
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the evolution of biblical characters and narrative continuityThrough resources like Bible Hub, Dr. Peterson delves into the biblical narrative's development of characters and continuity, emphasizing psychological interpretation over historical accuracy, with Abraham as a key example of early character development.

      The Bible, as a collection of stories, has undergone a significant evolution in narrative continuity and character development over centuries. Dr. Peterson has been exploring this concept through his podcast and self-authoring programs, and he's found the process to be a steep learning curve. He's been using resources like Bible Hub, which aggregates commentaries on every verse, to better understand the stories and their interpretations over time. The idea of a divine encounter and the emergence of individual character development as God recedes has been a recurring theme. Abraham, as a well-developed character, marks an important beginning in the biblical narrative, which some scholars consider the start of a more historically-grounded understanding of history. This psychological interpretation of the biblical story emphasizes the development of characters and narrative continuity over historical accuracy.

    • Abraham's imperfect life and God's mercyGod's mercy extends to imperfect humans, inspiring us to make a positive impact and value ourselves

      The story of Abraham in the Old Testament is not just about a divine figure, but rather, it's a story of a human being who makes mistakes and yet is blessed by God. Abraham's life is filled with adventures, relationships, and imperfections, yet he remains a good man and the founder of a nation. This portrayal of God's mercy towards a flawed character is a reminder that perfection is not a prerequisite for a rich and meaningful life. Additionally, Abraham's actions and determination to do something worthwhile, no matter the outcome, serve as an inspiration to go out and make a positive impact on one's life and future. Treating oneself with respect and care, as if one is a creature of value, is a powerful way to recognize one's worth, independent of actions or perceived flaws.

    • Strong relationships essential for personal growth and survivalCultivating strong family bonds and self-improvement create a foundation for navigating life's challenges, as seen in the biblical story of Noah's Ark and in the value of appreciating the present moment through artistic detail.

      Having strong relationships with family and loved ones is essential for personal growth and survival during times of crisis. The biblical story of Noah's Ark illustrates this concept, as Noah's perfection extended beyond himself to include his family, allowing them to weather the flood together. This idea can be applied to our own lives, as we strive to improve ourselves and our relationships, creating a strong foundation that can help us navigate life's challenges. Additionally, paying attention to the small details in our surroundings, as an artist does, can help us appreciate the value of the present moment and inspire us to make positive changes in our world, starting with our own spaces.

    • Transforming physical space for personal growthSetting up a space that supports goals, making it beautiful, and overcoming obstacles leads to personal growth and a harmonious environment.

      Cleaning up and organizing your physical space, like your room, can serve as a metaphor for personal growth and self-transformation. This process involves setting up your space to facilitate your goals, making it beautiful with taste and creativity, and overcoming obstacles that may arise from within or outside yourself. However, be prepared for potential resistance from those around you who may feel threatened by your progress. Ultimately, the goal is to create a harmonious environment that supports your growth and happiness. This idea is rooted in the alchemical tradition, which viewed the physical world and the self as interconnected in the process of transformation.

    • Embracing challenges for personal growthThroughout history, individuals have faced challenges that require courage and resilience to overcome. By aligning with the divine and embracing responsibilities, we can grow and make a positive impact on the world.

      Life presents us with challenges, both internally and externally, which require us to confront and overcome them in order to grow as individuals. These challenges can be traced back through generations and can manifest in various forms, such as tyranny, vulnerability, and deceit. However, if we remain aligned with the divine and embrace our responsibilities, we can flourish amidst chaos and adversity. This message is exemplified in the story of Abraham, who was called by God to leave his home and face numerous challenges, yet ultimately became the father of nations. Our modern world may be saturated with notions of rights and freedoms, but there is a deep hunger for truth and responsibility, and embracing these values can lead to personal growth and positive impact on the world.

    • Belief in pursuing God's direction leads to personal growth and transformationBelieving in the power of personal growth and transformation, even in the face of challenges, can lead to remarkable outcomes.

