
    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with community and natureExplore local networks, attend events, and engage with brands for opportunities to build connections and find meaning in daily life. Nature's freedom and the significance of mountains in various beliefs also offer avenues for personal growth and spiritual exploration.

      No matter where you live, there are opportunities to build meaningful connections within your community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages people to help each other and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, events like the 2024 Black Effect Podcast Festival offer chances to connect with like-minded individuals. Brands like Ross and The UPS Store also provide practical ways to save money and get things done, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. John Muir, a renowned naturalist, emphasized the importance of nature and the freedom it brings. In the context of our podcast, we discussed how mountains have been considered sacred in various religious and cultural beliefs, serving as homes of gods, entrances to other worlds, and places of pilgrimage. Whether it's through community involvement, personal growth, or the appreciation of nature, remember that connections and experiences can be found in everyday life.

    • Altitude can cause hallucinations and delusionsAltitude sickness can lead to hallucinations, delusions, and symptoms like shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Acclimatize to high altitudes before engaging in strenuous activities to reduce risk.

      Climbing mountains at high altitudes can lead to hallucinations and delusions, which some people might interpret as supernatural experiences. This is likely due to the body's response to the lower air pressure, resulting in less oxygen being available with each breath. These experiences can vary greatly from person to person, and can occur even without physical exertion. Common symptoms of altitude sickness include shortness of breath, faster heart rate, and increased difficulty breathing even at rest. It's important to give yourself time to acclimate to high altitudes before engaging in strenuous activities. The exact altitude at which symptoms appear can vary widely from person to person. While the lower air pressure is the primary cause of altitude sickness, there are still many aspects of this condition that are not fully understood.

    • Altitude sickness and its impact on mental healthAltitude sickness can cause hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior, and in severe cases, can lead to life-threatening conditions. A new condition called isolated high altitude psychosis shows the complex relationship between altitude, physiological responses, and psychological experiences.

      Altitude sickness can cause a range of physical and mental symptoms, some of which can resemble psychological disturbances. These symptoms can include hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior, and in severe cases, can lead to life-threatening conditions like high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high altitude cerebral edema (HACE). While these conditions may contribute to the development of mountain myths and beliefs, not all myths can be explained by altitude sickness, as some holy mountains are not high enough to cause altitude-related symptoms. A recent study identified a new condition called isolated high altitude psychosis, which is characterized by psychosis symptoms in the absence of other mental disorders or physiological distress from high altitude. This condition highlights the complex relationship between altitude, physiological responses, and psychological experiences.

    • High altitude psychosis: Prevalence and potential causesApproximately 42% of climbers experience psychosis, including hallucinations, at a mean altitude of 7,280 meters. Isolated high altitude psychosis (IHAP) may be caused by social and sensory deprivation, psychological stress, and dysfunction of the temporoparietal junction and angular gyrus due to hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and cold.

      The prevalence of hallucinations at high altitude is not consistent across studies, likely due to differences in methodology. The present study found that psychosis, including hallucinations, occurs in approximately 42% of cases at a mean altitude of 7,280 meters. These episodes can occur with or without signs of cerebral edema or HACE. The authors propose that isolated high altitude psychosis (IHAP) should be considered an independent psychological condition related to high altitude and not just a symptom of altitude sickness. They also suggest potential causes for IHAP, including social and sensory deprivation, psychological stress, and dysfunction of the temporoparietal junction and angular gyrus due to hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and cold. The study also found that when climbers reported perceptual disturbances, the majority were neutral or even helpful. It's important to note that high altitude psychosis is associated with an increased risk of accidents or near accidents.

    • Altitude hallucinations and their impact on mountain climbersAltitude hallucinations, whether positive, neutral or negative, can pose risks for climbers due to increased accident likelihood. Research is limited, but climbers should be aware and develop coping strategies. The link between altitude, hallucinations, and religious beliefs is complex and requires further study.

      While positive or neutral hallucinations at high altitude may be common among mountain climbers, they can still pose a risk due to the increased likelihood of accidents. Climbers should be aware of the possibility of psychosis and develop strategies for dealing with it. However, there are limitations to current research on this topic, including selection bias and the inability to simulate altitude conditions for testing. Additionally, not all sacred mountains reach the extreme altitudes associated with these hallucinations, so it's unclear if the physiological or psychological effects of altitude contribute to religious beliefs. The majority of reported cases involve neutral or beneficial deities, and there are also traditions of mountain monsters and other creatures in various mythologies. Overall, the relationship between altitude, hallucinations, and religious beliefs is complex and requires further study.

