
    Podcast Summary

    • Shopping at Kroger and Comedian's TourKroger offers a wide variety of food choices at low prices, while comedian Andrew Santino announces comedy shows in multiple cities

      Shopping at Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for every foodie, along with everyday low prices and additional savings through digital coupons and fuel rewards. Meanwhile, comedian Andrew Santino invites fans to his upcoming comedy shows in Lexington, Kentucky; Sacramento, California; Montreal, Just For Laughs Comedy Festival; and Saint Louis, Missouri. During a Whiskey Ginger episode, Santino shares stories about his possible Irish and Hungarian ancestry and the confusion surrounding his family name. He also expresses skepticism about ancestry tests and the idea of sending in blood and fingerprints for such information.

    • Impact of Athletic Development OpportunitiesEqual opportunities and resources for athletic development can significantly impact individuals' success stories. Societal norms and historical contexts can hinder or enhance athletic potential. Reflecting on personal experiences, the importance of supporting and encouraging athletic pursuits is emphasized.

      Opportunities and support for athletic development can greatly impact an individual's success. The speaker shares his experiences of having athletic parents, one of whom was a talented athlete but didn't get the chance to fully pursue it due to societal norms. He also highlights how the USA women's soccer team's dominance can be attributed to the longer history of women's sports in the country. Additionally, the speaker reflects on his own family lineage and how it has influenced his athletic abilities. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of providing equal opportunities and resources for everyone to explore their potential in sports and beyond.

    • Family Feud and Steve Harvey's Treatment of FamiliesThe speaker reflects on their love for Family Feud and Steve Harvey, and shares their past experiences with theft and their mother's career progression in banking, but finds no significant change in their upbringing despite financial stability.

      The speaker has a strong affinity for Steve Harvey and the game show "Family Feud," particularly noticing Harvey's treatment of black and white families on the show. Additionally, the speaker shares a past history of stealing from places like McDonald's and even attempted to steal a water cup from a Chicago restaurant, but was caught. Despite having financial stability, the speaker still holds onto these childhood habits. Another topic discussed was the speaker's mother's career progression in banking, but there was no significant change in household dynamics as the father was present and working humbly in steel mills.

    • Jason's unconventional upbringing with a traveling salesman father and disciplinary matters at homeJason's large size, quickness, and strong upbringing shaped him into an imposing figure, with his father's encouragement playing a key role in his college football success.

      Jason's father had an unconventional career as a steel parts salesman, traveling extensively throughout the Midwest. At home, he took care of his sons and handled disciplinary matters with a firm hand. Jason and Kelsey, the speakers in this conversation, had their fair share of fights growing up, with Jason often believing he was in the right and Kelsey more likely to apologize. Jason was larger than Kelsey until high school, when he gained significant weight to become an offensive lineman in college. Despite his size, he was quick and could run well. Jason's father encouraged him to eat and gain weight to secure a scholarship. Jason's size and strength made him an imposing figure, and crossing him was not an option. Jason's father's career and parenting style, combined with the brothers' size difference and propensity for fights, paint a vivid picture of their upbringing.

    • Former NFL player's comment sparks exchange with speakerPro athletes face personal attacks from critics, but it's important to move past negativity and focus on career positives.

      Professional athletes, including ex-NFL players, have a unique perspective on online criticism. The speaker in this discussion shares an experience where a former NFL player named Brad Wing made a comment that led to an exchange. Despite initially feeling anger and responding, the speaker later realized that the interaction was insignificant. He acknowledges that becoming a professional athlete requires immense effort and dedication, which can make interactions with critics feel personal. However, the speaker also recognizes that haters often come from unexpected places and that responding can sometimes escalate the situation. Ultimately, the speaker encourages moving past the negativity and focusing on the positive aspects of one's career.

    • A Football Player's Reflections on NFL Intimidation and New InterestsA veteran football player shares his experiences with rookie intimidation, plans to explore new interests, and shares rumors about Michael Jordan's partying and unpaid debts, expressing admiration for him despite these stories.

      The speaker, a football player, reflects on his experiences in the NFL and the intimidation he felt from veteran players during his rookie years. He uses these experiences to understand how rookies might view him and plans to use his second half of life to explore new interests, such as acting. The speaker also shares some rumors about Michael Jordan, including stories about his partying and unpaid debts. Despite these rumors, the speaker expresses admiration for Jordan. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about growing up in the same apartment complex as Scottie Pippen and mentioning that Pippen did not tip.

