
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Connections in CommunitiesOpportunities exist to strengthen bonds within communities through volunteer networks, events, essential services, and sacred sites.

      No matter where you live, there are opportunities to build stronger connections within your community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on those around us for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, events like the 2024 Black Effect Podcast Festival offer chances to engage with like-minded individuals and share ideas. Brands like Ross and UPS provide essential services to help us navigate the busy holiday season. Lastly, sacred mountains have held significant cultural and religious importance throughout history, invoking feelings of awe, reverence, and connection to the divine. In the upcoming Stuff to Blow Your Mind episodes, we'll delve deeper into the reasons behind these feelings and explore notable examples from around the world. Remember, no matter the location or circumstances, there are always opportunities to connect with others and find meaning in our communities.

    • Mount Lycaon: A Significant Site of Worship for Ancient GreeksMount Lycaon was a significant site of worship for ancient Greeks, particularly Zeus and Apollo, with various sanctuaries and altars for sacrifices. The myth of King Lycaon attempting to trick Zeus with human flesh illustrates the gods' power and the consequences of challenging them.

      Mount Lycaon in ancient Greece was a significant site of worship for various gods, particularly Zeus and Apollo. The mountain was home to various sanctuaries and altars, where sacrifices were made, including those of animals like boars and possibly humans. The most intriguing myth associated with Mount Lycaon is the story of King Lycaon, who attempted to trick Zeus by serving him human flesh. In retaliation, Zeus turned the king into a wolf or a werewolf. This myth highlights the power and wrath of Zeus and the consequences of challenging the gods. The mountain was also believed to be the birthplace or home of Zeus, who was associated with wolf-like properties. The practices and myths surrounding Mount Lycaon reflect the ancient Greeks' beliefs, customs, and fear of their gods.

    • Mountains as sacred sites in historyThroughout history, mountains have held religious and cultural importance due to their connection to the divine and natural geography. Ancient peoples turned to mountains as metaphors for understanding the world and celebrated their unique features and connections to gods or mythological beings.

      Mountains have held significant religious and cultural importance throughout history due to their connection to the divine and natural geography. The discovery of human sacrifices at the sanctuary of Zeus in Greece, along with the long-standing practice of animal sacrifices, highlights the pilgrimage aspect of sacred mountains and their role as a bridge between the human world and the divine. Ancient peoples often turned to natural forms, including mountains, as metaphors for understanding the world around them. Mountains are just one part of a larger sacred geography, and their unique features and connections to gods or mythological beings have been celebrated in various cultures throughout history. Despite the predominance of monotheistic religions today, which have less investment in geography and land compared to ancient pagan religions, the significance of mountains as sacred sites continues to be recognized and explored.

    • Mountains: Symbols of Height, Connection, and SurvivalMountains evoke feelings of grandeur, connection to the heavens, and a desire to reach new heights. Their symbolic significance is intertwined with their objective reality as impressive geological formations.

      Mountains hold a deep symbolic and emotional significance for many cultures and individuals. They evoke feelings of grandeur, connection to the heavens, and a desire to reach new heights. Mountains have been seen as connecting earth to the sky, serving as a ladder or axis mundi, and providing crucial vantage points. From an evolutionary perspective, our aesthetic preferences for high vantage points may be linked to survival or a sense of overview and interconnectedness. These beliefs and experiences are intertwined with the objective reality of mountains as impressive geological formations.

    • New perspectives bring a sense of interconnectednessExploring new viewpoints, like from space or sacred mountains, fosters a profound sense of unity and shared humanity.

      Experiencing a new perspective, whether it's from space or atop a sacred mountain, can bring about a profound sense of connectedness and shared humanity. This idea is supported by astronauts' reports of feeling a strong sense of common interest and interconnectedness when viewing Earth from space. Edwin Birnbaum's research in "In Sacred Mountains, Themes and Teachings" further explores this concept by identifying three ways mountains are considered sacred: specific peaks as places of sanctity, containing sacred sites or objects, and the natural setting itself inspiring awe. Ten themes are also frequently seen in the identity and characterization of sacred mountains, including height, power, and a source of cultural identity. Mount Kailash in the Himalayas is an example of a holy mountain in multiple religions, where pilgrims walk around the base instead of climbing the summit, emphasizing the spiritual significance of the location rather than physical achievement. This shift in perspective can lead to a greater sense of unity and understanding among people, reminding us that we are all "trapped on this ball together" and that our shared fate is the fate of the Earth.

