
    Tommy Robinson: The Fascist Grifter With An Addiction to Being Arrested

    enSeptember 10, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Rediscovering the Power of Resilience and AuthenticityThrough education, personal growth, and authentic storytelling, we can overcome adversity and make a difference in our lives and communities.

      No matter what your background or circumstances, there's always an opportunity for a comeback. Whether it's through furthering your education with a respected institution like Purdue Global or finding success in your personal or professional life, there's always a chance to make a difference. Meanwhile, it's important to stay informed and connected to the communities and stories that matter. In entertainment, Amy Winehouse's biopic "Back to Black" showcases the power of authenticity and resilience. In the world of supplements, Symbionica offers natural solutions for those seeking real results. And in the news, The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community. Meanwhile, in the realm of history and controversy, Tommy Robinson serves as a reminder of the power of hate and divisiveness. Born in Luton, England, Robinson's upbringing in poverty and hopelessness fueled his hard-right wing, quasi football hooligan persona. Despite his controversial and often hateful rhetoric, Robinson has caused chaos and controversy for over a decade. While some may find his story bleak, it serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and addressing the root causes of economic vulnerability, social breakdown, and political neglect.

    • Growing up in economically deprived areas: Shared experiences of lack of opportunities and violenceDespite differences in backgrounds, growing up in economically disadvantaged areas can lead to similar experiences of violence and lack of opportunities. Friendship groups may be more important than religious affiliations in these communities.

      Growing up in economically deprived areas can lead to a lack of opportunities and a high prevalence of violence. This was a shared experience for both the speaker and Tommy Robinson, despite differences in their socio-economic backgrounds. Robinson, in particular, has spoken about the group mentality he observed among Muslim communities in response to conflicts, which he believes sets them apart. However, the speaker challenges this narrative, suggesting that friendship groups are more important in such areas than religious affiliations. Despite the differences in perspective, both men's experiences highlight the challenges and violence that can arise from growing up in economically disadvantaged communities.

    • Tommy Robinson's experiences in Luton shaped his beliefs on race and crimeTommy Robinson's childhood experiences in Luton influenced his views on race and crime, leading him to believe certain ethnic groups are prone to violence and gang activity, but not all instances of violence or gang activity are racially motivated.

      Tommy Robinson's experiences and perspectives are shaped by his upbringing in Luton, England, where he faced frequent confrontations with Muslim gangs during his childhood. These experiences have influenced his views on race and crime, leading him to believe that certain ethnic groups are prone to violence and gang activity. However, it's important to note that not all instances of violence or gang activity can be attributed to race, as shown by the Mark Sharp case, which was not racially motivated. Tommy's claims about his academic achievements in high school are also unverifiable, but he emphasizes this point in his public narrative. Despite these uncertainties, Tommy's experiences have significantly impacted his life and his views on society.

    • Tommy Robinson's upbringing in Luton and its impact on his worldviewTommy Robinson's experiences in Luton, including job scarcity, immigrant population growth, and distinct ethnic areas, shaped his attitudes towards Muslims and led him to join the far-right British National Party and engage in criminal activities.

      The lack of opportunities and societal tensions in Luton, UK, may have contributed to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, joining the far-right British National Party (BNP) and engaging in criminal activities. These experiences shaped his worldview and eventual activism. Tommy grew up in Luton, where the closing of the Vohaul plant and an influx of immigrants created job scarcity and potential tensions. When he left school at 16, he applied to study aircraft engineering at the local airport, as it was one of the few remaining employment options. The factory closure and immigrant population growth might have influenced his attitudes towards Muslims, adding to his frustration and anger during his formative years. Luton's size and segregation allowed for the existence of distinct ethnic areas, which may have fueled animosity and further isolated Tommy. Despite his academic achievements, he lost his engineering job due to a criminal conviction following an altercation with an off-duty police officer. This incident coincided with his brief membership in the BNP, a fascist party with a violent paramilitary wing called Combat 18. Mainstream media sources often downplayed or ignored this aspect of Tommy's past, but it is a significant piece of his history that continues to be a subject of debate.

    • Tommy Robinson's Early Involvement with the BNPTommy Robinson joined the BNP not for ideological reasons, but due to his violent behavior and a family membership in 2004. He was later convicted for assaulting an off-duty police officer and served jail time. After release, he opened a successful business in a high-income area.

      Steven Yaxley Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, joined the British National Party (BNP) not out of principle, but due to his violent behavior and involvement in domestic incidents. Contrary to his claims in his autobiography, there is evidence suggesting that he had a family membership in the BNP in 2004, and he assaulted an off-duty police officer during a domestic dispute. He was subsequently convicted and served time in jail. After his release, he opened a tanning salon in Bedford, a town with a high average income, indicating that he was financially stable. Despite claims of being a victim of racism, the evidence suggests a more complex and problematic background for Robinson.