    • Maintaining Respect and Discretion in Public SettingsRespect and discretion are crucial for healthy relationships. Disrespectful behavior, if displayed openly, can damage reputations and relationships.

      Respect and discretion are key components of maintaining relationships, especially in public settings. The speaker shares an anecdote about Scottie Pippen's behavior towards women, which was disrespectful and openly displayed in front of others. The speaker advises that if one is going to engage in such behavior, they should at least be discreet about it. The conversation also touches upon the speaker's fondness for basketball and the cultural significance of certain basketball players and brands during their childhood. The speaker expresses frustration with a car he owns, a Range Rover, and his desire to trade it in.

    • Sponsorship deals don't guarantee endless free merchandiseAthletes must actively request desired products from sponsors, and comfort and personal preference play a role in footwear choices.

      Sponsorship deals don't automatically result in an endless supply of free merchandise. While brands may provide some free items, athletes must actively request specific products they desire. The conversation also touched upon the importance of comfort and personal preference in footwear choices, with the speaker expressing a fondness for Fear of God sneakers despite initially being a size 12. Additionally, the discussion revealed the speaker's loyalty to the Chicago Cubs and disdain for the White Sox, as well as their shared history with a famous baseball player named Billy Pierce. Overall, the conversation highlighted the nuances of sponsorship deals and personal preferences in sports and fashion.

    • The Thrill and Entertainment Value of Pushing Boundaries in BaseballSteroid use in baseball brings power and speed, but comes with negative consequences. Speakers appreciated the entertainment value of pushing boundaries, but emphasized the importance of doing it tastefully and respectfully.

      The discussion revolved around the excitement and impact of performance enhancement in baseball, specifically steroid use. The speakers expressed their appreciation for the power and speed that steroids brought to the game, but acknowledged the potential negative consequences. They also shared stories of extravagant displays of wealth and humor in the sports world. Ultimately, they seemed to agree that while there are risks and downsides, the thrill and entertainment value of pushing boundaries can be appealing. However, they also acknowledged that it's important to do it in a tasteful and respectful manner. The conversation touched on various topics, including the importance of customizing one's identity, the appeal of fast cars, and the allure of scars. Overall, the speakers seemed to enjoy the more extravagant and entertaining aspects of sports and life, while acknowledging the need for balance and respect.

    • Growing up with Family Parties and MarijuanaThe speaker shares his experiences of family parties involving physical fights and substance use, reflecting on societal shifts towards marijuana legalization and expressing personal support for moderate use while acknowledging negative cultural aspects.

      The speaker shares stories about growing up with cousins and family parties that often involved physical fights and the use of substances like marijuana. He reflects on how societal attitudes towards these behaviors have changed over time, particularly with the increasing legalization of marijuana. The speaker expresses his personal support for marijuana use in moderation, but acknowledges the negative cultural aspects associated with drug use. He also mentions the existence of "I got you" guys in professional sports teams who help cover up any potential scandals or issues. The conversation touches on the varying policies regarding marijuana use in different leagues and the potential impact of legalization on societal norms.

    • Balancing Work and Fun in the NFLProfessional athletes face unique challenges in balancing their careers and personal enjoyment. Some teams employ 'I gotcha guys' to keep players in line, while others prioritize player development and local experiences.

      Some NFL teams may hire an "I gotcha guy" to keep players in line and ensure they are having fun, while others may need a more aggressive approach. The discussion also touched on the importance of player development and enjoying local experiences while traveling. Additionally, the group shared their preferences for barbecue and expressed frustration with being treated poorly as tourists in certain places, such as France. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique challenges and experiences that come with being a professional athlete and the importance of finding balance between work and enjoyment.

    • Defensive attitudes towards foreignersBeing open-minded and understanding is crucial when traveling to new places, as defensive behavior can negatively impact interactions with locals.

      Humans have a defensive instinct, especially when it comes to our nationalities or places we identify with. This can lead to negative attitudes towards people from other countries, even if we've never met them before. This was evident during the speaker's travels, where he encountered both welcoming and unwelcoming attitudes towards Americans. Parisians, in particular, were noted for their attitude, making it difficult for the speaker and his partner to interact with them. However, when they met regular French people outside of Paris, they found them to be friendly and welcoming. This defensive behavior can also extend to language, with people becoming defensive when others speak a different language in their presence. The speaker admitted to enjoying sending people to the wrong place when they ask for directions, but generally tries to be helpful. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of being open-minded and understanding when traveling to new places, and the potential negative impact of defensive behavior.

