
    Podcast Summary

    • US Embassy in Ukraine's Political InterestsThe Dan Bongino Show questions whether the US embassy in Ukraine prioritized political interests over national security, potentially harming Trump's interests.

      The host of the Dan Bongino Show, Dan Vongino, raises the question of whether liberals prioritize politics more than others based on an article he read. He also discusses the role of the media and deep state in advancing political narratives. Additionally, he promotes Liquid IV's hydration multiplier plus immune support and shares an update on his upcoming medical procedure. However, the core of the episode revolves around the US embassy in Ukraine and its actions under the Obama and Trump administrations. The embassy is accused of protecting George Soros and Hunter Biden while targeting Soros's political opponents. The show argues that this could have been against Trump's interests. Despite some complexity, the fundamental idea is that political interests may have influenced the US embassy's actions in Ukraine.

    • Liberals prioritize politics and use emotion to motivateLiberals are more politically engaged and use emotion to sway public opinion and get things done

      Liberals seem to care more about politics than the general population, and they use emotion as a powerful tool to motivate people and gain support. Thomas Sowell, a renowned intellectual, has pointed out that liberals often rely on emotion instead of facts in their arguments. A study indicated in a substack article by Richard Hanania suggests that liberals are more politically engaged than others. Emotion is a potent motivator, and the left effectively harnesses it to rally people. The question then arises, why do liberals prioritize politics over other aspects of life? The answer might lie in their ability to effectively use emotion to sway public opinion and get things done.

    • Liberals more politically active: petitions, protestsLiberals are more engaged in political activism, corporations respond to cultural mandate, conservatives urged to be more active

      Liberals seem to be more engaged in political activism, as indicated by higher numbers of them signing petitions and attending protests, compared to conservatives. The speaker suggests that this activism may be a reason why corporations and other institutions have shifted leftward, as they perceive it as a cultural mandate. He encourages conservatives to take action and get involved, emphasizing the importance of doing something beyond just voting. He acknowledges that there could be various explanations for the difference in political activism between the two groups, including the fear of cancel culture among conservatives. However, he stresses that conservatives have the power to save themselves by being more active and engaged in politics.

    • Liberal institutions responding to activism, driven by fear of being labeled racistDespite evidence to the contrary, some believe racial harmony is worsening. Get involved in activism, shrink the mobilization gap, and make a difference, as no one is coming to save us.

      Institutions, including corporations, have become more liberal in response to the increased mobilization and activism of liberal populations over the past decade. This shift is driven by demagogues who exploit identity politics and the fear of being labeled racist, leading some liberals to believe that racial harmony in the United States is getting worse, despite evidence to the contrary. The speaker encourages everyone to get involved in political activism and to shrink the mobilization gap between liberals and conservatives. Ultimately, no one is coming to save us, and it's up to each of us to take action and make a difference.

    • The gap between liberal and conservative activism has widenedThe perception of systemic threats drives greater liberal engagement, while figures with power and influence are seen as credible voices by some conservatives.

      The mobilization gap between liberal and conservative activism has widened significantly, particularly in response to issues framed as racial or social justice causes. This was highlighted in a newsletter by Hananiah, which noted a massive increase in liberal protest activity around 2016, before the Women's March, Black Lives Matter, and March for Our Lives movements. This perception of a systemic threat, fueled by certain activist causes, drives greater liberal engagement with politics. Meanwhile, figures like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and John Kerry, who are often criticized as out-of-touch intellectuals, are seen as credible voices by some due to their positions of power and influence. However, it's important to remember that activism and engagement come in various forms and should not be equated with intelligence or expertise.

    • Intelligence doesn't ensure expertise or good decisionsPeople with high IQs can make dangerous decisions outside their expertise, emphasizing the importance of recognizing limitations and seeking out true experts.

      Intelligence does not guarantee good decision-making or expertise in all areas. Thomas Sowell, a renowned intellectual, argues that many disasters in history have been caused by people with high IQs who ventured outside of their areas of expertise. Politicians like John Kerry, Mitt Romney, and Liz Cheney, despite their intelligence, have made dangerous decisions in areas they don't fully understand. Smart people can get "jammed up" when they overstep their boundaries and try to make decisions beyond their expertise. It's crucial to recognize this limitation and seek out true experts when necessary.