    • Jake's life disrupted by controversial homecoming paradeJake's commitment to promoting fitness, nature, and charity remains despite community tensions and challenges, including a controversial homecoming parade.

      Despite Jake's current success and comfort, his life took a turn in 2009 due to a controversial homecoming parade for British military soldiers. This event led to a counter demonstration by a local Islamic extremist organization, causing tension and potential danger for Jake and others in the community. Despite this challenge, Jake's message of promoting fitness, nature appreciation, and donations to the Popular Front still stands. Additionally, the discussion touched on various topics including Monopoly Go, spring cleaning, Mint Mobile, Purdue Global, and SYNBOTICA. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience and the significance of making a positive impact in one's community.

    • Luton Protests: A Catalyst for RadicalizationSmall Islamist protest against Anglian soldiers' homecoming in Luton sparked radicalization among local right-wing extremists, leading to a series of violent confrontations and the formation of the English Defense League.

      The small Islamist protest against the Anglian soldiers' homecoming in Luton, although initially condemned by other Muslim groups, served as a radicalizing catalyst for local right-wing extremists. This led to a series of counter-protests and violent confrontations, which inspired more radicalization and recruitment on both sides. The University of Northampton notes that these events were specifically designed to be offensive and provocative, and they attracted the attention of extremist groups and individuals, including Paul Ray, who later had ties with Anders Breivik. The tit-for-tat radicalization between different groups led to widespread violence and anti-Muslim tensions in the town, inspiring the formation of the English Defense League. The confrontations between different extremist groups continued to escalate, leading to more violence and radicalization.

    • The English Defense League: A Far-Right Organization's Complex OriginThe English Defense League, a far-right organization in the UK, gained support through a non-Nazi image and diverse membership, but its early days were marked by a mix of far-right ideologies and a desire for public sympathy.

      The English Defense League (EDL), a far-right organization that gained prominence in the UK around 2009, had its roots in local tensions between different groups, including those identified as EDL and those with perceived links to right-wing Nazi ideologies. The EDL's founder, Tommy Robinson (then known as Steven Yaxley), initially positioned himself as an anti-Nazi figure within the organization. However, the EDL's more moderate appearance and diverse membership allowed it to gain significant public sympathy and support, even as some of its organizers harbored more extreme views. The EDL's rapid spread was aided by social media platforms like Facebook, and Robinson's ability to present the organization as inclusive helped it attract members from various backgrounds, including those from ethnic minority communities. Despite its non-Nazi image, the EDL was seen as a useful tool for the British fascist right to direct activists towards more extreme groups. Robinson eventually distanced himself from the Nazi roots of the organization, but the EDL's early days were marked by a complex mix of far-right ideologies and a desire for public support.

    • The English Defence League and Tommy Robinson: Controversies and Hate CrimesThe English Defence League, led by Tommy Robinson, has been linked to hate crimes against British Muslims, rising tensions, and potential for inciting violence. Despite concerns over their far-right ties and potential for incitement, some question the sincerity of Robinson's beliefs while others see him as a true believer.

      Tommy Robinson, a figure associated with the English Defence League (EDL), has been involved in various controversies and legal issues, including football brawls and assault charges. His actions and the actions of his followers have contributed to a rise in hate crimes against British Muslims. Robinson's behavior and the EDL's growth have been a source of concern due to their far-right ties and the potential for inciting violence. The EDL's rallies attracted large crowds and led to clashes with counter-protesters, resulting in increased tensions and hate crimes. Despite the serious nature of these incidents, Robinson has been described as a grifter and a fascist, with some questioning the extent of his beliefs and others viewing him as a true believer. The EDL's rise and the associated hate crimes underscore the importance of addressing extremism and promoting understanding and acceptance in society.

    • EDL Inciting Violence and Hate CrimesThe English Defence League instigated violence and hate crimes against individuals based on their religious beliefs, resulting in injuries and harm to communities.

      The English Defence League (EDL), a far-right organization, was responsible for inciting violence and hate crimes against individuals based on their religious beliefs during their rallies. Two separate incidents were discussed, one in Leeds where a bar manager was injured while shielding himself from the EDL intruders, and another in Dagenham where two young Muslim men were brutally assaulted by the EDL mob. The leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson, was also revealed to have made inappropriate comments towards a 15-year-old girl on Twitter. The EDL was once a powerful street movement but is now largely a figure of ridicule. It is important to remember that hate speech and violence have no place in society and can cause significant harm to individuals and communities.