    • Unexpected political beliefs and personal preferencesPeople's political beliefs and personal preferences can be complex and nuanced, and it's important to remember that individuals are multifaceted, even if their beliefs seem contradictory.

      People's political beliefs and personal preferences, such as enjoying hunting, beer, or having diverse backgrounds, can coexist in unexpected ways. The speaker found it surprising to meet a staunch Democrat who also enjoyed shooting guns and drinking beer, highlighting the complexity and nuance of individuals' identities. The ongoing political climate and the influence of social media can make it challenging for people to have open conversations about these topics without causing friction. The speaker believes that while people may not always agree on politics, they can still find common ground and learn from each other's perspectives. Additionally, the speaker shared that football locker rooms can be a place where people discuss various topics, including politics, but it's essential to remember that the conversations may not always be about the core issues but rather the noise and spectacle surrounding them.

    • A debate on the NFL needing 'bad boys' versus clean-cut quarterbacksThe NFL is debating whether to embrace 'bad boy' quarterbacks for their entertainment value or stick with clean-cut, professional ones, but the fear of negative media and social media may deter athletes from embracing the image.

      The NFL landscape has seen a shift towards clean-cut, family-oriented quarterbacks, but there's a growing sentiment that it's time for a new generation of "bad boys" to bring back the raucous energy and unpredictability to the league. Tom Brady, despite his exceptional talent, is often criticized for his strict diet and disciplined lifestyle, which some fans find unlovable. In contrast, players like Baker Mayfield, who are different but not out of control, are seen as potential candidates for this role. However, the fear of negative media attention and the impact of social media on careers may make it difficult for athletes to embrace this image. Ultimately, the debate highlights the ongoing tension between the public's desire for entertainment and the need for athletes to maintain a certain level of professionalism.

    • Impact of the Internet on Spreading Information and UpheavalThe Internet amplifies events and highlights the importance of punctuality and consistency in teamwork.

      The Internet has a significant impact on spreading information quickly and causing upheaval, much like the bet between Travis Kelce and an unnamed individual about the outcome of a football game. The discussion also touched upon the importance of being on time and the consequences of being late, as well as the unique traits of a consistent team player. Additionally, the conversation revealed that Travis Kelce had considered a career in baseball before focusing on football. The Internet's ability to amplify events and the importance of punctuality and consistency are key takeaways from this conversation.

    • An inspiring football game experienceWatching an athlete's impressive performance can be a dream-come-true experience, even if there's a setback. Staying grounded and enjoying the journey is key to success.

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience watching a football game featuring Travis, an all-around athlete, whose performance was so impressive that it felt like a dream come true. Despite the disappointment of dropping a crucial ball, the game left a lasting impression on the speaker, who was inspired by Travis's determination and athleticism. The conversation also touched upon the importance of staying grounded and enjoying the journey, rather than focusing solely on the end goal. Additionally, the speaker expressed excitement for Travis's upcoming football season and encouraged listeners to check out his performances. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of sports to bring excitement and inspiration to people's lives.

    Recent Episodes from Whiskey Ginger with Andrew Santino

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    Ralph Barbosa
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    Dan St. Germain

    Dan St. Germain
    Dan St. Germain—a master of wit with a flair for the absurd—has been cracking up audiences with his sharp humor and larger-than-life personality. Catch his latest comedy special, out now on YouTube, where he tackles life's chaos with his signature edgy punchlines and unapologetic style. Don't miss out on the laughs! DAN ST. GERMAIN'S NEW SPECIAL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWafzY7HERs #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino #danstgermain ================================================= Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance ONLY $10 A MONTH https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Brian Simpson
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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Benny Blanco

    Benny Blanco
    Hey it's Selena Gomez's boyfriend Benny Blanco! Yeah, we don't get it either. This sick super producer (literally) who doesn't use email is on the show to hang out with his bud Santino, and to plug his new cookbook Open Wide which is out now. Enjoy! #bennyblanco #bennyblancoselenagomez #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com TWILLORY PROMO CODE: WHISKEY18 https://twillory.com DOORDASH PROMO CODE: WHISKEY25 For 25% OFF YOUR ORDER DOWNLOAD THE APP! LUCY PROMO CODE: WHISKEY25 For 20% OFF YOUR ORDER http://lucy.co ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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