
    There's Risk In Listening to Other Voices Over Your Own | Tea With GaryVee

    enAugust 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Maximize opportunities on social media, especially TwitterFollow Gary Vaynerchuk on Twitter and listen to his podcast for valuable insights. Consistently put yourself out there to maximize opportunities on social media.

      Gary Vaynerchuk strongly recommends following him on Twitter and tuning into his podcast, Tea with Gary Vee, multiple times a week for the best content he's ever produced. He emphasizes the importance of social media, specifically Twitter, in staying connected with his audience and sharing valuable insights. A notable success story shared during the podcast was about an artist who gained significant traction on TikTok after following Gary's advice and fully committing to the platform. The artist's experience highlights the importance of maximizing opportunities and consistently putting yourself out there to achieve success.

    • Expand your reach beyond TikTokLeverage momentum on TikTok by cross-promoting content on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram to grow audience and maximize impact through strategic outreach and business development.

      When you experience success on a social media platform like TikTok, it's crucial to leverage that momentum and expand your reach beyond the app. This means engaging with other creators and influencers on platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram to cross-promote your content and grow your audience. When you have a hit, it's essential to invest time and effort into amplifying it, even if it means sending hundreds or thousands of messages to potential collaborators and media outlets. While organic growth is important, strategic business development and distribution are key to maximizing the impact of your success. This means being persistent and proactive in reaching out to others and providing them with valuable content and resources. The success of Charli D'Amelio and other top TikTok creators is a testament to the power of cross-platform promotion and strategic outreach.

    • Persistence and hard work lead to successSuccess requires creating great content and effectively promoting it to reach a wider audience. Reach out to influencers, media outlets, and networks for exposure and networking.

      Persistence and hard work are key to achieving success, even if it seems unlikely at first. The speaker emphasizes the importance of putting in the effort to promote and distribute your work, especially when you've achieved a breakthrough. He suggests reaching out to influencers, media outlets, and anyone with an audience to help amplify your message. The speaker also highlights the importance of exposure and networking in making things happen behind the scenes. In the current digital age, he advises being present on various platforms, such as podcasts, live streams, and social media, to maximize distribution. Ultimately, success requires a combination of creating great content and effectively promoting it to reach a wider audience.

    • Engage with your audience on social media for increased reach and impactBe persistent and proactive in engaging with your audience on social media platforms like Twitter and Twitch. Authentic engagement leads to meaningful connections and opportunities. Set the tone for your team or organization and find opportunities to promote your content.

      Leveraging social media platforms and engaging with your audience can significantly increase the reach and impact of your content, whether it's an article or a video. The speaker emphasized the importance of being persistent and proactive in engaging with your audience on various social media channels, such as Twitter and Twitch. He shared his personal experience of using this strategy to promote his content and build a following, even when he was relatively unknown. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the power of authentic engagement and shared stories of how replying to comments and direct messages led to meaningful connections and opportunities. He encouraged listeners to go beyond just sharing their content and instead, engage with their audience in a genuine and personal way. Furthermore, the speaker emphasized the importance of setting the tone for your team or organization and being the one to promote your content. He encouraged listeners to find opportunities to promote their content, even if it means working long hours or finding creative ways to do so. Lastly, the speaker shared his passion for sustainable content and inspiring others, which is reflected in his work as a journalist and content creator. He encouraged listeners to find their mission and use their platform to make a positive impact on the world.

    • Consistently creating content is key to building a successful storytelling platformConsistently create a major content piece, build a team, provide opportunities, and be patient for success.

      Consistency and content creation are key elements for building a successful storytelling platform. The speaker, who hosts events and a podcast, emphasizes the importance of having a major consistent content piece that feeds all other channels. They suggest creating a daily vlog and building a team to help produce content consistently. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of giving opportunities to those in the community who may resonate with their story and could contribute to the platform. They believe in the power of matchmaking and lifting up others to help them grow. Additionally, they mention the importance of patience and persistence, as success often takes time to build. The speaker is looking for team members who are makers, including designers, video people, writers, and audio people, as well as those who know how to run ads to expand reach on various platforms.