    • Pursuing Personal Growth Through Education and Self-CareIndividuals can advance their careers or improve their health through flexible education programs and all-natural supplements, respectively. Personal growth can lead to new opportunities and a renewed sense of purpose.

      Both Purdue Global and SYNBIONICA offer solutions for individuals looking to advance in their careers or improve their health, respectively. Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to earn the recognition they deserve, while SYNBIONICA offers all-natural supplements that actually work without harmful additives. Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson's story highlights the complexity of his identity and the consequences of his actions, including passport fraud and imprisonment. Despite these challenges, Robinson saw his time in jail as a turning point, leading him to reevaluate his life and quit the English Defense League. Overall, these stories demonstrate the importance of pursuing personal growth and development, whether through education or self-care.

    • Tommy Robinson's Inconsistent Actions and BeliefsTommy Robinson's involvement in controversial groups and contradictory actions highlights the complexity of radicalization and the need for a nuanced approach.

      Tommy Robinson's actions and beliefs have been inconsistent over the years. He has been involved in various controversial activities, including the English Defence League (EDL), which he later claimed to have renounced, only to be involved in a mortgage fraud scheme. His association with individuals and groups, such as Majid Nawaz and Quilliam, and Deborah Rothschild, have led to accusations of hypocrisy and contradictory stances. Despite his claims of working towards reconciliation and deradicalization, Robinson's actions have often led him back to the far-right scene, such as joining PEGIDA. The inconsistencies in Robinson's actions and beliefs highlight the complexity of the issues surrounding radicalization, and the need for a nuanced and sustained approach to addressing these challenges.

    • PEGIDA's Attempt to Expand in the UK and Tommy Robinson's Focus on Muslim Grooming GangsTommy Robinson attempted to rebrand his far-right anti-Islam group as PEGIDA in the UK, but his focus soon shifted to fearmongering about Muslim grooming gangs after the Rotherham scandal, which involved over 1500 victims and highlighted the failure of authorities to act.

      Tommy Robinson, a former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), attempted to rebrand his far-right anti-Islam group as PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) in the UK. This came after he was released from prison and saw the success of PEGIDA in Germany, which initially started as a German anti-Islam movement. However, Robinson's association with PEGIDA was short-lived, and he soon shifted his focus to fearmongering about Muslim grooming gangs and police inaction. This was in reference to the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal, where a large number of girls were raped and molested, primarily by men of Pakistani and other Asian heritage. The scandal was heavily politicized, with both the right and left missing critical lessons on why it was allowed to continue for so long due to fears of being labeled racist. The scandal involved not just the police but other authorities as well. The total number of victims was estimated to be over 1500, making it a significant and horrific crime.

    • Rotherham sex trafficking case: Complex mix of factorsThe Rotherham case underscores the importance of addressing community tensions, police bias, and systemic failures in cases of child sexual exploitation, rather than viewing it as a simple matter of race or religion.

      The Rotherham sex trafficking case involved a complex mix of factors, including a toxic mix of community tensions, police bias, and systemic failures. The case, which lasted from 1997 to 2013, saw a large number of traffickers of Pakistani or Asian heritage, but it was not just a matter of Muslims running a rape gang. The police and social care services failed to take the reports of sexual exploitation seriously due to a fear of damaging community cohesion and a belief that the girls were prostitutes rather than victims. This led to a corrosive lack of trust among victims and a failure to address the issue as a systemic problem. The desire to avoid being seen as racist also played a role in the lack of public discussion and action. The case was a unique and unprecedented investigation that challenged in its scope and complexity, and it highlights the importance of addressing the complex interplay of community tensions, police bias, and systemic failures in addressing cases of child sexual exploitation.

    • Study on disproportionate number of Asian CSE perpetrators is criticized for biasDespite a controversial study suggesting disproportionate number of Asian CSE perpetrators, majority are likely white due to population demographics. Focus should be on preventing child abuse regardless of ethnicity.

      The term "grooming gang" is not a legal category, making it difficult to obtain accurate data on the ethnicity of perpetrators of child sexual exploitation (CSE). A study by Quillium counted convictions from a limited number of cases involving Asian background suspects and concluded that a disproportionate number of CSE perpetrators were Asian. However, critics argue that the selection of cases was biased and that the majority of CSE perpetrators in the UK are actually white due to the demographic makeup of the population. It's important to remember that pedophilia is not exclusive to any particular ethnicity, and the focus should be on preventing child abuse rather than making assumptions based on race. Ultimately, the issue of CSE is a complex one that requires a comprehensive and unbiased approach to data collection and analysis.

