
    The Rough Rider and the Professor with Laurence Jurdem

    enSeptember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The unusual friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot LodgeTheir bond deepened during the 1884 Republican convention, providing Roosevelt with crucial support and ultimately leading to Lodge's assistance in his presidential bid.

      The unusual political friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, despite their different backgrounds and ideologies, played a significant role in Roosevelt's journey to the White House. They first met at Harvard, where Roosevelt was a student and Lodge was a professor. Their bond deepened during the tumultuous 1884 Republican convention, where they sought an alternative candidate to James Blaine due to his involvement in a railroad scandal. Roosevelt, who was grieving the loss of his wife and mother, found support and camaraderie in Lodge. Their shared discontent with the party's nominee brought them closer, ultimately leading to Lodge's crucial assistance in helping Roosevelt secure the presidency years later. This friendship highlights the power of personal connections and shared values in politics.

    • The unlikely bond between Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu RootTwo influential figures, Roosevelt and Root, formed a deep connection through their shared interests in literature, history, sports, and fine dining, despite their contrasting personalities.

      Despite their significant differences in personality and approach to life, Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu Root formed a deep connection through their shared interests and experiences. Both men, who met at an eating club, bonded over their love of literature, history, sports, and fine dining. While Roosevelt was an ebullient figure who loved being the center of attention and physically drove himself to the limit, Root was a more reserved, Machiavellian man. Their conversation on the train revealed numerous commonalities, and Root may have recognized Roosevelt's potential as a future president. Roosevelt, a gourmand who loved life to the fullest, lived only till the age of 60 due to his relentless pursuit of enjoyment. The unlikely friendship between these two influential figures highlights the power of shared interests and experiences in forming meaningful connections.

    • An Unlikely Friendship Between Teddy Roosevelt and Henry Cabot LodgeRoosevelt's charisma and persuasive nature brought the introverted and reserved Lodge out of his shell, shaping American history through their contrasting personalities and experiences

      The unlikely friendship between Teddy Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, despite their vastly different backgrounds and cultures, played a significant role in American history. Known as the Rough Riders, this eclectic group challenged societal norms and showcased the ultimate test of courage and masculinity through their actions. While Roosevelt embraced the thrill of danger and adventure, Lodge, who was often introverted and reserved, was initially hesitant to join the group. However, Roosevelt's charisma and persuasive nature ultimately brought Lodge out of his shell. Their friendship, filled with contrasting personalities and experiences, set the stage for important political decisions and shaped the trajectory of American history. Cabot Lodge, often called simply "Cabot," and Roosevelt, affectionately known as "TR," left a lasting impact on each other and the country they served.

    • Lodge's Influence on Roosevelt's CareerLodge's support and encouragement were instrumental in launching Roosevelt's political career, helping him overcome setbacks and eventually reach the presidency.

      The friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge was a powerful force in both men's personal and political lives. Lodge played a crucial role in launching Roosevelt's political career by helping him secure various positions, including his time as assistant secretary of the navy and vice president. Their bond was marked by mutual encouragement and support during challenging times. When Roosevelt faced setbacks, such as losing his congressional bid and struggles with political bosses, Lodge offered uplifting words and advice, helping him keep going. Their friendship was characterized by affection, optimism, and a shared belief in each other's abilities. This dynamic not only kept their spirits up during difficult times but also contributed significantly to Roosevelt's rise to the presidency.

    • Henry Cabot Lodge's Role in Theodore Roosevelt's Unexpected PresidencyLodge's advocacy for Roosevelt's political advancement played a crucial role in his unexpected presidency, despite their past differences and Roosevelt's initial reluctance.

      Theodore Roosevelt's ascension to the presidency was not planned, but the support system built around him by Henry Cabot Lodge played a crucial role in his success. Despite Lodge and Roosevelt's past differences, Lodge advocated for Roosevelt to take various positions, including the vice presidency, which Roosevelt initially resisted due to his fear of being inactive. However, when President McKinley was assassinated, Roosevelt became president at a young age, an outcome neither he nor Lodge had anticipated. In a jarring moment, Roosevelt wrote to Lodge expressing his shock and concern for McKinley, but also mentioning his popularity. Lodge was pleased with Roosevelt's presidency, but both men knew it wasn't how Roosevelt had intended to reach the highest office. Ultimately, Roosevelt's frustration as vice president and his unexpected presidency demonstrate his strong desire to control his own destiny.

    • The Power of Deliberate Action in Politics, Business, and Personal CareDeliberate action and making the most of opportunities can lead to significant results in politics, business, and personal care. Utilize resources like LinkedIn for professional opportunities and prioritize self-care with products like Lume deodorant and OneSkin's OS one peptide offerings.

      The vice presidency can be a frustrating and underappreciated role, often criticized for being a "do-nothing" job. This was the experience of a man who went from having wealth, education, and position to feeling trapped in the vice presidency. However, when he was given the presidency, he was able to make a significant impact. Similarly, in the business world, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for finding professionals who might not be actively looking for a new job but could be great candidates for the right opportunity. In a different vein, personal hygiene is essential, and Lume whole body deodorant offers a solution for long-lasting odor control without the use of heavy perfumes. And for those who have taken on caregiving roles, it's essential to prioritize self-care, including skincare. OneSkin's products, with their proprietary OS one peptide, aim to keep skin looking and acting younger for longer. Mother's Day is a time to appreciate caregivers and to prioritize self-care, starting with the skin. By using Lume deodorant and OneSkin's products, individuals can address personal hygiene and skincare needs effectively. Therefore, whether it's in politics, business, or personal care, taking deliberate action and making the most of opportunities can lead to significant results.

