
    Podcast Summary

    • Growing up as a skater pioneer: Local outcast, national championTony Hawk, despite facing ridicule and criticism, found success in skating competitions and eventually gained cultural recognition, experiencing the paradoxical feeling of being both a local outcast and a national champion.

      Tony Hawk, a championship skater, grew up as a pioneer in the niche world of skating during a time when it wasn't popular. He faced ridicule at school but found success in competitions, signing autographs, and winning money. Despite this, he still faced negativity and criticism from his peers. It wasn't until his senior year of high school that skating started to gain cultural recognition, and Hawk began to see the fruits of his labor with increasing fame and financial success. The experience of being a skater during this time was a unique paradox, where Hawk was both a local outcast and a national champion.

    • My father's advice to save during skateboarding career proved crucial during skateboarding's declineFather's financial advice during skateboarding career helped me avoid financial hardship during the sport's decline

      My father's advice to save money during my skateboarding career proved to be crucial when my income suddenly dwindled due to the decline of skateboarding's popularity in the mid-90s. The period from 1991 to 1996 saw skateboarding as an underground, socially unaccepted activity, with the X Games helping to change this perception starting in 1997. The X Games' refinement and the release of skateboarding video games in 1999 brought skating into the mainstream, making it a legitimate career option and allowing parents to embrace the sport. My father's foresight and the eventual acceptance of skateboarding saved me from financial hardship.

    • The relatability and authenticity of skateboarders in the late 90s and early 2000s played a major role in growing the skateboarding community.Skateboarders' approachability and authenticity in the late 90s and early 2000s helped bridge the gap between fans and professionals, leading to a larger and more unified skateboarding community.

      The approachability and authenticity of skateboarders in the late 90s and early 2000s played a significant role in growing the skateboarding culture and unifying fans. Skaters like Paul Rodriguez were relatable and passionate about the sport, breaking down the fourth wall between fans and professionals. This connection helped skateboarding become a unified and large community, with skateboarders and rollerbladers once having a strong division. ESPN's coverage and the popularity of skateboarding also contributed to its growth, as did the shift from rollerblading as a popular exercise and transportation method to skateboarding becoming a more lucrative career option. The speaker's personal experiences, including meeting and skating with his idols, further emphasize the impact of this cultural shift.

    • Navigating Challenges in Pursuing PassionsDedication, hard work, and adaptability are key to overcoming challenges in professional skateboarding or stand-up comedy. Stay true to your craft and don't let criticism or comparisons discourage you.

      The path to success, whether it's in professional skateboarding or stand-up comedy, requires dedication, hard work, and the ability to adapt to less-than-ideal situations. The speakers shared stories of their experiences touring and performing, and how they had to push through despite challenges and criticism. They also discussed the importance of staying true to your craft and not getting discouraged by backhanded compliments or comparisons to others. The speakers found humor and camaraderie in their shared experiences, and emphasized the importance of resilience and integrity in pursuing their passions.

    • Divided Skateboarding CommunityIn the 1980s and 1990s, skateboarding was divided between vertical and street styles, fueling a sense of competition and division within the community.

      The skateboarding community in the 1980s and 1990s was deeply divided between vertical and street styles, with each side having passionate fans and a sense of rivalry. Krishna "T-Bone" Soi and Pao Peralta, despite their mutual respect and learning from each other, were often pitted against each other due to their different styles and regional affiliations. The vertical skaters, who dominated the competitive scene and relied on sponsorships and contests to make a living, were often perceived as clean-cut and less edgy compared to the raw, rebellious image of street skaters. This divide fueled a sense of competition and division within the skateboarding community, with fans choosing sides based on style, technique, and regional loyalties. Despite the challenges, both Krishna and Pao continued to pursue their passions and found support from their dedicated fan bases.

    • Transitioning from niche to mainstream: The evolution of skateboarding cultureThe Skatepark Project foundation addresses inequality in skate park development, building high-quality facilities in low-income areas to foster community and improve the skating experience.