    • The allure of forbidden placesThe tension between exploring and preserving forbidden places creates a complex decision-making process, requiring cultural, historical, and environmental considerations.

      The idea of a forbidden or untouched place, like an unclimbed mountain, can add to its perceived power and holiness. The uncertainty and mystery surrounding such places can create a sense of awe and reverence. However, the desire to explore and conquer can lead to controversy and potential desecration. This tension between the allure of the unknown and the importance of preserving the sacred is an ongoing theme in various cultures and stories, whether they involve real mountains or mythological ones. For example, there are political and religious controversies surrounding the climbing of sacred mountains, as seen in the case of Mount Kailash. Ultimately, the decision of whether to climb or preserve such places is a complex one that requires consideration of cultural, historical, and environmental factors.

    • Holy Mountains in Religion and MythologyMount Meru and the Mount of Purgatory are examples of holy mountains in Hindu, Jain, Buddhist cosmology and Dante's Divine Comedy, respectively. They symbolize complex religious beliefs and penitent Christian life.

      There are various connections between the concept of holy mountains in religious beliefs and myths, and two examples of these are Mount Meru and the Mount of Purgatory from Hindu, Jain, Buddhist cosmology and Dante's Divine Comedy, respectively. Mount Meru is a mythical holy mountain that serves as a world axis and is surrounded by oceans and mountain ranges, symbolizing a rich and complex cosmology. The Mount of Purgatory, on the other hand, is a literary representation of penitent Christian life, where individuals spend time before being admitted into heaven. These examples show how the idea of holy mountains can be rooted in older versions of religion that could be situated on earth due to the vast unknown territories. Additionally, the Black Effect Podcast Festival, in partnership with Nissan, is empowering HBCU scholars pursuing professions in STEAM and providing opportunities for exposure and networking. Nissan is also bringing back the Pitch Your Podcast Lounge for those with podcast ideas. Lastly, the Bartesian premium cocktail maker is available at a discount for Mother's Day, providing a convenient way to make margaritas at home.

    • Mountains: A Place of Myth and Spiritual SignificanceThroughout history, mountains have been considered sacred places with divine beings residing atop them. Mythological explanations for mountain formation were common in ancient civilizations, and mountains have been the backdrop for creation stories and sources of cultural pride.

      Throughout history and across various cultures, mountains have held significant spiritual and mythological meanings. Mountains have been associated with the divine, with gods and goddesses residing atop them. In some cases, artificial structures like ziggurats and pyramids have served as substitutes for mountains, allowing people to participate in mountaintop rituals and observances. Mythological beings have also been believed to form mountains, and for ancient civilizations without a scientific understanding of geology, these mythological explanations made as much sense as any other. Mountains have been the backdrop for creation stories and the source of cultural pride. From the Navajo's Dinhe Bani creation myth and the Aztecs' Coahuattepec, to Norse mythology's Himmeldjorg and Mount Fuji in Japanese culture, mountains have held a special place in the hearts and minds of people throughout history.

    • Mythic Mountains: Abodes of Gods and ImmortalsMythic mountains hold deep cultural and spiritual significance, offering divine powers and even immortality in various mythologies around the world.

      Sacred mountains hold significant cultural and spiritual importance in various mythologies around the world. From Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, believed to contain gateways to the spirit world by the Chaga people, to Mount Buzhou or Bujoshan in Chinese mythology, which is one of the sky pillars holding up the heavens, these mountains are often associated with the divine and magical. One of the most notable examples is the Kunlun mountain in Chinese mythology, which is not only a key pillar of the sky but also an abode of gods and immortals. It is described as having various magical items, including the Sweet Spring, Emerald Lake, the Pearl Tree, the Jade Tree, the Tree of Immortality, Cinnabar River, and the Week River. Climbing Kunlun and reaching the appropriate terrace is believed to grant divine powers and even immortality. These mythic mountains have accumulated staying power over the years and continue to inspire new myths despite contemporary phenomena. Neighbor to Neighbor is an initiative encouraging community building and social bonds, while the 2024 Black Effect Podcast Festival, in partnership with Nissan, offers opportunities for HBCU scholars in STEAM fields through mentorship and professional development.

    • The inspiring presence during a solitary climbFeeling accompanied and discovering unexplained phenomena during a personal growth journey can lead to profound experiences. Innovation and advancements enhance these experiences.