    • Friendship of TR and Nelson Lodge strained by ideological differencesDespite their past friendship, Roosevelt's progressive views and Lodge's conservatism caused tension during Roosevelt's presidency, leading to conflicts during his 1912 campaign.

      Despite Teddy Roosevelt and Nelson Cabot Lodge's close friendship before Roosevelt's presidency, their ideological differences became more pronounced once Roosevelt took office. Although they enjoyed each other's company and collaborated on foreign policy, Roosevelt's progressive views on government intervention and challenging the power of elites contrasted sharply with Lodge's conservative stance. This tension eventually led to conflicts during Roosevelt's 1912 presidential campaign. While they continued to interact, their friendship did not prevent their divergent political beliefs from causing friction. Roosevelt's assertion that "I run him" highlighted his newfound authority and independence as president.

    • Friendship amidst political differencesFriendship can survive ideological clashes and political disagreements, reminding us that disagreement doesn't have to lead to the end of a relationship.

      Learning from the discussion about Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge is that despite their significant political differences and ideological clashes, they managed to maintain a friendship throughout their long careers. Roosevelt's progressive policies, such as economic equality and direct election of senators, were met with concern and opposition from Lodge and other Republicans. Lodge tried to caution Roosevelt about the potential backlash from the establishment, but Roosevelt remained steadfast in his agenda. Their friendship was put to the test during the 1912 presidential campaign, when Lodge supported Roosevelt's rival, William Howard Taft. Despite the tensions, their friendship survived, and they eventually came back together during their mutual disdain for Woodrow Wilson. The story serves as a reminder that disagreement does not have to lead to the end of a friendship. As President Obama once said, "One can disagree without being disagreeable."

    • Henry Cabot Lodge's Role in US History and Roosevelt's Political CareerHenry Cabot Lodge advocated for a stronger international community through the League of Nations, pushing for a more effective peacekeeping force. He also supported Roosevelt's political career, risking his reputation, and played a significant role in getting him to the White House.

      Henry Cabot Lodge, contrary to popular belief, was a key figure in US history who advocated for a stronger international community through the League of Nations. He wanted a more effective peacekeeping force with military capabilities, which resonated with Theodore Roosevelt's vision. Lodge also showed dedication to expanding African Americans' voting rights, even though his beliefs about their intelligence were problematic by today's standards. Beyond politics, their friendship was profound, with Lodge devoting significant energy and risking his reputation to support Roosevelt's political career. This bond was crucial in getting Roosevelt to the White House as early as possible. Despite his love for skinny dipping, Lodge's influence on US history, particularly in foreign policy, should not be underestimated.

    • Celebrating special occasions and treating yourself despite uncertaintySave on Mother's Day gifts at 1-800-Flowers, find affordable luxury fashion at Quince, and ensure authenticity on eBay. Persevere and preserve history, as shown in a new book about Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge.

      During these uncertain times, there are still ways to celebrate special occasions and treat yourself to high-quality items. 1-800-Flowers offers handmade bouquets, sweet treats, and one-of-a-kind gifts, all while saving up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers. Quince provides luxury fashion essentials at affordable prices, with a commitment to safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing. eBay ensures authenticity with their expert-checked items, providing peace of mind for every purchase. As for the book discussion, it's inspiring to know that even during the COVID-19 pandemic, with archives locked down, a researcher was able to write a book based on an intriguing historical friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge. The determination and resourcefulness to bring this untold story to life is a reminder of the power of perseverance and the importance of preserving history.

    • Manipulation of Roosevelt's letters by Cabot LodgeHistorian Cabot Lodge manipulated Roosevelt's letters, altering their content for image enhancement, making it challenging for historians to rely on the collection and damaging both Roosevelt and Lodge's reputations.

      Historical accuracy and transparency, which are essential for historians, were not prioritized by Theodore Roosevelt's biographer, Cabot Lodge. Lodge manipulated Roosevelt's letters by editing and altering their content, resulting in an inaccurate and unreliable collection. This manipulation has made it difficult for historians to rely on the collection and has done a disservice to both Roosevelt and Lodge. Despite Lodge being a historian, he acted in a Machiavellian manner by suppressing the letters that could have been detrimental to Roosevelt's image. This discovery highlights the importance of truth and transparency in historical research. It is crucial to be aware of the manipulation of historical evidence and to approach historical sources with a critical mindset.

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    Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.


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    Again many thanks to my Patreon supporters and the podcast A Place in Time.  


    As always please check out my book recommendations at


    I don't really believe in show notes.   My guess is that no one actually reads these things.  If you do, you can always tell me I'm wrong at bromancesofhistory@gmail.com

    Wow that email address is too long.  Anyway I hope you enjoy the show.  This is part 4 of an 8 part series on Lincoln and Seward.  Will have some shorter series as well in the near future.  

    Really looking forward to launching my Lincoln and Leadership course.