      Taking responsibility for one's life and revealing the best of oneself to the world can lead to an overwhelming force for good, despite any errors or imperfections. This idea is exemplified in the biblical stories of Abraham and Noah, which show an increasing human strength and boldness in relation to the deity. The stage is set for Abraham's story with the introduction of his barren wife, Sarai, highlighting the challenges he faces at the beginning of the narrative. However, the belief that pursuing God's direction can lead to the impossible becoming possible should not be dismissed as naive. Instead, it's a reminder of the unknown limits of human endeavor and the potential for personal growth and transformation over time.

    • Embracing Responsibility for Personal GrowthRecognize suffering, leave comfort zone, value power, authority, and competence, and strive for non-naive optimism for personal growth and a meaningful life.

      Embracing responsibility and leaving one's comfort zone can lead to personal growth and a more meaningful life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the world's suffering and people's flaws but believes that human potential is virtually limitless. He encourages going into the unknown and establishing independence to drive growth and maturity. The speaker also touches upon the importance of understanding the distinction between power, authority, and competence, and the need to value and cultivate these qualities. Ultimately, he encourages a non-naive optimism, believing that with focused effort, the world can be improved.

    • The call to adventure or warning to exploreRecognizing and responding to forces beyond our control is essential for personal growth, whether through literal or metaphorical exploration of new territories.

      Our lives are influenced by forces beyond our control, which can be seen as a call to adventure or a warning to explore new territories. According to the speaker, this idea is present in the first lines of Abrahamic stories and is also recognized in psychoanalytic thinking. We cannot fully control our thoughts, interests, or impulses, and these elements can compel us to leave our comfort zones and explore new lands, whether literal or metaphorical. The frontier, whether psychological or geographical, represents new opportunities for growth and discovery. Ignoring this call can lead to a life devoid of fulfillment and happiness. The speaker emphasizes that it doesn't matter what we call these forces; they are a part of our existence, and acknowledging and responding to them is essential for personal growth.

    • Focusing on less for a better futureMaking sacrifices and commitments can lead to growth and a more fulfilling life, but it's important to ensure the future we strive for benefits us and others.

      Having less can lead to a more fulfilling life if we focus on striving for a better future. Sacrifices and commitments are essential for growth, and they can be indicators of our seriousness about our goals. The act of making sacrifices can be a powerful way to move from the unbearable present to a desirable future. It's important to ask ourselves what we need to sacrifice to attain our goals and to remember that the answer might be something valuable to us but holding us back. The key is to plan for a future that is good for us and for others, making the journey worthwhile.

    • Discovering divine guidance in everyday lifeGod is seen as a giver of blessings, not curses, and our inner voice guides us to find success and transformation in ordinary life.

      According to the biblical and hero's journey narratives, success, transformation, and divine guidance can be found even in the most ordinary and mundane aspects of life. God, in these stories, is not depicted as a miser or a bringer of curses, but rather as a giver of abundance and blessings for those who put in effort, accept the covenant, and make sacrifices. The call to an ideal also signifies a sequence of deaths and rebirths, leading us closer to our goals. The still, small voice within us, our conscience and intuition, is the guide to opening the sacred book of the world and discovering our next steps. Wishing upon a star represents making a pact with the transcendent and trusting that our heart's desire will come to us. The magical transformation can occur in even the most simple and humble of places, as every location holds the potential to birth the kingdom of God.

    • The power of inspiring goals and aspirationsAligning our goals with the infinite realm can lead to magical transformations and personal growth through overcoming obstacles.

      Our goals and aspirations should be something that inspires awe within us. This idea is exemplified in the story of Pinocchio, where Geppetto's desire for an autonomous son aligns with the transcendent power of nature, leading to the magical transformation of Pinocchio. The infinite and finite coexist, and though we often find ourselves in the finite world, the infinite realm is real and accessible through proper aim and orientation. By striving for the development of the autonomous individual, we form an allegiance with the conscious power that brings being into existence. This alignment allows us to harness the power of nature and overcome obstacles, leading to growth and transformation.

