
    The hypnotising effect of Valentine’s day

    enFebruary 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient Roman traditions and modern gift-giving on Valentine's DayValentine's Day, rooted in ancient Roman traditions, encourages spending beyond normal limits through gift-giving and romantic gestures.

      The origins of Valentine's Day are rooted in ancient Roman traditions, which involved men drawing names of women for a festival and sometimes whipping them with goat hides in the hopes of increasing fertility. Fast forward to today, and the holiday is marked by gift-giving and romantic gestures. Professor Danny Zane has researched how these special days, including Valentine's Day, capture our attention and encourage us to spend more than we normally would. This phenomenon is not limited to Valentine's Day and can be observed on various other "National Days." Zane and his co-authors noticed this trend before even starting their study, as their inboxes were filled with sales promotions tied to these holidays. Overall, these special days have a compelling effect on our behavior, whether it was leading to whipping in ancient Rome or buying gifts in modern times. If you're interested in learning more about the business side of these special days, check out the "d to c pod" podcast episode featuring the CMO of Feastables.

    • Using non-traditional holidays for promotionsSpecial day themed promotions can create excitement and connection, leading to increased consumer engagement and sales.

      Marketers are increasingly using non-traditional holidays and events to attach promotions to, such as Star Wars Day or National Sausage Dog Day. These special day themed sales promotions may seem different to consumers compared to traditional sales and discounts. Researcher Danny investigated if these promotions have any unique effect on consumers' intentions to make a purchase. Through experiments, Danny compared consumers' intentions to use a special day themed promotion versus a more traditional promotion. In one experiment, participants saw a discount on picnic gear for a National Picnic Day sale versus an annual one-day sale. In another study, participants received a 25% discount email in celebration of a company's dog mascot anniversary versus the same discount with no mention of the anniversary. The results showed that special day themed promotions can have a benefit above and beyond traditional promotions, as they can create a sense of excitement and connection for consumers. These findings suggest that marketers can effectively leverage non-traditional holidays and events to increase consumer engagement and sales.

    • Marketing promotions tied to special days boost engagementConsumers are 25% more likely to engage with and buy from a brand when promotions are tied to special days, even if the days have no inherent significance.

      Consumers are more likely to engage with and respond positively to marketing promotions that are tied to special days, even if those days have no inherent significance beyond being adopted by the marketing company. This was demonstrated in a study where participants were offered discounts for picnic products on either National Picnic Day or during an annual sale. The results showed that consumers were 25.1% more likely to buy from a picnic-related retailer when the discount was framed as part of a national day sale. Similarly, in an email campaign, customers who received a discount on the anniversary of a company's dog mascot were almost twice as likely to click on the promotion link compared to those who received the same discount without the special day mention. This phenomenon can be explained by consumers perceiving these promotions as creative and rewarding marketers for their effort to provide a way to celebrate special days.

    • Creative promotions on special daysCustomers appreciate thoughtful, creative promotions on special days, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

      Customers value creativity from marketers and are more likely to engage with and reward promotions that are well thought out and meaningful. Special days and holidays provide a reason for these promotions, making them less intrusive and more likely to be appreciated. A study by researcher Andrea Morales supports this idea, showing that consumers are more likely to purchase from companies that put in effort and create organized displays. Marketers who follow through with creative promotions, like offering discounts on International Podcast Day, can see increased sales as a result. Overall, the effort put into creating a memorable and personalized promotion can lead to customer loyalty and repeat business.

    • Leveraging special days for promotionsUtilizing special days for promotions can double clicks and increase open rates by 9% in email marketing.

      Utilizing special days to offer promotions can significantly enhance email marketing performance. HubSpot's new Service Hub, with its AI-powered help desk and chatbot, can help businesses scale support and improve customer satisfaction. In a study, sending an email with a promotion tied to International Podcast Day led to double the clicks and a 9% higher open rate compared to a control email with no mention of the day. This finding can be applied in various ways, such as creating promotions around special days relevant to your business or industry. By leveraging special days effectively, marketers can provide an extra incentive for customers to engage with their emails and ultimately drive sales.

    • Leveraging special days for marketing successUtilizing unique holidays, company milestones, or customer-focused celebrations can engage customers, encourage purchases, and boost brand creativity.

      Utilizing special days for marketing can significantly benefit businesses by engaging customers and encouraging purchases. This can include connecting with national holidays, company-specific milestones, or even creating unique, customer-focused celebrations. For instance, Lands' End successfully created International Swimsuit Day, which has grown into a well-known event. On a smaller scale, messaging customers on their birthdays or anniversary of their first purchase can also be effective. However, for a successful special day promotion, originality and appropriateness are crucial to make consumers perceive the brand as creative. Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day is a great example of a successful, innovative campaign that has generated substantial donations for the charity. Before creating a special day, it's essential to consider the potential for originality and appropriateness to maximize the potential benefits.

    • Maximizing the impact of special promotion daysUsing original and relevant special days for promotions can lead to a 25% increase in purchases and a 2x higher click-through rate.

      Special promotion days can significantly boost marketing efforts if they are both original and appropriate. According to a study, promotions tied to these days led to a 25% increase in purchases and a 2x higher click-through rate. However, if multiple companies within the same product category use the same special day for a promotion, consumers may not perceive it as original, diminishing the effectiveness of the promotion. Additionally, promoting an inappropriate product on a special day, such as a clothing company on National Food Day, can also harm the response. It's essential to consider the uniqueness and relevance of the promotion to the special day to maximize its impact. Furthermore, the study only covered promotions with discounts, and it's unclear if promotions without discounts would also benefit. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that special days can be a powerful tool for marketers, as shown by the success of campaigns like Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day.

    • Stay Updated with Nudge Podcast and Phil Agnew's NewsletterSign up for Phil Agnew's newsletter to receive a behavioral science tip every Friday and a podcast reminder every Monday.

      To never miss an episode of the Nudge podcast, follow us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred platform, and subscribe to Phil Agnew's free newsletter. By doing so, you'll receive an email reminder every Monday when a new episode goes live, and a behavioral science tip every Friday. To sign up, visit nudgepodcast.com and click on "newsletter" in the menu. So, not only will you stay updated on the latest podcast episodes, but you'll also receive valuable insights into behavioral science. It's a win-win situation! Remember, Phil Agnew will be back next week with another intriguing episode of Nudge. Don't miss out!

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