
    The Veterans Fighting to Legalize Psychedelics

    enFebruary 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Military Community's Role in Driving the Shift Towards Psychedelic TherapyFormer military members, like Juliana Mercer, are leading the charge in legalizing psychedelic drugs for medical use due to their experiences with trauma and the potential benefits of psychedelic therapy.

      The push to legalize psychedelic drugs for medical use in the United States can be traced back to individuals like Juliana Mercer, who have experienced the profound psychological effects of war and trauma. Mercer, a former Marine Corps member, served in Iraq and Afghanistan and was exposed to the physical and emotional scars of war. After working at a military hospital in San Diego, she was deployed back to the battlefield, where she began to experience hallucinations and other psychological symptoms. These experiences led her to explore alternative treatments, including psychedelic therapy. Mercer's story is just one example of how the military community is driving the shift in attitudes towards psychedelic drugs, as more and more veterans seek out these treatments to cope with the trauma of war.

    • A psychedelic experience helped Julianna process suppressed emotions related to military servicePsychedelics like psilocybin mushrooms may facilitate emotional release and introspection, potentially helping individuals process deeply buried emotions and improve mental health

      For Julianna, a high dose of psychedelics, specifically psilocybin mushrooms, facilitated an emotional release that years of therapy and medication couldn't. The psychedelic experience allowed her to connect with and process her suppressed emotions related to her military service, including grief, trauma, and anxiety. It's believed that psychedelics can alter brain activity and perception, potentially allowing for increased introspection and emotional processing. Julianna's experience suggests that this altered state may have helped her access and release deeply buried emotions, leading to a significant improvement in her mental health. However, it's important to note that individual experiences with psychedelics can vary greatly, and their use should be approached with caution and under the guidance of trained professionals.

    • Exploring the potential benefits of psychedelics for mental healthPsychedelics like LSD and psilocybin can promote neuroplasticity, helping individuals break free from negative thought patterns and process experiences in a less debilitating way, but research was halted due to societal stigma and government intervention.

      Psychedelics, such as LSD and psilocybin, have shown promise in promoting neuroplasticity, which can help individuals break free from negative thought patterns and traumas associated with mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. This neuroplasticity effect allows individuals to gain a new perspective on their experiences and process them in a less debilitating way. However, despite the promising research from the 1940s to the 1960s, the use and research of psychedelics became illegal due to societal stigma and government intervention. This halted further exploration into their potential benefits for mental health treatments.

    • A resurgence of interest in psychedelic researchThe FDA granted 'breakthrough therapy' status to MDMA in 2017, leading to renewed studies on its potential use in treating PTSD, with early results showing promise

      The counterculture movement of the 1960s, fueled in part by the use of psychedelic drugs, led to a widespread crackdown on all forms of drug use, including those with therapeutic potential. This resulted in decades of limited research and a lack of government funding for studying psychedelics as a means of treating mental health conditions. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in psychedelic research, with the FDA granting "breakthrough therapy" status to MDMA (ecstasy) in 2017, leading to renewed studies on its potential use in treating PTSD. Early results from these studies have been promising, with some patients showing significant improvements and even appearing to be cured. Yet, it is important to note that the full scope of the risks and benefits of using psychedelics as a medical treatment is still unknown.

    • Veterans Advocate for Wider Access to Psychedelic TherapiesVeterans advocate for decriminalization and accessible programs for psychedelic therapies like psilocybin, which show promise in treating mental health conditions. Recent legislative accomplishments in Oregon and Colorado reflect positive responses to this movement.

      Veterans are advocating for wider access to psychedelic therapies, which have shown promise in treating mental health conditions. These drugs, such as psilocybin, have been effective and relatively safe based on current research. However, it's important to note that the long-term impacts and interactions with preexisting psychiatric issues are still unknown. Veterans are seeking decriminalization and more accessible programs to receive these therapies, which can take years to become FDA-approved. The advocacy from veterans, like Juliana, has been met with positive responses from elected officials, leading to legislative accomplishments in various cities and states. The success of this movement can be attributed to the patriotic sentiment towards military veterans and their sacrifice, making them powerful messengers for this cause. Recently, Oregon and Colorado have decriminalized psychedelics and set up systems for therapeutic use.

    • Momentum in decriminalization and research of psychedelic drugsAdvocacy from veterans and researchers propels decriminalization and research of psychedelic drugs for mental health treatment, despite past setbacks and international tensions.

      The decriminalization and research of psychedelic drugs, particularly for mental health treatment, are gaining significant momentum in the United States. Juliannacache, an advocate for this cause, expresses her amazement at the rapid change in attitudes towards these drugs. The potential for treating conditions like PTSD in the VA system is a groundbreaking development. However, there are concerns about the sustainability of this progress, as there have been past shutdowns in research. Despite these worries, the current support for psychedelics is more robust than ever, with veterans playing a crucial role in advocacy. The future holds promise for these drugs revolutionizing mental health treatment. Meanwhile, international tensions remain high as Russia, under President Putin, suspends its participation in a major nuclear arms control treaty, potentially leading to a new nuclear arms race.

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