    • Discover quick allergy relief and unique Mother's Day giftsAstepro provides fast allergy relief, Bartesian cocktail maker offers quick Mother's Day gifts, and a study suggests spiritual experiences may be linked to moderate altitudes.

      There are quick-acting solutions available for allergy sufferers, such as Astepro, the fastest 24-hour over-the-counter allergy spray that starts working in just 30 minutes. Meanwhile, for Mother's Day, instead of traditional gifts like flowers, consider getting her a Bartesian cocktail maker that can create premium cocktails in less than 30 seconds. On a more philosophical note, a study suggests that experiences of revelation or spiritual awakening may be linked to exposure to moderate altitudes, potentially contributing to our understanding of religious and mystical experiences. However, it's important to note that not all high altitudes are necessary for these experiences, and the study's focus on moderate altitudes raises some questions. Overall, these findings offer intriguing insights into the intersection of science, spirituality, and everyday life.

    • High altitude experiences and mystical encountersHigh altitude can lead to mystical experiences, and many cultures attribute religious significance to mountains and land, such as the Yeti in Himalayan traditions.

      High altitude experiences, even at moderate levels, can potentially lead to mystical or supernatural experiences, particularly for individuals who are already susceptible to hallucinations or voices. This idea is supported by research suggesting a connection between altitude and altered states of consciousness. The Abrahamic monotheistic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are often focused on specific events that occurred at holy sites, rather than the land itself being considered sacred. However, in many other religions, the land itself and mountains in particular hold religious significance as the home of gods or sacred entities. The Yeti, a Himalayan mountain entity, is an example of a bipedal, hair-covered creature found in various cultures around the world. In Himalayan traditions, the Yeti is known by different names, such as Gangsmi, Me Shan Po, Me Chin Po, Yeti, Chu Moon, Hlo Moon, Niomu, and Ban Manchi, reflecting its perceived qualities of strength and goblin-like features. The migoi idea, as described in Bhutanese Tales of the Yeti, dates back to pre-Buddhist Bon writings, highlighting the importance of the Yeti in Himalayan animist traditions.

    • The Yeti: A Folktale with Western InfluenceDespite local legends, the Yeti's popularity in the Western world is due to travelers' reports and media. Many sightings have been debunked, and the high altitude and psychological factors may contribute to the phenomenon.

      The legend of the Yeti, or the Abominable Snowman, has roots in both Eastern and Western cultures. The idea of a large, bipedal creature in the Himalayas has existed for centuries in local folklore. However, Western involvement, including travelers' reports and media popularization, led to the widespread belief in the Yeti in the Western world. Many alleged sightings have turned out to be misidentifications of animals or hoaxes. The high altitude conditions and potential hallucinations could also contribute to the phenomenon. The idea of a Yeti shares similarities with other folktales, such as the "third man" syndrome. The psychological aspect of wanting to see a bipedal human-like creature instead of another human or a comforting figure could be a factor. The Yeti legend continues to intrigue people, but there is still no concrete evidence to prove its existence.

    • High-altitude encounters: Science or magic?Some high-altitude experiences can be attributed to physiological and neurological effects, while others remain unexplained and may involve encounters with phantom strangers or deceased ancestors.

      There are numerous reports of strange encounters and sightings at high altitudes, which can be explained through various physiological, neurological, and psychological theories. For instance, the lack of oxygen and extreme conditions can lead to hallucinations or delusions. However, some stories go beyond this, with individuals reporting encounters with phantom strangers or even deceased ancestors. One famous example is Ernest Shackleton's encounter with an apparition during his Antarctic expedition, and Peter Hillary's encounter with his mother's double. These stories add to the mystique and intrigue surrounding high-altitude experiences. While some can be explained through scientific phenomena, others are more inexplicable, leaving room for speculation and wonder.

