
    The “Bronze Medal Mindset” (and 4 More Surprising Habits From Olympians)

    enAugust 12, 2024
    What is the 'bronze medal mindset'?
    How does visualization help Olympians succeed?
    Who is Steve Neterosik and what is his achievement?
    Why is enthusiasm important for success according to Mal?
    What role does quitting play in achieving goals?

    Podcast Summary

    • Olympian mindset, visualizationThe bronze medal mindset and visualization are essential habits for Olympians. Focus on your strengths, feel your achievements, and practice visualization to reach your goals.

      Key takeaway from Mal Robbins' podcast episode is the importance of the "bronze medal mindset" and the related habit of visualization among Olympians. Mal shares his personal love for the Olympics and his excitement about observing the habits of athletes. He emphasizes that visualization is not about seeing, but feeling, and uses the example of Steve Neterosik, the pommel horse athlete, who despite having vision issues, became a world champion by focusing on his strengths and practicing visualization. The key message is to focus on your passions and talents, and to practice visualization by feeling yourself achieving your goals.

    • Mental rehearsal and visualizationVisualization and mental rehearsal stimulate the same brain region as actually performing an action, helping to encode the pattern in procedural memory and strengthen neural connections, ultimately turning goals into habits.

      Visualization and mental rehearsal play a crucial role in mastering new skills and achieving goals. Steve, a US men's gymnastics team member, is a prime example. Before competing on the pommel horse, he would close his eyes and visualize himself performing the routine, feeling every move in his body. According to research from UCLA, this process stimulates the same brain region as actually performing the action, helping to encode the pattern in procedural memory and strengthen the neural connections. By visualizing and feeling the small moves that lead to success, individuals can train their minds to take the necessary actions and turn their goals into habits.

    • Bronze medal mindsetFocusing on personal pursuits and the joy they bring can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life than striving for external validation

      Having a "bronze medal mindset" can lead to greater happiness than striving for the gold. The person who wins the bronze medal at the Olympics often appears more ecstatic than those who win silver or gold, as they focus on the joy and meaning in their personal pursuits rather than the external validation of a medal. Research shows that people who win bronzes are often happier in the long term than those who win golds, as having something meaningful to pursue creates a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. Visualization and focusing on the process rather than the outcome are also key to achieving success and overcoming perceived weaknesses.

    • Comparison and HappinessFocusing on progress and comparing down leads to greater happiness, while constant comparison to those who have more can lead to dissatisfaction

      Our mindset towards comparison plays a significant role in our happiness. According to research, bronze medalists are happier than silver medalists because the latter constantly compare themselves to those who have achieved more, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction. Instead, having a "bronze medal mindset" means focusing on what we have accomplished and comparing ourselves to those who are less fortunate or to our past selves. This perspective creates gratitude and humility, making us happier overall. It's essential to be mindful of the comparisons we make, as we will inevitably find evidence to support whatever we're looking for. By focusing on our progress and comparing down, we can appreciate our achievements and lead more fulfilling lives.

    • Bronze Medal MindsetFocusing on the present and enthusiasm can lead to greater happiness and motivation. Enthusiasm makes ordinary things exciting and can increase luck. Knowing when to quit is essential for winners.

      Having a "bronze medal mindset" can lead to greater happiness and motivation. This mindset involves focusing on the present and the work at hand, rather than constantly comparing oneself to others. Enthusiasm is also key to success, as it can make even ordinary things seem exciting and desirable. Henrik Christensen's enthusiasm for Olympic muffins is a prime example of this. It's important to remember that enthusiasm is not just about expecting the best, but also about working to make good things happen. By bringing enthusiasm to your life and the things you do, you can increase your luck and improve your overall outlook. Additionally, knowing when to quit is an essential skill for winners. It takes courage to walk away from a situation that is no longer serving you, and doing so can allow you to focus your energy on more productive pursuits.

    • Quitting and mental healthQuitting can be a sign of courage when it's for mental health and well-being, rather than an indication of fear or weakness. Mental health is crucial and therapy can help maintain a strong mindset.

      That winners, including Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, often quit when they need to, demonstrating courage and making difficult decisions for their well-being. This was evident when Biles withdrew from the 2021 Olympics due to mental health concerns, despite the backlash and criticism she faced. By focusing on herself and prioritizing her health, Biles showcased the importance of mental strength and resilience. This lesson applies to all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional commitments. Quitting can be a sign of courage when it's the right decision, rather than an indication of fear or weakness. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of mental health and the role of therapy in maintaining a strong mindset.

    • Mental StrengthMental strength is vital for success and treating our minds as muscles that need training, strengthening, and repair is essential. Past traumas can impact mental health and clear understanding of goals is necessary for progress.