    • Former politicians Romney and Cheney face criticism for hypocrisy and inconsistencyDespite criticizing Trump for character and democratic issues, Romney and Cheney face backlash for their own inconsistent stances and errors in judgment, with the public viewing their criticisms as disingenuous and out of touch.

      Former politicians Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney, who have criticized former President Trump, are being called out for their hypocrisy and inconsistency in their political stances. Romney was booed during an interview for his analysis of Trump's character, while Cheney has accused Trump of poisoning the democratic system with election claims. However, their criticisms are seen as disingenuous as they have flip-flopped on various issues throughout their careers and have been criticized for their own inconsistencies and errors in judgment. The public is not taking kindly to their criticisms, with many seeing them as out of touch and lacking self-awareness. The crowd in Utah booed Romney during an interview, and Cheney's political career in the Republican party may be over. The public is calling them out for their hypocrisy and inconsistency, and their criticisms of Trump are being met with skepticism and ridicule.

    • Former Sec. of State John Kerry: Palestinian issue must be resolved first for Middle Eastern peaceJohn Kerry believes that resolving the Palestinian issue is crucial for achieving peace in the Middle East, but his perspective has been challenged by the Trump administration's successful deals with Arab countries without addressing the Palestinian conflict.

      According to former Secretary of State John Kerry, any peace agreements between Israel and the Arab world cannot be achieved without resolving the Palestinian issue first. Kerry, who spent nine months trying to secure peace between Israelis and Palestinians, warned that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would inflame the Arab world and cause an "explosion" in the Middle East. Despite claims that the Arab world is in a different place now, Kerry emphasized that there will be no separate peace without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. This perspective was reaffirmed in recent conversations with Arab community leaders. However, Donald Trump's administration proved this theory wrong with multiple deals with Arab countries, and the Palestinian issue remains unresolved. Kerry, who is now in charge of the Biden administration's environmental policy, has faced criticism for his past investments in oil companies. Despite his intellectual prowess, Kerry's perspective on Middle Eastern peace has been questioned, as Trump's administration successfully negotiated deals with Arab countries without resolving the Palestinian issue.

    • Considering the Costs and Consequences of ActionsDuring crises, it's essential to consider multiple perspectives and ask tough questions before making decisions that could have significant impacts.

      It's important to consider the potential costs and consequences of actions, especially during times of crisis. The speaker discussed the debate over prisoner releases in exchange for cash, with the Biden administration denying the rumors. He also reflected on the coronavirus lockdowns and how some voices, despite being dismissed as "deplorables," had raised valid questions about the costs and effectiveness of the lockdowns. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider multiple perspectives and ask tough questions before making decisions that could have significant impacts. For veterans and first responders, Patriot Mobile offers discounts and a chance to win free cellular service for life with the code Dan.

    • Weighing the costs and benefits of lockdownsA balanced approach to policy decisions, considering the trade-offs, could have mitigated some of the negative consequences of lockdowns during the pandemic.

      The debate over lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic raises important questions about the value of dispassionate analysis and the potential consequences of policy decisions. While lockdowns may have initially seemed like an effective measure to reduce daily deaths, a study from Rice University found that they also come with considerable harms, such as job losses and ruined lives. The speaker argues that a more balanced approach, considering the trade-offs of different policies, could have prevented some of the devastating consequences. The world is full of scarce resources, and every decision involves making a trade-off between two less-than-ideal options. The speaker encourages us to approach complex issues with a clear-headed and rational perspective, rather than being driven by fear or passion.

    • Media's role in spreading false narrativesThe media's willingness to spread misinformation can undermine the integrity of news and information. Always fact-check from multiple sources and evaluate credibility.

