
    “The Iceman” Wim Hof On Why Breath is Life, Cold is God & Feeling is Understanding

    enJune 13, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Benefits of Breath Work and Cold Exposure with Wim HofWim Hof's practices of breath work and cold exposure can potentially help individuals regain control over their hormonal and immune systems, leading to better health, happiness, and strength.

      The potential benefits of breath work and cold exposure, as practiced by Wim Hof, also known as the Iceman. However, it's important to note that these practices should only be attempted with proper training and supervision. Wim Hof believes that these methods can help individuals regain control over their hormonal and immune systems, leading to better health, happiness, and strength. Hof's philosophy is rooted in love and the belief that life is for enjoying every moment. This interview with Wim Hof on the Rich Roll podcast offers a captivating look into his extraordinary life and the teachings of his Wim Hof method. Hof is a world record holder and adventurer best known for his ability to withstand extreme cold, but his exploration of breath work and cold exposure has led to remarkable results and a devoted following. While some of his practices may seem unconventional or even far-fetched, they offer intriguing possibilities for those seeking to unlock their full potential.

    • The Iceman's Journey: Pushing Human Limits with Breathing and MeditationWim Hof, also known as The Iceman, sets world records by controlling his body's response to extreme temperatures using breathing techniques and meditation. His methods, known as 'The Wim Hof Method', are gaining scientific attention and believed to be replicable and teachable to anyone.

      Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," is a remarkable individual who has pushed the limits of human endurance and resilience. He has set numerous world records, including climbing Mount Everest in shorts, running marathons in extreme temperatures barefoot, and holding the record for the longest ice bath. But what sets him apart is his ability to control his body's response to stressors through breathing techniques and meditation. He has even prevented sickness after being injected with a toxin. Hof invites scientific study of his methods and believes they are replicable and teachable to anyone. His story challenges us to question our own limitations and tap into our inner potential. Hof is currently gaining widespread attention, with collaborations with Red Bull, Warner Brothers, and even David Blaine. Together, they plan to attempt new world records in September.

    • Control and cultivate internal environment for better health and happinessWim Hof's teachings challenge conventional wisdom by showing that we have the power to influence our hormonal and immune systems, leading to greater happiness and satisfaction through practices like breathwork and cold exposure.

      According to the discussion, Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," advocates for the control and cultivation of our internal environment as the key to living a healthy, happy life. Contrary to modern culture's focus on controlling external factors like our homes and possessions, Hof believes that we have the power to influence our hormonal and immune systems, which can lead to greater happiness and satisfaction. Traditionally, it was believed that the autonomic nervous system, which controls our body's automatic functions, was outside of our conscious control. However, Hof's work and studies have shown that it is possible to influence this system, and many people have demonstrated remarkable abilities through practices like breathwork and cold exposure. This shift in perspective challenges conventional wisdom and offers a unique and compelling way to approach health and well-being.

    • Manipulate body's pH levels with Wim Hof methodThe Wim Hof method uses deep breathing to raise pH levels, enabling the body to function without oxygen and accessing the limbic system for improved health and well-being in minutes

      The Wim Hof method is a breathing technique that allows individuals to manipulate their body's pH levels, leading to increased functionality and better health. By raising the pH levels, the body can function without the need for oxygen for extended periods. This is achieved through deep inhales and releases, similar to practices in the yogic tradition. The technique allows individuals to access the limbic system and feel, bypassing the thinking brain and its constant chatter. This state can typically only be reached through deep meditation, but the Wim Hof method achieves it in just a few minutes. The method has been scientifically endorsed and can lead to improved functionality and overall well-being.

    • Exploring the Power of Conscious BreathingConscious breathing can influence hormones, mood, health, and even DNA, leading to happiness, strength, and disease prevention through regulation of genes and creation of beneficial chemistry in cells.

      Conscious breathing, a unique ability of mammals, allows us to access the deepest part of the brain and influence our hormonal functions, mood, health, and even DNA. This practice, shown to regulate genes and create the right chemistry in cells, can lead to happiness, strength, and disease prevention. The speaker's personal journey, marked by grief and loss, led him to explore this practice and discover the spiritual through line connecting consciousness, nature, and healing. Through consciously dealing with pain and grief, he learned to influence emotional centers in the brain and discovered the transformative power of the cold. Ultimately, this practice is about becoming fully present and functional in any natural setting, leading to a life free of disease and suffering.

