
    E659 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - Part 13

    enOctober 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Ending a toxic friendshipConfronting a friend about their behavior and prioritizing personal well-being can lead to ending a toxic friendship and making way for new, positive relationships.

      Having difficult conversations with friends, even when it means ending a toxic friendship, is an essential part of maintaining healthy relationships. Chelsea, from the episode, learned this lesson the hard way when she had to confront her friend about her friend's infidelity. Despite the friend's initial reaction, Chelsea stood her ground and prioritized her own well-being. This experience led Chelsea to realize that the friend was not adding value to her life and that it was time to move on. Additionally, meeting new, supportive friends can bring hope and excitement into one's life, and sometimes, these new relationships can lead to positive changes in other areas of life as well. Ultimately, Chelsea's experience serves as a reminder that ending a toxic friendship can be a necessary step towards personal growth and happiness.

    • Long-term friendships and their complexitiesLong-term friendships can provide comfort and support, but they require mutual respect, forgiveness, and growth. Communication and understanding are crucial in resolving conflicts.

      Loyalty and long-standing friendships can be valuable, but they require mutual respect and consideration. In the discussed situation, a friend's infidelity and disregard for her friend's feelings led to a broken relationship. However, the door was left open for potential reconciliation, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and growth. Long-standing friendships, formed in various stages of life, can provide comfort and support. Middle school, in particular, was mentioned as a significant turning point for many. However, it's essential to recognize that not all friendships can last forever, especially when the individuals involved grow apart or face personal challenges. Ultimately, the decision to maintain or end a friendship lies with both parties. Communication, empathy, and understanding are crucial in resolving conflicts and fostering healthy relationships. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of road rage, revealing an unexpected side of one of the speakers. Despite her empathetic nature, she admitted to experiencing anger and frustration on the topic. In conclusion, the discussion highlighted the importance of loyalty, long-term friendships, and personal growth, while also acknowledging the complexities and challenges that come with maintaining these relationships.

    • Considerate and Responsible DrivingBeing a thoughtful driver can prevent accidents and delays, while unconventional approaches can lead to unexpected outcomes.

      Being a considerate and responsible driver goes a long way in ensuring the safety and efficiency of the road. The discussion highlights the frustration of encountering drivers who are distracted by their phones or disregard traffic rules, causing delays and potential accidents. The speaker expresses a desire to enforce accountability and safer driving habits. In a different context, the speaker also shares her experience of trying to reconnect with an old flame who had ghosted her, and the advice she received to play hard to get. The takeaway here is that sometimes, taking a bold and unconventional approach can lead to unexpected outcomes.

    • Communicating with past inconsistent partnersApproach interactions with past inconsistent partners with caution and self-assuredness. Wait for them to make the first move and don't appear too eager. Use social media to gauge interest but don't become overly invested.

      It's important to be confident and in control when communicating with someone who has shown inconsistent behavior in the past. In the discussion, Michelle shared her experience with a guy who had ghosted her in the past and expressed her confusion about whether or not to reach out to him again. The advice given was that she should wait for him to make the first move and not appear too eager, as he had previously shown a pattern of only wanting to engage on his own terms. The conversation also touched on the use of social media as a way to gauge his interest and the importance of focusing on oneself rather than becoming overly invested in a potentially unhealthy relationship. Overall, the takeaway is that it's essential to approach interactions with past inconsistent partners with caution and self-assuredness.

    • Encountering an ex unexpectedly can be awkwardBe prepared for potential discomfort when approaching an ex, and consider focusing on new relationships instead.

      Approaching an ex unexpectedly can lead to awkward encounters, especially if there's no clear communication or mutual interest. In this case, the speaker attempted to reach out to an old flame, but the lack of response left her feeling uncertain and uncomfortable. After seeing him at the gym without acknowledging each other, she decided not to pursue any further interaction. It's important to consider the potential emotional impact of reaching out to an ex, and to be prepared for a range of possible outcomes. Ultimately, the speaker decided to focus on moving forward in her love life and gave dating apps another try. However, the experience served as a reminder that sometimes it's best to let go of past connections and focus on new opportunities.

    • First impressions and actions shape our perception of othersFirst impressions and actions, even minor ones, can significantly impact our feelings towards someone, influencing our perception of their character and worth.