    • Embrace the Foolishness of Starting OverIt's natural to make mistakes when trying new things, but willingness to learn and improve is key to personal growth.

      It's okay to start imperfectly and make mistakes as long as we're willing to learn and grow from them. This concept is inspired by the idea of the trickster or fool being the precursor to transformation and salvation. The willingness to be a fool and take risks is essential for personal growth and development. When we face new challenges, it's natural to feel uncertain or intimidated, but if we're not willing to make mistakes and learn from them, we'll never move forward. The idea is to write a bad first draft of ourselves and then iterate and improve upon it. So, if you're feeling stuck or uncertain about starting a new project or making a change in your life, remember that it's okay to stumble and make mistakes as long as you're willing to learn and grow from them. And, as you take steps towards your goals, the thing that guides you forward may change, but keep moving and you'll continue to be enlightened and informed by your experiences.

    • A journey of growth and transformationIdentifying and eliminating destructive behaviors is the first step to positive impact and growth

      Life is a journey of growth and transformation, filled with challenges and setbacks. It's like following a moving pillar of light in the desert, with each zig and zag representing a catastrophe and a chance to learn and grow. The world moves forward, and standing still means falling behind. Each mistake is an opportunity to learn and become more informed, and even small steps forward are progress on the larger journey. We have the power to make a positive impact on the world and to improve ourselves, and identifying and eliminating destructive behaviors is the first step. It's a challenging but ultimately optimistic perspective, reminding us that we have the power to shape our own lives and make a difference in the world around us.

    • Small improvements lead to big changesFocus on making small improvements in your life, even if it seems late, and be grateful and kind for unexpected blessings

      Making small improvements, like cleaning up your room or watching what you say, can lead to significant positive changes in your life. This idea is exemplified in the story of Abraham, who despite being old and facing challenges, chose to move forward and make the best of his situation. Even if you're not successful by the time you're 40, it's important to focus on improving what's in front of you rather than being bitter or resentful. And remember, it's never too late to start making positive changes. Abraham's story also highlights the importance of gratitude and acceptance, as he took in his nephew Lot and offered him a place in his journey, even though he didn't have his own son yet. These small acts of kindness and determination can lead to bigger blessings in the future.

    • Adapting to unexpected circumstancesReflect on priorities, seek guidance, and remain open to new possibilities to contribute to personal growth and the proper functioning of our lives and the world around us.

      Being adaptable and open to new possibilities, even when faced with hardships, can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth. This is exemplified in the story of Abraham, who welcomed unexpected circumstances and continued on his journey to the promised land, where he received a divine promise and built altars to honor his faith. This concept can be applied to daily life by taking time each day to reflect on priorities and seeking guidance to determine what is most important to focus on first. This process involves both conscious decision-making and an openness to inspiration and intuition. By prioritizing what is most important, we can contribute to the proper functioning of our own lives and the world around us. This perspective is echoed in various philosophies and stories of overcoming adversity.

    • The consequences of individual actions can impact the collectiveMaintaining faith and continuing to move forward, even in the face of adversity, is crucial for personal and collective growth.

      Individual actions have far-reaching consequences, and corruption or neglect can lead to dire consequences, not just for the individual, but for the collective. The story of Abraham's journey illustrates this concept through a series of challenges and tests, where even in the face of hardships and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, maintaining faith and continuing to move forward is crucial. Abraham's journey is marked by periods of chaos, exile, and tyranny, but even in these moments, there is an opportunity for redemption and growth. Despite making mistakes or errors, the overarching structure of one's life can still provide a foundation for forgiveness and progress. Ultimately, the story emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's values and continuing to strive for the good, even in the face of adversity.