    • From curiosity to discovery: Wim Hof's journey with cold exposureThrough following intuition and staying true to oneself, Wim Hof discovered the healing properties of cold exposure and gained inner peace.

      Wim Hof's discovery of the healing properties of cold exposure was not a sudden realization, but rather an evolution of his curiosity and exploration of various practices and traditions. His first experience of immersing himself in cold water led to a deep feeling and understanding that awakened something within him, allowing him to exceed his limits and find inner peace. Hof emphasizes the importance of following your intuition and not forcing the experience, as the natural path will lead you to greater depths. Hof's unique journey began to gain attention when he started practicing outside in the public eye, facing mockery and cynicism but remaining peaceful and true to himself. The first broadcast of his cold water swimming came when a television station wanted to document his practices, leading to more challenges and recognition as the "Ice Man."

    • The Power of the Mind in Overcoming Physical ChallengesThe human body can endure extreme conditions when the mind remains calm and focused, allowing us to push past our natural responses and achieve remarkable feats.

      The human body can endure extreme conditions when the mind remains calm and focused. Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," shared his experience of swimming under a meter of ice for over 110 meters without losing sight or panicking. He attributed his ability to control his body's chemistry and remain conscious throughout the ordeal to his mental fortitude. Hof's story highlights the power of the mind in overcoming physical challenges and pushing past the body's natural responses. Additionally, his numerous Guinness World Records, including swimming under ice and climbing Mount Everest in shorts, demonstrate the incredible feats the human body is capable of when mentally prepared.

    • Learning to endure extreme conditionsWim Hof's experiences show that anyone can learn to adapt and thrive in extreme conditions by consciously connecting the brain and body and developing mental fortitude.

      The ability to adapt and endure extreme conditions, whether it's the freezing cold or scorching heat, is not limited to a select few, but is something that can be learned and implemented by anyone. Wim Hof, also known as the "Iceman," shares his experiences of pushing his limits in various extreme environments, from running a half marathon barefoot in sub-zero temperatures in Lapland to completing a marathon in the dry and hot Namib Desert. Although he suffered self-inflicted injuries in the process, his determination to overcome them and his strong connection with nature allowed him to heal and continue. His story highlights the importance of consciously connecting the brain and body, as well as the significance of mental fortitude in facing challenges. Despite the common belief that only extraordinary individuals can endure such conditions, Hof emphasizes that these skills can be learned and applied to improve overall health and well-being.

    • Exploring the Limits of Human EnduranceWim Hof's extreme physical challenges brought attention to his beliefs about healing through consciousness and energy balance. He emphasizes the importance of conscious breathing and a deep connection to consciousness for optimal health.

      Extreme physical challenges were a means for Wim Hof to gain scientific attention and validate his beliefs about the body's ability to heal itself through consciousness and energy balance. Hof, who had been practicing his methods in seclusion for decades before gaining publicity, now uses his platform to spread awareness about the connection between hormonal control, immune system function, and overall health and happiness. By combining scientific analysis with the importance of love and compassion, Hof aims to make these practices accessible to everyone, believing that everyone deserves to live a healthy, strong, and happy life. The extreme experiences, like braving the cold, initially brought Hof to focus on his breathing, but he now emphasizes the importance of both conscious breathing and a deep connection to consciousness or spirituality for optimal health.

    • Shift towards an alkaline state for better healthFocus on alkaline foods, self-care, breathing techniques, and consciousness to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

      The state of chronic acidosis caused by acidic food, toxic air, lack of sleep, and stress can lead to inflammation and chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes. By focusing on alkaline foods and better self-care, we can shift towards a more alkaline state and reduce inflammation. Additionally, improving our breathing techniques and consciousness can help change neurological patterns, enabling us to control our immune response and manage our energy on a cellular level. This was demonstrated in a study where participants, after being instructed in breathing techniques and gradually exposed to cold temperatures, were able to control their immune response to an E. coli injection without negative reactions. This new insight challenges conventional wisdom and requires a deeper connection between body and mind.

    • Mind and body connection in overcoming physical challengesFocusing on breathing techniques and bringing consciousness back to oneself during illness or discomfort can trigger an adrenaline response, boost pH levels, and improve the immune system's ability to fight off bacteria.