      First impressions and actions can significantly impact our perception of someone, potentially changing our level of interest in them. The speaker shared an experience where a man's behavior at a park led her to reassess her feelings towards him, even after forgiving an earlier incident. She emphasized that surface-level factors, such as wealth and material possessions, can influence our judgments, often subconsciously. The speaker also highlighted the importance of considering what someone is like when they're not trying to impress us, as opposed to their public persona. This conversation underscores the complexity of human relationships and the role that seemingly insignificant moments can play in shaping our feelings towards others.

    • Understanding Motivations for Personal GrowthClarify personal goals and motivations for effective self-improvement to avoid distractions and maintain progress.

      Personal growth and self-improvement can be challenging when there's an external goal, such as winning back an ex-partner, involved. In the discussed situation, a man was trying to move on and better himself after losing his relationship due to trust issues. He was making progress, but his focus on getting back together with his ex made it harder for him to fully commit to his personal growth. Even though his ex was helping him find a new place to live and potentially offering him a second chance, the man's motivations were unclear. He wanted to be the best partner he could be, but he also wanted her back. This ambiguity made it difficult for him to stay focused on his personal growth and maintain the progress he had made. It's essential to understand one's motivations and goals to effectively work on personal development.

    • Encouraging open communication in relationshipsBe honest with yourself about a relationship's worth and encourage open communication to understand future plans.

      The excitement of trying to win back an ex-partner can distract from dealing with the sadness of a broken heart. While it's understandable to want to focus on something other than the pain, it's important to be honest with oneself about the relationship and whether it's worth continuing. The speaker shared her experience of encouraging a friend to have an open conversation with her boyfriend about their feelings and future plans. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of self-care and finding the right fit in various aspects of life, such as bras and careers. The speaker emphasized the significance of listening to different perspectives and encouraged listeners to reach out if they have their own stories to share. The podcast also featured an advertisement for 3rd Love, a company that aims to make bra shopping more comfortable and convenient.

    • Recognizing the importance of compatibility in relationships beyond kindnessLove and kindness are essential, but fundamental differences in lifestyle and goals can impact the longevity of a relationship.

      It's essential to consider compatibility in a relationship beyond just kindness and emotional support. While those qualities are valuable, they may not be enough if other significant differences exist. In the discussed scenario, the woman is dating a kind and caring man who always puts her first, but they have fundamental differences in lifestyle and goals. She is attracted to more intellectual and cerebral people and wants to travel extensively, while he is a small-town guy content with his current life. Although they have been dating for only six months, she feels that this is a nonnegotiable issue, and addressing it openly with him is crucial. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that love and kindness alone may not be enough to sustain a long-term relationship if other fundamental differences exist.

    • Honesty and Direct Communication in RelationshipsEffective communication involves being open and honest about feelings, having direct conversations about difficult topics, and working towards finding compromise. If compromise isn't possible, it may be a sign that the relationship isn't right for both parties.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship. Being open and honest about feelings, without sugarcoating or using vague language, is essential for understanding and meeting each other's needs. It's important to have direct conversations about difficult topics and work towards finding compromise. If compromise isn't possible, it may be a sign that the relationship isn't right for both parties. In the discussed situation, having an honest and direct conversation led to a positive outcome, but further efforts were needed from both sides to truly understand and meet each other's relationship priorities.

    • Seeking deeper intellectual connection in a relationshipIt's important to recognize that no one can fulfill every emotional need in a relationship. Consider finding fulfillment in other areas of life and not expecting one person to meet all needs.

      While it's important to find compatibility in a relationship, it's also essential to recognize that no one can fulfill every emotional need. The speaker in this conversation acknowledged that her partner was wonderful in many ways but fell short in certain areas, such as intellectual conversations. She was considering breaking up with him due to this mismatch, but felt guilty about giving up the good parts of the relationship. The therapist suggested that she explore finding fulfillment in other areas of her life and not expect her partner to be her only source of emotional satisfaction. The speaker acknowledged that this was something she had considered but ultimately decided that she wanted a deeper intellectual connection in her relationship. To break up with her partner, she planned to be honest but gentle, focusing on her personal growth and the need for a more compatible match. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of individual growth and finding balance in a relationship, rather than relying on one person to meet all emotional needs.

    • Communicate honestly in difficult decisionsBeing honest in tough decisions, even if it means being the 'bad guy', is essential for personal growth and respectful relationships. Acknowledge positive qualities while expressing reasons for leaving.

