
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Unlikely Friendship Between Lincoln and DouglassVersatile media personality Brian Kilmeade discusses his latest book on Lincoln and Douglass' friendship, emphasizing the importance of historical understanding and combating media misinformation.

      Brian Kilmeade, a long-time Fox News personality, is like the utility player Cookie Roxas of news media. Just as Roxas was a versatile baseball player who played every position, Kilmeade is a versatile media professional who is always willing to step in and take on any role, no matter the time or the platform. He's a hardworking, prolific writer, and his ability to make history interesting has earned him a large following. In their conversation, Mike Rowe and Kilmeade discussed Kilmeade's latest book, "The President and the Freedom Fighter," which explores the unlikely friendship between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass during a divided time in American history. Despite their different backgrounds and perspectives, the two men came together to inspire the nation. The conversation touched on the importance of understanding history and the need to address misinformation in the media, regardless of the source. Throughout the discussion, Kilmeade's email alerts went off constantly, a testament to his busy schedule.

    • Tech Difficulties and Light-Hearted BanterDespite initial technical difficulties and light-hearted banter, the hosts and their guest managed to have a successful podcast conversation.

      The conversation between the hosts and their guest, Brian Kilmeade, during episode 237 of their podcast was filled with light-hearted banter and technical difficulties. The hosts joked about various topics, including Brian being on a security camera, the quality of the camera, and the uncorrected proof of Brian's book. Despite the initial issues with the camera and the book, they eventually managed to get started with the conversation. The hosts also mentioned that they had booked Brian months after the release of his book and that they had a Saturday show lined up as a backup in case of any unexpected events. Overall, the conversation was characterized by a relaxed and humorous tone.

    • Reflections on a long broadcasting careerUnexpected opportunities, pressure during historical events, and perseverance & adaptability shape a broadcasting career. Appreciation for history and its impact on current events.

      Brian Kilmeade reflects on his long-standing career in broadcasting, sharing stories about unexpected opportunities, the pressure of being in the public eye during significant historical events, and the importance of perseverance and adaptability in his industry. Kilmeade also discusses his experience with being booked for a black and white podcast, expressing surprise at the reaction he received and jokingly considering firing his entire team. Throughout the conversation, he demonstrates a deep appreciation for history and the impact it has on current events, expressing his fascination with the subject matter and the role it plays in shaping the world around us. Kilmeade's anecdotes highlight the ever-evolving nature of media and the responsibilities that come with being a prominent figure in the industry.

    • Finding joy in work as a crab fisherman in the Bering SeaBrian Kilmeade's passion for history fuels his work ethic and drives him to take on multiple projects, fearing the uncertainty of not working again.

      Brian Kilmeade, a well-known media personality, has found joy and fulfillment in his work, which for him is a combination of his hobby and his job. He loves the energy and unpredictability of his career, even amidst the challenges and controversies. Kilmeade shared an analogy of a crab fisherman in the Bering Sea, who had to work at a frenzied pace because the season's end was uncertain. Similarly, Kilmeade keeps pushing himself, taking on multiple projects, and writing books, as he doesn't want to miss opportunities and face the uncertainty of not working again. He has a deep passion for history and finds it enriching, both personally and professionally. Kilmeade's dedication and enthusiasm for his work are evident, and he continues to make the most of every opportunity.

    • Exploring the human side of George WashingtonBill O'Reilly's books reveal the personal insecurities and accomplishments of historical figures, inspiring readers to delve deeper into history through collaboration and perseverance.

      George Washington, despite his self-perceived inferiorities and personal insecurities, was a real person who accomplished extraordinary feats that shaped American history. This humanizing perspective is brought to light in Bill O'Reilly's books, which encourage readers to delve deeper into the lives of historical figures. O'Reilly's approach to history, which includes uncovering hidden stories and collaborating with experts, can inspire anyone to explore the past in a more meaningful way. Additionally, the power of collaboration and the importance of perseverance in bringing historical stories to life are key themes that emerge from this discussion.

    • Bringing History to Life: Brian Kilmeade's Unique ApproachBrian Kilmeade collaborates with historians, records conversations, and weaves history, sports, and personal stories to make the past relevant to a broad audience, benefiting both himself and the institutions he works with.

