
    Tech companies want marketable web addresses. These island nations are selling them.

    enDecember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Countries and territories' profitable domain suffixesCountries like Tuvalu earn substantial revenue from their domain suffixes, with Tuvalu's '.tv' generating up to 16% of its GDP.

      The assignment of two-letter codes to countries and territories since 1974 has evolved into a profitable marketplace for domain names, particularly those with meaningful suffixes. Companies and organizations, like Twitch with its ".tv" domain, use these suffixes to add meaning to their domain names, often paying significant sums to do so. For instance, Tuvalu, an island nation in the South Pacific, has been making substantial revenue from its ".tv" domain suffix, estimated to be up to $10 million per year, which is roughly 16% of its GDP. Prior to 2011, Tuvalu made around $2 million per year with a contract with VeriSign. In 2022, Tuvalu signed a new contract with GoDaddy, and the revenue has since increased significantly. This clever usage of domain suffixes, known as domain hacks, has become a valuable resource for countries and organizations alike, providing an additional layer of meaning and profitability in the digital world.

    • Caribbean and Pacific Islands' Profitable Domain SuffixesSmall islands like Tuvalu, Anguilla, and the Chagos Islands have turned their unique domain suffixes (.tv, .ai, and .io) into significant economic assets, generating substantial profits and helping secure their future despite physical and economic challenges

      Some small islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean have benefited significantly from their unique domain suffixes, turning them into valuable assets for their economies. For instance, Tuvalu's domain name, .tv, has brought in profits due to its association with the popular term "TV," which the country has used to expand infrastructure and assert its online presence. Anguilla's .ai domain, a stand-in for "artificial intelligence," generates approximately one-third of the government's monthly budget, with profits increasing after the launch of ChatGPT. The .io domain, assigned to the Chagos Islands, also known as the British Indian Ocean Territory, has a more controversial backstory but remains a sought-after suffix for tech companies. These domain profits have become crucial for these islands, many of which face physical presence threats and economic challenges, to secure their future.

    • Disputes over .io domain profitsThe .io domain's profits, linked to the Chagos Islands, are a source of ongoing dispute between the UK government and Chagosian people, highlighting the complex ethical implications of domain hacks.

      The use of domain hacks, such as .io, by tech startups or countries can have significant financial implications. The .io domain, in particular, is linked to the Chagos Islands, a territory whose inhabitants were displaced in the 1970s to make way for a military base. The profits from the domain are currently handled by the Internet Computer Bureau, and there is ongoing dispute over who should rightfully receive these earnings. The UK government denies receiving a cut, but the Chagosian people have long campaigned for a fair share. The name of the company handling the profits, Internet Computer Bureau, has raised suspicions due to conflicting claims about the involvement of the UK government. Overall, domain hacks can provide financial benefits and help assert a country's presence online, but the ethical implications and disputes over ownership can be complex and contentious.

    • Exploring the impact of tech industries in developing countriesThe rise of tech industries in developing countries boosts their presence on the Internet and economies, with resources like Marketplace's 'Million Bazillion' podcast helping make complex topics accessible to kids.

      The rise of tech industries in developing countries, as discussed in the Marketplace Tech podcast episode, can be seen as a positive phenomenon from a personal perspective. It helps assert these countries' presence on the Internet and contributes to their economies in various ways. Furthermore, there's a new podcast called "Million Bazillion" from Marketplace designed to help kids understand complex financial concepts. It answers their questions about money and how it fits into the world around us. So, whether it's understanding the role of tech industries in global economies or learning about money, there are resources available to make these topics more accessible and engaging for everyone.

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