      It's essential to be honest with yourself and others when making difficult decisions, even if it means being the "bad guy." In this case, if someone is considering leaving a relationship, they should communicate their feelings honestly, but kindly, acknowledging the other person's positive qualities while also expressing why they feel they cannot continue in the relationship. It's crucial to recognize that being selfish and focusing on personal growth doesn't equate to being a bad person. However, it's also important to consider the potential consequences of one's actions and be prepared for the possibility of hurt feelings or sadness. Ultimately, being upfront and honest with oneself and others is the best policy, even if it's not an easy path to take.

    • Balancing Self-Fulfillment and Consideration for OthersPrioritize self-fulfillment for personal happiness, but consider others' feelings during significant times. Communicate honestly and make tough decisions for personal growth.

      Prioritizing self-fulfillment is essential for personal happiness and the ability to make others happy, but it's crucial to find a balance and not become overly self-centered. The speaker acknowledges the importance of considering others' feelings, especially during significant times like holidays, but ultimately, making a difficult decision for one's own well-being is necessary. Communication and honesty are key when ending a relationship, even if it's challenging or uncomfortable. The speaker also reflects on past experiences and the importance of moving on, even if it's scary or uncertain. In the end, taking care of oneself and making tough decisions can lead to personal growth and eventual happiness.

    • Discovering new information through actionTaking action despite fear or uncertainty can lead to new information and perspective, ultimately benefiting you in various aspects of life.

      Taking action, even in difficult situations like going through a divorce or making a decision in dating, can provide valuable information and change your perspective. The woman in this discussion was stuck in her situation due to fear and uncertainty, but once she took the initiative to seek legal advice, she discovered that she didn't need her husband's signature to divorce him. This new information gave her the confidence and momentum to move forward. Similarly, in dating, people often spend too much time analyzing and overthinking instead of taking action and engaging with potential partners. By taking action, one can gain valuable information and potentially change the situation for the better. This sentiment applies not only to relationships but also to other areas of life. The fear of failure or rejection should not prevent us from taking action and experiencing the potential benefits.

    • Navigating common challenges in education and undergarmentsCompanies like CCSD and 3rd Love offer solutions to common problems in education and undergarments, allowing individuals to overcome challenges and improve their quality of life.

      Both CCSD in Las Vegas and 3rd Love offer solutions to common problems. CCSD addresses the challenges of living and retiring as a teacher in Las Vegas with a better cost of living and retirement plan. 3rd Love tackles the issues of uncomfortable and ill-fitting bras by providing solutions for every bra problem and ensuring a perfect fit through their virtual fitting room and half cup sizes. During a previous conversation, we discussed how Liz was feeling uncared for in her dating life due to focusing too much on pleasing her partners. Since then, she's become more intentional about whom she gives her time to and has seen positive changes in her dating experiences. While it's important to be respectful and set expectations, it's also crucial to acknowledge the challenges of relying on strangers for emotional needs. Whether it's education or undergarments, these companies and conversations aim to help individuals navigate and overcome common challenges.

    • Trusting Instincts for Healthy RelationshipsSetting clear boundaries and prioritizing self-respect can lead to more authentic and fulfilling relationships. Trust your instincts and avoid uncomfortable situations.

      Prioritizing personal boundaries and self-respect can lead to more fulfilling and authentic relationships. The speaker shares her experience of having a disappointing first date, where the man was late, put an expensive drink on her tab, and revealed he was still in contact with his ex, who was sleeping with his roommate. Despite feeling awkward and unsure, she trusted her instincts and left the date early, avoiding a potentially uncomfortable situation. This experience reinforced her commitment to setting clear boundaries and focusing on her own needs rather than feeling obligated to please others. In a more recent relationship, she adopted a slower approach, intentionally keeping things casual and refraining from physical intimacy until she felt a stronger emotional connection. By prioritizing her own needs and values, she was able to build a more authentic and satisfying relationship.

    • Unexpected intimacy leads to deeper connectionStarting a relationship with distance can create vulnerability and deeper communication. Prioritize own needs and be open to share interests and perspectives.

      Starting a relationship with some physical distance can create anticipation and vulnerability, leading to deeper communication and connection. The speaker's first in-person encounter with her partner was unexpectedly intimate, and his vulnerability during that experience set the stage for openness and understanding between them. This dynamic was reinforced by their mutual experiences of vulnerability during times of illness. The speaker also emphasized the importance of prioritizing one's own needs and expectations in a relationship, as she learned from reading the book "She Comes First." To communicate effectively, one can be direct and open about sharing interests and perspectives with their partner.

