
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Connection and CommunityDespite uncertain times, there are opportunities to connect and strengthen communities through volunteering, online games, and simple pleasures. Value free speech, but remember its importance doesn't outweigh ethical use.

      There are various ways to build connections and find community, whether it's through volunteering with organizations like Neighbor to Neighbor, playing games on websites like Chumba Casino, or enjoying a moment of comfort with treats like Keebler Sandy's. It's important to remember that even in uncertain times, there are opportunities to connect with others and strengthen our communities. Additionally, it's important to remember the value of free speech, even if it may be used in less ethical ways by some individuals. Overall, it's essential to find moments of joy and connection in our daily lives, whether that's through laughter, community involvement, or simple pleasures like a delicious cookie.

    • Liberals and Free Speech: A Complex IssueLiberals' stance on free speech is a complex issue, with debates over compelling speech or funding against conscience seen in Supreme Court cases on abortion, union fees, and gay rights. It's crucial to consider all perspectives and respect diverse viewpoints.

      The debate over free speech has become a contentious issue in American culture, particularly since 2016. While most people support the concept of free speech, it has become a battleground in the culture war. The New York Post article "How Liberals Turned Against Free Speech" discusses three Supreme Court cases that have raised questions about compelling others to say or fund things they don't believe in. The cases involve abortion, union fees, and a Christian bakery refusing to make things for gay people. The article argues that liberals are increasingly authoritarian and have forgotten that every law is violent and requires enforcement, which can be seen in their efforts to compel speech against conscience. However, it's important to consider all the facts before making a judgment. For instance, crisis pregnancy centers, which discourage abortion and refuse to provide referrals to abortion clinics, can be seen as protecting the conscience of those who oppose abortion. But it's also crucial to acknowledge that women who visit these centers are often not aware they're not in an abortion clinic and may be misled. Ultimately, it's essential to approach these complex issues with a degree of humility and respect for diverse viewpoints.

    • Debate over crisis pregnancy centers goes beyond free speechSome argue CPCs are wrongfully silenced while others claim they misrepresent themselves as medical practitioners and provide inaccurate health info, leading to frustration for pregnant women seeking genuine care. Free speech argument used to divert attention from core issue.

      The debate surrounding crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) goes beyond free speech issues. While some argue that these organizations are being wrongfully silenced, others claim that they are misrepresenting themselves as medical practitioners and providing inaccurate health information. This deception can lead to frustration and disappointment for pregnant women seeking genuine care. The use of the free speech argument as a strategy to divert attention from the core issue is a common tactic in political discourse. By framing debates around unrelated issues, such as free speech, those with opposing views are forced to defend themselves on those grounds rather than addressing the actual harm being caused. This tactic is not unique to the crisis pregnancy center debate and is prevalent in discussions surrounding other political issues.

    • Contrary to popular belief, Generation Z students are the least likely to support speech restrictionsStudies show Generation Z students exhibit stronger support for the First Amendment compared to previous generations, contradicting anecdotal evidence and media portrayals of widespread censorship on college campuses

      The concern over censorship and perceived sensitivity on college campuses may not be as widespread as some believe. Contrary to anecdotal evidence and media portrayals, studies suggest that the current generation of students, often referred to as Generation Z, are actually the least likely to support restrictions on freedom of speech. For instance, data from the Niskanen Center and the Knight Foundation indicate that high school and college students exhibit stronger support for the First Amendment compared to previous generations. Additionally, students who engage with news on social media demonstrate even greater commitment to free speech. It's crucial to consider this context when evaluating isolated incidents of perceived censorship on college campuses. Instead of dismissing these incidents as signs of a nationwide problem, we should approach them with a more nuanced perspective, recognizing that they may not accurately represent the larger student population.

    • Myth of free speech suppression on college campusesConservative students censor less in classrooms than outside, while liberals censor more, debunking the myth of widespread free speech suppression

      The perception of free speech suppression on American college campuses is a myth. According to various studies, conservative students are actually less likely to report self-censorship in the classroom than conservative Americans outside of colleges, and liberals on college campuses censor themselves more often than liberals in the general population. However, right-wing groups like Turning Point USA continue to raise funds and crusade against perceived censorship on campuses. Some of their donors include controversial figures like Greg Gianforte, who has been criticized for assaulting a journalist. Despite this, it is important to remember Thomas Jefferson's words that a government without newspapers is preferable to newspapers without a government.

    • Discovering Joy and Connection in Unexpected PlacesUnexpected sources like gummy bears, mobile games, affordable wireless plans, and organizations can bring joy, connection, and cost savings in life.

