harm or assault, can be overwhelming and complex. The speaker in this conversation was pushed to make a statement about an assault she had experienced, despite not being mentally prepared and feeling vulnerable. The pressure came from friends of the person involved, who were trying to seek justice but ended up doubting the speaker and making her feel guilty. This experience brought up feelings of shame and guilt, making it difficult for the speaker to come forward. It's important to recognize that victims of harm should be given the space and support they need to process their experiences and speak out when they are ready, without pressure or doubt.

    • Navigating power dynamics and addressing harmful behaviorRecognizing power imbalances and considering all perspectives before speaking out is crucial in complex situations.

      Situations of power imbalance and responsibility can be complex and overwhelming, especially when it comes to speaking out against harmful behavior. The speaker in this conversation recognized the power dynamic and felt torn between protecting her friends and standing up for herself and others. She also acknowledged the potential consequences of speaking out, such as damaging friendships and potential backlash. The conversation highlights how these situations can leave individuals feeling helpless and uncertain, and the importance of considering all perspectives and potential outcomes before making a decision. The speaker ultimately decided to address the situation with her trusted friends, but the experience underscores the complexity and nuance of navigating power dynamics and addressing harmful behavior.

    • Considering self-care in advocacy effortsPrioritize self-care in advocacy work to ensure personal growth and making a meaningful impact, not a selfish act.

      During a difficult situation, it's essential to consider not only the needs of others but also one's own well-being. Adriana shared her experience of dealing with a sensitive issue while considering the impact on her audience and her career. However, she acknowledged that in the process, she neglected her own feelings and the importance of expressing her full truth. The conversation highlighted the need for self-care and acknowledgement in advocacy efforts, as it's crucial to prioritize one's own emotional health while making a difference for others. It's essential to remember that speaking up for oneself and for others can coexist and that taking care of oneself is not a selfish act but a necessary one for personal growth and making a meaningful impact.

    • Dealing with Trauma in Intimate RelationshipsDespite the challenges, Adriana acknowledges the importance of addressing her trauma and finding healthy ways to cope, while also recognizing that it's a process that requires time and effort.

      Adriana shares her experiences with trauma and the challenges she faces in dealing with it, particularly in the context of intimate relationships. She acknowledges that she often pushes her feelings aside and only addresses them during moments of weakness. Adriana expresses her difficulty in finding the time and energy to work through her trauma due to her busy life and work commitments. She feels a sense of obligation to "fix" herself before revealing her inner self to others, but also expresses fear that it may never be fully resolved. Adriana mentions that she has used various methods, such as caffeine and music, to help her cope and snap out of negative states. Ultimately, she feels that she cannot afford to dwell on her past or her struggles, as she has responsibilities and a life to live. However, she also recognizes that she cannot ignore her feelings indefinitely and must find a way to address them.

    • Childhood experiences and environments shape coping mechanisms for traumaExpressing emotions and seeking support during childhood can prevent unhealthy coping mechanisms and promote self-awareness and growth.

      Childhood experiences and environments can significantly impact how individuals cope with trauma and express their emotions later in life. The speaker shares her experience of being sexually assaulted at a young age and growing up in a rough household where expressing feelings was not encouraged. This led her to suppress her emotions and develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. The lack of support and understanding from her family further compounded her struggles. It wasn't until she was older and able to seek therapy that she began to understand and process her feelings, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and growth. The term "weakness" used throughout the conversation refers to the speaker's perception of vulnerability and the fear of being judged for expressing emotions. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of creating safe and supportive environments for individuals to express their emotions and seek help when needed.

    • The pressure to defend oneself and prove experiences can be overwhelmingDespite the challenges, Adriana continues to share her experiences and be authentic, emphasizing her motivations are not driven by attention but self-expression and connection.

      The pressure to constantly defend oneself and prove one's experiences can be overwhelming, especially when faced with scrutiny and criticism. Adriana shares her feelings of being under a microscope and the impact it has on her, particularly the accusation of seeking attention. She also discusses her use of passive voice and how it might be perceived. Despite these challenges, Adriana expresses her desire to continue sharing her experiences and being authentic, even if it means facing further scrutiny. She emphasizes that her motivations are not driven by a desire for attention but rather by a need to express herself and connect with others. The constant need to defend herself and prove her experiences takes a toll on her, and she feels the weight of this pressure in her daily life.

    • Navigating Online HarassmentOnline harassment can be emotionally draining and based on biases and assumptions. It's important to not take it personally and find ways to manage and cope with negative emotions.

      Dealing with negative attention and harassment online can be challenging and emotionally taxing. People may project their own biases and assumptions onto others, leading to misunderstandings and hurtful comments. This can be especially difficult for individuals who have experienced feelings of abandonment or lack of acceptance in their past. In the context of the discussion, the speaker shares their personal experiences of being targeted online and the impact it has had on their emotions and sense of self. They also reflect on the motivations behind such behavior and try to understand it from the perspective of the harassers. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not taking such comments too personally and finding ways to manage and cope with the negative emotions they elicit.