      The skateboarding culture evolved significantly during the late 1990s and early 2000s, transitioning from a niche activity to a mainstream sport, thanks to increased public acceptance and the availability of skate parks. However, not all skate parks were created equal. Many were poorly designed, built with insufficient knowledge and resources, often resulting in subpar facilities. This issue inspired the creation of a foundation dedicated to helping build high-quality public skate parks in low-income areas, bridging the gap between city officials and the skateboarding community. The foundation's efforts have led to the construction of well-designed skate parks that provide a better experience for skaters and foster a sense of community.

    • Tony Hawk's Foundation Bringing Skate Parks to Underserved CommunitiesTony Hawk's Foundation has funded over 600 skate parks in every state, providing safe spaces for kids in low-income areas to engage in physical activity and build community.

      Tony Hawk's foundation has been dedicated to building skate parks in low-income areas for the past 17 years, with over 600 parks funded in every state. The founder, Tony Hawk, shares a personal connection to Flint, Michigan, and recalls a memorable experience there in the 1990s when they were welcomed to film despite being in a neighborhood considered off-limits. Hawk also shares a story of being confronted in a dangerous neighborhood in Tampa while on tour. These experiences highlight the importance of bringing resources and opportunities to underserved communities, especially in areas where job opportunities and basic necessities are lacking. Tony Hawk Foundation's work continues to make a difference by providing safe spaces for kids to engage in physical activity and build community. (Tonyhawkfoundation.org)

    • The Past vs. Present of New York City's Lower East Side and East VillageThe Lower East Side and East Village of the past were more dangerous and raw, contrasting with the safe and gentrified Manhattan of today. Athletes' public personas often differ from their personal lives, as shown by Tony Hawk's relatable video of his daughter skateboarding.

      The New York City of the past, particularly the Lower East Side and East Village, was a much more dangerous and raw place compared to the present. This was evident in personal experiences of skateboarding there and encounters with law enforcement. However, the current Manhattan is now safe and gentrified, with high-end establishments replacing old buildings. Another interesting point discussed was the contrast between the public perception of professional athletes as distant figures and the reality of their everyday lives, as illustrated by Tony Hawk's decision to share a video of his daughter skateboarding online, which resonated strongly with fans.

    • Authenticity in sharing experiences onlineBe authentic when sharing experiences online, but consider privacy concerns and potential risks. Allow children to explore their interests and make their own decisions.

      Being authentic and raw in sharing experiences, even with imperfections, can resonate with people and create a more engaging connection. However, it's essential to consider privacy concerns and potential risks, especially when sharing content involving children. Parenting in the modern world of social media requires balancing the desire to share and showcase achievements with the need to protect privacy and safety. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize the comfort and well-being of the individuals involved and to be mindful of potential pitfalls. Additionally, the speaker shared that they had hoped their child would follow in their passion for skating, but it ultimately became a personal choice for the child. They emphasized the importance of allowing children to explore their interests and make their own decisions, rather than imposing expectations or pressuring them into a particular path.

    • Navigating the unique challenges of being a skater's sonRiley Hawk proved himself in the skate industry through his talents, not just his lineage, earning recognition from peers and solidifying his place.

      The dynamic between Riley Hawk's skate career and being the son of Tony Hawk presents unique challenges. While it may be unusual to follow in one's parent's footsteps, Riley managed to establish his own identity within the skate community. However, validation came from his peers rather than his father. A defining moment was when Andrew Reynolds asked him to join Baker, which solidified his place in the industry based on his skills, not just his lineage. Despite potential criticism, Riley's friends and peers recognized his talent, and he had to prove himself through his abilities. The skate world, like any industry, requires individuals to deliver and persevere beyond initial opportunities.

    • Revolutionizing Video Game Soundtracks with Tony Hawk Pro SkaterThe Tony Hawk Pro Skater video game series transformed video game music by securing popular band tracks, leading to successful soundtrack sales and continued impact on popular culture.

      The Tony Hawk Pro Skater video game series, released in the late 90s and early 2000s, revolutionized the way video game soundtracks were perceived. The speaker, who played a role in curating the game's music, shared how they reached out to various bands, both old and new, to include their songs in the game. The success of these soundtracks was immense, with fans buying the game's soundtracks as if they were movie soundtracks. The speaker even went on a CD release tour for one of the games. Fast forward to 2023, the 20th anniversary of the first game's release, and the speaker is organizing a concert fundraiser featuring bands associated with the game. One of these bands is a cover band that exclusively plays songs from the game, and they have been invited to open for Bad Religion. The success of the game's music continues to be felt, and it's a testament to the impact the series had on popular culture.

    • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater: A Game that Left a Lasting Impact on the Skating CommunityThe Tony Hawk's Pro Skater video game series, developed by Activision, had a significant impact on the skating community by promoting skating to a new generation, inspiring real-life attempts, and pushing boundaries with authenticity and fun.

      The Tony Hawk's Pro Skater video game series, developed by Activision, had a significant impact on the skating community. The game was synonymous with Activision and helped promote skating to a new generation of players. For some, the game even inspired them to try skating in real life. The game's influence can still be seen today, with professional skaters continuing to push the boundaries of what was once thought impossible in the game. The game's authenticity and fun aspects resonated with players, leading to a new level of appreciation for skating. Despite the speaker's personal inability to skate, they continued to follow the skating world and were amazed by the progress made by modern skaters. The game's impact can be traced back to influential milestones in skating history, such as the movie "Back to the Future" and the X Games. Overall, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater was a game that went beyond the screen and left a lasting impact on the skating community.

    • Pushing Boundaries in Vert SkatingDedicated vert skaters, like Paul Luke Ronketti, defy imagination with unique skills, but lack recognition and opportunities. The Olympics' park series may provide a platform, but current setups limit their full potential.

      Despite the lack of recognition and opportunities in vert skating, there are dedicated individuals who continue to push the boundaries of the sport. These skaters, such as Paul Luke Ronketti, possess unique skills and perform tricks that defy imagination. However, due to the absence of significant sponsorships and events, they must balance their passion for skating with their day jobs. The inclusion of vert skating in the Olympics through the park series provides a potential platform for the appreciation and recognition of vert skating's challenges and the skills of its athletes. Yet, the current setups of these events limit the execution of advanced tricks, making it difficult for vert skaters to showcase their full potential. Overall, there's hope for the revival of vert skating, but it requires more recognition and opportunities for these dedicated athletes to thrive.

    • Skateboarding's focus on advanced tricks in smaller rampsSkateboarders strive for more difficult moves in smaller ramps, but the speaker advocates for bigger transitions to truly showcase these tricks and reduce the risk of injury.

      The evolution of skateboarding tricks and the size of ramps or transitions have led to a shift in focus towards more difficult moves in park series events. The speaker, who has a background in skateboarding, expresses his frustration with seeing advanced tricks being performed in smaller ramps where they may not even make the finals in a Vert event. He believes that as parks become more accessible and prolific, there will be a push for bigger transitions to showcase these difficult moves. The speaker also shares his personal experience with learning and mastering a 900-degree spin, which took him over a decade of attempts and numerous injuries. He emphasizes that what seems frightening or impossible to many is simply a matter of maintaining pressure on the board and committing to the move. Despite the risks, the speaker remains passionate about the intricacies of skateboarding and enjoys sharing his knowledge with comedy nerds and other skateboarding enthusiasts. It's unlikely that a 900 will be seen in the Olympics due to the size of the transitions, but the speaker remains optimistic that with bigger ramps, we may see more of these impressive moves in the future.

    • Experiencing a deep sense of accomplishment and self-empowermentMoments of accomplishment and self-empowerment, like conquering a challenge or achieving a goal, can be life-changing and leave a lasting impact. They serve as motivation and remind us of the importance of striving for personal growth and achievement.

      There are moments in people's lives and careers where they experience a deep sense of accomplishment and self-empowerment, often compared to conquering a challenge or achieving a long-desired goal. These moments can be life-changing and leave a lasting impact, resonating with others and becoming culturally significant. For the speaker, landing a 900 in a public competition was such a moment, providing both relief and elation, and marking the end of a long and successful career. Similar experiences can be found in smaller ways, like learning a new trick, no matter the size or audience. These moments serve as motivation and remind us of the importance of striving for personal growth and achievement.

