
    Trump on tape: “This is secret information…look at this”

    enJune 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Audio recording of Trump discussing classified documentsTrump under investigation for mishandling classified documents, denies wrongdoing, recording could impact campaign, importance of handling sensitive info responsibly

      Former President Donald Trump is at the center of a significant development as audio recordings from a 2021 meeting at his golf club have emerged, allegedly showing him discussing and handling classified documents without proper authorization. This recording is crucial evidence in the federal prosecutors' case against Trump, who has responded by denying any wrongdoing and labeling the leak as an exoneration. The audio could potentially impact Trump's political campaign, especially as he is set to collide with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on the campaign trail. The recording is a reminder of the importance of handling sensitive information responsibly and the potential consequences of mishandling it.

    • New audio recording sheds light on Trump's handling of classified documentsProsecutors may use recording to demonstrate Trump's attitude towards classified docs and concealment efforts, Nada to be arraigned for false statements, investigation focuses on both retention and concealment.

      The recently released audio recording of Donald Trump in his post-presidency days at Mar-a-Lago, where he is seen handling documents and discussing their classified nature, is a crucial piece of evidence in the ongoing investigation. Prosecutors are expected to use this recording to demonstrate Trump's cavalier attitude towards handling classified documents and his knowledge of their secretive nature. The recording may also shed light on the whereabouts of certain documents that have been subpoenaed by the justice department but have not been produced by Trump's team. Additionally, Trump's former aide, Walt Nada, is expected to be arraigned today on charges of concealing and making false statements related to the handling of classified documents. The investigation and trial are likely to focus not only on the retention of classified documents but also on efforts to conceal their existence.

    • Trump Accused of Mishandling Sensitive Military InformationFormer President Trump is under investigation for retaining and sharing sensitive military documents, potentially compromising national security. His past handling of classified info and prioritization of ego over security are of concern.

      Former President Trump is accused of willfully retaining and sharing sensitive military information with outsiders, despite being asked to return such documents by the National Archives. This incident, which occurred in July 2021, comes with a history of Trump's handling of classified information, some of which he may have revealed publicly or to foreign officials. Trump's behavior stands out because he prioritized his ego over national security, as evidenced by his actions in the presence of others. The stakes are high, as the information in question pertains to a military plan about invading Iraq, making it one of the most serious documents that could be mishandled. While the absence of the actual document may complicate the prosecution, the tape recording of the conversation can still be used to establish knowledge and intent. The broader concern is the normalization of the mishandling of classified information and the potential long-term damage it could cause.

    • Unexpected Wagner Group Advance Towards Moscow and Cleanup Time for Putin and PrigozhinUnexpected Wagner Group march on Moscow leads to cleanup time for Putin and Prigozhin, with Putin acknowledging military issues and Prigozhin wanting his company back.

      The recent events involving Evgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner Group's march on Moscow were chaotic and unexpected, leading to damage control from Russian President Putin. Putin is expected to thank the units involved but acknowledge issues in stopping the convoy. Prigozhin, who had been railing against the Russian military, was reportedly angering Putin, leading to the Ministry of Defense taking control of Wagner forces in Ukraine and elsewhere. The sudden counteroffensive towards Moscow caught many off guard, and there is ongoing speculation about who may have been looking the other way or frozen. Both Prigozhin and Putin now face cleanup time, with Prigozhin reportedly wanting his company back and Putin trying to maintain his power and unity among the Russian people despite being exposed of their potential dissent.

    • Wagner Group's Challenge to Putin's AuthorityThe Wagner Group's actions against Moscow pose a significant challenge to Putin's leadership, raising questions about his strength and potentially leading to geopolitical implications, particularly in the Middle East.

      The recent actions of Wagner Group, a private military company with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, have posed a significant challenge to Putin's authority and raised questions about his leadership. The group's leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, sent his troops against Moscow, which marks the strongest challenge Putin has faced in his 23-year tenure. This incident has left Putin in a difficult position as he tries to explain why he's letting those people off the hook while maintaining loyalty from law enforcement and the Russian population, who are starting to question Putin's strength. Moreover, Wagner's operations in critical areas such as the Middle East and Africa are essential to Russia's ability to project influence globally. The recent events may impact Wagner's operations and undercut Putin's deniability, leading to a potential purge within both Wagner and the Russian state. This situation has significant geopolitical implications, particularly in the Middle East, where Wagner's presence is critical to Russia's gray zone conflict and hybrid warfare tactics. The Biden administration could use this moment to push back against Russia in various ways, such as providing military training or aid to countries employing Wagner, potentially shifting their allegiance. Overall, the Wagner situation represents an opportunity for the international community to reevaluate its relationship with Russia and push back against its influence.