    • Validation and love in toxic relationships distort self-imageBreaking free from toxic relationships and focusing on personal growth can be challenging, especially when dealing with sexual assault. Speak out, raise awareness, and provide support to challenge the normality of such experiences.

      Seeking validation and love in toxic or manipulative relationships can lead to a distorted self-image and hinder personal growth. The speaker shares her experience of repeatedly falling for "fuck boy" behaviors, seeking approval through consensual activities, only to be discarded and replaced. It took her realizing her worth and focusing on her career and personal development to break free from this pattern. However, her journey was not without challenges. She was sexually assaulted around the same time, which she initially downplayed but later recognized the impact on her emotional wellbeing. The right thing for her, and for many survivors, is to speak out and raise awareness to challenge the normality of such experiences and provide support to those affected.

    • The Isolation and Invalidating Impact of Reporting HarmBelieve survivors, hold perpetrators accountable, and provide support. Reporting harm should not lead to isolation or invalidation, but to a safer, more inclusive environment.

      Experiencing harm, especially in professional settings, can be incredibly isolating and invalidating. The speaker shares her personal experience of being abandoned by friends and facing harmful rumors after reporting inappropriate behavior. This dynamic, fueled by career power dynamics, can leave survivors feeling betrayed and alone. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening and believing survivors, especially when they share their experiences of assault or harassment. It's crucial to recognize that these situations are never the survivor's fault, and they should not be made to feel like they must choose between their truth and their career. Instead, it's essential to hold the perpetrators accountable and provide support to those affected. The speaker's story highlights the need for a culture that values and believes survivors, fostering a safer and more inclusive environment for all.

    • The Importance of Authenticity and Respect in Streaming CommunitiesAuthenticity and respect are crucial in streaming communities, as negativity and miscommunication can harm individuals and their content. Passion for creation and building connections can outweigh the challenges faced.

      The streaming community, like any other, can be filled with both positive and negative experiences. The individual's story shared highlights the importance of authenticity and the potential harm of rumors and miscommunication. The individual's passion for content creation and the connections made through streaming were emphasized, despite facing negativity and anxiety about potential clips being shared. It's crucial to remember that everyone's experiences can differ, and it's essential to approach online communities with an open mind and a commitment to honesty and respect. The individual's resilience and love for creating content, despite the challenges, serve as an inspiration for those looking to build a career or find community in the streaming world.

    • Navigating the aftermath of sexual assaultThe aftermath of sexual assault involves a complex web of emotions and external pressures, requiring a nuanced understanding and support for victims, while acknowledging the complexity of human behavior.

      Dealing with the aftermath of sexual assault involves a complex web of emotions and external pressures. The initial experience of assault is often not in one's control, and the subsequent conversation and reaction from others can be overwhelming. People may enter one's space with their own agendas, leading to a loss of control and the feeling of being on a roller coaster with no steering wheel. Victims may feel pressure to please others, avoid conflict, and protect relationships, even if it means suppressing their own truth. Additionally, victim blaming and skepticism from others can retraumatize victims by bringing up feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt. It's important to remember that most sexual assaults are committed by people known to the victim, and the consequences of speaking out can be significant, both for the victim and for the perpetrator and their community. The complexities of these situations require a nuanced understanding and a commitment to believing and supporting victims, while also acknowledging the complexity of human behavior and the potential for good people to commit harmful acts.

    • Trauma can lead to prioritizing others over selfTrauma survivors often suppress their own needs and experiences, but sharing their story can validate experiences and empower healing

      Experiencing trauma can lead to feelings of worthlessness and a belief that one's own needs and experiences don't matter. This can result in a person prioritizing the needs of others over their own, leading to a lack of self-advocacy and a tendency to suffer in silence. It's important for individuals who have experienced trauma to find a way to speak their truth and prioritize their own well-being. The #MeToo movement served as a catalyst for many survivors to process their experiences and realize that what happened to them was wrong. Sharing one's story can help validate their experiences and empower others to do the same. Ultimately, it's crucial for survivors to understand their worth and value, and to seek support and resources to heal and move forward.

    • Traumatic experiences can lead to self-blame and difficulty forming healthy relationshipsRecognize the complexity of traumatic experiences and validate survivors, not blame or dismiss them.

      The aftermath of traumatic experiences, especially sexual ones, can lead individuals to question their own experiences and feelings, and often result in internalizing the blame. This can lead to a distortion of self and difficulties in forming healthy relationships. It's important to recognize that these experiences are not uniformly traumatizing, and that common reactions can include minimizing the experience or feeling invalidated. Survivors deserve validation and support, not judgment or dismissal. The conversation around sexual assault and harassment should acknowledge the complexity of these experiences and the various ways they can impact individuals.