    • Hallucinations in the MountainsMountains can trigger hallucinations due to isolation, oxygen deprivation, sleep deprivation, or exhaustion, which can be mistaken for paranormal experiences

      The mountains, as a place where people have reported encounters with the spirits of the departed, can be explained through various scientific phenomena, particularly hallucinations. Michael Shermer, a well-known skeptic, has written about his own paranormal experience during a strenuous exercise like a cycling marathon, which he attributes to hallucinations caused by isolation, oxygen deprivation, sleep deprivation, or exhaustion. The brain's image of our body (temporal lobe body schema) can be tricked into thinking we have a double, leading us to construct plausible explanations for their presence. The mind schema, our psychological sense of self, can also contribute to the feeling of being in the presence of others. Hallucinations can occur when the rational cortical control over emotions shuts down, and sleep deprivation can lead to the sensation of ghostly presences. These phenomena can be particularly pronounced at high altitudes, where the human body is not adapted to thrive, and can be misinterpreted as supernatural experiences.

    • Exploring the Mind's Performance at High AltitudeOur minds, like an orchestral performance, need harmony for optimal functioning. We're both performers and audience, and altitude can impact this balance. Share experiences, myths, and monstrous mountain beings at stufftoblowyourmind.com.

      Our minds can be compared to an orchestral performance at high altitude. Ideally, all parts work together harmoniously, but sometimes things can drift and fall out of sync. This is significant because we are both the performers and the audience of our own minds. When the performance isn't going well, we sense it, even if we're also contributing to the issue. The speaker acknowledges not being a mountaineer but encourages listeners, especially mountaineers, to share their experiences with altitude and any associated myths or legends. The speaker also ponders the existence of evil mountains in mythologies and folklore, suggesting a lack of exploration in this area. They invite listeners to share any monstrous mountain beings they may know of. To engage further with the show, listeners can visit stufftoblowyourmind.com, rate and review the podcast, and email contact@stufftoblowyourmind.com with feedback or topic suggestions. Lastly, a shout-out to Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network aiming to foster community connections.

    • Building strong community connectionsReach out to neighbors, have a positive mindset, and engage in passions for a fulfilling life

      Building strong connections within your community can lead to mutual support and preparedness, especially during times of need. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of reaching out to those around you, whether it's lending a helping hand or standing together during natural disasters. Additionally, having a positive mindset and believing in your ability to achieve financial goals can lead to greater freedom and success, as emphasized by State Farm and DJ Dramos from Life as a Gringo. Lastly, staying informed and engaged with your interests, such as NASCAR racing, can bring excitement and entertainment to your life. Remember, your community, your finances, and your passions are all interconnected pieces that contribute to a fulfilling life.

    Recent Episodes from Stuff To Blow Your Mind

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    From the Vault: Mud, Part 1

    From the Vault: Mud, Part 1

    What exactly is mud? Where does it occur and how does it factor into animal behaviors and human activities? In this classic four-part Stuff to Blow Your Mind exploration, Rob and Joe immerse themselves in the mysteries of mud. (originally published 07/06/2023)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Hair on Fire, Part 1

    Hair on Fire, Part 1

    In this two-parter from Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe discuss the chemistry, space science and mythology of burning hair. So strap in for a discussion of everything from pirates and barbecue mishaps to Latin literature and science fiction. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Smart Talks with IBM: RE-AIR - Transformations in AI: Why Foundation Models Are the Future

    Smart Talks with IBM: RE-AIR - Transformations in AI: Why Foundation Models Are the Future

    Major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence research often reshape the design and utility of Al in both business and society. In this special rebroadcast episode of Smart Talks with IBM, Malcolm Gladwell and Jacob Goldstein explore the conceptual underpinnings of modern Al with Dr. David Cox, VP of Al models at IBM Research. They talk foundation models, self-supervised machine learning, and the practical applications of Al and data platforms like watsonx in business and technology.

    When we first aired this episode last year, the concept of foundation models was just beginning to capture our attention. Since then, this technology has evolved and redefined the boundaries of what's possible. Businesses are becoming more savvy about selecting the right models and understanding how they can drive revenue and efficiency.

    This is a paid advertisement from IBM. The conversations on this podcast don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

    Visit us at ibm.com/smarttalks

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    I've recently been reflecting on how much life happens "in the hallway". You know, that space between one door closing and the next one opening ;) 
    I used to find that space intensely uncomfortable, and was often "frozen" while waiting for the next thing to happen... THANK GOODNESS I've come to realize that THE HALLWAY is the place to be!! As mentioned, its the place that life is actually really happening! It is THE NOW, rather than the past or the future. And yes it can still be very uncomfortable, but that's because it's often a space of uncertainty, or limbo as its also called.
    That being said, my experience has shown me, and continues to show me, that uncertainty doesn't have to be scary or always uncomfortable. It can be exciting and exhilirating, when appropriate, and yet the difficult times will always lead to spiritual growth, should I opt to take on that perspective. 
    Here's to finding comfort in the hallway! Here's to no longer waiting for the "next thing" but rather embracing the "now thing". 
    Join me and perhaps be inspired to be where your feet are :)

