
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the modern marketing landscape with 'Day Trading Attention'Understand the micro and macro aspects of day trading attention, prioritize emotional well-being, and adapt to the TikTok-like shift in social media platforms for effective brand building.

      In the new social media world, building a brand and sales requires understanding the concept of "day trading attention." Gary Vayner-Shkunov's upcoming book, "Day Trading Attention," provides a manual for entrepreneurs, marketers, Fortune 500 companies, creators, and influencers to navigate the modern marketing landscape. The micro aspect of this involves creating content and utilizing the right social media platforms. However, the macro perspective is equally important - having the right mindset and perspective to succeed. Emotional well-being plays a crucial role in achieving business ambitions, and without it, producing good content and working hard may not be enough. The last 24 months have seen a TikTok-like shift in social media platforms, providing opportunities for content creators to start a new path of growth. Overall, "Day Trading Attention" offers valuable insights into the current marketing landscape and how individuals can build their brands effectively. Pre-order your copy now for a deeper dive into this topic.

    • Emotional stability is crucial for business successProduce consistent content daily to grow a business, overcome fear of negative feedback, and focus on potential rewards for sustainable growth.

      Emotional stability is the foundation for building a successful business, especially in today's digital age where social media output plays a significant role. The speaker emphasized the importance of producing a consistent amount of content across multiple platforms every day to grow a business. However, most people struggle to do so due to emotional insecurity, fearing negative feedback and criticism. The speaker encouraged everyone in the room to overcome this fear and focus on the potential rewards, such as increased revenue and sales. He emphasized that building a solid emotional foundation is crucial for sustainable business growth. Ultimately, the speaker encouraged everyone to embrace vulnerability, lean into discomfort, and believe in their abilities to succeed despite potential setbacks.

    • Overcoming Fear of Social MediaDon't let fear of criticism and rejection prevent you from utilizing free social media platforms to build your brand and sell effectively. Branding is crucial, and consistent content production can help reach a large audience.

      Fear is holding many people back from maximizing opportunities in a flourishing market, specifically when it comes to creating and sharing content on social media platforms. The fear of criticism and rejection can prevent individuals from utilizing free resources like social media to build their brand and sell effectively. The speaker emphasizes that sales may be important, but branding is even more crucial, as people buy products based on established brands rather than sales pitches. The speaker encourages everyone to make a bigger commitment to producing content on various social media platforms, acknowledging that these platforms are free and have the potential to reach a large audience. The speaker challenges the audience to hold themselves accountable for their content and not blame the platforms for any perceived lack of success. As the speaker emphasizes, the market conditions are prime for growth, and fear should not prevent individuals from taking advantage of this opportunity.

    • Embrace the power of social media for growthSuccessful content creators consistently produce more than competitors and optimize for search on platforms like YouTube Shorts to reach larger audiences

      The era of free exposure on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook presents a unique opportunity for individuals and small businesses to reach vast audiences. However, many people are held back by their fear of negative comments and the need for validation. It's important to remember that those leaving negative comments are often projecting their own pain and insecurities. The most successful content creators in this industry are those who consistently produce more than their competitors. YouTube Shorts, as a unique feature of YouTube, offers a significant opportunity for growth due to its status as the second largest search engine in the world. By optimizing video content for search, creators can reach a larger audience and increase their brand awareness. Overall, it's essential to embrace the power of social media platforms and focus on producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

    • Leveraging underpriced attention for business growthIdentify and utilize underpriced attention on various platforms like email, Google AdWords, YouTube, social media content, and TikTok to grow your business. Act fast before the attention becomes more expensive.

      Understanding and leveraging underpriced attention is the key to growing a business. The speaker shared his personal experience of growing his father's liquor store business by identifying and utilizing underpriced attention on various platforms such as email, Google AdWords, and YouTube, at different points in time. He emphasized that the opportunity to do the same exists today, specifically with social media content and platforms like TikTok, but people need to act fast before the attention becomes more expensive. The speaker urged the audience to focus on the present and not be distracted by yesterday or tomorrow, as underpriced attention always sits in the present. He encouraged everyone to execute on this concept to grow their businesses.

    • Understanding LinkedIn's unique role in business-focused contentEffectively reach and connect with audiences on LinkedIn by recognizing its unique features, using platform-specific creative strategies, and understanding the strategic framework 'pack, platforms, and culture'.