    • Openness and vulnerability in relationshipsEffective communication and vulnerability are crucial in building strong relationships. Be open, express curiosity, and communicate directly and consistently to deepen connections and promote personal growth.

      Effective communication and vulnerability are key in building strong relationships. The speaker in the conversation expresses that she values openness and honesty in her relationships and encourages her partner to read a book that significantly impacted her. She emphasizes the importance of being direct and consistent in communication, especially when it comes to expressing curiosity and interest in each other's thoughts and experiences. The conversation also touches upon the idea that people make changes in their lives that can positively influence their relationships and personal growth. The speaker shares her own experience of making immediate changes and noticing significant improvements in her relationship. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being open, vulnerable, and communicative in building and maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Seamless Transition from Academics to Real-World EmploymentChico State offers top-rated programs, small class sizes, community focus, high job placement rates, and access to outdoor opportunities, preparing students for practical experience and future challenges.

      Chico State University offers a seamless transition from academics to real-world employment, with top-rated programs and high job placement rates for various majors. The university's smaller class sizes and community focus provide opportunities for hands-on learning and connection with others. Additionally, Chico State's location in Northern California offers access to the great outdoors and endless opportunities for growth. By attending Chico State, students can gain practical experience and prepare themselves to dare and take on new challenges in the future. For more information, visit csuchico.edu/doandare.

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    E771 RR - Love Island’s Andrea, Restaurant Horror Stories, Personality vs Looks, and Natalie’s Secret Sauce

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap. Andrea from Love Island USA joins to talk all things Villa, Rob, and being Voted off. 

    But first…. It’s the week of 4th of July, so we start the episode with a Pop Quiz: American History Edition. Then we get to our recaps: Lebron James and his son, Bonny, playing together, Heinz releasing a new ‘Everything sauce’, Paige Desorbo captioning an IG with ciao, and Kenya Moore being officially suspended. 

    “For a second, I thought we were gonna have twins…” 

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    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

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    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    05:27 - American History
    20:36 - Melting Statues
    24:38 - Lebron James
    28:42 - Poison
    31:37 - Twins
    34:24 - Oldest Man
    37:25 - Super Sauce
    40:12 - Summer House
    41:29 - RHOA
    43:38 - RHONJ
    49:45 - Food Reviews
    58:35 - Andrea Interview
    01:30:37 - Love Island
    01:58:57 - Outro


    The Viall Files
    enJuly 02, 2024

    E770 Ask Nick - Second Guessing My Wedding

    E770 Ask Nick - Second Guessing My Wedding

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We start off the episode with a written Ask Nick. Then we get to our callers… 

    Our first caller just got laid off and is having second thoughts about her wedding. Our second caller is expecting, but doesnt know how to tell her sister (who was happy she miscarried prior). And, our third caller wants to cut her grandma off.

    “Let’s figure out what the real truth of the situation is.”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Helix Sleep - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall

    Episode Socials: 

    The Viall Files
    enJuly 01, 2024

    E769 RR - Love Island’s Hannah, Freaky Friday 2, Boeing Aircrafts, and Danielle Leaving Summer House

    E769 RR - Love Island’s Hannah, Freaky Friday 2, Boeing Aircrafts, and Danielle Leaving Summer House

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap. 

    Freaky Friday is back for a sequel… so Nick and Natalie are switching bodies! Join us at Nick’s lake house, where we discuss flying on a Boeing aircraft, Cyrus family drama, Danielle Olivera leaving Summer House, and Joey Graziadei shaving his head. Meanwhile, Hannah Smith from Love Island USA, calls in to spill all the tea!

    “What’s so much better about Love Island USA this season, than others?” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Follow us on X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheViallFiles

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    03:12 - Household Headlines
    07:26 - Freaky Friday
    09:24 - Vintage Clothes
    11:54 - Billy Ray Cyrus
    15:24 - Buzzcuts
    17:14 - The Truth
    22:07 - New GF
    22:54 - Summerhouse
    31:41 - Hannah Joins
    01:08:31 - Love Island
    01:34:45 - Outro

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    E768 GD w/ Micah Lussier of Perfect Match

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    “Idk where these men went to acting school, but they went somewhere before getting on this show” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    21:07 - Kaz
    43:08 - Other Guys
    47:53 - Izzy
    50:59 - After Filming
    54:33 - Elys
    01:00:57 - Harry
    01:11:01 - Texting Office Hours
    01:42:58 - Post Call Questions
    01:48:19 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 26, 2024

    E767 RR - Perfect Match Finale, Love Island, Camilla Luddington, and RHONJ’s Team Teresa

    E767 RR - Perfect Match Finale, Love Island, Camilla Luddington, and RHONJ’s Team Teresa

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap.