      Brian Kilmeade has developed a unique and successful process for turning the business of historical research into an engaging television show on Fox Nation. He achieves this by collaborating with historians, recording conversations, and weaving together history, sports, and personal stories to make the past relevant to a broad audience. Kilmeade's approach not only allows him to continue his passion for research and storytelling but also creates a win-win situation for the historians and institutions he works with. By making history accessible and interesting to those who might not otherwise care about it, Kilmeade is making an impact and leaving a lasting legacy.

    • Fox News' success from unique blend of personalitiesFox News thrives with diverse hosts, no ego, transparency, and a legal expert. Traditional news sources face challenges from podcasts like Joe Rogan's.

      The success of Fox News lies in the unique blend of distinct personalities with varying points of view, creating a greater whole than the sum of its parts. The lack of ego and transparency among its hosts, coupled with their relatability as being the same on and off camera, contributes to the show's appeal. Additionally, the presence of a legal expert like Judge Jeanine adds value to the discussions. The current moment sees an interesting inflection point with the growing influence of podcasts like Joe Rogan's, which has a larger audience than cable news shows and is facing pressure from mainstream platforms. This shift in media consumption and the challenges to traditional news sources are shaping the future of news and information delivery.

    • Studies on natural immunity and lockdowns overlooked by major news outletsJohns Hopkins study suggests natural immunity may be as effective as vaccines, while lockdowns have minimal impact on COVID-19 deaths, yet these findings receive little media attention, potentially influencing public health policies and individual choices.

      The Johns Hopkins University study, which found that natural immunity may be as good or even better than the vaccine in terms of durability, has been largely overlooked by major news outlets. This study challenges the current narrative that only vaccinated individuals should be considered immune and could have significant implications for public health policies and individual choices. Another significant story that has received little attention is the findings that lockdowns have had minimal impact on reducing COVID-19 deaths, with some places, like Denmark and Sweden, choosing to abandon them altogether. These stories, which could impact everyone's lives by influencing school reopenings, restaurant operations, and more, have not been given the attention they deserve by major news outlets. The cognitive dissonance created by these studies, particularly when coming from a reputable source like Johns Hopkins, may force a reevaluation of current policies.

    • Freedom to Make Informed Health DecisionsIndividuals should be allowed to make informed decisions about their health, including vaccination, without excessive restrictions or silencing of opposing viewpoints. Natural immunity is valued similarly to vaccination.

      Individuals should have the freedom to make informed decisions about their personal health, including whether to get vaccinated or not. The speaker believes that those who have naturally built up immunity are in a similar position to those who have been vaccinated. He also criticizes what he sees as excessive restrictions and the silencing of opposing viewpoints, particularly within the Democratic Party. The speaker expresses hope that more people will speak out against these trends and that individuals will be allowed to make their own choices. He uses the analogy of "The Emperor's New Clothes" to emphasize the importance of questioning authority and speaking the truth. Overall, the speaker advocates for individual freedom and autonomy in decision-making.

    • Questioning authority and personal decisionsIndividuals have the right to question authority and make personal decisions based on their circumstances, especially during crises. Effective communication and understanding between individuals and authorities is crucial for balanced decision-making.

      Individuals have the right to question authority and make personal decisions based on their circumstances, even during times of crisis. The speaker expresses concern over the increasing authoritarianism in government decisions, particularly during the pandemic, and the potential negative consequences on people's lives. He also emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding between individuals and authorities, rather than imposing strict rules without consideration for individual circumstances. The speaker's personal experience of continuing to work while others were affected highlights the unequal impact of government decisions and the need for empathy and flexibility. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more nuanced and compassionate approach to decision-making during times of uncertainty.

    • Balancing Personal Freedom and Public HealthIn a crisis, prioritize the greater good and allow individuals autonomy in personal health choices, avoiding needless conflicts.

      As we navigate the post-pandemic world, it's important to find a balance between personal freedom and public health. The speaker shares an experience of defying a mask mandate in a restaurant, sparking a brief conflict. He argues that such needless conflicts have arisen due to the fear of being labeled as the one pointing out the "emperor's nakedness." He believes that masks should become optional, and individuals should have the autonomy to make their own choices regarding their health and safety. The speaker references Abraham Lincoln as a historical figure who, in a crisis, put the country's needs above his personal beliefs, demonstrating the importance of prioritizing the greater good.

    • Leaders ask more questions than they speak and focus on what's best for the countrySmart leaders prioritize the country's well-being over personal gain and encourage unity through humility, honesty, and integrity.