      Life's simple pleasures, like gummy bears, can bring joy and connection, whether in the forest or in a mobile game. In the forest, the anticipation of finding and enjoying candy can be as exciting as the candy itself. In the digital world, games like Monopoly Go offer endless opportunities for fun and community, with new challenges and rewards keeping the experience fresh. Meanwhile, in real life, initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor encourage building meaningful connections with neighbors and communities. Meanwhile, discovering unexpected cost savings, like with Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans, can bring a sense of clarity and relief. And, in the entertainment realm, platforms like Chumba Casino offer excitement and potential rewards through a wide range of casino-style games. Moreover, organizations like Turning Point USA not only promote free speech on college campuses but also maintain a professor watch list, which can contribute to fostering an open and inclusive academic environment. Overall, these examples show that finding joy, connection, and cost savings can come in unexpected places and through various means.

    • The Representation of Women in Economics Textbooks and the Watchlist ControversyA study revealed 77% of people in leading economics textbooks were male, prompting backlash against Amherst College professor Linda Stevenson. She was added to a watch list for targeting students, but the purpose of the list is to post professors with harmful viewpoints or those who harm students for their beliefs.

      The representation of women in economics textbooks has been a topic of debate, with Amherst College professor Linda Stevenson bringing attention to the issue and facing backlash. Her research revealed that 77% of people in leading economics textbooks were male, leading to her being added to a watch list. However, the purpose of the watch list, created by Turning Point USA, is to post professors who have targeted students for their viewpoints or harmed students for standing up for their beliefs. The discussion also touched upon a study that looked into the frequency of faculty members being fired due to political views, revealing that 19 out of 45 cases involved liberal professors being terminated for anti-white or anti-Christian speech. The study's author, Canon, acknowledged that the higher frequency of terminations for left-wing speech could be due to the larger number of left-wing professors. The conversation did not provide conclusive evidence that conservative voices are being silenced in academia, but the significant disparity in terminations in 2017 warrants further investigation.

    • The Role of Universities in Free Speech and Individual Freedom: A Debated IssueScholars debate the impact of universities on free speech and individual freedom, with criticisms of radical ideologies and calls for evidence-based research, while concerns over harassment and academic autonomy persist.

      There is ongoing debate among researchers and scholars regarding the role of universities and the potential impact of certain academic fields on free speech and individual freedom. Jordan Peterson, a professor known for his controversial views, has criticized institutions like the Ontario Institute for the Studies in Education for allegedly promoting radical postmodern Marxist ideologies. He has even suggested that those responsible for producing educators from such institutions should be put on trial for treason. However, other researchers caution against drawing overly broad conclusions based on limited data and emphasize the importance of nuanced analysis and evidence-based research. The proposed creation of a website listing courses for avoidance sparked controversy and concerns over potential harassment and threats to academic autonomy. Peterson eventually shelved his plans for the website. The discussion highlights the complexity and sensitivity of issues surrounding free speech, academic freedom, and the role of universities in shaping societal values.

    • Understanding the Historical Context of 'Cultural Marxism'It's crucial to understand the historical origins and nuances of labels like 'cultural Marxism' before making assumptions or judgments, and to focus on the content of ideas rather than labels.

      While Jordan Peterson's views and actions may be controversial, it's essential to understand the historical context and nuances behind labels like "cultural Marxism." This term, originally coined by the Nazis, has been repurposed in recent times to criticize perceived leftist ideologies. However, it's crucial not to equate Peterson with fascism or Nazism, as his beliefs and actions differ significantly. Instead, it's important to focus on the content of his ideas and their potential implications for society. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of free speech and the value of engaging in open dialogue, even with individuals whose views may be diametrically opposed to our own. The debate around Peterson's beliefs serves as a reminder of the ongoing importance of critical thinking and informed discourse in our society.

    • Jordan Peterson's Meeting with Viktor Orban: A Complex EncounterPeterson's meeting with Orban, despite criticisms of Hungary's academic freedom, raised questions about his commitment to intellectual integrity due to his selective defense of free speech.

      Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and free speech advocate, had a controversial meeting with Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, who is known for his illiberal democratic policies and crackdown on academic freedom. Despite Peterson's previous criticisms of Hungary's assaults on academic freedom, he had a convivial conversation with Orban about the dangers of political correctness and cultural Marxism. Peterson's stance on free speech extends only to ideas he agrees with, as he has been dishonest about his expertise in areas like evolutionary biology and neuroscience. This meeting raised questions about Peterson's commitment to intellectual integrity and the implications of his selective defense of free speech. The encounter also highlights the complexities of the relationship between intellectual traditions, such as classical liberalism, and their application to contemporary political issues.