    • Balancing specialists and generalists in a content creation teamEffectively allocate tasks based on team members' strengths, structure content across platforms, promote and distribute content strategically, and utilize resources like the Gary Vee content model.

      Building a successful content creation team requires a balance between specialists and generalists. When starting out, everyone may need to wear multiple hats, but as the team grows, it's essential to allocate tasks to team members based on their strengths. This includes writers, designers, video people, project managers, and general managers. Structuring the content and organizing the team effectively across different platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn is also crucial. Additionally, promoting the content and distributing it across various channels is a critical role that designers and video people can play. Lastly, being strategic about the default URL for the content and having a team member dedicated to content distribution can significantly impact the reach and success of the content. A helpful resource for understanding content distribution is the Gary Vee content model, which outlines the process of creating and distributing content across multiple platforms.

    • Building personal relationships with senior leadershipEstablishing trust and connections with decision-makers can help overcome resistance to new ideas, but it can be challenging when dealing with strong beliefs or 'religions' in a company or client.

      Establishing a strong personal relationship with senior leadership in a company can help overcome friction and resistance to new ideas, particularly in the creative field. This was discussed when Zoe shared her experience working in an agency where the company's resistance to social media marketing reminded her of her time on Gary Vaynerchuk's team. She emphasized that building trust and making a connection with decision-makers is crucial for driving change and implementing innovative strategies. However, she acknowledged that this can be challenging when dealing with a company or client that holds strong beliefs or "religions" that differ from the desired approach.

    • Empathy, Resilience, and Authenticity in Professional SituationsBe open and transparent in professional situations, even when facing unexpected challenges. Authenticity and empathy are key to building strong relationships and navigating the ever-changing social media landscape.

      In the world of social content creation, it's important to remember that quick insights and awareness are the goals, not a polished television production. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that conversations are key, and if something doesn't work, it's essential to move on. He also mentioned that VaynerMedia is expanding to Australia and he's looking forward to it. During the conversation, Josh shared his recent job experiences. He was excited about a potential role at Snapchat but had to postpone his interview due to family emergencies related to COVID-19. Josh wondered if he should inform Snapchat about his situation. Vaynerchuk advised that the answer depends on the interviewer's perspective. Some may see it as an excuse, while others may be understanding. Regardless, Josh should ask, as there's no downside to doing so. Vaynerchuk offered to help him connect with the right people at Snapchat. Throughout the conversation, themes of empathy, resilience, and the importance of authenticity emerged. The discussion highlighted the importance of being open and transparent in professional situations, even when facing unexpected challenges.

    • Focus on moving forward and taking proactive actionsInstead of dwelling on past rejections or setbacks, use them as learning opportunities and keep pushing towards goals with a positive mindset. Work for people and companies that align with your values and provide opportunities for growth.

      It's important to focus on moving forward with positivity and taking proactive actions instead of dwelling on past events or situations. This was emphasized in a conversation between an individual and Gary Vaynerchuk, where the individual shared an experience of being rejected from a job they had applied for. Instead of being discouraged, Gary encouraged the individual to use the experience as a learning opportunity and to continue putting effort into their goals with a strong mindset. He also emphasized the importance of working for people and companies that align with one's values and can provide opportunities for growth and relationship building. The individual, who is a sports nutritionist, also shared their experience of expanding their niche and working with a diverse range of clients. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, optimism, and taking action towards goals.

    • From passion to career: The speaker's inspiring journeyFind what you love and turn it into a job, determination and passion can lead to a fulfilling career

      Personal experiences and a passion for helping others can lead to a successful career. The speaker, who is a sports nutritionist, shared her journey of struggling with her health and performance in her youth, leading her to a love for running and eventually a career in sports nutrition. She emphasized the importance of finding something you love and turning it into a job. Throughout her journey, she continued to push herself, from running marathons in her twenties to training for Ironman triathlons with her husband and having four children in her forties. Now, she aims to scale her business and reach more people through webinars and other online platforms while still cherishing in-person connections. Despite the challenges and cliches, her determination and passion led her to a fulfilling career.

