
    TOTALLY EXTRA: Shit Gifts, Passwords & Choccy Wrappers

    enOctober 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Frustration of Creating and Remembering Complex PasswordsModern life presents various challenges, from the annoyance of creating complex passwords to the disappointment of unsuccessful dating experiences.

      Passwords can be frustratingly complex and difficult to remember, causing annoyance and inconvenience. This was expressed in a relatable rant from a listener named Kate, who shared her frustration with having to constantly create and remember passwords that meet certain requirements. The discussion then shifted to another listener's dating experiences, with stories of disappointing and bizarre dates. Despite the varying degrees of weirdness and disappointment, the theme of bad luck in dating seemed to be a common thread. Overall, the conversation highlighted the challenges of modern life, from the mundane annoyance of passwords to the more significant challenges of finding meaningful connections in romantic relationships.

    • Being too eager can push people awayFind a balance between showing interest and giving space for relationships to grow naturally. Let things come to you instead of actively searching for love.

      Being overly eager or investing too much too soon in relationships can sometimes push people away. The speaker's experiences of receiving half a cake or being in unhealthy relationships have left her feeling undervalued and questioning her worth. It's important to find a balance between showing interest and giving space for the relationship to grow naturally. The advice is to take a step back, be cool and calm, and let things come to you instead of actively searching for love. This approach can lead to healthier and more equal relationships. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone has their unique dating experiences and it's normal to encounter challenges along the way.

    • Setting intentions and boundaries in datingUnderstand your relationship goals, communicate them, learn from past experiences, and respect yourself enough to walk away from unhealthy situations.

      Setting clear intentions and boundaries in dating can help filter out unhealthy or unfulfilling experiences. It's essential to understand what you're looking for in a relationship and communicate that to potential partners. Additionally, it's crucial to learn from past experiences, even if they've involved less-than-ideal gifts or dates. Remember, everyone deserves respect and consideration, and it's okay to walk away from situations that don't serve your best interests. So, take some time to reset and refocus before diving back into the dating scene. And if you've received a particularly terrible gift, feel free to share it with us for a potential top 10 list of the shittiest dating gifts!

    • Friendships can naturally evolve or endCommunicate openly, recognize not all friendships last forever, and prioritize those that bring joy

      Friendships can naturally evolve or come to an end, just like romantic relationships. Some friendships may require more effort to maintain than others, and sometimes, despite a lack of conflict or fallout, the friendship may fizzle out. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly when issues arise, as misunderstandings can lead to hurt feelings and the dissolution of the friendship. Additionally, it's important to recognize that not all friendships are meant to last forever, and it's okay to let some go if they no longer bring joy or positivity to your life. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize and invest time and energy into the friendships that truly matter to us.

    • Determining the health of a friendshipAssess your emotional response to a friend's communication to gauge the health of the friendship. If it brings joy and excitement, continue. If it evokes dread or horror, consider ending it through open communication or gradual distancing.

      Friendships, like seasons, come and go. If a friendship becomes toxic and no longer serves you positively, it may be time to let it go. Ending a friendship can be challenging, but using your initial reaction to their communication as a gauge can help determine the next steps. If seeing their name brings joy and excitement, the friendship can continue. However, if your reaction is one of dread or horror, it may be time to consider ending the friendship. This can be done through open communication or gradually distancing yourself. Remember, change is natural, and as our lives evolve, so do our friendships. It's essential to prioritize friendships that bring positivity and energize us. If a friendship is no longer serving that purpose, it may be time to move on.

    • Managing Petty Annoyances: Properly Dispose of Wrappers and Communicate EffectivelyDispose of wrappers properly to avoid disappointment and communicate effectively with the source of annoyance to resolve the issue before resorting to extreme measures.