      Social media, particularly LinkedIn, plays a significant role in capturing people's attention and influencing their decisions, yet it is often underestimated and misunderstood. The mentality of users on LinkedIn is different from other social media platforms like Facebook or TikTok, making it a valuable platform for business-focused content. Creating and sharing content on LinkedIn, regardless of the medium, can lead to surprising results. Understanding the unique aspects of each platform and finding comfort in your preferred medium are essential for success. The speaker emphasized the importance of the strategic framework "pack, platforms, and culture" to effectively create and share content on social media. Platform-specific creative strategies, such as using green screens on TikTok and Instagram, can significantly increase engagement. By recognizing the power of social media and adapting to its unique features, individuals and businesses can effectively reach and connect with their audiences.

    • Maximize Social Media Impact with Strategic Content CreationEffective social media content requires strategy, understanding trends, and commitment to producing content consistently. No need to share personal life or compromise privacy to succeed.

      Creating effective content on social media platforms requires strategy, understanding of trends and culture, and control over what you share. The concept of "pack" and referencing relevant cultural elements can significantly increase video consumption. Contrary to popular belief, there's no requirement to share personal life or compromise privacy to be successful. In fact, making a commitment to producing as much content as possible is the most effective way to grow your business and impact your financial system. Even in a commission-driven industry where financial stability may be uncertain, making a full mental and financial commitment to content creation can lead to long-term success. Don't let embarrassment or fear hold you back from taking the first step. The simplicity of this truth is profound, and the opportunity to learn and ask questions during Q&A sessions is invaluable.

    • Accountability is key in real estate, especially in tough marketsTake responsibility for successes and failures, adapt to new marketing platforms, don't take market share for granted, and prioritize creativity and consistency.

      Accountability is crucial in the real estate industry, especially in the current market. The speaker emphasized that good markets can mask inadequacies, but when the market corrects, individual performance becomes more apparent. He encouraged agents to take responsibility for their successes and failures, as the industry's lucrative nature can lead some to overlook their own growth. He also emphasized the importance of adapting to new marketing platforms, such as social media and YouTube Shorts, to remain competitive. The speaker warned experienced agents not to take their market share for granted and encouraged new agents to seize the opportunities presented by these platforms. He concluded by emphasizing that creativity and consistency are the keys to success on any platform.

    • Embrace individuality and focus on valuable contentFocus on building a strong reputation through honesty and integrity, embrace your uniqueness, and create valuable content to stand out in the digital space.

      While it's understandable to want to stand out and not follow trends when creating content, the key to success lies in embracing your uniqueness as a human being and focusing on the individual pieces of content you create. The speaker emphasized that the world has changed, and it's no longer about the number of followers you have but rather the impact of each post. Moreover, Ahmed from Rever Realty shared his experience of generating 95% of their leads from social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube Shorts, and LinkedIn within just 2 years, proving that anyone can make a mark in the digital space regardless of their starting point. The best advice the speaker received was from her father, who instilled in her the importance of keeping her word as her most valuable contract. By focusing on building a strong reputation through honesty and integrity, she was able to achieve success. Overall, the message is to embrace your individuality, focus on creating valuable content, and trust in the power of your word.

    • Gain hands-on experience before building a teamMaster content production skills yourself before delegating to others, prioritize it for a year or two, and plan content in the macro to make the process easier.

      When starting out with content production, particularly for social media or YouTube, it's essential to understand the process thoroughly before delegating it to others. The speaker, who built a team of 25 employees for content production after doing it himself for nine years, emphasized the importance of gaining hands-on experience first. He likened this process to learning basketball, emphasizing that mastering the skill is crucial to success. The speaker suggested spending a year or two doing it yourself, documenting your content, and making it a priority. Only then should you consider building a team. Additionally, he suggested that planning content in the macro, rather than the micro, can make the process easier. This means filming everything you're doing and deciding later what to post, rather than trying to create polished content from scratch. Overall, the key takeaway is that gaining a deep understanding of content production is crucial for success, and it's essential to prioritize it before delegating it to others.

    • Consistency is key in social media marketing for real estateFocus on consistency and not let perfection hinder regular posting. Attention can be gained with good content, regardless of follower count. Choose one or two social media platforms and focus on them to maximize impact.

      Action is key to success in social media marketing for real estate, as demonstrated by Harjeet from RevoReality 2. Harjeet shared that he depends on 100% of his leads coming from platforms like TikTok and Instagram, which he credits to following Gary's advice. However, Harjeet expressed a common challenge of comparing the quality of his content to others and feeling the need to meet high expectations. Gary encouraged Harjeet to focus on consistency and not let perfection get in the way of posting content regularly. He also emphasized that attention can be gained with good content, regardless of the number of followers. When it comes to starting out on various social media platforms, Gary suggested not spreading oneself too thin and focusing on one or two that align best with the individual's goals and audience. Ultimately, the most important thing is to take action and consistently put out quality content.