    This is a fun episode! Camilla Luddington, from Grey’s Anatomy, joins us to talk all things Bravo and Reality TV. Meanwhile, the household jumps into a roundtable discussion of all things Pop Topics: Love Island, Taylor Swift, Ben Affleck and JLo’s fame, as well as Daren Criss naming his newborn.  

    “In New Jersey, if you get in someone’s face… it’s not a punch, but it's a situation” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    03:19 - Household Headlines
    08:08 - Famous Wife
    14:50 - The Wives
    17:08 - Oh Brother
    21:53 - Space and Oceans
    26:07 - Childhood Shows and Cars
    31:33 - Moving
    33:35 - Nepo Babies
    35:39 - Love Island
    50:18 - Loans
    55:40 - Welcome
    01:03:08 - Vanderpump
    01:17:42 - The Valley
    01:21:30 - Guests
    01:25:11 - Bachelor
    01:35:16 - Two Lalas
    01:37:52 - RHONJ
    01:51:00 - The Franchise
    01:52:32 - Perfect Match
    02:05:06 - Ending Interview
    02:11:38 - More Perfect Match
    02:13:39 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 25, 2024

    E766 Ask Nick - He’s Choosing His Family

    E766 Ask Nick - He’s Choosing His Family

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We start off the episode by responding to our previous Ask Nick’s comments. Then we get to our callers… 

    Our first caller is wondering if she should tell a coworker about his girlfriend’s affair. Our second caller feels like her boyfriend goes mute around her family. And, our third caller wants to move, but her boyfriend wants to stay close to his family. 

    “You’re literally talking to a version of your boyfriend right now”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com 

    BetterHelp - Get it off your chest. Visit https://www.BetterHelp.com/VIALL today to get 10% off your first month.

    Ibotta - Use code VIALL when you register, and get $5 just for trying Ibotta. Go to the App Store or Google Play store and download the FREE Ibotta app to start earning cash.

    Helix Sleep - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall 

    Apostrophe Skincare - Get your first visit for only $5 at https://www.Apostrophe.com/VIALL when you use our code: VIALL. That’s a savings of $15! 

    Episode Socials:

    The Viall Files
    enJune 24, 2024

    E765 RR - Perfect Match w/ Stevan, Brian Baumgartner, Love Island, Gypsy Rose, & Justin Timberlake Arrest

    E765 RR - Perfect Match w/ Stevan, Brian Baumgartner, Love Island, Gypsy Rose, & Justin Timberlake Arrest

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap.

    This is a fun episode! Brian Baugartner, from the Office, joins us to talk all things barbecue and build his perfect reality tv cast. Meanwhile, Stevan Ditter from Perfect Match zooms in to talk all things drama in the villa… How was his experience? How is he with Alara? What is he doing now? 

    “We have to ask you, did he kiss Melinda?” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Helix - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall 

    Rocket Money  - Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://www.RocketMoney.com/VIALL 

    Penrose Hill - Give Firstleaf a try – head over to https://www.TryFirstleaf.com/VIALL to sign up and save 50% on your first SIX hand-curated bottles plus free shipping. 

    Vuori - Vuori is an investment in your happiness. For our listeners, they are offering 20% off your FIRST purchase when you go to https://www.vuori.com/VIALL 

    Huggies - Learn more at https://www.Huggies.com 

     Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    02:59 - Household Headlines
    07:40 - Rihanna
    09:46 - Stay At Home GF
    13:33 - Icks
    17:46 - Filming
    18:37 - Proposals
    24:13 - 90 Day Fiance
    27:19 - Gypsy Rose
    29:19 - Clayton
    32:33 - Love Island
    42:02 - Welcome Brian
    01:03:26 - Getting Grilled
    01:11:40 - TikTok
    01:13:33 - Build Your Burger
    01:24:40 - Reality TV
    01:28:45 - Book Promo
    01:33:03 - The Office
    01:35:29 - Perfect Match
    01:36:50 - Stevan
    01:56:51 - Perfect Match Final Thoughts
    02:03:09 - Outro


