
    The Whole Story Behind that 'We Build the Wall' GoFundMe

    enJanuary 29, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Community BondsAuthentic connections bring hope, resilience, and joy. Be mindful of the information we consume and the importance of building strong community bonds for social support and disaster preparedness.

      Community connections and support can bring hope and resilience in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, individual achievements and wins can bring joy and excitement, but it's important to consider the impact on others and the potential hidden complexities, as shown in the GoFundMe wall controversy. Brian Kofage, the man behind the campaign, was not the heroic figure portrayed on social media, but rather someone who misused funds and deceived donors. These stories remind us to be mindful of the information we consume and the importance of authentic connections in our lives.

    • Facebook's mass deletion of political pages raises concerns about biasFacebook deleted several political pages, both left and right wing, sparking accusations of bias. Some believe they were unfairly targeted, while others violated Facebook's policies on fake accounts and spam.

      Facebook's recent mass deletion of political pages, both left and right wing, has raised concerns about the social media giant's algorithms and the potential for bias. While some pages were indeed removed for violating Facebook's policies on fake accounts and spam, others believe they were unfairly targeted. For instance, Brian Kolfage, a disabled veteran and administrator of several conservative pages, claims he had a close working relationship with Facebook and was shocked when his pages were deleted without warning or explanation. The deletion of these pages comes after studies have shown that right-wing content, particularly memes, tends to perform better on Facebook. The impact of these deletions on the political landscape remains to be seen, but it's clear that Facebook's handling of the situation has left many feeling frustrated and uncertain.

    • Facebook Purge of Right Wing Network Leads to GoFundMe Campaign for Free SpeechFacebook's removal of Right Wing News accounts sparked a GoFundMe campaign for free speech, emphasizing military background and injuries.

      The Right Wing News network, led by Amanda Shea and Brian Kolfage, used multiple Facebook groups and pages to generate and circulate viral content, primarily memes, to boost ad revenue. The most successful post, which called for a boycott of ABC, earned over 1.6 million interactions through these networks. However, when Facebook purged these accounts for violating their policies, Kolfage, a veteran who lost limbs in combat, launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for a court case, arguing for the protection of free speech. The campaign has gained significant support, with Kolfage emphasizing his military background and the severity of his injuries. Despite debates over the authenticity of his combat experience, the campaign highlights the importance of free speech and the impact of social media censorship on political discourse.

    • Questions raised about legitimacy of Brian Kolfage's fundraising effortsDespite gaining attention and accolades, Brian Kolfage's fundraising campaigns have faced scrutiny due to a lack of evidence supporting his claims and concerns about transparency.

      Brian Kolfage, a motivational veteran speaker and former soldier who lost three limbs in the Iraq War, has used his harrowing injury story and military background to build a career as an inspirational figure. He has gained attention and accolades, including appearances on major news outlets and meetings with political figures. However, there have been questions about the legitimacy of some of his fundraising efforts. In 2015, he launched a GoFundMe campaign for a veteran mentorship program, which raised over $16,000. However, there is no evidence that such a program ever existed, and none of the military hospitals named in the campaign confirmed any agreements with Kolfage. More recently, he launched a new GoFundMe campaign to fight Facebook, promising to use donations to take legal action against the company and get its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, summoned to a Senate hearing. The success of his fundraising efforts has raised concerns about the accuracy of his claims and the transparency of his operations.

    • Manipulating Social Media Content for Right-Wing PagesA war hero and fundraiser is accused of creating fake stories and manipulated images for right-wing social media pages, contributing to the spread of hate and misinformation online.

      Brian Kolfage, a purported war hero and fundraiser, is accused of running a multimillion-dollar business based on manipulating and fabricating content for right-wing social media pages. Kolfage reportedly instructed his team to produce fake stories and manipulated images to generate outrage clicks. Former employees told BuzzFeed News that they knowingly fabricated content, and Kolfage defended their actions by claiming that their free speech was being silenced. Despite the controversy, Kolfage continued to advise others on how to create false narratives. The ease of spreading hate and misinformation on social media platforms like Facebook has become a significant problem, and it's challenging to get people to stop believing and sharing such content. The situation highlights the ethical dilemmas and potential harm caused by the manipulation of information on social media.