    • Adapting to social media platforms and audience evolutionFocus on value and authenticity to increase engagement and potentially go viral. Adapt to the unique aspects of each platform and deliver deeper insights for stronger audience connections.

      Effective content creation across various social media platforms requires understanding the unique aspects of each platform and adapting to the evolving audience and environment. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and LinkedIn, while acknowledging the challenges and evolution of his own approach to content. He advised focusing on value and authenticity to increase engagement and potentially go viral. Regarding his own content evolution, Gary shared that he has changed as a person and so has the world, leading him to adapt his style and messaging. He also highlighted the importance of delivering candor, which he had previously struggled with, and how he rebranded it as "kind candor." For those new to content creation, Gary suggested focusing on topics they know and can provide value to their audience, rather than just talking about the product or service they are selling. By providing deeper insights and valuable information, content creators can build a stronger connection with their audience and increase engagement.

    • Effective communication requires kindness, empathy, and compassionCommunicate effectively with kindness, empathy, and compassion for better personal and professional growth. Avoid mixing content types on social media to maintain focus for followers, and develop a personal brand with consistency and authenticity.

      Effective communication, even when delivering difficult messages, should be done with kindness, empathy, and compassion. This approach not only makes us better communicators but also helps us grow personally and professionally. Regarding social media, combining different content types, such as lifestyle and real estate, on one page may not ruin your algorithm or insights, but it might not perform as well. People follow you for specific content, and mixing it up might confuse them. However, it's essential to remember that likes are not the primary goal; focusing on one person buying a property is. Lastly, developing a personal brand, especially in real estate, requires consistency and authenticity. Sharing what you're interested in, what you know, and your observations can help you produce a large amount of content. Aiming for fame and posting 40 times a day on multiple platforms can help increase your reach, but it's essential to remember that expertise is not required to share your opinions.

    • Maximizing Content Reach through Multiple PostsCreating multiple posts from a single piece of content can lead to 40 posts in a day, saving time and expanding reach. Utilize different platforms and formats, such as podcast interviews, to generate new content.

      Creating multiple posts from a single piece of content, such as a video, can significantly increase your online presence. For instance, if someone creates different copy for LinkedIn and TikTok, despite using the same video, it results in two distinct posts. This strategy can lead to 40 posts from just 5 videos in a day. Another effective method is to appear as a guest on small podcasts or YouTube shows. By doing so, you don't have to generate new content as the hosts will ask you questions during the interview. Once the video is ready, you can clip and post the content across various social media platforms. This approach not only saves time but also expands your reach.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

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    Qualities of Great Leaders

    Today's guest of the GaryVee Audio Experience is Anthony Tassone, Co-founder and CEO of Truleo, a body camera analytics platform developed in partnership with the FBI National Academy alumni. We discuss his story and the power of analytics and how it shapes our day-to-day lives. We talk about qualities leaders should possess and what we think the future of the blockchain looks like. I’m very excited about this episode and hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the conversation- let me know what you think!

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    Losing...is a GOOD thing

    Losing...is a GOOD thing

    Today's video is a virtual fireside chat Gary had with USC students, he answers their questions on business success and sacrifices, dealing with the fear of failure, the importance of losing, is entrepreneurship the right path for everyone, and much more!

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    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing an episode of Tea with GaryVee That took place 2 years ago, but the advice is still strong. I answer questions ranging from balancing professional life with family, The power of LinkedIn, and much more! I hope you all enjoy this one!

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    The Most Important Question In Business

    The Most Important Question In Business

    Here’s the problem most people run into when they create content online: They think they have to have something to say. So many of you aren’t putting out content online because you think you need to have the perfect message, or something “valuable” to share (based on your own arbitrary opinion). And what I’m telling you is, you will get more business if you put out literally anything. If you’re an auto dealer, you could put out a 5 min video every afternoon just recapping what happened in your day. If you’re a real estate agent, you could post updates on what your opinions are about the Super Bowl teams. Get on social media and tell your truth … it’s really that simple.

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing something special. With VeeCon coming up I thought I would be appropriate to share the opening Keynote from VeeCon 2023 with all of you. I sit down with my dad and brother and we chat about what we've learned from each other and we tell some fun stories as well. I hope you all enjoy this one, and be sure to get your tickets to VeeCon 2024 in LA. I will see you there!