    • Balance between individual liberty and government regulation in free speechEarly 20th century US jurisprudence restricted free speech to prevent harm, but recognition of its importance for testing and disseminating ideas led to modern First Amendment protections

      While figures like Mill advocated for government intervention to prevent harm caused by individual actions, early 20th century US jurisprudence, as exemplified by the cases of Holmes and Debs, showed that free speech could be restricted in certain circumstances to prevent imminent lawless action and substantive evils. However, as Holmes' shift in approach in the Abrams v United States case demonstrated, the importance of free speech as a means to test and disseminate ideas, ultimately leading to the modern First Amendment jurisprudence, was recognized. This historical context highlights the complex and evolving nature of the balance between individual liberty and government regulation in the realm of free speech.

    • Free speech vs. imminent lawless actionHistorically, the application of constitutional protections for free speech and press varies, allowing some threatening speech while arresting others. The distinction lies in whether the speech incites imminent lawless action.

      The constitutional protections of free speech and press do not shield all forms of advocacy, particularly those inciting imminent lawless action. Historically, this principle has been applied inconsistently, with some threatening speech being allowed while other forms leading to arrest. Regarding a new drug development, while some express concern over its potential risks, others see it as a service or product, with less concern. The discussion also touched upon the importance of community bonds and the role of initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor in fostering social connections. However, the conversation veered off topic towards advertising and potential monopoly games. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances surrounding free speech, potential threats, and community building.

    • Community building and free speechNeighbor to Neighbor promotes community engagement, Chumba Casino brings people together, free speech debate continues, Intellectual Dark Web advocates for open dialogue, young people generally support free speech, low number of college disinvitations

      Community building and free speech are important aspects of modern society. Neighbor to Neighbor is an organization that encourages community engagement, while platforms like Chumba Casino bring people together through shared experiences. However, the evolution of free speech laws and the ongoing debate around its interpretation can lead to controversy and misunderstanding. The Intellectual Dark Web, a group of individuals advocating for free speech, has gained attention through high-profile media appearances. While some argue that young people are less supportive of speech restrictions than older generations, the number of disinvitation attempts on college campuses is relatively low. Ultimately, the importance of fostering open dialogue and strong communities cannot be overstated. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor, visit canebors.com. For a fun and social gaming experience, sign up for Chumba Casino at chumbacasino.com. And remember, no purchase is necessary.

    • Koch Brothers and Allies Tackle Cultural and Political Influence on College CampusesThe Koch brothers and conservative groups are funding initiatives and individuals to counteract the liberal and diverse ideologies of Generation Z on college campuses, fearing the potential threat to their wealth and power.

      The Koch brothers and other conservative groups are funding various initiatives and individuals in an attempt to influence the cultural and political narrative, particularly on college campuses, due to their fear of the growing influence and ideologies of Generation Z. This generation, which includes individuals born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s, is more liberal and diverse than previous generations, with a preference for socialism and government involvement. The Koch brothers and their allies see this as a threat to their wealth and power, and are using their resources to support centrist voices and organizations that promote free speech and limited government. The Atlantic, a prominent news magazine, even solicited funding from the Koch Foundation for a reporting project on free speech, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Overall, this reveals a larger power struggle between different ideological groups and generations, with significant financial resources being mobilized to shape the future of society.

    • Media landscape influenced by various interestsBe aware of potential biases and manipulation in media, especially when it comes to coverage of controversial figures and issues.

      The media landscape is complex and often influenced by various interests, including those of wealthy individuals and organizations. The discussion highlighted the example of the Koch brothers, who are known for their political and business interests, yet their perspectives are sometimes presented in media outlets as unbiased articles or op-eds. This raises questions about the motivations behind such content and the potential for bias or manipulation. The speaker expressed frustration with the inconsistencies and double standards in media, particularly when it comes to coverage of controversial figures and issues. Ultimately, it's important to be aware of these complexities and to critically evaluate the sources of information we consume.

    • Understanding and maximizing your 401kPersonal experiences highlight the importance of financial literacy and managing retirement accounts effectively, while building a supportive community can help in times of need.

      Financial literacy and being aware of one's own finances, including retirement accounts like a 401k, is important. The speakers in the podcast shared their personal experiences of discovering their own 401ks and the importance of understanding and making the most of them. They also emphasized the importance of building a strong community and helping neighbors in times of need. Additionally, they promoted their podcast and other projects, and mentioned various sponsors and offers related to family, gambling, and wireless services. Overall, the episode touched on themes of financial responsibility, community building, and the importance of being informed and prepared.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Time Stamps

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    Kelly: https://www.thefirsttv.com/book/

    O'Malley and Burgo: https://genspect.org


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