    • Actions have consequences: Tommy Robinson's illegal filming led to child rapists' release, extended jail timeTommy Robinson's actions as a provocateur and journalist had significant consequences, while the Michigan Chronicle amplifies voices and stories in Detroit's black community.

      Actions have consequences. Tommy Robinson's decision to illegally film defendants in a child grooming case led to the potential release of child rapists and an additional 10 months in jail for himself. Meanwhile, staying informed and connected to one's community is essential. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community, elevating voices and stories that matter. On a different note, Tommy Robinson's career as a provocateur and journalist hit a financial peak in 2017 and 2018. However, his actions during this period, including filming defendants in court, nearly resulted in the release of child rapists and an extended jail sentence for himself. Conversely, the Michigan Chronicle continues to provide an essential service by staying connected to the heartbeat of Detroit's black community and amplifying voices and stories that might otherwise go unheard. So, whether it's through journalism or community engagement, remember that the choices we make have consequences. Stay informed, stay connected, and make a positive impact. Visit symbiotica.com and use code iheart for 15% off plus free shipping on your subscription order. Subscribe to the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily at michicancronicle.com for an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community.

    • British activist Tommy Robinson exploited tragedies to fuel anti-Muslim agendaTommy Robinson gained international popularity through inflammatory social media content, exploiting tragedies and showing disregard for human life and decency, blurring the line between free and hate speech.

      Tommy Robinson, a British activist, exploited tragic events, including a drunk driving accident and terrorist attacks, to fuel his anti-Muslim agenda. He used social media platforms to spread inflammatory content, which contributed to the radicalization of an individual who later carried out a deadly truck attack outside a mosque. Despite having a fringe presence before, Robinson gained significant international popularity during the Trump years, raising funds through donations and soliciting support on Twitter. His insensitive comments about memorials and violent responses to terrorist attacks show a gross disregard for human life and decency. The line between free speech and hate speech is thin, and it's crucial to be mindful of the impact our words can have on vulnerable communities.

    • Tommy Robinson's Radicalization and DownfallControversial figure Tommy Robinson was banned from social media, lost income, rebranded as a free speech crusader, received funding, pleaded for asylum, compared UK to North Korea, and was eventually incarcerated for illegal court filming.

      Tommy Robinson, a controversial figure in the UK, rapidly became radicalized after watching a documentary and carried out an attack, leading to the deaths of several people. His actions resulted in him being banned from major social media platforms and losing a significant portion of his income. He attempted to rebrand himself as a free speech crusader and received funding from organizations like the Middle East Forum, which is backed by the Mercer family. Despite his pleas for political asylum, he was sentenced to prison for illegal court filming. Throughout his actions, Robinson's behavior became increasingly extreme and delusional, comparing the UK to North Korea and claiming he was being persecuted for journalism. Despite his attempts to garner support from figures like President Trump, his actions ultimately led to his incarceration.

    • Tommy Robinson Caught on Video Using CocaineControversial figure Tommy Robinson was exposed using cocaine on a podcast, raising questions about his actions and potential misuse of funds.

      Tommy Robinson, a controversial figure known for his far-right activism, was caught on video using drugs, specifically cocaine, during his vacation in Italy. The video, which was shared on podcast Popular Front, shows Robinson bragging about his drug use and even recording himself in a pub while on the substance. The discussion also revealed that cocaine is expensive in England and that Robinson might have spent a significant amount of money on it. Despite the negative implications, some argue that it might be better for the money to go to a cocaine dealer than to fund extremist groups or armed militias. The podcast also mentioned that they are currently fundraising to buy new equipment for their independent journalism platform, Popular Front.

    • Insights from Popular Front and Supporting Independent MediaListen to Popular Front for critical analysis of current events, particularly regarding war and conflict. Support their work by donating and following Jake Hanrahan on social media. Explore other independent media sources like The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily and Motor Racing Network.

      Popular Front is a valuable resource for in-depth, critical analysis of current events, particularly regarding war and conflict. The team's niche focus and dedication to detail sets them apart from mainstream media, providing listeners with unique insights and context. If you're interested in supporting this important work, consider donating to Popular Front and following Jake Hanrahan on Twitter (@jake\_hanrahan) and Instagram (@popular.front). For more information and sources related to this episode, visit mindthebastards.com. Additionally, check out The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for authentic black voices, culture, and community stories, and tune in to the Motor Racing Network for NASCAR coverage. Remember, asking the right questions, especially about your finances, can lead to a better future. Find a trusted financial adviser by working with a Certified Financial Planner Professional at letsmakeaplan.org.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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