
    Podcast Summary

    • Evolution of Collective Decision-Making with TechnologyTechnology is upgrading collective intelligence for better democratic processes and decision-making in various sectors, recognizing interconnectedness and stakeholder involvement.

      Democracy and collective decision-making are evolving to keep pace with technological advancements. Collective intelligence, a term that encompasses the ways we make and execute decisions as a group, is being upgraded through technology to enhance our democratic processes. This includes not only elections but also decision-making in various sectors like education, corporations, and online platforms. By recognizing that we all have a stake in the collective systems around us, we can work towards improving them and making decisions that benefit everyone. Collective intelligence is not just limited to voting but also includes our daily actions like riding the subway or buying products. The goal is to move beyond individual preferences and acknowledge the interconnectedness of society. The Collective Intelligence Project, led by Divya Siddarth, is dedicated to advancing these capabilities for transformative technology governance.

    • Hindered decision-making due to externalities and lack of representationTo make effective decisions, we must consider externalities and represent all stakeholders, including nature. Break the link between economic and political power, enable access to technology, change economic systems, and implement regulations and financing laws.

      Our ability to make good decisions for ourselves and for the world is hindered by externalities and a lack of representation in our democratic systems. The quality of our decision-making is influenced by our collective sense-making, and it's essential to consider the externalities of our choices to all stakeholders, including nature. However, as we face multiple crises, people feel disconnected from the decision-making process and lack self-determination. This is due in part to institutions that don't effectively surface and act on information and incentives that don't align with the public's preferences. The current system, where economic power translates into political power, exacerbates these issues. To address these challenges, it's crucial to break the link between economic and political power and find ways to enable access to technology, change economic systems, and implement regulations and financing laws. By doing so, we can create a more equitable and effective decision-making process that considers the well-being of all stakeholders.

    • Tensions between Capitalism and DemocracyAddressing the failure modes of capitalism (externalities, long-term planning, market failures) and democracy (informed population, tribalism, bias) is crucial for their coexistence and societal benefit.

      The relationship between capitalism and democracy presents significant tensions. Corporations, driven by economic power, can influence political decisions through regulatory capture and campaign finance. This uneasy relationship between two systems, each requiring different forms of power, has led to the need for separating them through mechanisms like campaign finance reform. However, both capitalism and democracy share underlying principles of self-determination. Capitalism, as a market-based decision-making mechanism, excels at aggregating information and driving production but struggles with externalities, long-term planning, and market failures. On the other hand, democracy, as a collective decision-making process, can be hindered by an uninformed population, tribalism, and confirmation bias. A key takeaway is the importance of addressing the failure modes of both systems. Capitalism needs to account for externalities, plan for the long term, and address market failures. Democracy, meanwhile, needs to ensure an informed population and minimize tribalism and bias. Personally experiencing the limitations of democracy through local elections underscores the need for upgrading both systems. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each, we can work towards making informed decisions that benefit society in the short and long term.

    • Overlooking democratic components during crisisEffective crisis response requires balancing information gathering, trust-building, and acting on public preferences.

      During times of crisis, the democratic component of decision-making can be overlooked, leading to a top-down approach that may not effectively address the needs and wants of the public. This was evident during the COVID-19 response, where policies were made without sufficient input from the community or consideration for their preferences. The lack of trust and information exchange between the public and those in power, as well as misaligned incentives, further complicated the situation. A successful response requires a balance of gathering information, building trust, and acting on the public's preferences. Instances like these underscore the importance of democratic accountability structures and the need for a more inclusive approach to decision-making.

    • The Power of Social Media and Collective Intelligence in Crisis TimesDuring crises, social media and collective intelligence play a crucial role in shaping public opinion and disseminating information. While there are challenges, such as misinformation and divisive memes, collaborative efforts like fact-checking on Wikipedia can provide valuable information to millions.