    • Actions have consequences, even for those in powerBreaking social rules can lead to severe consequences for individuals and societies, emphasizing the importance of asking serious questions and seeking divine guidance.

      Even those in positions of power, like kings or leaders, are not exempt from social rules and consequences for their actions. The story of Abraham and Pharaoh illustrates this concept. Abraham's actions in taking Sarah as his wife while she was another man's wife led to serious repercussions, despite his position. This highlights the idea that there are inherent rules to the social and natural state of human beings, and breaking them can have severe consequences, not just for the individual, but for the state as a whole. The story also emphasizes the importance of asking serious questions and being willing to make sacrifices for what you believe in. Ultimately, it's about finding divine guidance and figuring out what is worth dedicating your life to.

    • The Prosperity of Abraham and Lot Led to ConflictProsperity can lead to conflict, even among family members. Being aware of and responsible for one's actions is crucial to avoiding moral decline.

      Wealth and abundance can lead to conflict and strained relationships, even between the closest of family members. In the story of Abraham and Lot, their prosperity resulted in a dispute between their herdmen, leading them to make a decision to separate. Lot was drawn to the well-watered plain of Jordan, but was warned of the wickedness of the city of Sodom that resided there. This foreshadowed the moral decline that would later befall the inhabitants of Sodom. Sin is described as missing the mark or bullseye, and wickedness as aiming at what one knows to be wrong. These concepts can be understood from a psychological perspective, emphasizing the importance of being aware of and taking responsibility for one's conscious actions.

    • Embracing the journey of transformation through sufferingAccepting suffering, traversing life's maze, uniting emotions and rationality, and recognizing self and experience as one leads to a sense of wholeness and ownership.

      The experience of suffering and the process of transformation are deeply interconnected. Betraying one's ideal and experiencing the consequences leads to growth and transformation. This idea is reflected in various religious and mythological narratives, such as the story of Cain and Abel, the journey to the holy city, and the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral. In order to fully embrace this transformation, one must accept their suffering, traverse the maze of life, unite their emotions and rationality, and ultimately recognize that there is no distinction between self and experience. This process of integration and unification leads to a sense of wholeness and ownership over one's life and environment.

    • Our surroundings' impact on health and well-beingBalanced surroundings promote health and well-being, while chaotic or overly ordered environments can negatively impact it.

      The state of our surroundings, be it our homes or our environments, significantly impacts our well-being. Just as traditional Chinese doctors diagnose a person's health based on the balance of yin and yang in their living space, the chaotic or overly ordered conditions of our surroundings can make us sick. Chaotic environments, filled with unaddressed issues and disorder, can drain our energy and make us feel uneasy. Conversely, overly ordered environments, where everything is perfect but lacks personal touch, can leave us feeling disconnected and unhealthy. The unexplored parts of our surroundings, the chaos we have yet to confront and transform, remain foreign to us. The ancient story of Abraham and the kings also illustrates this concept, as chaos and mayhem reigned in the lowest place, the Dead Sea, and Abraham's brother Lot fell captive to it. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the impact of our surroundings on our health and well-being and strive to create habitable, balanced spaces.

    • Old Testament's portrayal of virtue includes bold action and protectionAbraham's strength lies in his bold actions to protect loved ones, refusal of rewards, and maintaining covenant with God.

      The Old Testament's portrayal of virtue and strength is not limited to harmlessness or meekness, but includes the ability to act boldly and protect one's loved ones. Abraham's actions in rescuing his nephew demonstrate this strength, and his refusal to accept rewards underscores his commitment to ethical purity. The concept of meekness in the New Testament's Sermon on the Mount is also reinterpreted as possessing weapons and knowing how to use them, but keeping them sheathed, highlighting the importance of power and self-control in inheriting the earth. Abraham's complex character emerges as he engages in battle, refuses to profit inappropriately, and maintains his covenant with God.

    • The Covenant Between God and Abraham: Faith and ActionFaith and action are essential in maintaining the covenant with God. Abraham's commitment and sacrifices illustrate the importance of individual faith and the consequences of neutrality.