      The media plays a significant role in advancing certain agendas by repeatedly spreading false narratives and isolating people from the truth. This was exemplified in the case of Rudy Giuliani, who was portrayed as public enemy number one by the media despite there being no substantial evidence against him. An instance of this was an NBC News article written by Ken Delaney, which falsely claimed that the FBI had warned Giuliani about being a target of Russian spies. The media's willingness to spread misinformation and their role as accomplices in gaslighting the public is a concerning trend that undermines the integrity of news and information. To avoid falling victim to such manipulation, it's essential to fact-check information from multiple sources and critically evaluate the credibility of the media outlets and individuals sharing the information. Additionally, the use of high-quality wireless earbuds, such as Raycon's, can make a significant difference in staying informed and entertained on the go.

    • Allegations of a symbiotic relationship between journalists, outside groups, and political figuresCritics argue journalists like Ken Delaney may be paid off by outside groups to write stories with questionable origins, while the FBI's handling of information raises questions about verification processes. Importance of fact-checking and transparency in journalism.

      There are allegations suggesting a symbiotic relationship between journalists, outside groups, and political figures, as seen in the case of Ken Delaney and the reporting on the "peepee dossier." Delaney, an NBC News intelligence and national security reporter, has been involved in promoting stories with questionable origins, such as the false narrative about Rudy Giuliani receiving a briefing about Russia. Critics argue that he may have been paid off by outside groups associated with Democrats to write these stories. However, it's important to note that these are allegations and not proven facts. Additionally, the FBI's handling of information, as seen in the Nunez memo controversy, raises questions about the verification process for information obtained from sources with potential biases. These issues highlight the importance of fact-checking and transparency in journalism.

    • Discussion about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump highlights importance of fact-checkingIn a discussion, unverified information about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was shared and promoted, emphasizing the need for fact-checking before spreading information.

      While it's important to fact-check information before spreading it, not everyone does so. This was illustrated in a discussion about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, where unverified information was shared and even promoted. Despite this, the person involved in the situation, Ken Delaney, continues to have a platform and even encourages others to sign up for his account to listen to his show. It's a reminder of the importance of fact-checking and verifying information before sharing it, especially in today's media landscape where misinformation can spread quickly. Additionally, Dan Bongino, the speaker in the discussion, announced that his radio show will be starting soon and encouraged listeners to reach out to their local radio stations to request it.

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    The crackdown on Ukraine’s oligarchs

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    The FT News Briefing is produced by Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help by Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Monica Lopez. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music.

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Nothing Extraordinary

    Nothing Extraordinary

    A number of commentators and analysts have labelled 2023 as an “extraordinary” year in real estate.

    One called 2023 “the year that surprised everyone”.

    Who are these people? They’re the economists (like the ones who work for the big banks and for organisations like CoreLogic and AMP Capital) who got it wrong with their forecasts on what property prices would do this year.

    And rather than admit their mistake – and indeed their ongoing incompetence in this area – they have tried to write it off as an aberration, an outlier, a year that nobody expected.

    And in that regard the economists are wrong, yet again.

    Many of the specialist real estate analysts – like the team at Hotspotting – DID foresee the year that occurred in 2023 and correctly predicted that we would see moderate to strong price growth in most, but not all, markets across Australia.

    The year that unfolded was pretty much exactly what Hotspotting forecast at the start of 2023.

    Our broadcasts and writings in late 2022 and early 2023 predicted a year of price growth, but not a boom year. 

    One example was the annual real estate featured published by Money Magazine in February each year, written by Hotspotting managing director Terry Ryder.

    Here’s what I wrote in that feature at the start of 2023:

    No one is forecasting rises like we saw in 2021, when the national average was an increase above 25%. Rather, most analysts are suggesting moderate growth. That’s certainly how we see it at Hotspotting.

    The failed forecasters working for the big banks, CoreLogic and elsewhere got it wrong and told us prices would fall at least 15% - because they fundamentally do not understand residential real estate.

    They believe interest rates are the over-riding factor.

    Here’s what the economists at CoreLogic wrote recently: “It’s pretty extraordinary to see values get to a new record high despite further uplifts in the rate-hiking cycle.”

    The reality is that there was nothing surprising or extraordinary about the results of 2023. 

    Real estate showed its usual resilience because there were bigger factors in play than interest rates, notably an oversupply of demand and an undersupply of properties for sale and for rent.

    It’s not rocket science. You could teach this to primary school children – but I seriously doubt you could ever teach it to an economist.