    • Consistency is key to reaching a larger audienceCreating and consistently posting 4 TikToks a day, even in a saturated niche, can make a significant impact through unique content delivery.

      Consistency in content creation is key to reaching and helping a larger audience. The speaker believes that if someone like Jenny, who is goal-oriented and has valuable knowledge to share, were to create and consistently post 4 TikToks a day, she would have made a significant impact by now. He emphasizes that even though the niche might be bigger and content might have been created before, the unique way of delivering the message can make all the difference. The speaker encourages Jenny to make a mental switch towards consistent content creation and sees it as a potential turning point for her success.

    • From lawyer to entrepreneur: Finding fulfillment through explorationExplore new things, even if they seem unrelated or outside your comfort zone to find fulfillment and success.

      Finding your passion and success doesn't always come easily or in a linear way. The speaker shares his personal journey from following rules and being a high-achiever in the corporate world as a lawyer, to feeling lost and seeking fulfillment in entrepreneurship. He emphasizes the importance of trying new things, even if they seem unrelated or outside of your comfort zone. The speaker also highlights the struggle of transitioning from a structured environment to the uncertainty of entrepreneurship, and the need to find validation and affirmation within oneself or from the market. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to keep exploring and not be afraid to take risks in order to find what truly resonates with them.

    • Overcoming Fear and Building a Supportive CommunityPush past fear to focus on self-improvement and building a supportive network. Prioritize personal growth before helping others.

      Fear is a natural part of growth, but it's important to take action despite it. The speaker shares his personal journey of overcoming fear and insecurity, emphasizing the importance of self-improvement and building a supportive community. He encourages individuals to continue working on themselves before helping others and warns against jumping into helping prematurely. The speaker also suggests that individuals connect with each other in their communities to foster positivity and support. While there may be opportunities for financial gain in helping others, it's essential to prioritize personal growth and stability first. Overall, the message is to keep pushing forward, even when scared, and to build a strong foundation before extending a helping hand.

    • Building a community to alleviate anxiety when starting a projectSetting achievable goals, staying consistent, and building a supportive network can help alleviate anxiety when starting a new project.

      Starting a new project or initiative can be daunting, but taking small steps and building a community can help alleviate anxiety and move forward. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of wanting to start a podcast about self-esteem issues and asked Dustin Moskovitz to be a guest once he had completed 54 episodes. Dustin agreed, and this exchange highlighted the importance of setting achievable goals and building a supportive network. During the conversation, Gary also emphasized the importance of consistency, execution, and patience in achieving success. He encouraged listeners to deploy kindness, self-awareness, and other positive traits to reach their goals. Additionally, he thanked his audience for their support and encouraged them to leave reviews and subscribe to his podcast. Overall, the discussion underscored the idea that starting a project may seem intimidating, but taking small steps and building a community can help alleviate anxiety and move forward. It's important to set achievable goals, stay consistent, and remain patient in the face of challenges.

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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    • Jay became a personal trainer whilst in debt and put everything on his credit card to open a studio. Eventually, Jay partnered with fitness brand Grenade and grew his brand.
    • Jay’s entrepreneurial focus is on body, brain and business and as a result, his business is separated into B2B and B2C ventures including weight loss programmes, accountability programmes and personal training both online and offline, as well as helping other personal trainers and fitness entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Jay teaches them how to grab attention online, how to scale and grow digital products in the fitness space and have fun doing it.
    • “You’re either a boat-burner or a toe-dipper. Don’t just quit your job and follow your passion, invest some time in the evenings and weekends and see if it’s a scalable business model. Additionally, you can set a 3-year plan to equal your salary through your part-time ventures and then quit your job. But when you can scale your passion and it works financially growing your business doesn’t feel like working and learning is engaging. When you’re involved in something that you love it doesn’t feel like work.”
    • Most entrepreneurs don’t need to speed up and generate more business, they need to slow down, prioritise and systemise. You need to change your mindset from exchanging your time for money and investing to get some time back.