      Smart leaders ask more questions than they speak and focus on what's best for the country, as exemplified by Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, despite being highly intelligent and experienced, was known for his humility and his ability to bring people together. He would encourage the country to trust him, follow the rules, and live their lives, while focusing on rebuilding the economy and transitioning from slavery to freedom. The lack of such leadership, as seen in the example of John Wilkes Booth, has caused significant damage to the country, and the current issue of hypocrisy among politicians is a major barrier to unity. To move forward, leaders must prioritize the well-being of the country over personal gain and set an example of honesty and integrity.

    • Navigating Challenges: Prioritizing Facts and Personal ResponsibilityDuring uncertain times, prioritize facts over misinformation, follow credible sources, remember individual freedoms, question illogical regulations, practice personal responsibility, and work together to improve health and well-being.

      During these uncertain times, it's crucial to prioritize facts over misinformation and follow credible sources. The discussion highlighted various instances of misapplied rules and excessive restrictions, such as the padlocked Tinhorn Saloon in Burbank. It's essential to remember the importance of individual freedoms, especially for small business owners, and to question the reasoning behind seemingly illogical regulations. Furthermore, the conversation emphasized the need for personal responsibility and collective efforts towards improving health and well-being, rather than relying on excessive restrictions. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of staying informed, questioning the sources of information, and working together to navigate the challenges of the current situation.

    • The Importance of Open Dialogue between Leaders and CriticsMaintaining transparency and fostering open dialogue between leaders and critics is crucial for holding those in power accountable and promoting growth and change.

      The expectation for transparency and open dialogue is crucial for holding those in power accountable. The discussion about the historical relationship between Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln illustrates this point. Douglass was initially disappointed and critical of Lincoln due to his perceived lack of action on issues like slavery and civil rights. However, their eventual face-to-face encounter led to a newfound understanding and respect for one another. This exchange was significant because it demonstrated the importance of open communication and the potential for growth and change when individuals engage in honest dialogue. Today, we face similar challenges in our society, where misinformation and censorship can hinder our ability to have meaningful conversations. It's essential that we remain vigilant and continue to push for transparency, especially when it comes to the actions and motivations of those in positions of power. Additionally, we should remember that those we expect the most from, like our leaders, are the ones we must hold to the highest standards. By fostering a culture of open dialogue and transparency, we can work towards a more informed and equitable society.

    • The Unique Partnership Between Teddy Roosevelt and Booker T. WashingtonRoosevelt, ahead of his time, worked with Washington, the first black man to eat in the White House with his family, to make progress in race relations.

      The unique partnership between Teddy Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington, two American icons, played a significant role in moving America forward during a time of transition in race relations. Despite Roosevelt's racially insensitive past, he was ahead of his time and worked with Washington, the first black man to eat in the White House with Roosevelt's entire family, to make progress. This inspiring story, if told effectively, could help bridge racial divides and provide valuable insights into the past. Additionally, both hosts, Brian Kilmeade and Mike Gallagher, share an authentic and genuine personality, which resonates with their audiences, whether on television or radio. Kilmeade's new Fox show, "1 Nation," and his nationally syndicated radio show, along with his book, showcase his dedication to informing and entertaining the public.

    • Personal connections and unique selling propositions in book promotionConnect with audience, create memorable experiences, leverage media platforms, stay humble, value team, and share knowledge

      Author Brian Kilmeade emphasizes the importance of personal connections and unique selling propositions when promoting his books. He prefers customers to buy his personalized books from his local bookstore, as it allows him to connect with his audience and create a memorable experience. Kilmeade also acknowledges the significance of media platforms, such as Fox News, in promoting his books and reaching a wider audience. Despite his success, he remains humble and values the role of his team, including his longtime friend and assistant Chuck Doud, who has been with him for over 40 years. Kilmeade is also passionate about sharing knowledge and expressing his opinions, particularly when it comes to issues that matter to him, such as the suppression of studies. Overall, Kilmeade's approach to promoting his work highlights the power of personal connections, authenticity, and the importance of staying true to one's values.

    • Creating opportunities for friends and former colleaguesFostering relationships and creating opportunities for growth and success is deeply rewarding and strengthens community bonds. Staying true to our origins and supporting those around us can lead to meaningful connections and personal fulfillment.