      The covenant between God and Abraham is based on faith and action. Abraham's belief in God's promises, even when they seemed impossible, led him to act on faith and make sacrifices. This willingness to act as if the world is constructed in a certain way, despite the lack of evidence, is the essence of the covenant. The Bible warns that those who remain neutral and uncommitted will face the harshest punishment. Abraham's story illustrates the importance of commitment and sacrifice in maintaining the covenant with God. The story also highlights the individual nature of faith and the importance of experiencing truths for oneself. Abraham's journey involved numerous challenges and sacrifices, but he remained steadfast in his faith and commitment to God. This ultimately led to the fulfillment of God's promises to him.

    • Abraham's Covenant: A Promise of Prosperity and StruggleGod made a covenant with Abraham, promising a great lineage despite future hardships. This promise was symbolized by a smoking furnace and a burning lamp, representing destruction and salvation.

      The story of Abraham's covenant with God is an adventure filled with divine revelations, sacrifices, and contemplation. During a trance-like experience, Abraham received a promise of a great lineage that would face hardships, including enslavement in Egypt for four hundred years before returning to the promised land. This promise was symbolized by a smoking furnace and a burning lamp, representing the smoke of destruction and the light of salvation. Abraham's covenant with God was a realistic one, acknowledging that even in the midst of promise and prosperity, life would still bring challenges and suffering. The authors of these stories were not sugarcoating the human experience but rather acknowledging its complexity and the need for faith and perseverance.

    • Making necessary mistakes and trusting in existenceTrust in existence and keep moving forward despite difficult choices, even if mistakes are made

      Life is a continuous journey of ups and downs, much like Abraham's story. We will all face challenges and make mistakes, but what matters is having faith in the structure of existence and moving forward. The story of Abraham also shows that there may be instances where necessary mistakes or white lies are acceptable, but they are not optimal solutions. It's important to remember that every choice we make may not be perfect, but it can still be good enough. Regarding the specific question about Abraham's actions with his wife Sarai, it's debatable whether they can be seen as heroic or necessary mistakes. The interpretation could be that under certain circumstances, the grace of God allows us to make necessary mistakes, but it doesn't mean they are optimal solutions. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to keep moving forward and trust in the structure of existence, even when faced with difficult choices.

    • Helping Students Make Informed Decisions About Their EducationA website and program aim to inform students and parents about education's value and potential pitfalls, emphasizing communication, thinking, autonomy, and character development.

      There is a concern about the indoctrination of students, particularly in higher education, and a desire to inform students and parents about the value of education and the potential pitfalls of certain courses. A website is being developed to help students make informed decisions about their education, and a program for high school students is being adapted to focus on character development and personal goal-setting. The importance of communication, thinking, and autonomy in education is emphasized, and the goal is to encourage students to grow and thrive. Interaction and motivation are seen as challenges in an online learning environment, but the potential benefits are significant. The ultimate goal is to improve education and help students become individuals who are excited about their lives.

    • Creating an online humanities university: focus on autonomous infrastructureFocus on autonomous infrastructure to optimally reward good content in an online humanities university, recognizing systems may not function as intended, and consider starting small and scaling up.

      Creating an online humanities university is a complex endeavor, and replicating the traditional university experience online may not be possible. Instead, the focus should be on building an autonomous and self-improving educational infrastructure that optimally rewards those who generate good content. This process may take some time to develop fully. The speaker also emphasized the importance of recognizing that systems often don't function as their names suggest and that starting small and scaling up can be an effective approach. Additionally, the speaker recommended the book "Systemantics" by John Gall for insights into how systems work and fail.

    • Interactive online learning platform fosters education and personal growthUsers create and review content, fostering competition, cooperation, and peer relationships, leading to continuous personal growth and learning.