    • Three things can help you start a business and grow a following when you’ve got nothing. 1. Networking & Joint-Ventures 2. Social Media content marketing & personal branding 3. Providing a service.

    • Asking for help is a strength and not a weakness, the people you hang around with will influence how to act and react and social media is a great tool to practice your emotions and expose yourself to trolls and critics because if your more yourself you will grow as a person, create relationships and turn the people that hate you into fans.



    “When you’re a personal trainer you’re everything. You’re a marketer, web-developer and everything in-between”

    “Unlike a physical business operating online means you’re open all hours”

    “When you’re passionate about the business you’re growing it doesn’t feel like working and learning is engaging. When you’re involved in something that you love it doesn’t feel like work”

    “I now read 3 or 4 books a month, I now just love learning and having a social media following allows me to share what I’ve learnt and simplify it for my audience.”

    “If you can’t explain it to six year old you haven’t learnt it yourself”

    “I wouldn’t be here today is I hadn’t been made redundant”

    “You’re either a boat-burner or a toe-dipper”

    “Thoughts are not your reality and reality are not your thoughts”

    “Word of mouth is the most powerful thing in business”

    “Top of mind is tip or tongue”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]


    Mindset With Muscle: Proven Strategies to Build Up Your Brain, Body, and Business, by Jamie Alderton

    Contagious Book






    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    Best selling Author, Entrepreneur, Podcast Host & Fitness Trainer Jay Alderton went from a redundant contract worker to one of the top Body Transformation Coaches in the UK, has transformed thousands of lives in the process. He has spoken alongside experts such as Shaa Wasmund and Gary Vaynerchuk and shares his in-depth knowledge of what he has learned from his time in business, fitness, and life competing at British, European and World level Physique Shows. Jamie has created multiple successful businesses and balances the entire act with his family life as a loving husband and father


    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Weaving Humanity into Thought Leadership Work | Aliza Hughes | 347

    Weaving Humanity into Thought Leadership Work | Aliza Hughes | 347

    We all have personal stories of triumph and growth. Our history, our experiences, shape us and drive the most insightful parts of our thought leadership. So why is it so hard for us to share those stories?

    Aliza Hughes is the Director of Thought Leadership at Zoecial Mediaa company that provides social media management with the aim of growing the client’s audience and credibility through brand storytelling.

    We start our conversation by discussing how uncomfortable it can be to share personal stories in our thought leadership - the very stories that best illuminate our insights, strengths, and growth! Aliza shares her thoughts on telling personal stories, and how even tales of failure can  connect you to your audience, and connect you as humans in search of growth.

    Aliza also explains that LinkedIn is important - get that first post out! While a certain level of professional polish needs to be present, perfection isn’t required, and seeking it is just another method of procrastination. We discuss getting comfortable with yourself, and growing your audience by taking part in comments - on your own posts, and on posts made by others -  as well as how to turn those comments into full fledged posts of their own.

    This is a wonderful conversation for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their Linkedin and make audiences take notice!

    Three Key Takeaways:

    • Don’t be afraid to have a more personal voice in your Thought Leadership content.
    •        Passion plus expertise = Successful Thought Leadership.
    • Don’t compare likes and comments to other thought leadership posts; everyone is at a different place in their journey. Instead, focus on beating your own personal best.

    Regret Can Scare You Into Doing

    Regret Can Scare You Into Doing

    What's up Podcast listeners?! This Saturday I bring you an exciting keynote from NAC Keynote in Los Angeles. I talk about the things that have worked for me over the last 20 years and patterns that are still applicable today. What caught your attention from this keynote? Tweet me @garyvee

    Topics From Today’s Episode:

    1:30 | Trading attention

    4:15 | Building brand through voice

    7:00 | Why are you doing it?

    8:30 | There are no shortcuts

    12:00 | Giving without expectations

    17:00 | 1 big game of self-awareness

    24:00 | we're not changing, we're being exposed

    29:00 | finding ways to reach your customers

    30:40 | Rule #1

    32:50 | The 8-Mile Rule

    36:20 | 1 step back, 2 steps forward

    40:00 | How regret works

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