      During times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of social media and collective intelligence in shaping public opinion and disseminating information cannot be underestimated. While institutions may have the power to make policy decisions, the way information is presented and consumed on social media can significantly influence public perception and behavior. The case of COVID-19 ventilator shortages illustrates this point, as social media algorithms amplified divisive and outrageous memes, leading to conflicting views on mask usage and other public health measures. However, there are examples of collective intelligence, such as the Wikipedia page for COVID-19, that demonstrated the potential for a collaborative, fact-checking process to determine truth and provide valuable information to millions of people. While this system is not perfect, it highlights the importance of harnessing the power of collective intelligence to address complex issues in an imperfect but deeply valuable way. To effectively respond to crises, it may be necessary to complement traditional policy-making processes with more open, collaborative approaches to information gathering and dissemination.

    • Effective solutions for addressing misinformation during crisesVolunteer fact-checkers, trusted sources, community-based contact tracing, and exploring various fact-checking methods are crucial for addressing misinformation during crises.

      Addressing misinformation and improving public trust during a crisis like COVID-19 requires a multi-faceted approach. The Taiwanese example of volunteer fact-checkers using social networks to correct misinformation within hours is one effective solution. Another approach could involve working with editors or using sortition to ensure information comes from trusted sources. Additionally, expanding notions of collective financing and participatory budgeting could increase public interest and input in resource allocation decisions. Contact tracing, which was a major failure in the US response, could have been more successful with a community-based approach, using trusted community workers for 1-on-1 conversations. However, Jason Brennan's book "Against Democracy" argues that people are not as informed as we assume, and misinformation is a systemic problem. To combat this, it's crucial to explore various solutions, from Wikipedia-style fact-checking to community-based contact tracing and beyond.

    • Addressing the complexity gap in electionsRanked Choice Voting allows for more nuanced expression of preferences and can lead to more representative winners, potentially mitigating the influence of extreme candidates, increasing legitimacy and accurately representing diverse viewpoints.

      The American National Election Studies reveal a significant gap between public knowledge and complex issues, with a large portion of voters performing worse than chance. This "complexity gap" raises questions about the ideal of informed citizens shaping opinions and decisions. Simultaneously, people often lack accountability or personal stake in their votes. To address these issues, the Collective Intelligence Project aims to develop new systems and technologies. One such tool is Ranked Choice Voting, which allows for more nuanced expression of preferences and can lead to more representative winners, potentially mitigating the influence of extreme candidates. Ranked Choice Voting offers a more granular approach, enabling voters to rank their preferences beyond a simple binary choice. This can lead to greater legitimacy and more accurately represent the electorate's diverse viewpoints.

    • Exploring Alternative Democracy SystemsSortition, mini publics, and liquid democracy are innovative ways to upgrade and enhance democracy, providing more accessibility, efficiency, and representation through random citizen selection, delegated voting, and community engagement.

      There are various ways to upgrade and enhance democracy beyond traditional methods. These upgrades include systems like sortition, mini publics, and liquid democracy. Sortition involves randomly selecting citizens to represent a broader group, and has shown effective results in climate assemblies. Liquid democracy, on the other hand, allows individuals to delegate their votes to trusted individuals or organizations, reducing the burden of researching complex issues. These systems offer flexibility and can be applied not only to national elections but also to governance of platforms like social media, where content moderation and ranking systems could be influenced by trusted entities rather than solely by platform owners. Overall, these upgrades aim to make democracy more accessible, efficient, and representative.

    • Exploring Upgraded Democratic SystemsLiquid democracy, deliberative democracy, and sortition are innovative democratic systems that enhance legitimacy and outcomes through delegation, group discussion, and random selection of stakeholders respectively. Their implementation is ongoing, but holds great promise for 21st century governance.

      There are various forms of democratic systems, such as liquid democracy, deliberative democracy, and sortition, that have been explored and used in different parts of the world for various purposes. These systems, which can be seen as upgrades to traditional democracy, are built on human instincts and ingenuity, and aim to address the challenges of 21st century complexity. For instance, liquid democracy allows for delegation of decision-making power, while deliberative democracy emphasizes group discussion and consensus-building. Sortition, on the other hand, involves selecting a random representative sample of stakeholders to make deliberative decisions together. These systems have shown promise in improving the legitimacy and outcomes of decisions, and organizations like the Center for Internet and Society are working on pilots to prove their effectiveness. Despite their potential, these systems are not yet widely adopted, and it is important to continue exploring and implementing them on a larger scale to fully realize their benefits.

