
    Podcast Summary

    • Practice Gratitude: Expressing Thanks for People and ThingsExpress gratitude for people and things to boost positivity and strengthen relationships. Reflect on what you're thankful for and express it to yourself and others. A simple 'thank you' can brighten someone's day.

      Practicing gratitude, both for what we have in our own lives and for the people who enrich them, is a powerful way to promote positivity and live abundantly. Last week on Everyday Positivity, I discussed the third pillar of positivity: practicing gratitude. This means being aware of the things we're thankful for and expressing that gratitude to ourselves and to others. During a recent Facebook post, I asked the community what they were grateful for, and the responses were heartwarming and diverse. People expressed gratitude for simple pleasures like a good cup of coffee, modern medicine, and the beauty of nature. But many also expressed gratitude for the people in their lives, like parents, family members, friends, and even pets. Today, I encourage you to make a conscious effort to practice gratitude. Start by reflecting on the things you're thankful for, and express that gratitude to yourself. But don't forget to express it to the people in your life who make a difference. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in brightening someone's day and strengthening your relationship with them. So, today, make it "thank you day." Reach out to someone you're grateful for and let them know. In the words of Kate Cochrane, "I'll be back tomorrow with another episode of Everyday Positivity. In the meantime, have a great day, and remember you have 100% got this."

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