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    Today's podcast is a throwback fireside talk I gave to the VaynerMedia summer residents. They asked me questions that ranged from personal to business-related. I opened up about what I consider to be my most vulnerable moment and shed some light on the early years of VaynerMedia. Additionally, we discussed the pitfalls of monetizing a brand too early and explored ways to deal with imposter syndrome. This episode is packed with valuable advice for individuals at the early stages of their careers and even those who are already established but seeking clarity. I hope you enjoy it :)

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    Today's podcast is an interview I did with Cody Combs on The National in Abu Dhabi. I share my thoughts on the TikTokification of social media explaining why everyone has higher chances now to go viral, the reason most people struggle to grow on social media, and much more. Hope you enjoy!

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    In today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I am sharing an episode from last year with Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of the Verge. We talk about following human attention, how I make decisions, and many other topics. This is a very well-rounded episode that dives deeper than just business. it's about real life and how I handle mine. I hope you all enjoy it!

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    In this business consulting session, Gary meets with a group of business owners and takes questions around decision making, organic reach, how to hire people and plenty of others. Gary gives a great explanation at the beginning of how he values the speed of making decisions over how accurate the decisions are and towards the end he shares what he believes is one of the biggest vulnerabilities to every business. Be sure to check the comments for the timestamps of all the interesting moments... Enjoy!

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    Introverts, Guy Kawasaki, & The GaryVee Movie

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    #QOTD: Where do you watch or listen to the #AskGaryVee Show?

    I think that Instagram and Twitter are tremendously different. Look, Twitter is the town hall, the cocktail party of the social world. When things happen in the world and there’s breaking news, we’re running to Twitter not Instagram – we want the chatter, not the images. However, I do believe that Instagram has found a way (at least up til now) to gain the most attention from the consumer where we've found ourselves looking at those pictures pretty consistently. 

    Attention wins and that’s what Instagram has been able to capture. People are actually consuming content on Instagram, whereas on Twitter, those days are over. Back in the day I used to be able to send out a tweet and although I had a substantially lower reach I was still able to garner that attention. Instagram, due to its image-focused nature, is naturally able to capture our attention more easily. And let’s face it, we’re lazy, and it’s much easier to consume an image than to take the time to read a few lines or click through to a long form piece of content. It’s just the nature of our tendencies, our attention spans, and the mediums where we’re consuming this content, which happens to stem from the palms of our hands.

    OH! And did I mention? I have an Instagram account. You should follow me :) @GaryVee


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    How to Thrive in the Biggest Era of Change Since the iPhone | SIGMA UAE Keynote

    How to Thrive in the Biggest Era of Change Since the iPhone | SIGMA UAE Keynote

    How to Buy VeeCon 2023 Tickets: www.garyvee.com/VeeConTickets2023

    Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is a keynote I gave recently at a SIGMA Group event in the UAE! I'm going to talk about the post-Tiktokification of social media and why it's important to develop a content strategy that takes this trend into account. We'll also explore the impact of technology, including AI, on the job market and whether short-form content is dying. Finally, we'll look at the future of technology with Web3 and the problem with the current school system.

    Overall this is a really fun episode and I want your feedback on it! Enjoy!

    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

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    Fitness Entrepreneurs & The Business of Fitness | #AskGaryVee Episode 203

    Fitness Entrepreneurs & The Business of Fitness | #AskGaryVee Episode 203

    1. When was the last time you posted on Instagram?
    2. The next time you post to social media- ask yourself- does it add value? Is it something that's going to make people feel encouraged, motivated, or care? Is it something they'll want to share?
    3. Why do you do what you do?

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    Natalie Jill:
    Buy her book here: http://www.amazon.com/Natalie-Jills-7-Day-Jump-Start/dp/0738219126

    Mike Rashid:
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/fuertepeople
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mikerashid

    Mike Vacanti:
    Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/mikevacanti

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    This ChatGPT & LinkedIn Strategy is a GAME CHANGER | Hall of Aime Q&A 2023

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    Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is the Q&A portion of my keynote I gave in Naples, Florida at the Hall of Aime event! Much like the keynote, this Q&A is packed with actionable advice for how you can improve your business' social game! I talk all about how you can use ChatGPT to make LinkedIn posting easy, ways to make TikTok content more efficient, whether BeReal is worth it or not, the state of the union on Snapchat in 2023, why 4 posts a day is all it takes, how to handle hate online and so much more! Enjoy! Let me know what you thought! Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends Tweet Me! @garyvee Text Me! 212-931-5731 My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message