    • Discovering late-life validation in skateboardingSkateboarding validation can come late in life, and the sport's evolution is impressive with advanced techniques and control, inspiring passion and joy regardless of age.

      The validation and appreciation for achievements in skateboarding can come late in life, and the evolution of the sport has become increasingly impressive with advanced techniques and control. The speaker, who had a supportive family but felt disconnected from validation beyond the skate community, experienced this firsthand when he accomplished a 900 after 14 years of skating and it gained mainstream attention. Now, he is amazed by the intricate and precise skateboarding techniques that go beyond Olympic-level precision and find it unreal how far the sport has come. Despite feeling the pressure of aging and potentially being seen as the "sad old guy," he cannot quit skateboarding and will always find joy in it, whether in public or privately.

    • Embracing Change and PassionStay true to your passion, continuously adapt to new technologies, and never give up on your dreams to achieve success.

      Talent and hard work are essential, but unique gifts and opportunities also play a significant role in shaping an individual's success. Tony Hawk, a renowned skateboarder, emphasizes the importance of never giving up and staying true to one's passion. He shares how he stayed relevant in his industry by continuously working on projects, such as the Tony Hawk Foundation and the mobile game, Tony Hawk Skate Jam. These endeavors allowed him to leverage his influence and experience to create something new and engaging for fans. Hawk also highlights the importance of adapting to new technologies and platforms, such as mobile gaming, to reach a broader audience. Overall, his message encourages persistence, creativity, and a willingness to embrace change. For more information about Tony Hawk and his projects, visit tonyhawkfoundation.org and check out Tony Hawk Skate Jam on mobile.

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to memorable experiencesUnexpected encounters can bring joy and excitement, even turning mundane moments into something extraordinary

      Sometimes unexpected encounters can lead to memorable experiences. The speaker shared a story about encountering Kanye West while trying to navigate through traffic. Initially, he approached the SUV to ask the driver to move, but just as he was about to do so, the door opened, revealing Kanye West. Instead of getting angry, the speaker was starstruck and ended up having a conversation with him while they all ate lunch together. This unexpected encounter brought joy and excitement to the speaker's day, reminding him of the importance of embracing the unexpected. It's a reminder that even the most mundane moments can turn into something extraordinary. The speaker also mentioned promoting Tony Hawk's foundation and his own website during the conversation.

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    TRUST THE PROCESS- with The Skinny Confidential
    It’s time to GET THE SKINNY! This is one of my most tactical interviews to date. If you are ready to unlock the power of social media, and transform the lives of others AND your own, this interview is for you. This power couple has created one of the most influential podcasts in the world and built an empire all while maintaining a healthy marriage. … It is my pleasure to bring you The Skinny Confidential, w Lauryn Evarts Bosstick and Michael Bosstick Get a pen and piece of paper ready because this episode is jam-packed with everything you need to know about how this couple was able to build one of the largest online communities based on helping others and providing IMPACTFUL and PURPOSEFUL content. We dive deep into how you can get started as a social media influencer and podcaster, from finding the right platform, to how to get your message across clearly AND learn how to stand out in an oversaturated market. You’ll learn how to educate, entertain and inspire others and how to tap into the power of collaboration to build up others and expand your impact. This power couple is sharing their top 3 blogging tips along with an in-depth discussion about what’s on the horizon for social media and how to take advantage of the new trends in the social world. ON TOP OF ALL OF THIS… find out just how they have been able to build an empire AND maintain a successful relationship and how they implement habits and rituals that help their relationship grow and thrive. See what it takes to honor their commitment to building a life together and the 1 thing they do that brings them closer together. This episode will teach you how to TRANSFORM any area of your life and how to use sheer WILL to overcome every obstacle in your path.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    We're back with another long-awaited installment of Ask Me Anything — a twist on my normal format where we answer questions submitted by you, the listener. Today we update you on everything happening at our emerging commune before turning to listener questions. Topics include the internal journey required to translate passion into profession, plus the emotional awakening to be expected when you begin the practice of yoga and meditation. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! www.ourplantpowerworld.com Julie and I are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting our first retreat —Plantpower Tuscany May 21-28, 2016. Imagine an immersive 7-day wellness experience with myself, Julie and a select group of just 40 people communing in a beautiful villa in the hills between Florence and Sienna. This is not a luxury vacation — it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform your life, reset your path, dial up your plate, unlock your creativity, connect with your authentic voice and cultivate your best relationship with yourself, your partner and the world. Together we will dine on incredible plant-based cuisine, practice daily meditation & yoga, and roll up our sleeves and get to work on ourselves through a series of intensive workshops we have specifically designed to optimize your wellness and unlock your best, most authentic self. This is the retreat Julie and I have been dreaming about for years. We are beyond excited to finally offer this unique experience to you. For everything you need to know about the program, itinerary, pricing and accommodations please visit: ourplantpowerworld.com Space is limited to just 40 attendees, so if this opportunity sounds like the fit you've been looking for, please get in touch with us as soon as possible by sending an e-mail via the e-mail portal on ourplantpowerworld.com (not the e-mail portal on this site please). Enjoy the conversation and hope to meet you in Italy! Peace + Plants, Rich

