
    The Rest of the Story, 2023

    enDecember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on Past Stories and GratitudePlanet Money team updates past stories, expresses gratitude, and introduces GlobalX ETFs as a sponsor

      While deadlines keep the team at Planet Money focused and moving on to the next story, the people they feature in their reports continue to face new challenges and learn new lessons. During their year-end reflection, the team shared updates on past stories, including one about vacation time in America. Reporter Sarah Gonzalez explored the personal question of accumulated vacation time, leading to an intriguing episode about the topic. The team also expressed their gratitude to their supporters and encouraged listeners to join NPR in supporting public media, especially during election years. GlobalX ETFs was introduced as a sponsor, offering exchange-traded funds for those looking to invest.

    • The Cultural Norm of Skipping Vacation DaysAmericans often forgo vacation days due to cultural expectations and guilt, but taking time off is essential for productivity and well-being. Advocating for more vacation time collectively can lead to positive change.

      Many Americans, including the speaker, forgo taking all of their vacation days due to various reasons such as the Protestant work ethic, high taxes, or the lack of advocacy from labor unions. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling guilty and unproductive during a two-week vacation, which left him wanting to return home early. The episode also explores the cultural norm in the US of being productive with all of one's time off, making it difficult for people to truly relax and disconnect. Despite the speaker's initial reluctance, he encourages listeners to take vacation time and advocate for more time off as a collective effort. The Hollywood strikes serve as an example of labor actions that can bring about change in the workplace, including the possibility of more vacation days for employees.

    • Dispute over neutral gates during Hollywood strikesDetermined strike captain uncovers producers' use of neutral gate, expanding strike's reach

      During the Hollywood strikes, there was a dispute over neutral gates, which were designated entrances to studios where striking unions didn't picket. A strike captain named Bill Walkoff became obsessed with proving the studios were abusing this system. He believed that if they were, the unions could flip the gates and expand their strike's reach. Bill's quest culminated in the discovery that the producers of "Dancing with the Stars" were using a neutral gate, leading to a significant expansion of the strike. The strikes have since ended, but Bill's determination to hold the studios accountable was a key aspect of the labor action.

    • The 2007-2008 writer's strike: Challenges and Opportunities for One ScreenwriterEffective communication and maintaining professional relationships are crucial during conflicts, as demonstrated by a screenwriter's experience with gate flipping and returning to work post-strike.

      The 2007-2008 writer's strike had a significant impact on the entertainment industry, and for one particular screenwriter named Bill, it presented both challenges and opportunities. During the strike, Bill became deeply involved in gate flipping activities, but when the strike ended, he returned to his job as a writer for the latest Star Trek series, Strange New Worlds. The return to work was uncertain, but a positive interaction with network executives during a Zoom call put everyone at ease and marked the beginning of a new chapter. This experience highlights the power of effective communication and the importance of maintaining professional relationships, even during times of conflict.

    • Discussion on fabricated data in behavioral science and its consequencesTransparency in research is crucial, but can lead to scrutiny and potential fraud detection. Supporting truth and transparency is essential.

      Transparency in research practices is becoming increasingly important, but it also opens the door for scrutiny and potential fraud detection. This was highlighted in a discussion about researchers in behavioral science who were found to have used fabricated data, leading to a lawsuit against those reporting the findings and the researchers involved. Researcher Yuri Simonson, known for his Microsoft Excel forensic skills, shared updates on the situation, including being sued for defamation and breach of contract along with Harvard University for $25 million. The community rallied to support Simonson's legal defense through a fundraiser, demonstrating the importance of standing by the truth and transparency in research.

    • Community support and validationSupport from a community can provide validation, encouragement, and resources for individuals, even during times of criticism and adversity.

      The support and belief of a community can be incredibly heartwarming and validating for individuals, especially when they face criticism. This was evident when Nick Yusko, the founder of Yours, shared the news of receiving significant donations from various academics and Nobel Prize winners, totaling $375,000, and the support from over 3,000 people. This support not only helped Yours continue its mission but also gave Nick a sense of real validation and encouragement. Additionally, the passing of Ernest Jackson, the iconic singer of the Planet Money record label's "Inflation" song, serves as a reminder of the power of perseverance and the potential impact that one person can have, even if they don't achieve mainstream success. Jackson's talent and dedication to music inspired those around him, and his legacy continues to live on through his music.