      Education and personal growth can be facilitated through an interactive online platform where users create and review content, and the value of the platform increases as users become more educated. This platform encourages competition, cooperation, and peer relationships to motivate individuals. The concept of conscience development was discussed, drawing parallels to the Pinocchio story where Jiminy Cricket, as a conscience, learns and grows alongside Pinocchio. Personal growth is seen as a continuous process of refinement, similar to carving a sphere from a block of wood or the compound interest effect. Successful learning is achieved through incremental progress and regular improvement. Even for those who have reached advanced levels of virtue or wisdom, there is still a need to question and refine one's conscience. And, as the discussion touched upon, the motivation and engagement of individuals in this educational system is an ongoing challenge to be addressed.

    • Embracing difficult conversations for personal growthEngage in open communication, listen to others, identify mistakes, and encourage free speech for deeper understanding of self and others.

      Open communication and the willingness to be wrong are essential for personal growth and learning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of engaging in difficult conversations and listening to others' perspectives to identify and correct our own mistakes. He believes that thinking and free speech are interconnected, and inhibiting one inhibits the other. Regarding psychopathy, the speaker expresses skepticism about the notion of being born without a conscience and emphasizes the complexity of human behavior. He encourages questioning and reflection to deepen our understanding of ourselves and others.

    • Complexity of Understanding PsychopathySkepticism towards labeling psychopaths as emotionless or irredeemable, questioning the entertainment motivation behind their cruelty, acknowledging capitalism's distribution problem, emphasizing self-destruction in capitalism, and recognizing the complexity of understanding human behavior.

      The discussion revolved around the complex nature of psychopathy and the limitations of labeling individuals as irredeemable. The speaker expressed skepticism towards the idea of psychopaths being born without emotion or redeemable, and raised questions about the entertainment motivation behind their cruelty. He also touched upon the topic of capitalism and its distribution problem, acknowledging the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few, but questioning whether it's more prone to this issue than other systems. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-destruction in capitalism and the consequences of interfering with it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of understanding human behavior and the limitations of simplistic labels or solutions.

    Recent Episodes from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

    261. The Story of Possum Trot | Joshua Weigel, Bishop and Donna Martin

    261. The Story of Possum Trot | Joshua Weigel, Bishop and Donna Martin

    Jordan and Tammy Peterson sit down with the screenwriter and director behind “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot,” Joshua Weigel and the real life inspirations for the film, Bishop and Donna Martin. They discuss the presumption of understanding, parsing out falsehood from a message from God, how compassion spreads through giving, the miracle of adoption, and how the film came to be through hardship and grace.


    Joshua Weigel is an award-winning filmmaker with a unique ability to create deeply moving stories that transform and inspire action.  Josh began working closely with his wife, Rebekah, writing and producing award winning short films which he directed, culminating with what has become one of the most beloved short films of all-time, The Butterfly Circus, a viral phenomenon receiving over 100 million views, and garnering over 35 film festival awards, including the Clint Eastwood Filmmaker Award presented to Joshua by Clint Eastwood at the Carmel Film Festival.


    Bishop and Donna Martin run the church of Possum Trot in East Texas, where they along with the families of the community have taken in seventy-seven children through adoption. Their story is one of struggle and triumph, compassion and resolve. It was brought to film and to the world through Angel Studios and the Daily Wire.



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    Buy Tickets to “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot”  https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot?utm_source=google-ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXNLKBwIwZgec8P6mId1nHLkQiJLyUWRUSU6RfngcU_rdJtWuStXtgxoCTpAQAvD_BwE


    “Sound of Hope” website https://www.angel.com/movies/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot


    Press and Cast information https://www.angel.com/press/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot 

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    Conservative Failings and the Reform UK Party | Nigel Farage

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    For Nigel Farage:


    On X https://x.com/Nigel_Farage?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Reform UK https://www.reformparty.uk/ 

    460. AI, Internet Scams, and the Balance of Freedom | Chris Olson

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    Chris Olson is the CEO of The Media Trust, a company founded with the goal of transforming the internet experience by helping technology and digital media companies create a safer internet for people. Under his leadership, the company invented the world's first digital data compliance, Children's Online Privacy (COPPA) and website/mobile-app malware scanning technologies. Through infrastructure in 120 countries, The Media Trust protects billions of people every month from digital attacks. Fortune 10 to hundreds of small and medium-sized tech and digital media companies leverage The Media Trust to protect their customers from digital harm and unwanted data collection.