    • Exploring new forms of governance through technologyTechnology enables new governance models like deliberative democracy and sortition, but funding and coalition-building are crucial for their implementation and success.

      There's a growing interest in experimenting with new forms of governance, such as deliberative democracy and sortition, to make decision-making processes more legitimate and inclusive. These methods, which include pilots in smaller institutions like cooperatives and neighborhood groups, as well as larger entities like corporations and even global organizations, can benefit from technological advances and the enabling of more pilots. However, changing the distribution of power and building coalitions around these ideas are also crucial aspects of this movement. Tools like Narwhal, Polis, Ethello, and Chasm can help facilitate these experiments, but more funding is needed to support and scale these initiatives. Ultimately, the goal is to explore and implement these new governance models in various contexts to improve democracy at all levels.

    • Investing in democratic experiments for the 21st centuryWe need to focus on implementing new voting processes, enabling more participation, and improving infrastructure for decision-making through democratic experiments, starting with smaller-scale interventions like deliberative mechanisms and participatory budgeting, and considering global mechanisms and public funding for foundational infrastructure.

      To upgrade democracy for the 21st century, we need more investment in and completion of democratic experiments or pilots. These pilots should focus on implementing new voting processes, enabling more participation, and improving infrastructure for decision-making. Over the next 10 years, we could start with smaller-scale interventions, such as more deliberative mechanisms and participatory budgeting. We should also consider global mechanisms of deliberative democracy and public funding for foundational infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to create a more interdependent decision-making process, where individuals feel empowered to participate in local and global issues. This collective approach can bridge the gap between technology-mediated and non-technology-mediated decision-making and help us address the challenges of the 21st century.

    • Exploring Collective Intelligence and Democracy with Dhivya SiddarthThe Collective Intelligence Project, led by Dhivya Siddarth, advances online collective intelligence and democracy for transformative technology governance. Check out the resources and tools in the show notes to get involved.

      Collective intelligence and democracy are increasingly happening online and in the world, and the Collective Intelligence Project, led by Dhivya Siddarth, is at the forefront of advancing these capabilities for transformative technology governance. This organization, along with resources and tools, can be found in the show notes for those interested in getting involved. The Center For Humane Technology, a non-profit organization, produces the podcast, with a team dedicated to making technology more humane. Generous lead supporters include the Omidyar Network, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, and the Evolve Foundation. For those wanting to delve deeper into the themes of humane technology, check out the free course, Foundations of Humane Technology, at humaneetech.com/course. A heartfelt thank you to listeners for giving their undivided attention.

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    The iBorderCtrl project referenced in this episode was a pilot project that was discontinued in 2019

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    2. Spotlight on AI: What Would It Take For This to Go Well? 
    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss 
    4. Can We Govern AI? with Marietje Schaake

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

    Right now, militaries around the globe are investing heavily in the use of AI weapons and drones.  From Ukraine to Gaza, weapons systems with increasing levels of autonomy are being used to kill people and destroy infrastructure and the development of fully autonomous weapons shows little signs of slowing down. What does this mean for the future of warfare? What safeguards can we put up around these systems? And is this runaway trend toward autonomous warfare inevitable or will nations come together and choose a different path? In this episode, Tristan and Daniel sit down with Paul Scharre to try to answer some of these questions. Paul is a former Army Ranger, the author of two books on autonomous weapons and he helped the Department of Defense write a lot of its policy on the use of AI in weaponry. 


    Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Paul’s book on the future of AI in war, which came out in 2023.

    Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War: Paul’s 2018 book documenting and predicting the rise of autonomous and semi-autonomous weapons as part of modern warfare.

    The Perilous Coming Age of AI Warfare: How to Limit the Threat of Autonomous Warfare: Paul’s article in Foreign Affairs based on his recent trip to the battlefield in Ukraine.

    The night the world almost almost ended: A BBC documentary about Stanislav Petrov’s decision not to start nuclear war.

    AlphaDogfight Trials Final Event: The full simulated dogfight between an AI and human pilot. The AI pilot swept, 5-0.