      The power of the mind and body connection can help individuals overcome physical challenges, such as exposure to endotoxins, by focusing and utilizing breathing techniques to raise pH levels and trigger an adrenaline response. This response makes the body more effective and gives the immune system a better chance to fight off bacteria. The mind plays a crucial role in this process, and bringing consciousness back to oneself during times of illness or discomfort can lead to remarkable results. Wim Hof, who has demonstrated these abilities, calls for individuals to reclaim their mental capacity and trust in their own abilities, rather than relying solely on medicines or external help. This discovery challenges traditional beliefs about human limitations and opens up possibilities for further exploration of the mind's untapped potential.

    • Connecting with nature for joy and expanding consciousnessThrough openness and motivation, reconnecting with nature can lead to extraordinary physical feats, pain control, and profound discoveries.

      Expanding consciousness and reconnecting with nature can lead to a joyful, childlike existence, free from tension. This is our true purpose as children of mother nature. Jessa Sands, who leads groups up mountains like Kilimanjaro, emphasizes the importance of motivation and being open to nature. Through her experiences, she's shown that the human body is capable of extraordinary feats, like influencing red blood cell generation and healing faster. Research is currently being conducted on the effects of breathing on pain and chemistry, demonstrating the potential for controlling pain signals and maintaining a healthy pH level. Ultimately, this journey towards expanding consciousness and reconnecting with nature can lead to profound discoveries about human capability and the beauty of the planet.

    • Leveraging natural responses for chronic condition reliefNatural responses, like those from cold exposure, can help regain control over chronic conditions such as addiction, hormonal imbalances, and more. Reconnecting with nature and our natural abilities can improve overall health and well-being, with studies and testimonials supporting their effectiveness.

      The body's natural responses, such as those experienced during cold exposure, can provide relief and potentially reverse chronic conditions. This is because these responses can tap into the body's hormonal mechanisms and help regain control over them. For example, people suffering from addiction or hormonal imbalances caused by grief, trauma, or lack of creativity can learn to regain control through these methods. By reconnecting with nature and our natural abilities, we can improve our overall health and well-being. The ongoing study in the Netherlands on pain and inflammation is an example of scientific exploration into these techniques. Additionally, many testimonials from people with various chronic conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, cancer, depression, MS, asthma, and allergies, attest to their effectiveness. However, it's important to continue scientific research to prove these methods' efficacy and applicability to various conditions, including addiction.

    • Boost athletic performance through breath control and body alkalinityImproving breath control and body alkalinity can enhance athletic performance by reducing inflammation, increasing ATP production, and promoting natural repair processes.

      Optimizing breath control and body alkalinity can significantly enhance athletic performance by improving the body's ability to repair and create energy more efficiently. Controlling alkalinity helps reduce inflammation and soreness caused by acidic responses to exercise-induced stress. Conscious breathing, or aerobic dissimilation, increases the production of ATP and enhances the body's natural repair processes. Hypoxic training, such as using training masks, can stimulate the body's oxygen metabolism but may not be as effective as conscious breathing in changing neurology and promoting spiritual growth. Ultimately, the most natural and effective way to improve athletic performance is by focusing on conscious breathing and understanding the deeper connection between the brain and body.

    • Exploring Consciousness: Diet, Animals, and the Depths of the MindBe consciously aware of our actions, especially our diet and treatment of animals. Explore the depths of the mind through substances like DMT for potential benefits. Consider the interconnectedness of consciousness, ethics, and the environment.

      Consciousness plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, including our physical health, diet, and environmental impact. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being consciously aware of our actions, especially when it comes to our diet and the treatment of animals. He also discusses the potential benefits of exploring the depths of the mind through substances like DMT and the importance of maintaining a clear consciousness. The speaker also highlights the interconnectedness of issues related to consciousness, the environment, and ethics, and encourages us to reflect on our actions and their impact on the world. He also mentions his ongoing research on the brain and DMT with Stanford University.