    **DISCLAIMER: Please take note that any references to ketamine infusions or any other form of medicinal treatments, mainstream or non mainstream, are strictly meant to provide an insight into my own experiences. That being said, should you find yourself curious about anything spoken about on my podcast I firmly suggest speaking to a doctor/psychologist/therapist/family member/psychiatrist/etc. before making any decisions. Asking for help is a courageous act.

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    007 - From Sceptical To Curious And Beyond

    007 - From Sceptical To Curious And Beyond

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    Emily actually works with a number of very successful, Spiritual business owners and so she has had a unique perspective on the work that we all do.

    I think it's important to share these conversations because it's not just ok to be a little sceptical of this stuff, I actually think it's really important!  We should always honour how we feel about new thing when they are introduced to us and just because something feels too mystical and woo woo right now, it doesn't mean you can't explore it if you're curious.

    If you would like to share your thoughts, connect to any of the speakers in this episode, get support or be part of a future episode, come and join The Spiritual Network Facebook Group!


    Featured on this episode:

    Lilli Badcock - Professional Singer and Sound Reiki Healer

    Connect with Lilli


    Emily Butler - Event Strategist and Mentor to Spiritual Entrepreneurs

    Connect with Emily 


    Sheri Bagwell - Therapist and Energy Healer

    Connect with Sheri


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    018 - LIVE MASTERCLASS with Katie Helliwell:  Strengthening Your Connection To Spirit

    Celebrity Psychic Medium and founder of Psychic Skook, Katie Helliwell delivers a powerful presentation around how we can all strengthen our connection to Spirit.


    Katie talks about the simple process we can all follow to connect in to our own personal spirit guides.  We learned that the guidance isn't always what we might expect or even want and I loved her personal story of how she asked for guidance around what she should be doing with her work, received a telephone call asking to work with her, and then continued to ask for the guidance!  Ha ha!  Very relatable!


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    In summary, Katie delivered a beautiful reminder that miracles are happening all around us.  We just need to learn how to see them!


    You can connect with Katie here:  https://katiehelliwellpsychicmedium.com

    And if you haven't already joined us in The Spiritual Network facebook group, we'd love to see you there!  Click here to join us:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespiritualnetworkofficial 

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    Support the show! www.blurrycreatures.com/members

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    Lost Your Purpose? The Secret To Rewriting Yourself & Reality | Kute Blackson

    Lost Your Purpose? The Secret To Rewriting Yourself & Reality | Kute Blackson

    #284 In this podcast episode, Guy interviewed Kute Blackson, an author and speaker who helps people transform their lives. Kute shared his unique upbringing and spiritual experiences that led him to his current path. He emphasized the importance of following one's heart and soul's calling, rather than conforming to societal expectations. Kute discussed the power of surrender and how it can lead to true freedom and fulfillment. He challenges listeners to face the reality of their own mortality and use it as inspiration to live fully. Kute also mentioned his upcoming event, Boundless Bliss, in Bali, where participants can experience a deep transformational process.

    About Kute: Kute Blackson is a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational teacher. He speaks at countless events he organizes around the world as well as at outside events including A-Fest, YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), and EO (Entrepreneurs’ Organization). He is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a select group of one hundred of the world’s foremost authorities in the personal development industry. Winner of the 2019 Unity New Thought Walden Award, Blackson is widely considered a next generation leader in the field of personal development. His mission is simple: To awaken and inspire people across the planet to access inner freedom, live authentically and fulfill their true life’s purpose.

    Key Points Discussed: 

    • (00:00) - The Secret To Rewriting Yourself & Reality.
    • (05:55) - Father's spiritual influence shaped him.
    • (15:21) - Follow your soul's guidance.
    • (18:51) - Unplanned journeys lead to growth.
    • (23:50) - Surrender and find your purpose.
    • (30:21) - Facing death can transform life.
    • (38:44) - Surrender is powerful and transformative.
    • (43:48) - Surrender to lessons for growth.
    • (50:53) - No takeaway
    • (54:10) - Embrace death to live fully.

    How to Contact Kute Blackson:


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