      Creating opportunities for friends and former colleagues to succeed and thrive in their passions is a deeply rewarding experience. The speaker shares his joy of being able to bring his high school friends onto the stage during his shows and provide them with additional income and exposure. This sense of camaraderie and support, especially for those who may have felt they left their talents untapped, is a powerful reminder of the importance of connection and community. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the significance of maintaining relationships with people from our past, and the value of staying true to our origins and the people who knew us before we became who we are today. Ultimately, this conversation underscores the importance of fostering relationships and creating opportunities for growth and success, both for ourselves and for those around us.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

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    #202 Virtues in English: Gratitude Perseverance Courage Prudence

    #202 Virtues in English: Gratitude Perseverance Courage Prudence

    Hi, everybody! I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    In this episode:

    We're going to continue to learn virtues in English. Maybe we'll discover that we possess those virtues by the end of the episode, with a bit of luck.

    In the second part of the show, you'll practice your English with a new mini-story with questions and answers related to virtues.

    Remember that at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com, you can find the transcript of this episode.

    Ok. In a previous episode, I talked about these four virtues:


    - Loyalty

    - Sensitivity

    - Serenity

    - Resilience

    Today, we will look at four more virtues that I will further discuss and give examples. We will all end up very virtuous :)

    Let’s start!


    1. Gratitude

    Okay, this is a virtue that is lacking in our society. It involves giving thanks, either in word or with an action. That is, you can reciprocate with gratitude to someone by helping them with something, or by showing kindness, etc. From the word gratitude, we get the word grateful.


    "Pam has no gratitude towards her parents. 

    Her parents saved all their lives so she could go to college.

    But she dropped out of college to travel the world with a backpack. "

    And while Pam surely has a great time, she has been very ungrateful towards her parents.

    Let's look at the next one:

    2. Perseverance

    Well, this word I think is easy to remember. It means to be persistent in some projects, which typically may take quite some time. It is an essential virtue since it takes a lot of perseverance to achieve most things in life. We can take the example of athletes, who need to train every day at a very high level. This is very hard, and it requires perseverance.

    An example. Imagine yourself in a job interview:

    -  What is your greatest virtue?

    -  I am perseveran…presea…pers…perseverant person!

    :) Now that's a persevering person :)

    Let's see the next one:

    3. Courage

    We can also use the word bravery instead of courage. A person with courage confronts danger without being afraid and even transforms it into determination. Many times courage is exhibited with passion. It can be found in soldiers, police officers, firefighters, ... But we can also find courage in any person and situation. 

    An example:

    - Tom had the courage to ask for a raise.

    - And did he get it?

    - No. Now he is looking for a job.


    And last but not least:

    4. Prudence

    Although courage and prudence seem like opposites, they are not. A prudent person is not a fearful or frightened person. They simply do not act impulsively. They avoid unnecessary risks. They act with caution. It is quite similar to wisdom. The difference I think, is subtle. A prudent person tends to have good judgment. That is, to make good decisions. A prudent person simply tries to avoid potentially dangerous situations by not acting impulsively. 

    For example:

    A ship was sailing at sea when a fire broke out. The captain asks everyone to leave the ship immediately. A passenger is about to jump into the sea, but his very prudent wife tells him: "Tony, wait 1 hour, we just ate, and we haven't even digested yet."

    Well, this example has a certain humor. Sometimes an excess of prudence is not very wise :)

    What do you think? Do you have all the virtues, only some of them, or are you lacking in virtuosity?

    Ok. Today we have talked about these four virtues:





    Get the transcript on my website: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    How to Motivate Yourself: Leverage Dopamine & Overcome Your Excuses

    How to Motivate Yourself: Leverage Dopamine & Overcome Your Excuses

    Do you want to know the surprising truth about motivation?

    Right now, think about something you want to change or improve.

    How do you make lasting and powerful changes and life improvements? And how do you keep going even when you don’t have the motivation to do it?

    If change was easy, we’d all have six-pack abs and a million dollars in the bank.

    And that’s where this episode comes in: Mel is here to teach you the HOW.


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

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    • What dopamine is and how it’s linked to motivation.
    • The simple steps you can take today to tap back into your internal drive.
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    • The research-backed reason you continue, initiate, or quit something.
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    • How to get clear about the direction you are going in without wandering aimlessly.
    • Mel’s 5-second rule that will move you towards action (even when you are not motivated).


    This episode comes with a 29-page companion workbook. This workbook is designed using the latest research to help you get clear about what you want and empower you to take the next step forward in your life. And the cool part? It takes less than a minute for you to get your hands on it.


    Just sign up at melrobbins.com/bestyear


    Watch the episodes on YouTube: https://bit.ly/45OWCNr


    Check out Mel’s book, The High 5 Habit: https://a.co/d/g1DQ8Pt


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