    • Navigating Complex Emotions in Online CommunitiesOnline communities can be a source of support and connection, but they also present challenges in navigating complex emotions, dealing with inconsistency and judgment from others, and building trust.

      Everyone's experiences and memories are valid, even if they change over time or may not align perfectly. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of navigating complex emotions and the potential judgment and inconsistency of others in online communities. She emphasizes the importance of trust and the difficulty of determining who truly cares and supports her. The speaker also reflects on the isolation and anxiety that can come from these experiences, but also expresses gratitude for the few close relationships she has. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the complexities and nuances of human emotions and relationships, particularly in the context of online communities.

    • The Power of Understanding and EmpathyUnderstanding and empathy are essential for connecting with others during deeply personal and painful experiences. Self-advocacy and recognizing being misunderstood, marginalized, minimized, and manipulated can help navigate these situations. Finding connection with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide relief and validation.

      Understanding and empathy are powerful tools for connecting with others, especially when dealing with deeply personal and painful experiences. Adriana's story highlights the importance of advocating for oneself, especially when feeling the emotional weight of being undervalued or unheard. The 4 m's (misunderstood, marginalized, minimized, and manipulated) can be a helpful mantra for navigating these situations. However, the experience of being in the trenches of emotional pain is not something that can be easily understood by those who haven't walked that path. The normalization of such experiences can make it even more challenging to be heard and validated. Despite the challenges, finding connection and understanding with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide a sense of relief and validation. However, the lack of understanding and empathy from others can be disheartening and leave one feeling isolated and unheard.

    • Embrace All Emotions for Healing and Self-AcceptanceAccept and acknowledge all emotions, heal through therapy, relationships, and time, and live a happy life despite past challenges

      It's important to acknowledge and accept all emotions, both positive and negative, as part of the human experience. The speaker shares her struggle with expressing her feelings and the importance of healing and finding a balance between highs and lows. She encourages recognizing the "neutral you" and learning to live with past experiences without pushing them away or numbing them up. The journey towards healing and self-acceptance involves therapy, healthy relationships, and time. The speaker emphasizes the strength and resilience of human beings and the possibility of living a happy and healthy life despite past challenges.

    • The aftermath of sexual assault can be devastatingCreating safe spaces for survivors to share their feelings can help them begin the healing process

      The aftermath of a sexual assault can be just as, if not more, damaging than the assault itself. The feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation that often follow can be overwhelming and threaten to consume a person's life. It's important to remember that these experiences are not uncommon, and it's crucial to create safe spaces where people feel comfortable sharing their feelings without fear of judgment or invalidation. By listening and offering support, we can help those affected by sexual assault begin the healing process. The conversation between Adrianna and the interviewer highlights the importance of creating such spaces and the impact it can have on those who have experienced trauma.

    • The impact of sexual assault goes beyond the traumatic event itselfUnderstanding the full spectrum of sexual assault's impact, including emotional and relational consequences, is crucial for trauma-informed support and education.

      The impact of sexual assault extends far beyond the traumatic event itself. The sense of betrayal, abandonment, and misunderstanding from friends, family, and society can be just as damaging. This is why it's crucial to have open conversations about sexual assault and its aftermath. People need to understand the full spectrum of the impact, including the ripple effects on thoughts, relationships, and daily life. It's essential to be trauma-informed and sensitive in our interactions with survivors. We should avoid victim-blaming and judgment, focusing instead on education and support. Sexual assault affects people in various ways and in different contexts, such as the workplace or content creator communities. Further conversations are necessary to explore these aspects and provide a comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.

    • Understanding Sexual Assault Experiences OnlineMany people have experienced sexual assault but didn't realize it, and reactions can be confusing. It's important to understand what sexual assault looks and feels like, and to provide compassion and respect for those involved.

      There is a lack of human representation and understanding of sexual assault experiences on the internet. The speaker shares that a large percentage of people they have encountered have experienced sexual assault but did not realize it at the time. Common reactions include feeling confused or loving the perpetrator. The societal stigma surrounding sexual assault often leads people to believe that their reactions should be negative, but this is not always the case. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding what sexual assault looks and feels like, and hopes that the discussion will provide education and help for those who may have experienced it. The speaker also acknowledges the bravery of those who attend the discussion and encourages compassion and respect for all involved. Ultimately, the goal is to increase awareness and understanding of sexual assault experiences, which is a common but often misunderstood issue.

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    *Are you ready to step into the light and out of the shadows, to experience the resonance of somatic empathy and warm accompaniment? 

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    Find Liliam Llanos on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/innergymaster

    Schedule a free call with Liliam: https://bit.ly/FreeCallwithLiliam


    Get the full show notes and links to all the resources mentioned at keeptalkingrevolutionpodcast.com/ep-78

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