    • Discovering unexpected opportunities through perseverance and passionPursuing passions can lead to remarkable experiences and connections, even if they come from unexpected sources.

      The power of perseverance and passion can lead to unexpected opportunities. Ernest Jackson, a talented singer with a unique voice, gained recognition after being discovered on a podcast. His distinctive sound caught the attention of a television writer and producer, Scott Jacobson, who was looking for a vocalist for an upcoming episode of Bob's Burgers. Ernest's performance brought new life to the song "Gas in My Car," and he was thrilled about the opportunity to be a part of the show. Unfortunately, during the production of this update, Ernest was grieved by the loss of his son, Corey. Despite the sadness, Ernest's spirit remained high, and he continued to share his love for music, particularly the song "Inflation." This story serves as a reminder that pursuing one's passions can lead to remarkable experiences and connections.

    • Discovering the Talents of Ernest Jackson: A Man of Music and JoyErnest Jackson, or Nes Campbell, was a talented artist who found joy in simple moments and inspired change through his music.

      Ernest Jackson, also known as Ernest "Nes" Campbell, was a unique and talented artist whose music touched many lives. When we first met him, we spent hours discussing songs, and one in particular, "A Change is Gonna Come," resonated with us deeply. Nes had a way of finding joy in simple moments, like flicking a ballpoint pen, and his enthusiasm was contagious. He was a special person who deserved to be shared with the world, and we were honored to be a part of that. His music, inspired by Sam Cooke, was a reflection of his own experiences and the changes he knew had to come in his life. Despite the challenges he faced, Nes was not afraid to face the rough realities of life, knowing that change was on the horizon. His music continues to inspire us, and we are grateful for the time we spent with him.

    Recent Episodes from Planet Money

    How flying got so bad (or did it?)

    How flying got so bad (or did it?)
    We often hear that air travel is worse than it's ever been. Gone are the days when airplanes touted piano bars and meat carving stations — or even free meals. Instead we're crammed into tiny seats and fighting for overhead space.

    How did we get here? Most of the inconveniences we think about when we fly can be traced back to the period of time just after the federal government deregulated the airlines.

    When commercial air travel took off in the 1940s, the government regulated how many national airlines were allowed to exist, where they were allowed to fly, and how much they could charge for tickets. But the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 swept all these restrictions aside – and stopped providing subsidies for the air carriers. Airlines had to compete on ticket prices. That competition led to a more bare-bones flying experience, but it also made air travel a lot more affordable.

    In this episode, we trace the evolution of air travel over the past century to discover whether flying really is worse today — or if it's actually better than ever. We'll board a plane from the "golden age" of air travel, hear the history of one of the original budget airlines and meet feuding airline CEOs. Along the way, we'll see how economic forces have shaped the airline industry into what it is today, and what role we, as consumers, have played.

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    Planet Money
    enJuly 05, 2024

    The two companies driving the modern economy

    The two companies driving the modern economy
    At the core of most of the electronics we use today are some very tiny, very powerful chips. Semiconductor chips. And they are mighty: they help power our phones, laptops, and cars. They enable advances in healthcare, military systems, transportation, and clean energy. And they're also critical for artificial intelligence, providing the hardware needed to train complex machine learning.

    On today's episode, we're bringing you two stories from our daily show The Indicator, diving into the two most important semiconductor chip companies, which have transformed the industry over the past 40 years.

    First, we trace NVIDIA's journey from making niche graphics cards for gaming to making the most advanced chips in the world — and briefly becoming the world's biggest company. Next, we see how the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's decision to manufacture chips for its competition instead of itself flipped the entire industry on its head, and moved the vast majority of the world's advanced chip production to Taiwan.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episode about NVIDIA by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJuly 03, 2024

    Do immigrants really take jobs and lower wages?