    • US Pressures African Countries to Distance from Wagner GroupThe Biden administration is pushing African nations to cut ties with the Wagner Group, potentially increasing pressure on Russia to rein in the mercenary organization. Simultaneously, the January 6th investigation advances with Secret Service agents testifying, and Putin's address to troops hints at Russian public disengagement.

      The Biden administration is putting pressure on African countries to distance themselves from the Wagner Group, and this could be a significant moment for holding the Russian mercenary group accountable for its actions. Meanwhile, the January 6th investigation in the US is gaining momentum, with multiple Secret Service agents reportedly testifying before the grand jury. Their testimony could be crucial in establishing the former president's intent on that day. Furthermore, Russian president Vladimir Putin's recent address to his troops after the Wagner Group's rebellion revealed a surprising level of apathy among the Russian people towards his regime, indicating years of cultivated public disengagement.

    • Putin's conflicting messages and propaganda leading to apathy towards war and ideologyRussian population shows little reaction or concern during Rostov takeover, apathy a problem for Putin as he continues to prosecute costly conflict; US commercial real estate industry facing high vacancy rates and rising interest rates, disruptions unlike past 40 years, companies rethinking physical office space as fewer than 50% return to in-person work

      Putin's use of conflicting messages and propaganda has led to apathy among the Russian population towards their supreme leader, his ideology, and his war. This apathy was on display during the recent takeover of Rostov by the Wagner Group, where people showed little reaction or concern. The lack of emotional attachment to the war is a problem for Putin, who must continue to prosecute an increasingly costly conflict. In the commercial real estate industry in the US, vacancy rates are near 19%, and rising interest rates could add further pressure. This is a unique moment with disruptions unlike any experienced in the past 40 years. Companies are rethinking physical office space as the number of people returning to in-person work remains less than 50% in major metro areas.

    • Landlords Seek Creative Solutions for Empty Commercial SpacesAmidst the shift to remote work and rise of alternative uses, landlords adapt by leasing spaces for film shoots, converting to residential units, or partnering with pickleball facilities.

      The commercial real estate industry is facing significant challenges due to the shift to remote work and the rise of alternative uses for vacant buildings. Many large companies are planning to require less office space in the next few years, leaving landlords with empty properties and loans to pay. To mitigate losses, some landlords are turning to film and TV productions for revenue. For instance, SL Green in New York City is partnering with Back Lot to lease vacant spaces for shoots. Additionally, there's a growing trend of converting office buildings into residential units, but the process is complex and time-consuming. The fastest-growing sport in America, pickleball, is also helping fill the void by utilizing vacant commercial spaces for facilities. The commercial real estate sector is uncertain about the future, with experts having varying opinions on the situation. Some predict a severe downturn, while others believe it will be manageable. Amidst these challenges, innovative solutions and adaptations are emerging to help landlords navigate the changing landscape.

    • Former President Trump Discussed Handling Classified Docs in Audio RecordingThe recently released audio recording of Trump provides evidence for his mishandling of classified documents, including one related to potential plans for an attack on Iran, without proper authorization or declassification.

      The recently released audio recording of former President Trump appears to provide significant evidence for federal prosecutors in their case against him for mishandling classified information after leaving the White House. In the recording, Trump is heard discussing and handling classified documents, including one related to potential plans for an attack on Iran, without proper authorization or declassification. The tone of the conversation is casual, and Trump acknowledges that he no longer has the power to declassify the documents as a former president. The documents' current whereabouts are unclear, and it's unknown if they have been recovered by investigators. Prosecutors have also reportedly spoken with other participants in the meeting and potentially have other corroborating evidence. The audio recording adds to the growing body of evidence against Trump in this case.

    • Trump's Contradictory Statements on Classified DocumentsProsecutors examining Trump's inconsistent statements and actions regarding classified docs. Kellogg to be arraigned. Defense may challenge evidence, but inconsistencies may damage Trump's reputation

      Former President Donald Trump's statements regarding the classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago contradict his earlier claims about the nature of the materials in question. Prosecutors are expected to examine all evidence related to the case, including Trump's statements, as they proceed. Trump's closest aid, Keith Kellogg, is set to be arraigned on charges related to the matter. The defense may attempt to exclude the evidence or question its authenticity, but the reaction of those present when Trump showed the documents could be damning. For voters and average citizens, the inconsistency between Trump's statements may be difficult to defend, and the situation could further erode trust in the former president.

    • Meadows' Contradictory Statements on Iran DocumentsMeadows' inconsistent statements on declassifying sensitive Iran documents may lead to legal consequences and damage his reputation, potentially impacting the 2024 presidential race.

      Mark Meadows, a former White House chief of staff, made contradictory statements regarding the declassification of sensitive documents related to military plans against Iran. This contradiction undermines previous defenses and could potentially lead to legal consequences. Prosecutors are expected to interview witnesses present during the relevant meetings and use their testimonies, along with Meadows' own words, to present the evidence in court. This situation highlights Meadows' apparent disregard for classified information and the potential hypocrisy of his previous campaign rhetoric. Additionally, the ongoing investigation may influence the 2024 presidential race, particularly among Republicans and independents.

    • Putin tries to calm Russia after Wagner group's unexpected actionsPutin works to keep control, unity amidst Wagner group's defiance, using Belarus as a solution and addressing growing discontent

      Russian President Vladimir Putin is working to maintain control and unity within Russia following the unexpected actions of the Wagner mercenary group led by Yevgeny Prigozhin. Putin's speech praising the Russian security forces is an attempt to calm the situation and show that he is still in charge. The agreement for Prigozhin to go into exile in Belarus, brokered by Belarusian strongman Alexander Lukashenko, is a way for Putin to keep these fighters within the Russian security forces. The lack of resistance to Prigozhin's march on Moscow highlights the growing discontent among the Russian population, which Putin is now more concerned about addressing. This situation represents a serious challenge to Putin's dictatorship and shows the potential power of popular sentiment.

    • Russia: Putin's Power Challenged by Prigozhin, Wagner Group Fighters Approaching Belarus, and US Immigration DebateRussia's Putin faces potential power struggles as Prigozhin escapes consequences, while Wagner Group fighters near Belarus and US debates birthright citizenship.

      The inner circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin is closely watching the recent events surrounding Yevgeny Prigozhin, who came close to challenging Putin's power but was allowed to leave the country without facing serious consequences. This incident may cause other potential contenders to consider their positions and calculate the risks of challenging Putin, as any sign of weakness from the leader could lead to power struggles within the regime. Meanwhile, Russian opposition leaders are concerned about the potential arrival of 1,000 Wagner Group fighters in Belarus, which could lead to instability in the region. In the United States, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has proposed ending birthright citizenship, a constitutional protection, as part of his immigration plan, sparking debate and potential legal challenges. Former congresswoman Liz Cheney issued a warning against electing "idiots" in the political context of the ongoing 2024 presidential race.

    • Birthright Citizenship Debate: More Than a Legal IssuePoliticians use birthright citizenship as a political strategy, appealing to their base, and the closed primary process exacerbates this trend, potentially leading to extreme candidates.

      The debate around birthright citizenship in the US, as espoused by some political figures like Ron DeSantis, is not just about the literal interpretation of the 14th Amendment. It's also a political strategy to appeal to certain segments of the base, serving as a dog whistle issue. This is despite the fact that some promises made during political campaigns, such as building a wall or rewriting the constitution, might not be feasible. The closed primary process on the Republican side exacerbates the issue by incentivizing politicians to cater to the extreme wing of the party, potentially leading to the election of "idiots" as Liz Cheney put it. The solution, according to Cheney, lies in opening the primary process to a broader group of Americans, including independent voters.

    • Russia's President Putin faces power grab amid armed rebellionPutin may crackdown on enemies, including elites, officials, military, and oligarchs, following Wagner mercenary group's rebellion, highlighting potential power vacuum and uncertain future

      The armed rebellion by the Wagner mercenary group in Russia could lead to a significant power grab by President Vladimir Putin as he seeks to reassert his authority. Putin, who cannot tolerate disrespect, was humiliated by the group's actions and is likely to launch a crackdown on his perceived enemies, including elites, government officials, military personnel, and oligarchs. The fact that the mercenaries were able to move through major military bases without resistance highlights the potential for a power vacuum if Putin is perceived as weak. Putin's response to this situation could determine his future hold on power, with the possibility of a massive crackdown or even more control. The events of the past few days have created a period of dramatic uncertainty in Russia.

    • Putin thanks security forces, Idaho prosecutors seek death penalty, Earth's axis shifts, United Airlines delays, Russia-Ukraine tensionPutin acknowledges Russian security forces for quelling Wagner rebellion, Idaho prosecutors pursue death penalty for accused killer, new study shows groundwater extraction causing Earth's axis shift, United Airlines CEO criticizes FAA for flight disruptions, ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict advances

      There are significant developments unfolding in Moscow this morning, as Vladimir Putin personally thanks Russian security forces for quelling the armed rebellion led by the Wagner mercenary group over the weekend. Prosecutors in Idaho are seeking the death penalty for Brian Koehberger, the man accused of killing 4 University of Idaho students last fall. Meanwhile, a new study reveals that humans' persistent extraction of groundwater has caused the Earth's axis to shift at a rate of about 1.7 inches a year. United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby is blaming the FAA for major delays and cancellations last weekend, and the FAA has responded by stating they will collaborate with anyone to solve the problem. Additionally, there is ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine, with Ukraine making advances in their counteroffensive along the front lines.

    • Russia's Power Struggle: Putin's Grip LoosensUkraine's Foreign Minister believes Putin's power is shrinking and a rebellion led by Yevgeny Prigozhin is a sign of shifting power. The Wagner forces' fate is uncertain, and Russia may plan a false flag attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. Ukrainian pilots are being trained for F-16 delivery.

      The recent rebellion in Russia, led by Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin, has raised questions about Putin's grip on power. According to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, it was only a matter of time before someone challenged Putin due to his shrinking power and Russia's turbulent situation. Kuleba also emphasized that Putin's backing down from the rebellion is significant, as it indicates a shift in power. However, the fate of the Wagner forces on the front lines remains uncertain. Another major concern is the potential attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which could have devastating consequences for Ukraine, Russia, and Europe. Kuleba believes Russia is considering a false flag operation to carry out the attack without being directly attributed to them. Additionally, Ukrainian pilots are being trained for the delivery of F-16s, which are expected to arrive at the beginning of next year.

    • Power shift in Russia leaves Putin weakenedRecent events have left Putin uncertain and facing potential implications for Russian policy, as power shifts within the regime

      The recent events in Russia, specifically the actions of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the resulting power shift within the regime, have left Vladimir Putin weakened. Putin's response to the situation, including his delayed public statement, indicates a level of uncertainty and instability not typically seen from authoritarian leaders. US intelligence is working to understand the extent of the damage to Putin's power and the potential implications for Russian domestic and foreign policy. The complexity of the situation and the opaque nature of the Kremlin make it challenging for analysts to fully grasp the internal dynamics at play.

    • Newly obtained audio recordings reveal Trump discussing sensitive military plans at his golf club in 2021Trump is under investigation for mishandling classified documents and sharing them with others, which could lead to charges related to sensitive defense information

      Former President Donald Trump is under scrutiny for mishandling sensitive information, as evidenced by newly obtained audio recordings where he discusses classified documents at his golf club in 2021. Prosecutors are likely focusing on the fact that Trump shared this information with others, regardless of whether it was declassified or not. The documents in question pertain to military plans and are highly confidential, making their unauthorized disclosure a serious issue. Trump's actions could lead to charges related to mishandling sensitive defense information. The audio recording also sheds light on Trump's perceived attempts to overthrow his political opponents and his possession of documents that could potentially incriminate him. These developments underscore the ongoing investigations into Trump's actions and the potential consequences for his future.

    • Former President Trump's actions regarding sensitive documents under investigationProsecutors allege Trump's reckless handling of classified info, potentially illegal sharing, and casual attitude towards state secrets could lead to charges

      That former President Trump's claims of declassifying sensitive documents through mental thought and sharing them without proper authorization are under scrutiny. Prosecutors will likely argue that Trump's actions were reckless and potentially illegal, as he disseminated classified information to individuals without proper clearance for his own political benefit. The recording also reveals a casual attitude towards handling state secrets and the presence of potential witnesses who could testify about the documents and their dissemination. The document discussed in the recording, which pertains to a potential attack plan against Iran, is particularly significant due to its sensitive nature and Trump's willingness to share it. Trump's defense, focusing on golf clothes and letters from world leaders, is seen as insignificant compared to the charged document. The former president's legal team is currently figuring out their defense, and they have the right to review the discovery materials and determine their strategy.

    • Potential Legal Consequences for Trump and Economic PredictionsTrump's team must be consistent with evidence, Bank of America predicts mild recession in early 2023 with potential negative GDP growth and near 5% unemployment, Federal Reserve trying to push down inflation could lead to recession, consumers adjusting spending, economists agree on inflation lag, potential impact on employment in 2023 and 2024.

      Every word and action from former President Donald Trump could potentially be used against him in court, making it crucial for his team to be consistent with the evidence. On a different note, the economy is still adding jobs and experiencing some improvement, but there's a possibility of a recession. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan predicts a mild recession starting in the first part of next year, with negative GDP growth and unemployment levels potentially reaching almost 5%. This recession could be mild enough that most Americans might not even notice it, but they will feel the impact of rising costs. The Federal Reserve is trying to push down inflation, which could lead to a collision course with a potential recession. Consumers are already adjusting their spending based on the cost side, and this behavior change could contribute to the slowdown. The debate is whether unemployment will get significantly worse or just a little bit worse, but the most important thing is to keep people employed and earning money. Economists agree that there's a lag in the relationship between spending and inflation, and it may take all of this year and next year for inflation to align with the Federal Reserve's long-term target.

    • Fed's Monetary Policy and Banking Sector StabilityThe Fed may raise interest rates further to manage inflation, but the duration matters. Banking sector stabilized after recent failures, with potential acquisitions restricted by law. Bank of America aims to expand presence and serve lower income areas, using digital and branch capabilities.

      The Federal Reserve's monetary policy and its impact on inflation, as well as the stability of the banking sector, are major topics of concern for the economy. Jerome Powell, the Fed chair, indicated that the central bank might raise interest rates a few more times this year, but the duration of holding these rates could be crucial in managing inflation. Regarding the banking sector, the recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic have raised questions about potential acquisitions, with Bank of America being mentioned as a potential buyer. However, due to legal restrictions, such acquisitions are currently not an option for Bank of America. The industry's strong capital and liquidity, along with the recovery from the recent failures, have led to stabilized deposits. The Senate Banking Committee has passed legislation for clawing back executive compensation for failed bank CEOs, which is already in practice through regulation and supervision. Bank of America is expanding its presence in new markets, aiming to reach 80% of the population and provide greater support to lower middle income neighborhoods, including those with non-English speaking customers. In terms of technology, Bank of America is using digital capabilities and branch capabilities to offer better services, but there is no confirmation on the use of advanced AI systems like chat GPT.

    • AI and human empathy in financial adviceAI enhances financial advice but human empathy remains crucial for individual financial needs. Supreme Court rulings on affirmative action and student loans, as well as Trump-DeSantis clash, are major developments to watch.

      While AI, such as Bank of America's Erica, is being used to supplement financial advice, the human element, particularly empathy, remains crucial in understanding individual financial needs. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is set to announce major rulings, including decisions on affirmative action in higher education and President Biden's student loan forgiveness program. These cases could significantly impact students and higher education policies nationwide. Additionally, former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are expected to collide on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. Stay tuned for more updates on these developing stories.

    • DeSantis struggles in New Hampshire despite high expectationsDeSantis' campaign in New Hampshire hasn't gained momentum due to perceived lack of personality and inability to directly address Trump's character and legal issues. Chris Christie effectively challenges him on these fronts.

      DeSantis' campaign in New Hampshire has not gained momentum despite high expectations and significant spending, due in part to his perceived lack of personality and inability to directly address Trump's character and legal issues. Chris Christie, on the other hand, has been effectively challenging DeSantis on these fronts. DeSantis' strategy is to wait for Trump to falter and then position himself as the one to pick up the pieces, but this approach failed in 2016 and faces similar challenges now. Additionally, Sleep Number is offering discounts on their smart beds, which are designed to accommodate individual sleep preferences and provide high-quality sleep.

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    Day 546.

    Today, we react to the extraordinary - but perhaps not unexpected - news of Yevgeny Prigozhin's death and analyse what the future might hold for the Wagner group. Plus, we delve into news that Norway is set to donate F-16s to the war effort, Ukrainian claims to have retaken Robotyne, and Russian missile strikes that continue across the country. Later, Spectator journalist Svitlana Morenets joins the panel to discuss her investigation into Kyiv's faltering medical care for soldiers.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

    Svitlana Morenets (Spectator Journalist). @SvMorenets on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Extra links:




    Read Svitlana's piece: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/ukraines-real-killing-fields-an-investigation-into-the-wars-first-aid-crisis/

    Watch this week's Defence In Depth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5mriUjZi_g

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