
    Trauma and Self-Love w/ Tana Amen

    enDecember 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: A Culture Icon and Symbol of PowerThe Magic Wand, a powerful sex toy, is a culture icon known for its deep, rumbling vibrations and ability to help individuals achieve orgasms. It comes in various versions, including rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush, and can be enhanced with pleasure-prolonging products like delay spray and warming arousal gel.

      The magic wand, a iconic sex toy, offers unapologetic pleasure and has set the standard for many favorite products. Dubbed the "Cadillac of vibrators," it's not just a toy, but a culture icon and a symbol of power. With its unique rumble that resonates deep within, it's a trusted confidant and a sure thing for achieving orgasms. The magic wand comes in various iterations, including the rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush versions, all of which maintain the powerful orgasmic rumble that made the original so popular. Additionally, Promescent's lineup of pleasure enhancing products, such as delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help enhance your summer sex experiences by prolonging pleasure and intensifying sensations. Overall, these products aim to help individuals prioritize their pleasure and make the most of their intimate moments.

    • Facing fears and confronting inner demons leads to personal growthWriting a deeply personal book about past traumas led to healing and inspired others, but required sensitivity and resilience

      Facing your fears and confronting your inner demons can lead to personal growth and healing. Emily Nagoski, the guest on the show, shared her experience of writing a deeply personal book, revealing her past traumas, despite initial hesitation. She did so to be authentic and provide inspiration to those looking up to her. Writing the book was a healing journey, but she had to be mindful of sharing sensitive information about living individuals. Resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, often involves minimizing the impact of past experiences. Nagoski's book, "Come as You Are," is a testament to her resilience and serves as an inspiration for others to face their fears and embrace their vulnerabilities.

    • Understanding the importance of addressing past traumas for true healingResilience is crucial for bouncing back from adversity, but ignoring past traumas can hinder healing. Therapy, like EMDR, can help peel back deeper layers and facilitate growth.

      Resilience is a protective trait that allows individuals to bounce back from adversity. However, minimizing experiences or refusing to address the root cause of trauma can hinder the healing process. Some people become stuck in their trauma, unable to move on, while others remain resilient but eventually choose to confront their past. The use of therapy, such as EMDR, can be a catalyst for healing and peeling back deeper layers of trauma. People can put on facades and build walls to keep others at a distance, but those who are psychologically savvy can eventually see through the exterior. It's important to recognize the value of resilience while also acknowledging the importance of addressing past traumas for true healing.

    • Childhood Trauma and RelationshipsChildhood trauma can make it hard to trust, leading to feelings of being a victim. Societal expectations add to this. Healing involves acknowledging and working through limiting beliefs to be authentic and vulnerable.

      Childhood trauma, and specifically experiences of sexual trauma, can make it difficult to trust and lead to feelings of being a victim. Some people may respond by trying to "win" in relationships or hiding their authentic selves due to fears of abandonment and shame. This can be compounded by societal expectations for women to be quiet and polite. Meeting challenges head-on, such as pursuing a career or seeking help from a mentor like Byron Katie, can be empowering and lead to growth. However, it can also result in adopting negative behaviors like manipulation or distancing oneself from others. Ultimately, healing can involve acknowledging and working through these limiting beliefs and finding the courage to be authentic and vulnerable.

    • Recognizing and addressing limiting beliefsRealizing our beliefs shape our perception of the world, recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs can lead to positive changes and personal growth.

      Our limiting beliefs and past experiences can significantly impact how we view ourselves and prevent us from making positive changes. In the discussion, the speaker shares how she kept herself emotionally distant in relationships due to past hurt. However, when she met Byron Katie, her thoughts were challenged, leading her to realize that her perception of the world was shaped by her own beliefs. This realization helped her understand that her limiting belief of not being lovable was the root cause of her eating disorder and other self-esteem issues. Byron Katie's work helped her turn these beliefs around, leading her to believe that she could finally seek therapy and work through her past. This experience highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing our limiting beliefs to make positive changes in our lives.

    • Universality of Women's Body Image IssuesWomen of all ages and sizes share similar negative thoughts about their bodies, desiring to lose weight or look a certain way for happiness

      Despite our differences in age, background, or circumstances, many women share similar negative thoughts about their bodies. During a workshop, the speaker was initially reluctant to open up due to her fear of revealing her true self. However, when she heard other women sharing their own body image issues, she realized the universality of these thoughts. The speaker was surprised to find that even women significantly older than her had identical lists of body-related grievances. This experience taught her that there are no new original thoughts when it comes to body image dissatisfaction. To this day, she observes that women, regardless of their size or age, often express similar desires to lose weight or look a certain way in order to be happy. This realization encouraged her to be more open and vulnerable when coaching women on this topic.