      Mental strength is crucial for success in any area of life, just like physical strength. Simone Biles, a gymnastics legend, emphasized the importance of mental preparation and self-care. Her experiences, including dealing with the aftermath of the Larry Nassar scandal, demonstrate how past traumas can impact mental health. It's essential to treat our minds as muscles that need to be trained, strengthened, and repaired. Additionally, having a clear understanding of what we want is essential for making progress in life, as illustrated by Paralympian Famida Ayambaku's journey to learn how to run and make a meaningful impact.

    • What do we truly want?Being unclear about what we truly want is a major obstacle to achieving our goals. Take the time to be honest with ourselves about our desires using the Five Wise method for clarity and motivation.

      The biggest obstacle preventing us from achieving our goals is ourselves, specifically not knowing what we truly want. According to Famida, this is one of the two ways we become our own obstacle. The solution is to take the time to be honest with ourselves about what we really want. The next episode of the Mel Robbins podcast will use the scientific method called the Five Wise to help listeners answer this question and gain clarity about their desires. It's important to ask ourselves what we want at this moment in our lives, as gaining this clarity will give us the motivation and roadmap to work towards our goals. The Olympics serve as an inspiration for us to reflect on what we truly want and start working towards it. The free download available on Mel Robbins' website can help guide us through this process. Remember, once we're clear about what we want, we can visualize ourselves achieving it and start taking action.

    • Mindset, successHaving a positive mindset, being enthusiastic about small joys, clear about goals, knowing when to quit, and being organized are crucial for success.

      Having a positive mindset, like being enthusiastic about small joys in life such as chocolate muffins, is crucial for success. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being clear about what one wants and knowing when to quit. Despite some bloopers, the speaker's passion for the topic shone through, as seen in her excitement about a research study on winners and the importance of organization. It's important to remember that this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice.

    Recent Episodes from The Mel Robbins Podcast

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    This episode is a candid, funny, and unexpectedly deep dive into how to release the pressure to be everything to everyone. 

    Whether you’re juggling family visits, battling the guilt of not staying longer, or simply want to have more fun with your loved ones, Mel gives you the real talk and practical tips you need to stay sane and enjoy the ride.

    Mel tells you how to turn guilt into joy and find peace in the moments that truly matter. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered to ditch the heavy guilt, embrace the fun, and make every visit with the people you love a memorable one.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    The Ultimate Advice for Your Next Chapter (After Your Kids Have Left Home)

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    This episode will be your guide for how to take on the unknown with ease and comfort. It’s exactly what you need to find peace and live a more fulfilled life. 

    The truth is, things don’t change with time. It’s what you do with that time that matters. And you’re getting the playbook you need today.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    The Secret to a Happy Life: What the Ultimate Study on Happiness Reveals

    The Secret to a Happy Life: What the Ultimate Study on Happiness Reveals

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn the surprising science of happiness. 

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    It’s also grounded in questions from listeners just like you, who are seeking more happiness, fulfillment, and meaning in their lives. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode. You’ll be happy you joined. Because happiness is not only possible; it is an option for you.

    Get out your notebook because we are drilling into decades of psychological research that will ladder up to more meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in your life.

    To hear more about some of the powerful research mentioned, listen to this episode with happiness expert Dr. Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness

    If you, like Mel, find it hard to truly let yourself be happy, listen to this very personal episode about why you’ve been blocking happiness: The Secret to Success & Happiness Nobody Talks About

    For more resources, including the studies mentioned today, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 07, 2024

    How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months)

    How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months)

    Do you want to know the secret to getting ahead of 99% of people, starting now? 

    In today’s episode, Mel is sharing the results of a surprising study that will change how you think about creating the life you want. 

    What if you’ve been approaching goal-setting all wrong? 

    There’s a simple, hidden advantage in front of you, waiting for you to take it.

    Right now, you’re in a unique window of time in which you can leapfrog change, hack productivity, and make the most of your time and energy. 

    Very few people know this research about the unique opportunity of the fall to achieve your goals and dreams. 

    It’s all covered in today’s episode.

    Imagine if by the end of the year you had new, rock-solid habits, an unbreakable routine, and felt calm and energized. This is possible for you by the time you finish listening.

    For another personal episode about making the most of your time listen to this episode next: Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    For more resources, including the studies mentioned today, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    How to Get Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    How to Get Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    Do you want to know how to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it? 

    Today’s episode is one of the best talks ever on how to improve self-motivation and overcome your excuses. 

    So before you waste any more time, listen to this. 

    After today, you will know how to navigate your life with more power and purpose than you ever thought possible. 

    Psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia, MD, also widely known as Dr. K, is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in modern mental health and the brain. He is beloved by the millions of fans of his YouTube channel Healthy Gamer for his clear, no-nonsense advice about motivation, technology, and making the most of your life.

    This is one of those episodes that will forever change the way you think.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Alok Kanojia’s research, website, book, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. K’s first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on technology’s impact on the brain and body: Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

     Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    8 Things I Wish I Knew in College

    8 Things I Wish I Knew in College

    These 8 pieces of advice will change your college experience.