    HIBT Lab! MKBHD: Marques Brownlee

    HIBT Lab! MKBHD: Marques Brownlee

    “Right now I have approximately 70-ish subscribers,” declared a teenage Marques Brownlee at the beginning of his 100th YouTube video back in 2009. Marques recorded his first of many product reviews earlier that year, after buying his first laptop. Quite simply, he wanted others to have more information about this computer than he did when he bought it. 

    Since then, Marques has grown his channel, MKBHD, into a full-fledged business with more than 16 million subscribers and over 3 billion total views. He’s expanded beyond reviews too, posting interviews with well-known public figures like Kobe Bryant, Bill Gates and Elon Musk. 

    This week on How I Built This Lab, Marques reflects on his journey as a content creator and how he turned a love of tech into a lucrative and sustainable business. Plus, he shares his philosophy for building a strong team – which interestingly enough, is inspired by an octopus...

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Miguel McKelvey Is Reimagining The Workplace — How Design Fuels Human Connection

    Miguel McKelvey Is Reimagining The Workplace — How Design Fuels Human Connection
    The tectonic plates of the workplace landscape are rapidly shifting. Gone are the days of multi-decade corporate allegiance, replaced with project-based careers. The rapid rise of the freelance economy. And a labor core increasingly distributed across the globe. What are the economic and social implications of this trend? How can the traditional office be re-imagined to fit this escalating movement? And what role can architecture and design play to deepen community and foster personal happiness? There is no better steward to explore these important questions than this week's guest, Miguel McKelvey. A talented, multi-disciplinary designer and entrepreneur, Miguel is the Co-Founder of WeWork — the ubiquitous, communal co-working space company — where he currently serves as the Chief Culture Officer, directing construction, architecture and web design for the business. Raised on a commune in Oregon, Miguel earned a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon, where he played on the Oregon Ducks basketball team for two years. Prior to WeWork, Miguel created the design framework and led the national retail roll-out for 170 American Apparel stores. Subsequently, he was involved in the early-stage development of several companies, including Green Desk, Barre3, Versation, and English, Baby! Because Miguel shares responsibility for creating and leading one of the world's most successful companies, one might predictably suspect this is a conversation about business. It is not. To be sure, we track his entrepreneurial journey. But this man's success has less to do with commerce and more to do with purpose. A deep commitment to community. And an intentional life devoted to fostering meaningful human connection. Over the course of two and a half hours, we explore how Miguel's unusual upbringing in a five-mother commune and his experience playing NCAA Division I basketball created the ‘Communitarian' philosophy that would later inform the cultural foundation for WeWork. We discuss Miguel's love of architecture and the important role design plays in modeling our professional and personal lives. How growing up in the town that produced Nike inspired an entrepreneurial drive to create an aspirational brand. And what his career at American Apparel taught him about engaging consumer culture at scale. But more than anything, this is a conversation with a remarkably humble man driven by gratitude and purpose to create new and original habitats that fuel a more connected world — and ultimately more fulfilling lives. The visually inclined can watch our entire conversation on YouTube here: bit.ly/miguelmckelvey452 (please subscribe!)  Enjoy! Rich