    Do immigrants really take jobs and lower wages?
    We wade into the heated debate over immigrants' impact on the labor market. When the number of workers in a city increases, does that take away jobs from the people who already live and work there? Does a surge of immigration hurt their wages?

    The debate within the field of economics often centers on Nobel-prize winner David Card's ground-breaking paper, "The Impact of the Mariel Boatlift on the Miami Labor Market." Today on the show: the fight over that paper, and what it tells us about the debate over immigration.

    More Listening:
    - When The Boats Arrive
    - The Men on the Roof

    This episode was hosted by Amanda Aronczyk and Jeff Guo. It was produced by Willa Rubin, edited by Annie Brown, and engineered by Valentina Rodríguez Sánchez. Fact-checking by Sierra Juarez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

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    Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 29, 2024

    The Carriage Tax (Update)

    The Carriage Tax (Update)
    (Note: A version of this episode originally ran in 2019.)

    In 1794, George Washington decided to raise money for the federal government by taxing the rich. He did it by putting a tax on horse-drawn carriages.

    The carriage tax could be considered the first federal wealth tax of the United States. It led to a huge fight over the power to tax in the U.S. Constitution, a fight that continues today.

    Listen back to our 2019 episode: "Could A Wealth Tax Work?"

    Listen to The Indicator's 2023 episode: "Could SCOTUS outlaw wealth taxes?"

    This episode was hosted by Greg Rosalsky and Bryant Urstadt. It was originally produced by Nick Fountain and Liza Yeager, with help from Sarah Gonzalez. Today's update was produced by Willa Rubin and edited by Molly Messick and our executive producer, Alex Goldmark.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Planet Money
    enJune 26, 2024

    The Vapes of Wrath

    The Vapes of Wrath
    When the vape brand Juul first hit the market back in 2015, e-cigarettes were in a kind of regulatory limbo. At the time, the rules that governed tobacco cigarettes did not explicitly apply to e-cigarettes. Then Juul blew up, fueled a public health crisis over teen vaping, and inspired a regulatory crackdown. But when the government finally stepped in to solve the problem of youth vaping, it may have actually made things worse.

    Today's episode is a collaboration with the new podcast series "Backfired: the Vaping Wars." You can listen to the full series at audible.com/Backfired.

    This episode was hosted by Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi and Leon Neyfakh. It was produced by Emma Peaslee and edited by Jess Jiang with help from Annie Brown. It was fact checked by Sofia Shchukina and engineered by Cena Loffredo. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

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    Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 21, 2024

    Why is everyone talking about Musk's money?

    Why is everyone talking about Musk's money?
    We've lived amongst Elon Musk headlines for so long now that it's easy to forget just how much he sounds like a sci-fi character. He runs a space company and wants to colonize mars. He also runs a company that just implanted a computer chip into a human brain. And he believes there's a pretty high probability everything is a simulation and we are living inside of it.

    But the latest Elon Musk headline-grabbing drama is less something out of sci-fi, and more something pulled from HBO's "Succession."

    Elon Musk helped take Tesla from the brink of bankruptcy to one of the biggest companies in the world. And his compensation for that was an unprecedentedly large pay package that turned him into the richest person on Earth. But a judge made a decision about that pay package that set off a chain of events resulting in quite possibly the most expensive, highest stakes vote in publicly traded company history.

    The ensuing battle over Musk's compensation is not just another wild Elon tale. It's a lesson in how to motivate the people running the biggest companies that – like it or not – are shaping our world. It's a classic economics problem with a very 2024 twist.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 19, 2024

    What's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved.

    What's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved.
    There's a behind the scenes industry that helps big brands decide questions like: How big should a bag of chips be? What's the right size for a bottle of shampoo? And yes, also: When should a company do a little shrinkflation?

    From Cookie Monster to President Biden, everybody is complaining about shrinkflation these days. But when we asked the packaging and pricing experts, they told us that shrinkflation is just one move in a much larger, much weirder 4-D chess game.