    In this episode, Mel is sharing the most impactful and insightful advice for all college students.

    Think of it as a freshman year survival guide.

    And if you’re a parent of a college student, this episode is one that you’re going to want to share and listen to with your kid.

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    • How to take responsibility for your own experience and manage the ups and downs of this new season of life 
    • How to navigate change and uncertainty
    • Understanding what is happening to your body and brain during the first month of college
    • What you really learn from college and why it’s not all about studying

    This episode is the cheat sheet for how to navigate college (and any major life change), so grab your pen and paper because class is in session. 

    For another personal episode on navigating your 20’s, check this out next: 13 Things I Wish I Knew in My 20s

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    7 Lessons To Learn Once That Will Improve Your Life Forever

    7 Lessons To Learn Once That Will Improve Your Life Forever

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    By the end of this episode, you are going to feel inspired to take on new challenges and climb to the next level in your life. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this one next, which is a recent fan favorite: 8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 26, 2024

    The Science of Women’s Health: Ob/Gyn Reveals 10 Truths You Need to Know

    The Science of Women’s Health: Ob/Gyn Reveals 10 Truths You Need to Know

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    In this research-packed episode, one of the top gynecologists in the world is here to debunk 10 myths about women’s health. 

    Mel is asking all the uncomfortable questions you want to ask but never have, and today you’re getting the answers.

    Gone are the days of feeling small or out of control when it comes to your health. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to take their power back. 

    Dr. Jen Gunter, MD, is joining Mel in this no-shame, straight-to-the-point conversation. Dr. Gunter is known as the internet’s best Ob/Gyn. She is a double-board certified, fellowship-trained medical doctor and a fierce advocate for women’s health. 

    Dr. Gunter says you deserve science-backed solutions, not fairytales, and she is here to bust through all health myths and clear through the misinformation. This conversation is going to make you think differently about everything, from periods to pleasure—it’s all covered today.

    And you’ll also want to listen all the way to the end for one of the most poignant, inspiring endings to any episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Gunter’s research, website, and social media pages, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. Gunter’s first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on menopause: How to Balance Your Hormones: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Menopause

    For another personal episode about health, listen to the recent conversation Mel had with Dr. Rena Malik, MD: I’ve Never Told This Story: Leaky Bladder, Pelvic Floor, UTIs, & Constipation (#1 Urologist Gives Solutions)

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    Pull Yourself Together: The Best Expert Advice to Make You Feel Incredible

    Pull Yourself Together: The Best Expert Advice to Make You Feel Incredible

    Today’s episode is the guide that you need to create lasting change and uplevel in all areas of your life.

    You will learn the 3 foundational habits that will transform your life and improve your productivity, wellness, health, and life balance.

    These 3 habits are essential to your health, and you need to get them right. Renowned experts are here to give you their straight-from-the-lab advice on how to do each of these things in the optimal way and make them a habit you can stick with for life. 

    Consider the next hour an investment in your health and wellbeing. You can’t afford to miss it.

    What should you listen to next? 

    You’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today:

    Patrick McKeown, 5 Ways to Improve Your Breathing for Better Health (With the #1 Breath Expert in the World):  Apple I Spotify

    Dr. Shane O’Mara, The Shocking Science and Benefits of Taking a Simple Walk:  Apple I Spotify 

    Dr. Gina Poe, How to Get Better Sleep and Boost Your Learning, Memory, and Energy: Apple I Spotify

    Dr. Neha Sangwan, The Surprising Link Between People Pleasing & Your Health: A Medical Doctor’s Recommendation on How to Say “No”: Apple I Spotify 

    For more resources, including links to learn more about each expert on today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 19, 2024

    8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    Today, you are getting the 8 science-backed hacks to lower your stress, amplify your happiness, and make you healthier.

    Harvard’s Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is here to show you exactly how you can get back on track.

    If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly how a Harvard doctor grocery shops, meditates, exercises, eats, and even commutes, you’re getting all of that and more today.

    You’ll love this research-packed episode because every habit that Dr. Aditi shares is simple, easy to apply, and makes you feel better right away.

    Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is a medical doctor, researcher, and world-renowned expert in stress and public health. 

    She's a lecturer at Harvard Medical School and was the medical director of Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital's integrative medicine program, where she developed an enormous clinical practice in stress management using evidence-based integrative approaches to help her patients feel better.

    Today, she is going to give you evidence-based integrative approaches that are easy, simple, and proven to make you feel better, calmer, and healthier. 

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Aditi Nerurkar’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you like this inspiring episode, and want to better understand what it is you truly want and how to work towards it you should listen to this episode next: How to Figure Out What You Really Want: Use This Life-Changing Hack

    Connect with Mel:

    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 17, 2024