    • Realizing the root cause of unhappinessRecognizing patterns and addressing the root cause of struggles, rather than focusing on external factors, is essential for finding happiness and self-love.

      Focusing on external factors like appearance or weight is not the solution to finding happiness and self-love. The speaker shared a powerful moment during an event where she realized that her struggles were not related to her body image, but rather the need to address the root cause of her issues through trauma therapy. This realization came after years of trying to appear perfect and accomplish more, but still feeling unfulfilled. The speaker's motivation to start this work came from a desire to break the cycle of trauma and provide a better environment for her daughter. Another key takeaway is the importance of recognizing and addressing patterns that may not be immediately apparent. The speaker emphasized that while some aspects of life may improve from generation to generation, the inherent trauma can continue to repeat unless addressed. Lastly, the speaker introduced Hero Bread as a solution for those who enjoy bread but are conscious of their carb intake. This product allows individuals to enjoy their favorite breads without the negative carb consequences, providing a balance between taste and nutrition.

    • From kitchen to therapy room, exploring hero bread and traumaHero bread: a versatile, fiber-rich, low-sugar option for various dishes. Trauma: a personal experience requiring introspection and therapy for acknowledgement and healing.

      Hero bread is a versatile and health-conscious bread option, perfect for various dishes from sandwiches to tacos. Its light texture and great taste align with health goals, adding fiber without increasing sugar intake. Trauma, on a different note, can be a deeply personal and hidden experience. It may take introspection and therapy to recognize and acknowledge it. The speaker shares her experience of struggling to acknowledge her own trauma until she reached a point of being willing to face it. EMDR therapy, in particular, was instrumental in helping her connect the dots and understand how past traumas influenced her life. In summary, hero bread is a game-changer in the kitchen, while acknowledging and addressing trauma can be a transformative journey in life.

    • Childhood traumas shape adult livesUnresolved childhood traumas can impact behavior and emotions in adulthood, despite seeming to be 'doing fine'. Therapy can help bring understanding and healing.

      Childhood experiences, even those filled with trauma and chaos, can have a profound impact on a person's life well into adulthood. The speaker shared how seemingly unrelated memories from their past started to connect and make sense as they grew older. They realized they had experienced complex PTSD, a condition characterized by a series of traumas. While some of these traumas were beyond their control, others were self-induced as a result of their upbringing. The speaker emphasized that even if one appears to be "doing fine" in adulthood, unresolved childhood traumas can still influence behavior and emotions. Unpacking these experiences through therapy can help bring understanding and healing.

    • Healing from Trauma: Addressing Multiple Aspects of LifeTrue healing from trauma involves addressing psychological, biological, social, and spiritual aspects of life, and requires commitment to making positive changes in all areas.

      Healing from trauma involves addressing various aspects of one's life, including psychology, biology, social connections, and spirituality. The speaker, Tana, shares her personal journey of seeking help and learning to love herself through therapy, exercise, meditation, proper nutrition, and changing her social circle. She emphasizes that true healing requires commitment to making positive changes in all areas of life, not just one. Tana also shares how she was initially resistant to therapy but eventually found it to be a crucial part of her healing process when she felt truly broken and ready for change.

    • Children's insight can help us confront our fearsChildren can see through our facades, revealing hidden insecurities. Vulnerability and facing fears can lead to personal growth.

      Our children have a unique ability to see through our facades and can help us confront our deepest fears and insecurities. The speaker shared an experience with her daughter, who pointed out that people looked at her differently. This moment struck a chord with the speaker as she realized that her daughter could see her as being different and isolated. This realization was a turning point for the speaker, who had always thought she wouldn't have children due to her background. When she became a mother, she was terrified of revealing her secrets and past struggles but ultimately found the strength to face her fears and provide a better life for her child. The speaker's experience highlights the power of vulnerability and the impact our children can have on our personal growth.

    • Sharing painful experiences can empowerEmbrace vulnerability, own past, inspire others, don't rely on others' approval, write to inspire, share hard stories to empower

      Sharing your deepest, most painful experiences can be empowering. The speaker shares her own experiences with trauma, shame, and an eating disorder, and how she came to realize that by owning her past, she couldn't be hurt by it anymore. She encourages embracing vulnerability and not relying on others' approval to validate oneself. The process of writing her book took about a year and a half, and she carefully selected stories with the intention of inspiring others to overcome their own challenges. The hardest story to write was about the loss of her voice after reporting abuse, but she chose to share it to show the importance of speaking up and not being silenced.

    • Navigating Challenges and Rebuilding TrustLearning to draw clear boundaries and seeking support from grounded mentors can help heal and regain trust after facing challenges and experiencing trust issues.

      Everyone goes through challenging experiences, and it's normal to make mistakes and face trust issues as a result. Tana's story illustrates this through her experiences of dealing with her mom's issues, struggling with mental health, and facing unwanted attention and assault. These experiences left her feeling uncomfortable and distrustful, particularly towards men. However, she emphasizes the importance of learning to draw clear boundaries and seeking support from grounded and spiritually strong mentors. Through her journey, she learned to heal and regain trust in herself and others.