      Dealing with petty annoyances, such as finding wrappers in a box of chocolates or a neighbor's persistent weed smoking, can be frustrating. The speaker in this discussion suggests that when it comes to the chocolates, people should dispose of the wrappers properly to avoid disappointment. Regarding the neighbor situation, the speaker suggests trying unconventional methods like gathering the children in the building to create a loud disturbance outside the neighbor's door to encourage them to stop smoking weed. However, it's important to note that these methods may not be legal or ethical, and it's crucial to consider the potential consequences before taking any action. In the end, it's essential to exhaust all official channels and communicate clearly with the person causing the annoyance before resorting to more extreme measures.

    • Creative solutions for annoying situationsFind effective, legal ways to address annoying situations, use humor and community to lighten the mood, and take responsibility for one's actions.

      When dealing with annoying situations, such as noisy neighbors or disruptive guests, creative solutions can be effective. In the discussion, the hosts suggested using a crying baby recording to annoy a weed-smoking neighbor. While this may not be a legal solution, it highlights the importance of finding ways to address issues that are both effective and within the bounds of the law. Another takeaway is the importance of humor and community. The hosts shared jokes sent in by listeners, demonstrating the power of laughter to bring people together and lighten the mood. Lastly, the hosts shared a story about a lodger who accidentally washed her soiled pants with the rest of the laundry, highlighting the importance of common sense and taking responsibility for one's actions. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of creativity, community, and taking action to address annoying situations in a productive and legal manner.

    • Impact of Living Situations on Daily Life and RelationshipsRespect communal spaces, take responsibility for actions, and practice open communication for harmonious living situations.

      Living situations and the cleanliness of those spaces can significantly impact our daily lives and relationships. The discussion between the podcast hosts revolves around various experiences with roommates and their habits, particularly in relation to cleanliness. One host shares an embarrassing story about discovering human waste in a washing machine caused by a roommate. The incident highlights the importance of respecting communal spaces and taking responsibility for one's actions. Another host expresses frustration with living with men who don't pick up after themselves and shares a humorous rant about the situation. The conversation also touches upon the role of censorship in podcasting and the importance of respecting individual preferences. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the significance of open communication, respect, and consideration in shared living spaces.

    • Intimate secrets and hidden experiencesPeople keep secrets, even naughty or embarrassing ones, as part of the complexity of human relationships. It's a reminder to respect others' privacy and trust in the importance of communication and honesty.

      People often have intimate experiences or secrets that they keep hidden, even from their closest friends. In the first story, a man shared an experience from university where he and his friend's sister made out in a club toilet and kept it a secret from their friends. Nine years later, they still shared a look whenever they saw each other. In the second story, a woman shared an experience from her honeymoon where she tried to surprise her husband with seductive lingerie but had to use a hairbrush instead when he fell asleep. She never told him about it. These stories illustrate the complexity of human relationships and the importance of keeping secrets, even if they are a little naughty or embarrassing. It's a reminder that everyone has their own stories and experiences, and sometimes, those stories are best kept private. It's also a reminder that communication and honesty are important in any relationship, but sometimes, it's okay to keep a little secret between two people.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
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    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
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    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Elizabeth Day - How To Cope With Being A 'Friendaholic'

    My guest today is the awesome Elizabeth Day. Elizabeth is a very dear friend and a person who has affected my life incredibly positively. If it wasn't for her you wouldn't know about me. Back in 2019, she hosted me on her podcast 'How To Fail" which now has more than 35 million downloads. Elizabeth is an amazing soul who has found a way to use her vulnerability to dig deep inside to tell us about what we all feel but don't say or address. She now has a new book out called 'Friendaholic' it's a beautiful approach to understanding that friendship is not always better when there is more of it. Anyway I just used that as an excuse to meet my wonderful friend

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    • 01:02:30 - Scales of connection
    • 01:04:00 - Why human connection is at risk
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    Connect with Elizabeth Day on Instagram @elizabday and find out more about her work here.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

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    TikTok: @newlyweds 

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

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    Exec Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Assistant Producer: @maiaadelia.docs

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Social Media: @thechampagency 

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