    The Viall Files
    enJune 20, 2024

    E764 RR - Summer House, Perfect Match w/ Elys, Bach Bios, Kenya Moore Suspended, and RHONJ

    E764 RR - Summer House, Perfect Match w/ Elys, Bach Bios, Kenya Moore Suspended, and RHONJ

    Welcome back to reality recap. Today we start off with Nick’s first Father’s Day. Then we get to our drama: Kenya Moore being indefinitely suspended from the current season of RHOA, Football Player, Isaiah Bugs being arrested AGAIN, and Lindsay Hubbard being grilled at the Summer House Reunion Part 2. Meanwhile, Elys Hutchinson from Perfect Match joins us to talk about her experience on the show!

    “you know what? I was wrong.”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Article - Article is offering our listeners $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. To claim, visit https://www.ARTICLE.COM/viall 

    BÉIS - BÉIS is offering our listeners 15% off your first purchase by visiting https://www.BeisTravel.com/VIALL 

    ZOA Energy - Find Where To Buy At https://www.ZOAEnergy.com 

    Sundays For Dogs -  Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to https://www.sundaysfordogs.com/VIALL or use code VIALL at checkout.

    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com 

    Dreamland Baby - Go to https://www.dreamlandbabyco.com and enter my code VIALL at checkout to receive 20% off sitewide + free shipping.

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    02:55 - Father’s Day
    08:11 - Housekeeping
    11:40 - RHOA
    19:38 - Football
    22:03 - Bachelor Credit
    23:04 - Red Lobster
    30:33 - The Apprentice
    43:28 - Jenn’s Men
    01:08:55 - Picking Noses
    01:14:59 - Summerhouse
    01:33:39 - Perfect Match
    01:40:19 - Elys Joins
    02:02:19 - More Perfect Match
    02:06:20 - RHONJ
    02:11:46 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 18, 2024

    E763 Ask Nick - Flirting With an NHL Player

    E763 Ask Nick - Flirting With an NHL Player

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We start off the episode by addressing your gentle parenting responses and diving into the ideal dating expectations of men. Then we get to our callers… 

    Our first caller wants to shoot her shot with a professional athlete. Our second caller is back with her ex, and is afraid to tell her parents. Finally, our third caller is thriving in her occupational industry but is afraid it turns off the men she’s dating.

    “As a woman who’s very successful and passionate about her career, that should never feel like a negative for you”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Altoids - Find Altoids In The Check-Out Aisle! Grab your tin today! 

    Helix Sleep - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall 

    BetterHelp - Take a moment. Visit https://www.BetterHelp.com/VIALL today to get 10% off your first month.

    Wayfair- Every style is welcome in the Wayborhood. Visit https://www.Wayfair.com  or get the Wayfair mobile app.

    OneSkin - OneSkin keeps your skin looking and acting younger for longer. Get started today with 15% off using code VIALL at htpps://www.oneskin.co 

    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com

    Episode Socials: 

    The Viall Files
    enJune 17, 2024

    E762 GD w/ West Wilson - Summer House, Girlcode, Sleep Training, and Perfect Match with Tolú

    E762 GD w/ West Wilson - Summer House, Girlcode, Sleep Training, and Perfect Match with Tolú

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Going Deeper, with Summer House’ West Wilson. 

    To start things out, we invite Tolú Ekundare from Netflix’s Perfect Match… She shares her experience matching with Izzy Zapata, Dom Gabriel, and Chris Hahn. Then we get to our interview with West. How was his first season? Who does he still talk to? Does he regret his relationship with Ciara?

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe it.” 

     Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

     Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Goodr - You can go to https://www.goodr.com/VIALL and use code VIALL for free shipping. Goodr offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and 100% Satisfaction.

    ZOA - Get your Big Dwayne Energy and order ZOA Energy today. Find out where you can find it at https://www.ZOAEnergy.com and fine retailers like Amazon, 7-Eleven, Costco, Circle K and more. 

    Caraway - This deal is exclusive to our listeners. If you visit https://www.Carawayhome.com/VIALL10 you can take an additional 10% off your next purchase. 

    Vessi - Visit https://www.vessi.com/VIALL to find the perfect blend of style and practicality in shoes designed for urban getaways and enjoy an instant 15% off your first order at checkout.

    Factor - Head to https://www.FactorMeals.com/NICKVIALL50 and use code nickviall50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month.