    1. The AI ‘Race’: China vs. the US with Jeffrey Ding and Karen Hao
    2. Can We Govern AI? with Marietje Schaake
    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss
    4. The Invisible Cyber-War with Nicole Perlroth

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    AI and Jobs: How to Make AI Work With Us, Not Against Us With Daron Acemoglu

    AI and Jobs: How to Make AI Work With Us, Not Against Us With Daron Acemoglu

    Tech companies say that AI will lead to massive economic productivity gains. But as we know from the first digital revolution, that’s not what happened. Can we do better this time around?


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    1. The Three Rules of Humane Tech
    2. The Tech We Need for 21st Century Democracy
    3. Can We Govern AI?
    4. An Alternative to Silicon Valley Unicorns

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Jonathan Haidt On How to Solve the Teen Mental Health Crisis

    Jonathan Haidt On How to Solve the Teen Mental Health Crisis

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    This episode was recorded live at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club.  

    Correction: Tristan mentions that 40 Attorneys General have filed a lawsuit against Meta for allegedly fostering addiction among children and teens through their products. However, the actual number is 42 Attorneys General who are taking legal action against Meta.

    Clarification: Jonathan refers to the Wait Until 8th pledge. By signing the pledge, a parent  promises not to give their child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. The pledge becomes active once at least ten other families from their child’s grade pledge the same.

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    Correction: The latest available Nvidia chip is the Hopper H100 GPU, which has 80 billion transistors. Since the first commercially available chip had four transistors, the Hopper actually has 20 billion times that number. Nvidia recently announced the Blackwell, which boasts 208 billion transistors - but it won’t ship until later this year.


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    Protecting Our Freedom of Thought with Nita Farahany

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



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    This academic paper addresses tough questions for Americans: Who governs? Who really rules? 

    Recursive Public

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    A Strong Democracy is a Digital Democracy

    Audrey Tang’s 2019 op-ed for The New York Times

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    Digital Democracy is Within Reach with Audrey Tang

    The Tech We Need for 21st Century Democracy with Divya Siddarth

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    The AI Dilemma

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    U.S. Senators Grilled Social Media CEOs. Will Anything Change?

    U.S. Senators Grilled Social Media CEOs. Will Anything Change?

    Was it political progress, or just political theater? The recent Senate hearing with social media CEOs led to astonishing moments — including Mark Zuckerberg’s public apology to families who lost children following social media abuse. Our panel of experts, including Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, untangles the explosive hearing, and offers a look ahead, as well. How will this hearing impact protocol within these social media companies? How will it impact legislation? In short: will anything change?

    Clarification: Julie says that shortly after the hearing, Meta’s stock price had the biggest increase of any company in the stock market’s history. It was the biggest one-day gain by any company in Wall Street history.

    Correction: Frances says it takes Snap three or four minutes to take down exploitative content. In Snap's most recent transparency report, they list six minutes as the median turnaround time to remove exploitative content.


    Get Media Savvy

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    The Power of One by Frances Haugen

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    Real Social Media Solutions, Now with Frances Haugen

    A Conversation with Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen

    Are the Kids Alright?

    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up with Laura Marquez-Garrett

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

    Over the past year, a tsunami of apps that digitally strip the clothes off real people has hit the market. Now anyone can create fake non-consensual sexual images in just a few clicks. With cases proliferating in high schools, guest presenter Laurie Segall talks to legal scholar Mary Anne Franks about the AI-enabled rise in deep fake porn and what we can do about it. 

    Correction: Laurie refers to the app 'Clothes Off.' It’s actually named Clothoff. There are many clothes remover apps in this category.


    Revenge Porn: The Cyberwar Against Women

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    The Cult of the Constitution

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    Fake Explicit Taylor Swift Images Swamp Social Media

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    No One is Immune to AI Harms

    Esther Perel on Artificial Intimacy

    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up

    The AI Dilemma

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Can Myth Teach Us Anything About the Race to Build Artificial General Intelligence? With Josh Schrei

    Can Myth Teach Us Anything About the Race to Build Artificial General Intelligence? With Josh Schrei

    We usually talk about tech in terms of economics or policy, but the casual language tech leaders often use to describe AI — summoning an inanimate force with the powers of code — sounds more... magical. So, what can myth and magic teach us about the AI race? Josh Schrei, mythologist and host of The Emerald podcast,  says that foundational cultural tales like "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" or Prometheus teach us the importance of initiation, responsibility, human knowledge, and care.  He argues these stories and myths can guide ethical tech development by reminding us what it is to be human. 