    • Embrace a minimalistic, primal lifestyle for true happinessListen to your body, practice breathing exercises, engage in physical activities, and make meditation a daily practice for overall well-being

      True happiness, strength, and health come from within and can be achieved by embracing a more minimalistic, primal way of living connected to nature. This goes against the cultural misconception that external factors such as material possessions can bring fulfillment. The speaker advocates for a non-dogmatic approach to this lifestyle, backed by scientific research. A typical day for the speaker involves focusing on breathing exercises upon waking and engaging in concentrated physical activities as needed throughout the day. Meditation should be an ongoing practice, not just a formal session. The key is to listen to one's body and respond accordingly.

    • Exploring the depths of consciousness and awarenessEmbrace inner growth, expand consciousness, and tap into untapped potential for happiness, strength, and love.

      The speaker is on a mission to help people reconnect with their souls and realize the importance of consciousness and awareness in their lives. He emphasizes the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, and encourages expanding consciousness through scientific understanding and spiritual practices. The speaker also believes that everyone has untapped potential and that it's important to make these practices accessible to all. He is involved in various projects, including retreats and cultural collaborations, to spread this message further. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to prioritize their inner growth and tap into their potential for happiness, strength, and love.

    • Exploring the Limits of Human Potential with Wim HofWim Hof's methods of cold exposure and breathing techniques challenge self-imposed limitations, leading to incredible feats. Believing in your own potential can unlock new possibilities.

      We all have untapped potential, and the story of Wim Hof demonstrates that we are capable of much more than we believe. Wim's methods, which include cold exposure and breathing techniques, show that pushing past our self-imposed limitations can lead to incredible feats. To delve deeper into this topic, check out the Vice documentary about Wim, linked in the show notes. Additionally, subscribe to the host's YouTube channel for more content, and visit richroll.com for merchandise. Remember, the beliefs we hold about ourselves may be limiting us in ways we don't even realize. This week, challenge one of those beliefs and see what you discover. As always, thank you to the team behind the scenes, and stay tuned for more inspiring content.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame
    This week, I am joined by Orlando Bloom, renowned actor and spiritual seeker, to discuss the intersection of extreme sports, personal growth, and the art of balance. Orlando shares his profound experiences with wingsuiting, free diving, and rock climbing, revealing the delicate tension between discipline and surrender. He offers candid insights into his upbringing, his mother’s influence, Buddhism’s transformative power, and navigating the complexities of fame. The conversation explores the nuances of preparation, trust, and letting go, drawing parallels between these high-stakes pursuits and life’s journey. Orlando’s vulnerability shines through as he discusses the evolution of his relationship dynamics and his commitment to making a positive impact through his work with UNICEF. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: LMNT: Science-backed electrolytes with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Bon Charge: Wellness products designed to help you sleep better, recover faster, and boost your overall well-being. Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF  👉 boncharge.com  Birch: For 20% off ALL organic mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows visit 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF mindfulness resources 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

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    Brad Carson Episode #24 Show Notes (Part 1):


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    -Psychological/cognitive benefits have been the most impactful Wim Hof Method [7:30]


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    -Your brain is not designed to make you happy—your brain is there to point out stressors to keep you alive [16:00]


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    Get your free Return to Running Protocol here!

    Follow Mobility Tutor on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube.

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    About Holly: Holly Maree is a 4/6 splenic manifestor and spiritual teacher passionate about bringing transformation to manifestors and guiding them through the path of release, teaching them to step powerfully into their soul-aligned purpose + divine mission. She's a qualified Breathwork, EFT + Meditation practitioner, a clinical Hypnotherapist and a certified Human Design teacher.

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    Holly's Website: 

    Key points with time stamp:
    • Human Design: Discover Your Unique Signature (00:00)
    • How to determine a spiritual awakening (02:01)
    • Letting go of religion to step into spirituality (04:00)
    • Navigating the mess of trying to find a career that she would be satisfied in (07:05)
    • Somatic work, breathwork, and acupuncture: Her recipe for achieving holistic wellness (12:28)
    • Learning to transmute energy for your own good (14:46)
    • Transitioning towards helping people unlock their power (18:26)
    • Diving into human design and gene keys (22:39)
    • Finding your unique signature in Human Design and what to do with it (28:09)
    • Discover your type: Breaking down the five Human Design types (32:22)
    • Why businesses should run their employees through Human Design (42:19)
    • Manifestor deep dive: Working with manifestors who have grown into a large community (44:55)

    Mentioned in this episode:

    About me: My Instagram: www.instagram.com/guyhlawrence/?hl=en
    My website: