
    True Scope of Atrocities in Israel, and Erasure of Women, with Gov. Ron DeSantis, Josh Hammer, and Britt Mayer | Ep. 649

    enOctober 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Florida Governor DeSantis and Nikki Haley clash over Gaza refugeesThe debate over accepting Gaza refugees into the U.S. continues, with some advocating for allowing civilians in need while others argue against importing Middle Eastern issues and potential terrorism risks.

      There is a heated debate over whether the United States should accept refugees from Gaza, with some politicians advocating for Arab nations to take them in instead. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a firm stance against bringing Gaza refugees into the U.S., citing the toxic culture and support for terrorism in the region. Nikki Haley, a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate, has expressed a different view, emphasizing the need to separate civilians from terrorists and allowing those seeking freedom into the country. However, DeSantis argues that importing Middle Eastern pathologies into the U.S. is not beneficial and could potentially lead to the expansion of dangerous views in American society. Despite Haley's recent clarification that she opposes taking in refugees from Gaza and Palestine in general, the debate highlights the complexities and challenges of addressing the refugee crisis in the context of geopolitical tensions and cultural differences.

    • Maintaining American Values in EducationPolitical support for terrorism or hostile ideologies should disqualify international students from entering or remaining in the US, as university culture that tolerates such views raises concerns for American society and workforce.

      Political beliefs and actions supporting terrorism or ideologies hostile to American values should be grounds for denying entry into the country or expulsion for international students. The recent controversy surrounding support for Hamas among some students and academics highlights the need for upholding American decency and values, which were once non-negotiable for immigrants. The toxic university culture that allows for celebrating such atrocities raises concerns about the future of American society and workforce. It's crucial for leaders to maintain a strong stance on this issue and ensure that those who reject the fundamental principles of America are not welcomed into the country.

    • Importing people who reject Western values can harm societiesEurope's mistake of importing people rejecting Western values could harm the US, and the current administration's foreign policy concerns prioritize diplomacy over security

      While healthy debates are essential for a strong democracy, importing large numbers of people who reject fundamental Western values can lead to societal changes that are unsustainable for a country based on a founding creed. The speaker argues that this has been a mistake in Europe and could potentially harm the United States as well. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the current administration for its handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Iran and Israel, and expresses concern that the president's actions may prioritize diplomacy over security. The speaker also shares their personal efforts to help Americans stranded in Israel return home during the ongoing conflict.

    • US should support Israel with moral and financial means, not troopsThe US should provide support to Israel without sending troops, apply pressure on Iran, and aid in humanitarian efforts.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is not a situation the US should get directly involved in with ground troops, but rather provide moral and financial support to Israel. The US has historically not sent troops to participate in Israel's conflicts, and Israel has not asked for such involvement. Instead, the US can apply pressure on Iran, a major funder of Hamas, through sanctions. Additionally, there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding with individuals fleeing war zones, and private organizations are stepping up to help. Domestically, the US House of Representatives is in the process of electing a new Speaker.

    • Speaker election chaos reflects disconnect between GOP and votersThe need for a more conservative and result-oriented speaker aligns with voter aspirations, and leaders should focus on delivering tangible results on issues like inflation, foreign threats, illegal immigration, crime, education, and the border.

      The ongoing speaker election chaos in the House is a reflection of the disconnect between the Republican political class and the voter base. The speaker race, which saw Kevin McCarthy needing 15 votes to secure the position, highlights the need for a more conservative and reflective leader who aligns with the views and aspirations of the voters. The speaker is judged by the results they produce, and the lack of results in the House has led to dissatisfaction among the public. The speaker's role is not to produce political empty calories or palace intrigue but to deliver tangible results on issues like inflation, foreign threats, illegal immigration, crime, education, and the border. The speaker should learn from states like Florida, which have shown how to deliver results and gain the public's trust. Additionally, companies like Disney, which have strayed from their core mission, can benefit from returning to their roots and focusing on delivering quality family entertainment.

    • Reports of atrocities against IsraelisDespite denial and skepticism, firsthand accounts confirm horrific acts against Israelis during conflicts, which require acknowledgement and condemnation.

      There have been ongoing reports of atrocities committed against Israelis during recent conflicts, including the decapitation of children and babies. These reports have been met with denial and skepticism from some, who claim they are lies or AI-generated. However, firsthand reporting from various news outlets and IDF members confirm these horrific acts. It's important to acknowledge the severity of these crimes, regardless of the method of killing. Those denying or downplaying these atrocities are getting off on "dead Jew porn" and are coming from a deeply disturbing place. The denial of these acts only serves to distract from the gravity of the situation and the need for action. It's crucial to recognize and condemn these acts of violence and barbarism.

    • Downplaying terrorism against Israelis and calling for premature ceasefirePremature ceasefire could embolden radical Islamic enemies, ignoring the gravity of situation and potential consequences.

      Certain individuals and groups are downplaying or justifying the horrific acts of terrorism committed against Israelis, including innocent children, and are calling for an immediate ceasefire. This premature ceasefire could embolden radical Islamic enemies of Israel, the United States, and other good, righteous people around the world. The situation goes beyond Israel versus Hamas and is part of a broader conflict against global jihadism. The symbols used by some, such as the Palestinian flag, have become synonymous with annihilationism and the desire to extirpate infidels, including Jews and Christians. It's crucial to acknowledge the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of prematurely ending hostilities.

    • The Israel-Hamas conflict: complex and contentiousCongresswomen push for ceasefire, while others call for Hamas' eradication; regional powers complicate matters; requires careful consideration and nuanced understanding

      The situation between Israel and Hamas is complex and contentious, with significant implications for all parties involved. The conflict has led to widespread violence and death, and there is a strong desire for a resolution. However, opinions on how to achieve peace differ greatly. Some, like members of the U.S. Congress, such as Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are pushing for an immediate ceasefire, while others believe that the complete eradication of Hamas is necessary for long-term security. This debate is further complicated by the involvement of other regional powers, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria's Bashar al-Assad, as well as the domestic Israeli Arab community. Ultimately, the situation requires careful consideration and a nuanced understanding of the complex historical, political, and social dynamics at play.

    • Ivy League Professors' Controversial Comments on Israeli-Palestinian ConflictSpeakers strongly condemned Ivy League professors for perceived genocide justifications, emphasized Hamas' fundamentalism, and called for an end to their inflammatory statements.

      During a recent discussion on a radio show, the topic of controversial comments made by professors at Ivy League universities regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict came up. The speakers expressed strong reactions to these comments, which were perceived as condoning or justifying the genocide of Jews. They emphasized that Hamas is a fundamentalist organization and that the comments made by these professors were not a polite debate, but rather a debate about the existence and right to live for Jews. The speakers strongly condemned Hamas and called for it to be stopped, emphasizing that there is no middle ground in this issue. They also mentioned specific professors, such as Joseph Massad from Columbia University, and criticized them for their statements. The speakers were viscerally reacting to what they perceived as a denial of the Holocaust and a call for the genocide of Jews, and they saw it as a binary choice between good and evil. They expressed sadness and devastation that higher education has been corrupted by such views.

    • Controversial Views in Ivy League UniversitiesIvy League universities face criticism for tenured professors expressing biased, hateful views in Middle Eastern studies and Near East studies departments, leading to calls for their dismissal and defunding.

      There are concerns about biased and hateful views being expressed by tenured professors in Ivy League universities, specifically in Middle Eastern studies and Near East studies departments. These professors have been criticized for their anti-Semitic and pro-radical Islam views, with some going as far as praising terrorist attacks. The issue has led to calls for their dismissal and even defunding of universities. For instance, professor Joseph Masad at Columbia University and Russell Rickford at Cornell have been under scrutiny for their controversial opinions. While some argue for their protection and academic freedom, others believe that these departments are a smokescreen for spreading hate and that universities should be defunded as a result. The situation highlights the need for universities to uphold their mission of pursuing truth and promoting sound citizenship, rather than allowing departments to propagate hateful ideologies.

    • High-profile donors cease funding due to perceived anti-Semitic sentiments on campusDonors, including those of Jewish descent, are halting donations to universities due to perceived support for Hamas, a registered terrorist organization. Market forces and consumer reactions are seen as alternative means to discourage such sentiments.

      A number of high-profile donors, including those of Jewish descent, have recently announced they will cease their donations to universities in response to perceived anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas sentiments on campus. This comes after a surge in support for Palestinian causes following the 2021 Israel-Gaza conflict. Huntsman and others argue that universities do not need their money and that market forces, including consumer reactions and employment decisions, should be allowed to shape the discourse. They view this as a form of accountability and a means to discourage support for terrorism. It's important to note that the focus is on Hamas, a registered terrorist organization, and not the Palestinian Authority or other political entities. The ongoing debate highlights the complexities of balancing free speech, moral judgments, and the role of donor influence in academic institutions.

    • 8 words: Harvard students support for Hamas crosses a lineHarvard students' support for Hamas is unacceptable, promoting violence and hate, with real victims being innocent people, and society must hold individuals accountable, condemning terrorism and hate speech.

      Open support for recognized terrorist organizations and calls for genocide are not acceptable in any political or social debate. The recent controversy at Harvard, where students openly expressed sympathy and support for Hamas, crossed a line and cannot be excused or defended. The victims of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas are numerous and include civilians from both sides, as well as Americans and Europeans. It is unacceptable for anyone to celebrate the violence and loss of life, and those who do should face consequences. The Harvard students who signed the letter supporting Hamas have been described as the real victims, but the true victims are the innocent people who have been killed or displaced as a result of the conflict. It is important for society to hold individuals accountable for their actions and words, especially when they promote violence and hate. The United States taxpayer should not subsidize such activities, and it is crucial for political leaders to address this issue and take a strong stance against terrorism and hate speech. The recent terrorist attack in Belgium, where a Hamas sympathizer murdered a Palestinian-American child in retaliation for an unrelated incident, is a stark reminder of the evil and destructive nature of terrorism and the importance of standing against it.

    • Recent incidents in Gaza, Belgium, and the US underscore complexities of Israeli-Palestinian conflictDespite Israeli efforts to ease tensions through work permits, incidents highlight the deep-rooted tensions and need for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      The recent hostage crisis in Gaza, as well as incidents in Belgium and the United States, highlight the complex and often dangerous nature of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. The shooting in Belgium involved an individual sympathetic to the Palestinians, while at NYU, three women were caught on tape tearing down posters of hostages and missing children. In Gaza, the crisis was fueled in part by farm workers from Gaza who were given permits to work in Israel, gathering intelligence and facilitating the kidnappings. Israel's attempt to economically placate Hamas through work permits was a strategic failure. Hamas, which is overwhelmingly popular in Gaza, has a significant presence and influence in the region. The fear of a potential power vacuum if Hamas were to be toppled is a concern for Israeli security forces. These incidents underscore the deep-rooted tensions and the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

    • The Role of Hamas in the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictHamas' brutality hinders peace efforts, using hostages and propaganda, indiscriminately targeting civilians, and using them as human shields. International community must support Israel in dealing with Hamas, ensuring civilian protection, and finding a comprehensive solution.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not find a lasting solution as long as Hamas remains a part of the picture. Hamas, which is comparable to ISIS in terms of brutality, is using hostages and propaganda to manipulate public opinion, while indiscriminately targeting civilians and using them as human shields. The situation is complex, with no easy answers, but it is clear that Hamas must be dealt with decisively if there is to be any hope for peace. The international community, including the US, must support Israel in taking necessary actions against Hamas while ensuring the protection of innocent civilians. The refugees, who may include both those who want to escape the violence and those who see death as a glorified purpose, pose a challenge for neighboring countries and potential host nations. Ultimately, the international community must work together to find a comprehensive solution to the conflict that addresses the root causes and prioritizes the safety and well-being of all people involved.

    • US should have taken stronger diplomatic actions against Egypt and QatarThe US should have pressed Egypt for more refugee acceptance and threatened aid, demanded Hamas leaders' extradition from Qatar, and labeled Qatar a problematic country for its radical Islam support and influence operation in Washington.

      The situation in the Middle East regarding Palestine and Hamas is complex and urgent. The US should have taken stronger diplomatic actions against Egypt and Qatar long ago to address the refugee crisis and hold Hamas accountable for hosting their leadership and funding their activities. The US should have applied pressure on Egypt to accept more refugees and threatened to withhold foreign aid. Similarly, the US should have demanded the extradition of Hamas leadership from Qatar and labeled Qatar as a problematic country due to its influence operation in Washington and its support for radical Islam through Al Jazeera. The US should not ignore the fact that American citizens are being held hostage in Gaza and that Hamas is a threat to not only Israeli but also American security. The situation requires bold and decisive actions from the international community to ensure peace and security in the region.

    • Britney Spears' abortion experience and societal complexitiesCompassion and understanding are crucial in navigating personal experiences and societal issues, particularly regarding motherhood and abortion. Vulnerability and healing are essential in addressing past traumas.

      The conversation revolved around the complexities of personal choices and experiences, particularly regarding motherhood and abortion. A notable figure, Britney Spears, shared her experience of having an abortion when she was young and in a relationship with Justin Timberlake. Speakers expressed empathy towards Spears, acknowledging the difficult decision-making process surrounding pregnancy and parenthood. They also emphasized the importance of vulnerability and healing in addressing past traumas. The conversation also touched upon the contrasting narratives surrounding abortion, with some advocating for openness and vulnerability, while others promote empowerment and pride. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the need for compassion and understanding in navigating personal experiences and societal issues.

    • Public figures face immense challenges despite wealth and fameRecognize and respect women's identities, challenge hostile language and societal expectations.

      The lives of public figures, even those with wealth, fame, and adoration, can be marked by immense hardship and confusion. Britney Spears, for instance, has faced numerous challenges growing up in the spotlight, leading her to make decisions that protected her image but may not have aligned with her true identity. The pressure to conform to societal expectations can be particularly intense for women, as seen in the erasure of their identity through the redefinition of language. The degrading use of terms like "vulva owner" in mainstream media further perpetuates this erasure, reducing women to their physical attributes rather than recognizing them as individuals with a fundamental identity as women. It's crucial to challenge these hostile takeovers of language and advocate for the recognition and respect of women's identities.

    • Identity politics and fairness in awards and sportsThe debate around identity politics and fairness raises questions about authenticity, acceptance, and implications for women and girls in competitive spaces, while concerns about explicit content in family-friendly events underscore the importance of advocating for fairness and transparency.

      The ongoing debate around identity politics and inclusion versus fairness in various arenas, such as sports and awards, continues to be a contentious issue. The discussion highlighted the controversy surrounding Dylan Mulvaney's award as "Woman of the Year," raising questions about authenticity, acceptance, and the implications for women and girls in competitive spaces. Additionally, concerns were raised about the appropriateness of certain events, like Knott's Scary Farm, for children, due to explicit and sexualized content marketed as family-friendly. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of being aware of the nuances surrounding these issues and advocating for fairness and transparency.

    • The Controversy Surrounding Gender Identity in Female-Only SpacesThe debate over gender identity in female-only spaces raises important questions about the potential loss of safe spaces for women and the need for a nuanced conversation.

      The debate surrounding gender identity and inclusion in female-only spaces, as illustrated by the case of Artemis Langford joining Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, continues to be a contentious issue. The case resulted in a lawsuit after some members felt uncomfortable with his presence, leading to a judgment that rejected the women's claims. The media coverage, such as the Washington Post article, often frames the situation as the women being intolerant or mean-spirited, while Artemis is portrayed as a victim. However, the underlying issue remains: the potential loss of safe spaces for women, and the need for a nuanced conversation about gender identity and its implications for female-only organizations. It's essential to acknowledge and respect the perspectives of all parties involved, and to continue fostering open dialogue and understanding.

    • Misrepresentation of Boundaries and Language in a News ArticleThe news article's portrayal of a man's alleged inappropriate behavior towards sorority girls as acceptable due to his autism diagnosis undermines women's rights and reinforces harmful gender ideologies.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of respecting boundaries and the misuse of language, particularly in the context of a news article reporting on a controversial incident at a sorority house. The speaker argues that the article, which describes a man named Artemis's alleged inappropriate behavior towards sorority girls, misrepresents the situation by excusing his actions under the guise of his autism diagnosis. The speaker believes this not only undermines women's rights but also perpetuates a harmful gender ideology. Furthermore, the speaker expresses concern over the increasing number of illegal immigrants entering San Diego County and the county's declaration of a humanitarian crisis at the border.

    • San Diego reallocates $3M for illegal immigrants despite COVID, border crisisSan Diego reallocated $3M for illegal immigrants, potentially importing security risks, and straining resources, while border remains insecure and American values are at risk.

      San Diego County, with $3,000,000 of taxpayer funds for COVID, reallocated it to build a welcome center for illegal foreigners without public vote. This action signals to the governor and federal government that San Diego has resources and is prepared to process more illegal immigrants, leading to an estimated 56,000 by year-end. The facilities are already overwhelmed, and the lack of resources means no food or beds provided. The concern is that many of these immigrants come from radicalized countries, potentially importing ideologies and security risks. The video of illegal immigrants stomping on the Israeli flag in San Diego is just one example. The border is not secure, and bringing in unchecked, unvetted immigrants is seen as a potential Trojan horse. DeSantis' call for those on visas espousing harmful ideologies to leave the country echoes this sentiment. The historical pattern of open borders leading to disaster is a concern, and action needs to be taken to secure the border and protect American values.

    • The threat to American values and Israel from controversial issues on college campuses and support for organizations like HamasThe loss of clear language and ability to identify and condemn objective evil on college campuses is causing concern, threatening American values and support for Israel. The speaker calls for a return to clear language and condemnation of evil and wrongdoing.

      The current state of affairs regarding free speech and controversial issues on college campuses, as well as the support for organizations like Hamas, is causing significant concern. The speaker expresses the need for a louder and more amplified conversation about these issues, as they pose a threat to American values and the support for Israel. The loss of language and ability to identify and condemn objective evil is also highlighted as a concern. The speaker urges for a return to clear language and the condemnation of evil and wrongdoing, rather than hiding behind the shield of free speech. The conversation around gender and identity politics was also mentioned as contributing to the loss of language and clarity. The upcoming guests on the show, Dennis Prager and Buck Sexton, are expected to provide important perspectives on these issues.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    In this "First Person" special, Megyn Kelly is joined by detransitioner Prisha Mosley and IWF Director Kelsey Bolar to discuss doctors pushing Prisha to a medical "gender transition" as a teenager after she went to be treated for an eating disorder, discovering gender dysphoria on Tumblr, the dangers of puberty blockers and other treatments that most people don't know, the moment Prisha found out she was pregnant, the challenges during her pregnancy, the pain she's dealing with postpartum, what it means to be one of the first detransitioners to have a baby, suing doctors who medically transitioned her, and more.


    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Spiering: https://www.amazon.com/Amateur-Hour-Kamala-Harris-White/dp/1668046075/

    Billboard Chris: https://www.billboardchris.com/


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