    The name of that game is "price pack architecture." This is the idea that you shouldn't just sell your product in one or two sizes. You should sell your product in a whole range of different sizes, at a whole range of different price points. Over the past 15 years, price pack architecture has completely changed how products are marketed and sold in the United States.

    Today, we are going on a shopping cart ride-along with one of those price pack architects. She's going to pull back the curtain and show us why some products are getting larger while others are getting smaller, and tell us about the adorable little soda can that started it all.

    By the end of the episode, you'll never look at a grocery store the same way again.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Planet Money
    enJune 14, 2024

    Bringing a tariff to a graphite fight

    Bringing a tariff to a graphite fight
    Graphite is sort of the one-hit wonder of minerals. And that hit? Pencils. Everyone loves to talk about pencils when it comes to graphite. If graphite were to perform a concert, they'd close out the show with "pencils," and everyone would clap and cheer. But true fans of graphite would be shouting out "batteries!" Because graphite is a key ingredient in another important thing that we all use in our everyday lives: lithium ion batteries.

    Almost all of the battery-ready graphite in the world comes from one place: China. That's actually true of lots of the materials that go into batteries, like processed lithium and processed cobalt. Which is why it was such a big deal when, earlier this year, President Biden announced a tariff package that will make a bunch of Chinese imports more expensive. Included in this package are some tariffs on Chinese graphite. He wants to create a new battery future—one that doesn't rely so much on China.

    In this episode, we get down on the ground to look at this big supply chain story through the lens of one critical mineral. And we visit a small town that realizes that it might be the perfect place to create an American graphite industry. And we find that declaring a new battery future is one thing, but making it happen is another thing entirely.

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    Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 12, 2024

    How much national debt is too much?

    How much national debt is too much?
    Most economic textbooks will tell you that there can be real dangers in running up a big national debt. A major concern is how the debt you add now could slow down economic growth in the future. Economists have not been able to nail down how much debt a country can safely take on. But they have tried.

    Back in 2010, two economists took a look at 20 countries over the course of decades, and sometimes centuries, and came back with a number. Their analysis suggested that economic growth slowed significantly once national debt passed 90% of annual GDP... and that is when the fight over debt and growth really took off.

    On today's episode: a deep dive on what we know, and what we don't know, about when exactly national debt becomes a problem. We will also try to figure out how worried we should be about the United States' current debt total of 26 trillion dollars.

    This episode was hosted by Keith Romer and Nick Fountain. It was produced by Willa Rubin and edited by Molly Messick. It was fact-checked by Sierra Juarez with help from Sofia Shchukina and engineered by Cena Loffredo. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Planet Money
    enJune 07, 2024

    The history of light (classic)

    The history of light (classic)
    For thousands of years, getting light was a huge hassle. You had to make candles from scratch. This is not as romantic as it sounds. You had to get a cow, raise the cow, feed the cow, kill the cow, get the fat out of the cow, cook the fat, dip wicks into the fat. All that--for not very much light. Now, if we want to light a whole room, we just flip a switch.

    The history of light explains why the world today is the way it is. It explains why we aren't all subsistence farmers, and why we can afford to have artists and massage therapists and plumbers. (And, yes, people who make podcasts about the history of light.) The history of light is the history of economic growth--of things getting faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

    On today's show: How we got from dim little candles made out of cow fat, to as much light as we want at the flick of a switch.

    Today's show was hosted by Jacob Goldstein and David Kestenbaum. It was originally produced by Caitlin Kenney and Damiano Marchetti. Today's rerun was produced by James Sneed, and edited by Jenny Lawton. It was fact-checked by Sierra Juarez. Engineering by Valentina Rodríguez Sánchez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Planet Money
    enJune 05, 2024

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    Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines. 

    Steve's paper on COVID vaccine reactions: https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-get-vaccinated/ 

    Steve's Twitter: @stkirsch 
    COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund: https://www.treatearly.org/team/steve-kirsch 
    Dr. Malone's website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/mrna-vaccine-inventor 
    Robert's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rwmalonemd 
    Robert's Twitter: @RWMaloneMD 


    Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon. 

    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music. 

