
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace life's imperfectionsLife's small setbacks are natural, embrace them, stay positive, and seek help when needed.

      Life is full of unexpected challenges, no matter how small they may seem. Kate Cocker shared a personal experience of dealing with a stuck tinfoil roll in her kitchen drawer, which initially seemed like an insurmountable problem. However, she reminded herself and her audience that these messy moments are a natural part of life, and we all have the resources to cope with them. The incident served as a reminder to embrace the imperfections and not to let small setbacks disrupt our day or our sense of self-worth. The experience also underscored the importance of staying positive and seeking help when needed. In essence, we should learn to roll with the punches, figuratively and literally, and not get too bogged down by the minor mishaps that life throws our way. So, the next time you encounter a stuck drawer or a similar issue, remember that you have the power to overcome it and that it's all part of the journey called life.

    • Find community and support on social mediaJoining positive social media groups can expand your network, foster meaningful conversations, and provide sources of inspiration and motivation

      Joining groups on social media platforms like Facebook, such as "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker," can provide a sense of community and support. During our discussion, it was emphasized that this particular group focuses on promoting positivity and offers a space for individuals to connect and share uplifting content. By searching for and joining such groups, you can expand your online network, engage in meaningful conversations, and potentially find new sources of inspiration and motivation. So, if you're looking to connect with like-minded individuals and foster a more positive online presence, consider joining groups on social media platforms that align with your interests. In summary, the power of social media goes beyond just staying in touch with friends and family – it can also be a valuable tool for building connections and fostering personal growth.

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    Fay - https://www.fayblakey.com 

    Rebekah - https://www.quest4est.co.uk

    Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production: https://www.wahhoo.co.uk

    Social media Etiquette

    Social media Etiquette
    Do you have Social Media Etiquette? How people view you on Social Media is important. You want to attract people to you, not repel them.

    In my video I go into detail on how you should conduct yourself on Social Media.

    Your Partner in Time,
    Daria Jackson-Legagneur

    P.S. Not sure how to Network On Social Media without being weird? Sign up for my free 5 day Social Network Boss Bootcamp Here http://bit.ly/socnbc