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    For Chris Olson:


    Website https://mediatrust.com/


    The Media Trust Social Media


    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-media-trust/


    X https://x.com/TheMediaTrust


    Chris’ Social Media


    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisolsondigitaltrustandsafety/

    X https://x.com/3pc_chrisolson?lang=en 

    459. Texas Children's Hospital Exposed for Illegal Gender Affirming Care | Dr. Eithan Haim

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    Dr. Haim is a General and Trauma Surgeon in Greenville, Texas. He recently finished his general surgery training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where he was a resident from 2018 to 2023. During this time, he helped expose Texas Children’s Hospital, the largest children’s hospital in the world, for lying to the public about the existence of their pediatric sex change program.


    - Links -

    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


    458. Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh

    458. Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh

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    Katharine Birbalsingh is Headmistress and co-founder of Michaela Community School and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission. She is known as “Britain’s Strictest Headmistress”, following the ITV documentary about Michaela. Michaela’s Progress 8 score placed the school top in the country the last two years. In 2023, OFSTED graded the school as “Outstanding” in every category. Birbalsingh read “Philosophy & Modern Languages” at the University of Oxford and has always taught in inner London. She has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and podcasts and has written for several publications. Birbalsingh has also written two books and edited another two, the last of which is “The Power of Culture,” which is about Michaela.  Birbalsingh was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020 and Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford in 2021.


    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They discuss the subversion of the West, how the pursuit of truth has become the ownership of it, the corruptive nature of the oppressor/oppressed power narrative, the importance of Christian ideals, and why a push for restoration is more necessary than ever before.


    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, a Senior Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the bestselling author of “Infidel” (2007) and “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now” (2015). Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Hirsi Ali strove to live as a devout Muslim during her early life, but in 1992, fled to the Netherlands to escape a forced marriage. She became a citizen and went on to study at the University of Leiden. From 2003 to 2006, Hirsi Ali served as an elected member of the Dutch parliament and then moved to the U.S., where she founded the AHA Foundation to protect and defend the rights of women from harmful traditional practices. In 2024, Hirsi Ali founded Restorationbulletin.com, where she explores the forces of subversion plaguing Western society.



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    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

    Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere

    Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with filmmaker and science author Max Lugavere. They discuss his upcoming film, “Little Empty Boxes,” that details his mother’s progression through dementia, which set Max on his life’s journey to understand and communicate the science behind health and nutrition. Dr. Peterson and Lugavere also discuss obesity, toxic exposure, hypertension, and elimination diets.


    Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller “Genius Foods” and the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Genius Kitchen.” He hosts The Genius Life podcast, one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the U.S. His appearances on The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, The Doctors, and The Joe Rogan Experience have made him a respected and well-known voice in the field. His debut film Little Empty Boxes, a project 10 years in the making and the first film to document the science of dementia prevention, is available for pre-order now at LittleEmptyBoxes.com.


    This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Max Lugavere:


    Pre-Order “Little Empty Boxes” (Film)  http://littleemptyboxes.com


    On X http://x.com/maxlugavere


    On Instagram http://instagram.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on YouTube (podcast) http://youtube.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on Spotify (podcast) https://open.spotify.com/show/5WkdjiVLo1kp3alPfFZItS?si=e0189092486a4653

    455. The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor

    455. The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with author, historian, and professor of political science, Dr. Paul Kengor. They discuss the lifestyle, writings, and religious ideations of Karl Marx, how communist dogma evolved through modern day, and why equal outcome is wrong on the level of malevolence.


    Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is a professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and editor of The American Spectator. He’s a New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 books, including “The Devil and Karl Marx” and “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism,” which is the basis of the new movie “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid. Kengor is a renowned historian of the Cold War, communism, and Reagan presidency.


    This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



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    - Links -


    For Paul Kengor:


    On X https://twitter.com/DrPaulKengor


    The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Karl-Marx-Communisms-Infiltration/dp/1505114446


    The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Crusader-Ronald-Reagan-Fall-Communism/dp/0061189243

    God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life (Book) https://www.amazon.com/God-Ronald-Reagan-Spiritual-Life/dp/006057142X 

    454. Urban Warfare, Civilian Casualty, & Human Shields | John Spencer

    454. Urban Warfare, Civilian Casualty, & Human Shields | John Spencer

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with urban warfare expert and scholar John Spencer. They discuss the ongoing war in Israel, the ideology of Hamas, their capture of western universities, the complexity of the tunnel system beneath Gaza, the underlying roots of anti-Semitism, and the reality of war in the mess of politics.


    John Spencer is an award-winning scholar, professor, author, combat veteran, national security and military analyst, and internationally recognized expert and advisor on urban warfare, military strategy, tactics, and other related topics. Considered one of the world’s leading experts on urban warfare, he served as an advisor to the top four-star general and other senior leaders in the U.S. Army as part of strategic research groups from the Pentagon to the United States Military Academy.


    This episode was recorded on June 4th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



    - Links -


    For John Spencer:

    On X https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Website https://www.johnspenceronline.com/


    Understanding Urban Warfare (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Urban-Warfare-Liam-Collins/dp/1912440350


    The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender (Online guidebook) https://www.johnspenceronline.com/mini-manual-urbandefender


    Urban Warfare Project (Podcast) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-warfare-project/id1490714950 

    453. Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann

    453. Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with author and professor of politics Eric Kaufmann. They discuss where the instinctive feminine ethos goes wrong, when beliefs solidify in cognitive development, how the loss of cultural power comes about, and how to potentially fix the corruption of education.


    Eric Peter Kaufmann is a Canadian author and professor of politics from the University of Buckingham. He was appointed in October 2023 following his resignation from his post at Birkbeck, University of London, after two decades of service, citing political differences. He is a specialist on Orangeism in Northern Ireland, nationalism, and political and religious demography.



    - Links -


    “The Third Awokening” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D459XT8N/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1IRUVF15JQLKQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hX4h5NrOyN1lCkRuKp4UM-I2wmwiOo7jUKUzhijCGUqplpOicK_sf92FtJ-RfvQCkLb-J3v7R1LQttqtXd5p5aWQAk85EIH09e3OkVAOcMs_NnMSC3RjN7eb80EPEy9BQ68ymHIEb7YchloiwzoiKXIrEl-vfbGxutr5w4AInTpEZKg8-dJcRmaR_aptULkpp81Ls-j0vvPn2q_MWHEQTjxAoJ5MPzlk5VvsAe_R7Wo.dZIyu_PWY2izuf3jBSYhx-wobgzxqiUuNJYOKjrbgmM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Eric+kaufmann&qid=1715744487&sprefix=eric+kaufmann%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-3


    Entitled “Taboo” in outside of the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution-ebook/dp/B0CKFD8Z16


    University of Buckingham course - Woke: the Origins, Dynamics and Implications of an Elite Ideology https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/?_gl=1*5vuahc*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzNzMwNDE3Ny4xNzE2ODQ3MjIy*_ga_PWEL0GXNN9*MTcxNjg0NzIyMi4xLjAuMTcxNjg0NzIyMi4wLjAuMA..


    Centre for Heterodox Social Science https://www.heterodoxcentre.com/


    Website www.sneps.net


    On Twitter https://twitter.com/epkaufm?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor  

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