      The experience of being in an inspiring environment, whether it's through attending events or reaching great heights, can lead to unique and profound experiences. English mountaineer Frank Smythe, who attempted to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1933, described feeling accompanied by a presence during his solitary climb. This sensation eliminated his loneliness and even seemed to tie him to the companion. Additionally, he reported seeing two curious objects in the sky that he couldn't explain, which further added to the mystery of his experience. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the importance of innovation and advancements, as climbers today benefit from oxygen assistance, and companies like SYNBOTICA provide all-natural supplements that actually work. Nissan also supports the next generation by providing opportunities to pitch podcast ideas, showcasing their commitment to bringing excitement and possibilities to people's lives. In essence, the combination of personal growth, discovery, and innovation can lead to unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impact.

    • The third man syndrome or factor is a common experience among solo climbers at extreme altitudesSolo climbers at extreme altitudes often report feeling accompanied by an unseen third person, providing a sense of comfort and companionship during challenging conditions

      The experience of feeling accompanied by an unseen third person, often referred to as the third man syndrome or third man factor, is a common phenomenon among solo climbers, particularly those attempting to summit mountains at extreme altitudes. This sensation can provide a sense of comfort and companionship during challenging and isolating conditions. The phenomenon has been reported throughout history, from early mountain climbing expeditions to modern-day climbers. For instance, George Leigh Mallory, while climbing Everest alone, experienced this sensation and described seeing objects that weren't there but later vanished. Similarly, Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition and mountain climber Jeremy Windsor have reported similar experiences. This sensation is also present in T.S. Eliot's poem "The Wasteland," where the speaker encounters an unseen third companion on their journey. This phenomenon can be attributed to the extreme conditions, fatigue, and isolation climbers face, which can lead to hallucinations and the perception of unseen companions.

    • Mountains as sacred places: Climbers' experiences shaping religious beliefsMountain climbing experiences leading to hallucinations of companions or gods, reinforcing beliefs of mountains as sacred places or pilgrimage sites

      The experiences of mountain climbers, both modern and ancient, may have contributed to the formation of religious beliefs and myths surrounding sacred mountains. The phenomenon known as third man syndrome, where climbers report hallucinations of companions or entities, could have been interpreted as ancestors or gods, strengthening existing beliefs. Mountains were often seen as the home or body of gods, a place to worship, or a pilgrimage site. Hallucinations of companions could be interpreted as ancestors, and the idea of mountains as a place of pilgrimage could be reinforced by the presence of a hallucinated companion. In the next episode, we will explore the neurological, psychological, and even the Yeti-related aspects of these phenomena. Remember to rate, review, and subscribe to Stuff to Blow Your Mind and our other podcast, Invention. Connect with your community through Neighbor to Neighbor, and switch to Visible for transparent wireless plans.

    • Making informed decisions and taking action leads to success in racing and financeFinancial freedom and empowerment are crucial for success, both on the racetrack and in personal finances. Informed decisions and smart actions are key to overcoming limiting beliefs and achieving success.

      Success in both racing and finance comes down to making informed decisions and taking action. Ryan Blaney's victory in NASCAR is a result of strategic racing moves, just as financial success requires unlearning limiting beliefs and making smart financial decisions. The Motor Racing Network and DJ Ramos from Life as a Gringo emphasize the importance of financial freedom and empowerment. State Farm, as a trusted neighbor, is there to help navigate the financial journey and provide peace of mind. Overall, the message is to keep moving forward, make informed decisions, and never give up on the pursuit of success, whether it's on the racetrack or in your personal finances.

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    Visit us at ibm.com/smarttalks

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    Weirdhouse Cinema: The Dungeonmaster

    Weirdhouse Cinema: The Dungeonmaster

    In this episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, Rob and Joe return to the glorious world of 80s Charles Band productions with 1984’s “The Dungeonmaster,” a supernatural dreamscape with eight directors starring Jeffrey Byron, Richard Moll and Leslie Wing. It’s time to reject the devil’s reality and substitute your own! 

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    New Season of Smart Talks with IBM Coming Soon

    New Season of Smart Talks with IBM Coming Soon

    Smart Talks with IBM returns with a new season on Tuesday, June 25th. This season, we’re diving back into the world of artificial intelligence, but with a focus on the powerful concept of “open,” and how it applies to AI. Host Malcolm Gladwell will invite curious colleagues from Pushkin Industries to explore how openness is already reshaping industries, ways of doing business, and our very notion of what's possible.

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    From the Vault: Dreamfall into the Dark, Part 4

    From the Vault: Dreamfall into the Dark, Part 4

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    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.