    • Choices shape our relationshipsRecognize self-limiting beliefs and work on becoming the best version of ourselves to attract our dream partner.

      The quality of our relationships often reflects the choices we make, rather than being a reflection of the world or the people in it. As the speaker shared in her experience, she was focused on the negativity of men and the difficulties in her relationships. However, her friend challenged her perspective by pointing out that she was the one choosing who to give her phone number to. This realization shifted her mindset from being a victim to being in control of her relationships. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing that we hold ourselves back with our beliefs about ourselves and that our subconscious does exactly what we tell it. To improve our relationships, we need to focus on becoming the best version of ourselves and working on the qualities that would attract our dream partner. In essence, we are our own worst enemies, and the work lies in overcoming our self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.

    • Being true to oneself in relationshipsFocus on authentic self, seek genuine connections, and encourage self-awareness, vulnerability, and resilience in young people.

      Trying to manipulate or play the "player" role to avoid getting hurt or to fit in with societal norms will not lead to healthy relationships or self-growth. This mindset, rooted in fear and insecurity, can push away good people and reinforce the belief that all men are jerks. Instead, it's crucial to focus on being true to oneself and seeking genuine connections based on mutual respect and understanding. Preparing young people for the realities of relationships and the potential challenges they may face is essential, encouraging them to look for strength and character in partners rather than superficial traits. The experiences shared in the discussion emphasize the importance of self-awareness, vulnerability, and resilience in navigating the complexities of relationships.

    • Awareness and Empowerment in RelationshipsRecognize manipulative tactics, rise above them with self-defense, and become more resilient through self-discovery and growth.

      It's essential to be aware of manipulative tactics used in relationships, especially during the teenage years. Instead of playing their game, aim to rise above it by being informed and grounded in your values. Learning self-defense, both physically and emotionally, can empower you to avoid harmful relationships and save yourself from potential pain. The vulnerability and honesty in sharing such experiences can also inspire and help others. By doing the hard work of self-discovery and growth, one can become more resilient to criticism and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • The Importance of Authenticity, Safety, and Intimacy in Sex and RelationshipsBe authentic, prioritize safety and intimacy for powerful and healthy sexual experiences, and avoid manipulative or hurtful behavior.

      When it comes to sharing personal information, especially about sex and relationships, it's important to use discretion and consider the context. Emily shares her experience of oversharing and regretting it, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, groundedness, and not playing games. In therapy, she learned the value of true intimacy and safety in relationships. During the quickie questions segment, Emily mentioned that her biggest turn on is total safety and intimacy, biggest turn off is pretty boys who spend too much time in the mirror, and that good sex requires safety and intimacy. She advises staying authentic and grounded, and wishes everyone knew that sex is powerful and can hurt if used incorrectly or manipulatively. Emily's book, "The Relentless Courage of a Scared Child," is available for preorder with gifts, and her website is tannadimic.com. She also mentioned her husband's kindness and authenticity, and how they are well-matched. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of authenticity, safety, and intimacy in sex and relationships.

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    Connect with Craig
    Website: www.craigstanland.com
    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/craigstanland
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cstanland
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craig_stanland/
    Craig’s TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrkG9VQzqIo

    Link to Craig’s New Book:

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    In this episode, learn about:

    • Teen and middle-schoolers specific vulnerabilities to tech abuse in this time
    • Creating boundaries when we're at home and everyone's connected 24/7
    • Why helping our kids can be tricky when we adults are enduring the same traumas, too
    • A deeper take on self-care (it's not just taking baths)
    • How adults sometimes gloss over the impact of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter Movement for young people
    • Ways to normalize the way kids and teens are feeling
    • Tips for recognizing and helping address some symptoms of PTSD  

    Learn more about Ashleigh and Day One, and find links to resources on our episode page at bit.ly/hm2pod0310.

    Subscribe now and catch new episodes of the #HealMeToo Podcast in 2021 on Apple and all the usual podcast platforms as well as on our YouTube channel — for insights, art and activism to meet the needs of now. 

    Between episodes, you'll find us on all social media @healmetoofest and at healmetoopodcast.com.

    The #HealMeToo Podcast is hosted and edited by Hope Singsen—the artist, creativity researcher and survivor-activist who founded the #HealMeToo Festival and Podcast in NYC in the Spring of 2019. 

    Music Credits:
    Lead vocal: Jovan Martinez sampling "It's a Love Thing" by The Whispers. 
    Choral Improvisation recorded live at a #HealMeToo Festival & Podcast event, led by: Katie Down, Bonita Oliver, Jessica Lurie & Vanessa Marie.

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