    • Three Unique Experiences in Mobile Gaming, Community Building, and EntertainmentMonopoly Go offers endless fun with new challenges, The Godfather slot tests luck in a shadowy environment, Neighbor to Neighbor empowers community bonding and helping neighbors

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with new challenges, tournaments, rewards, and social features, making it a must-download mobile game for millions of players. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds and helping neighbors in times of need. In the world of gaming, The Godfather slot invites players to test their luck in a shadowy but intriguing environment. Brian Colfage's digital media empire, consisting of numerous pages, generated significant traffic and revenue through Facebook, with an estimated annual income of over $1,000,000. However, his revenue stream was cut off in March 2018, marking a significant shift in his online business. Meanwhile, Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, advocates for growing communities and helping neighbors in times of need. They believe that strong social bonds are essential for a connected and resilient community. Monopoly Go's innovative features and constant updates ensure that players never run out of new experiences. The Godfather slot offers a thrilling gaming experience, while Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build meaningful social connections. In summary, Monopoly Go, The Godfather slot, and Neighbor to Neighbor represent unique yet valuable experiences in the realm of mobile gaming, community building, and entertainment, respectively.

    • Man behind GoFundMe border wall campaign sued and had websites taken downSocial media can effectively raise funds but spreading false and inflammatory content can lead to legal consequences and loss of platforms. The legitimacy and transparency of crowdfunding campaigns and the role of individuals in bypassing traditional funding channels for political causes are questioned.

      Brian Kolfage, a man who gained notoriety for raising millions of dollars for a border wall through a GoFundMe campaign after being banned from Facebook, was sued for misidentification and had his websites taken down due to their inflammatory and racist content. After raising over $20 million, he admitted that the federal government wouldn't be able to take the donations, and instead, he created a new organization, We Build the Wall, to continue soliciting donations privately. This incident highlights the power of social media in raising funds and the potential consequences of spreading false and inflammatory content online. It also raises questions about the legitimacy and transparency of crowdfunding campaigns and the role of individuals in bypassing traditional funding channels for political causes.

    • GoFundMe donations for border wall project transferred to new organizationDonors lost tax deductions, but gained unlimited lobbying power for 501c4 We Build the Wall Inc.

      GoFundMe donations for the border wall project are not being refunded, but rather transferred to a new organization, We Build the Wall Inc., which is a 501c4 nonprofit. This means donors will not receive a tax deduction for their contributions, but the organization can engage in unlimited lobbying and support political candidates. The change in regulations allowing for anonymous donations to 501c4s has led to an increase in their formation and usage. So far, 42% of the original donors have opted in to transfer their funds to the new organization. While this may offer more flexibility for the organization to affect social change, it also raises concerns about accountability and transparency.

    • We Build the Wall: Controversial Organization Raises Millions for Border WallWe Build the Wall, a non-profit organization, has raised over $20 million for a border wall, with potential political contributions and high-profile team members raising ethical concerns. Critics question transparency and call for greater reporting.

      We Build the Wall, a 501c4 organization, has raised over $20 million for building a border wall, with donations potentially being used for political contributions related to the wall's construction. The organization's team includes notable figures like Tom Tancredo, Sheriff David Clarke, Kris Kobach, and Eric Prince. The transparency of the organization's financial reporting has been criticized, and concerns have been raised about potential misuse of funds. Despite these concerns, We Build the Wall is expected to continue raising funds and may be a topic of discussion during the 2020 election. The media has been criticized for not reporting more thoroughly on the organization and its financial dealings. The organization's use of funds, particularly the involvement of high-profile individuals and potential political contributions, raises ethical questions and highlights the need for greater transparency in non-profit organizations.

    • Exploring the complexities of life experiencesSome people share true, life-altering stories while others embellish or fabricate. Approach stories with compassion and critical thinking.

      While some people may exaggerate their past experiences or even fabricate stories, there are also individuals who have gone through truly traumatic events that significantly alter their lives. The discussion touched upon the case of a person who was injured in the military, and while the details of their injury are debated, the fact that they were horribly injured is not. Another intriguing example was brought up of a neuro doctor named Doctor Rapp, who experienced minor strokes and became a fixture in the rap scene in Los Angeles. Both instances illustrate the complexity and unpredictability of life experiences. It's important to approach stories with a critical yet compassionate mindset, recognizing that some people may be sharing the truth, while others may be embellishing or lying. Regardless, these stories can inspire and captivate us in unexpected ways. To learn more about these stories and their sources, check out somemorenews.com or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @atbasterdspod.

    • Building Community Connections and Finding Personal EnjoymentConnect with neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Find free entertainment like Chamba Casino or enjoy a comforting treat like a Keebler Sandie cookie for personal enjoyment. Prioritize mental health with affordable online therapy through BetterHelp.

      Community connection is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building relationships with those around us for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, taking a moment for personal enjoyment can also contribute to overall well-being. Chamba Casino offers a fun and free alternative for entertainment, while a Keebler Sandie cookie can provide a comforting pause. Lastly, BetterHelp's online therapy platform ensures mental health support is accessible and affordable for everyone. Overall, the importance of community, personal enjoyment, and mental health support were emphasized in the discussion.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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