    Huggies - Learn more at https://www.Huggies.com

    Lume - New customers get 15% off all Lume products with our exclusive code - and if you combine the 15% off with the already discounted starter pack, that equals over 40% off their Starter Pack! Use code VIALL for 15% off your first purchase at https://www.LumeDeodorant.com.

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    05:48 - Household Headlines
    12:23 - Love Island
    17:57 - Summerhouse Drama
    21:05 - Captain Lee
    25:39 - Sleep Training
    31:08 - Age
    34:28 - Tolú Interview
    57:10 - Feedback
    01:10:22 - West Interview
    01:17:01 - New To Bravo
    01:19:55 - Saying Weird Things
    01:21:35 - Bachelor
    01:22:37 - Selfie
    01:30:54 - Your Heart
    01:43:15 - Love Languages
    01:50:26 - Dads
    01:54:12 - Team Carl
    01:59:55 - Her Take
    02:04:27 - Open
    02:14:39 - TOH
    02:30:00 - What Is Next
    02:32:52 - Ciara
    02:48:04 - Sports
    02:48:45 - Off Your Chest
    02:49:28 - Coming on ViFi
    02:53:59 - Outro


    The Viall Files
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Hamza Ahmed is a YouTuber, personal development coach and a community leader. "What does it mean to be a man today?" is a question many young guys try to answer, with varied success. Hamza has a huge community of young guys looking for advice so I figured it would be useful to find out what they're struggling with and try to offer some solutions. Expect to learn about how monk mode can go wrong, the dangers of audience capture, why young men are struggling to find direction in life, the role of vulnerability and authenticity in relationships, my advice to Hamza on how to actually improve himself, how to integrate your emotions, what Hamza learned from his breakup and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours with your first box at https://www.drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 10% discount on all Gymshark’s products at https://bit.ly/sharkwisdom (use code MW10) Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Elizabeth Day - How To Cope With Being A 'Friendaholic'

    Elizabeth Day - How To Cope With Being A 'Friendaholic'

    My guest today is the awesome Elizabeth Day. Elizabeth is a very dear friend and a person who has affected my life incredibly positively. If it wasn't for her you wouldn't know about me. Back in 2019, she hosted me on her podcast 'How To Fail" which now has more than 35 million downloads. Elizabeth is an amazing soul who has found a way to use her vulnerability to dig deep inside to tell us about what we all feel but don't say or address. She now has a new book out called 'Friendaholic' it's a beautiful approach to understanding that friendship is not always better when there is more of it. Anyway I just used that as an excuse to meet my wonderful friend

    Elizabeth Day is an award-winning author and broadcaster. Her chart-topping podcast, How To Fail With Elizabeth Day, is a celebration of all of the things that haven’t gone right. Every week, in a one-on-one interview, a guest discusses what they have learned from failure. Elizabeth has written two books off the back of the podcast: How To Fail: Everything I’ve Ever Learned From Things Going Wrong, is part-memoir, part-manifesto. It is also a Sunday Times top 5 bestseller. Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong was described by Alain de Botton as ‘beautiful, timely and humane.’ Elizabeth is currently developing her first screenplay - a fictionalised adaptation of How To Fail. Two of her novels have also been optioned for screen. https://www.elizabethday.org/

    Listen as we discuss:

    • 04:00 - Friendaholics
    • 10:30 - What is friendship?
    • 17:00 - Social media friends
    • 19:00 - What makes a good friend?
    • 27:30 - Dunbar's number
    • 34:00 - Love trumps everything
    • 36:00 - The break-up
    • 40:00 - The Friendship contract
    • 44:00 - Social conditioning
    • 47:00 - Guilt is a stupid feeling
    • 50:00 - Revisiting 1’s and 0’s
    • 52:00 - Justin
    • 56:00 - Connecting with others
    • 60:00- Quiet
    • 01:02:30 - Scales of connection
    • 01:04:00 - Why human connection is at risk
    • 01:10:00 - Thank you Alexa!
    • 01:12:30 - Game over

    Connect with Elizabeth Day on Instagram @elizabday and find out more about her work here.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Shit Gifts, Passwords & Choccy Wrappers

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Shit Gifts, Passwords & Choccy Wrappers
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and more.

    On this week's Totally Extra: a poo in a washing machine, breaking up with mates, leaving the wrapper in the chocolate tin, changing your password, and a lady with a lot of shit dates.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947