    Correction: Josh says the first telling of "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" myth dates back to ancient Egypt, but it actually dates back to ancient Greece.


    The Emerald podcast

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    Embodied Ethics in The Age of AI

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    Nature Nurture: Children Can Become Stewards of Our Delicate Planet

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    The New Fire

    AI is revolutionizing the world - here's how democracies can come out on top. This upcoming book was authored by an architect of President Biden's AI executive order


    How Will AI Affect the 2024 Elections?

    The AI Dilemma

    The Three Rules of Humane Tech

    AI Myths and Misconceptions


    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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Open borders have undermined the idea of allegiance to a particular place. Identity politics have eradicated our collective civic sense of self. And a top-heavy administrative state has endangered personal liberty, along with formal efforts to weaken the Constitution. As in the revolutionary years of 1848, 1917, and 1968, 2020 ripped away our complacency about the future. But in the aftermath, we as Americans can rebuild and recover what we have lost. The choice is ours. Bio: Victor Davis Hanson, PhD | https://victorhanson.com/ Hanson, who was the fifth successive generation to live in the same house on his family’s farm, was a full-time orchard and vineyard grower from 1980-1984, before joining the nearby CSU Fresno campus in 1984 to initiate a classical languages program. In 1991, he was awarded an American Philological Association Excellence in Teaching Award, which is given yearly to the country’s top undergraduate teachers of Greek and Latin. Hanson has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, International Herald Tribune, New York Post, National Review, The Washington Times, Commentary, The Washington Post, Claremont Review of Books, American Heritage, New Criterion, Policy Review, Wilson Quarterly, Weekly Standard, Daily Telegraph, and has been interviewed on National Public Radio, PBS Newshour, Fox News, CNN, and C-Span’s Book TV and In-Depth. Hanson is the author of hundreds of articles, book reviews, scholarly papers, and newspaper editorials on matters ranging from ancient Greek, agrarian and military history to foreign affairs, domestic politics, and contemporary culture. He has written or edited 24 books. His latest books, The Case for Trump (released on March 5, 2019) and The Second World Wars (October 2017), a history of World War II, were both published by Basic Books. Hanson was educated at the University of California, Santa Cruz (BA, Classics, 1975, ‘highest honors’ Classics, ‘college honors’, Cowell College), the College Year in Athens (Athens, Raphael Demos Fellow, 1973-4), the American School of Classical Studies, Athens (regular member, 1978-79) and received his Ph.D. in Classics from Stanford University in 1980, with special emphases in the classical authors Thucydides and Aristophanes. https://ileaderssummit.org/services/americas-roundtable-radio/ https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @VDHanson @ileaderssummit @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable from Washington D.C. informs, educates, empowers and challenges the listening audience about the importance to restore, strengthen, and protect our freedoms, the rule of law, and free markets. America’s Roundtable advances the ideas of freedom, the significance of freedom of speech, limited government, and the application of free market principles to solve problems. America’s Roundtable presents in-depth analysis of current events and public policy issues while applying America’s founding principles. America’s Roundtable radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. America’s Roundtable is aired by Lanser Broadcasting Corporation on 96.5 FM and 98.9 FM, covering Michigan’s major market and the upper Midwest, SuperTalk Mississippi Media’s 12 radio stations and 50 affiliates reaching every county in Mississippi and also heard in parts of the neighboring states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee, and through podcast on Apple Podcasts and other key online platforms.

    Coronavirus: The Winners And Losers In The Stimulus Bill

    Coronavirus: The Winners And Losers In The Stimulus Bill
    In order to combat the coronavirus, Congress has passed a $2 trillion-dollar stimulus bill. It targets individuals, small business and large corporations. But, from an economic point of view, who are the real winners and losers in this bill. On this episode, Kate and Luigi analyze the CARES Act. Is it enough money to stabilize our tanking economy, does it target the right people, and does it accomplish the right objectives?