    Support the show

    IP168: Breaking Brian

    IP168: Breaking Brian


    • We have special guest Harold Price on for his birthday. Happy Birthday Harold!

    • We talk about a ton of video games this week! Including a tangent about Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Final Fantasy franchises. We discuss Metroid, Threes, Scribblenauts, Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect and more!

    • There is a ton of news out and about this week. We discuss the success of the PS4 in Japan, Titanfall Bundles, the Nintendo DS online situation, and Harmonix’s Chroma!

    • We have an email, performed live by Harold, as well as “The King’s Orders”

    • We send SilverPR our appreciation for his voicemails, after one of his voicemails.

    • Alex tries his hand at a closing segment. It’s pretty crappy, but it’ll get better!


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    043 |Discovering Your Passions with Mandie Brice

    043 |Discovering Your Passions with Mandie Brice


    Ep 043 | Discovering Your Passions with Mandie Brice


    Mandie Brice is a podcast host, makeup artist and author of 2 new books who is passionate about the concept that if you look better and feel better, you do everything else better. When Mandie isn’t busy recording interviews of people who’ve taken big risks on Bold Moves podcast, she’s inspiring, encouraging and educating others to go after their dreams. Mandie is sharing how her attitude towards selling has come full circle and how she’s now implementing strategies and knowledge she’s learned over the years through courses and conferences. 


    Have you discovered what you’re passionate about?


    What we’re talking about


    • Utilizing What You’ve Learned
    • 2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s
    • Re-Thinking Your Views On Selling


    Utilizing What You’ve Learned


    Over the years Mandie has taken courses, attended conferences and seminars but has hoarded the knowledge she’s learned. Her focus for 2020 and beyond is to start sharing that knowledge and inspiring other people. From her experience as an elementary school teacher to following her passion as a model and makeup artist, Mandie is inspiring people to not only look their best but to follow their passions and even showcasing her talents in her first book, Best Face Forward: Basic Makeup Skills and Practical Looks From Your Makeup BFF


    2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s


    Mandie’s second book, 2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s is a guide to reflection, goal-setting and goal achievement in the new decade. She shares the wisdom she’s learned in the past decade on personal development, her experience as a freelancer and entrepreneur and the importance of goals. 


    Re-Thinking Your Views On Selling


    Mandie recently discovered that she was opposed to the thought and action of selling to people and yet it was an innate action she’d be undertaking since she was a child. Selling doesn’t have to be a “dirty” word and Mandie shares how you can sell and help people at the same time. 

    It’s time to look good, feel good and do good!



    Mandie’s Website

    Mandie’s Instagram

    Mandie’s Facebook

    2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s

    Bold Moves Podcast

    Bold Moves Podcast Ep 249 with Lisa Hyde

    Best Face Forward: Basic Makeup Skills and Practical Looks From Your Makeup BFF



    11:35 (40 sec MB) – One thing that I think didn’t really serve me well is that there was such a focus on “we’re not selling, we’re helping people” and I think I got it to my mind to the point where I thought selling things was bad. And that is against my nature because a lot of people who have known me for 35 years know that when I was a kid, I used to paint rocks and sell them. I painted pine cones and sold them. I made friendship bracelets and sold them and was always doing some sort of creative hustle since I was like 5. So returning to that should surprise absolutely nobody.



    1. You can sell and help people at the same. MB
    2. One thing that didn’t serve me well is the focus on ‘we’re not selling, we’re helping people.’ MB
    3. If you ever wished you had that BFF to come get your makeup ready, I’m the virtual version of that. MB
    4. The smartest, most successful people are reading personal development books. MB


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Mandie Brice is a makeup artist, podcast host and author of 2 books and is sharing how her view on selling has changed over the years and how she’s now on a mission to inspire and encourage others to go after their goals on Ep 43 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Mandie Brice is an #author and #makeup #artist who is helping others set their #goals and #achieve them on EP43 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Mandie Brice is sharing how #goalsetting and #personal #development #inspired her new #book on EP43 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Find out how makeup artist, Mandie Brice is inspiring people to set goals and achieve them with her new book. Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com