
    Trump's Abortion Strategy, and Allegations Against Russell Brand, with David Sacks, Will Witt, and Savanah Hernandez | Ep. 629

    enSeptember 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Political Attacks Against Biden and TrumpPresident Biden faces criticism from the press and a poll deficit, while former President Trump's stance on abortion causes controversy among conservatives, potentially impacting millions through credit card rewards.

      During this episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, the focus was on the ongoing political attacks against both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. While Biden faces criticism from the mainstream press and a potential 15-point deficit in independence in a new poll, Trump is under fire from conservatives for his comments on social issues like abortion. In a recent interview with Kristen Welker on Meet the Press, Trump expressed his willingness to negotiate on the issue, but his vague response did not sit well with some on the right. Meanwhile, the Electronics Payments Coalition discussed the potential elimination of credit card rewards, which could impact millions of Americans. David Sachs, co-host of the All In podcast and co-founder of Kraft Ventures, provided insights on the political landscape and Trump's shifting stance on abortion. Despite the ongoing criticism, Trump seems to be pivoting towards the general election and recognizes the changing political climate regarding abortion access.

    • Republican Party's stance on abortion shifting post-Roe v. WadeThe Republican Party's historical stance on abortion is evolving due to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and they must adapt to maintain electoral success while respecting states' rights and public opinion.

      The Republican Party's stance on abortion is facing a significant shift in the political landscape following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Trump's recent comments reflect the party's need to adapt to this new reality, as a federal ban on abortion could potentially lead to Democratic gains. The Republican Party's historical position of leaving the issue to the states is now being reconsidered, with several red states even voting against the idea of banning or significantly restricting abortion. To maintain electoral success, the party must find a way to articulate their stance effectively and respect the states' rights to make their own decisions on the issue. The cultural divide on abortion remains a 60-40 split in favor of keeping it available, and Republicans risk losing elections if they move too far ahead of public opinion.

    • Shifting political landscape on abortionMajority of Americans oppose 6-week abortion bans, favoring restrictions within first three months. US may adopt European-style abortion laws with legalization in first trimester, restrictions in second, and bans in third except for extreme cases.

      The political landscape surrounding abortion has shifted, and the Republican Party may need to update their messaging or even their position to win elections. Trump's stance on this issue, which goes against GOP groupthink, could be proven right as the American public's opinion on abortion is evolving. The latest polls indicate that a majority of Americans oppose a 6-week ban on abortions, with most favoring restrictions within the first three months. It's likely that the United States will adopt a regime similar to Europe, where abortion is broadly legal in the first trimester, with restrictions in the second, and illegal in the third, except for extreme cases. Trump's focus on the number of weeks as the key issue could lead to a compromise and a consensus on this contentious issue. However, it's important to note that this issue is complex and won't be resolved easily.

    • The debate over late-term abortions: Facts vs. MisconceptionsDespite media misrepresentations, most Democrats do not support post-birth abortions. Late-term abortion policies vary by state, with some allowing it throughout pregnancy for any reason. A federal ban on late-term abortions is a contentious issue, with public opinion leaning towards compromise.

      The debate over abortion legislation is shifting from abstract legal discussions to more complex compromises. The issue of late-term abortions has been a contentious topic, with some misunderstandings and dishonesty in the media. Contrary to claims, most Democrats do not support allowing abortions after the baby is born. However, there are some Democrats who openly advocate for no legal limits on abortion, and some states, like Colorado, have policies allowing abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason. These realities have fueled calls for a federal ban on late-term abortions from both political sides. The polling shows that a majority of Americans are in the middle on this issue, neither wanting unlimited abortions nor a ban. The side that can effectively appeal to this large center of the population will likely win the debate.

    • Trump's Instincts Proven Correct in Hostile InterviewDespite personal and legal baggage, Trump's political instincts are correct. Interviews can benefit him, but journalism must hold candidates accountable.

      Former President Trump's political instincts on key issues have proven correct in the past, despite his personal and legal baggage. The interview with Kristen Welker on Meet the Press was a platforming opportunity for Trump, who excels in hostile interview situations, leaving the liberal media questioning their decision to air it. The challenge for American journalism is ensuring that a presidential candidate, especially a front-runner like Trump, is held accountable through tough, independent interviews. However, the interview format that may seem unfavorable to some can actually benefit Trump, as he has a unique ability to handle hostile interviewers effectively. The backlash against Meet the Press for airing the interview is a reminder of the importance of providing the public with news value and factual information, even if it may be controversial.

    • Media's unequal treatment of political interviewsTrump's entertaining persona drives high ratings, but Biden avoids tough interviews, raising concerns about media accountability and fairness

      The media's handling of political interviews has become a topic of debate, with some questioning why certain candidates, such as Donald Trump, are given more airtime than others, like Joe Biden. Trump's interviews generate high ratings due to his entertaining personality, even if people don't agree with his views. However, the real concern is the lack of challenging interviews for Biden. Trump has faced tough questions during his interviews, while Biden has largely avoided them. The media has requested interviews with Biden, but he has declined. Trump's interview on transgender issues sparked controversy, with some criticizing his answers as unclear. Trump's friendship with Caitlyn Jenner may have influenced his stance. The media and political circles are also criticizing Trump for his past commendation of President Biden's COVID response. Trump's answers on COVID have also been met with criticism, with DeSantis' team using them to attack him. Overall, the issue highlights the importance of holding all candidates accountable through rigorous interviews and scrutiny.

    • Trump vs. DeSantis: Differences in COVID-19 ResponseTrump claimed no shutdowns, gave governors power, while DeSantis was anti-lockdown and anti-mandate. Criticisms of Trump's COVID response create opportunity for DeSantis. Importance of candidates' stance on Ukraine remains paramount for voters.

      During a recent interview, it was discussed that there are significant differences between former President Trump and Governor DeSantis' records on handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump claimed that he didn't shut down anything and gave governors the power to make decisions, while DeSantis was an anti-lockdown and anti-mandate advocate. The interview also touched upon the rushed vaccines and Trump's relationship with Fauci. Trump's answers were criticized for not providing clear answers, and the DeSantis team sees an opportunity to exploit these differences. Despite this, some believe that most of the Republican base knows that Trump could have done a better job on COVID and that it's too soon to shut off debate within the party. Ultimately, the most important issue for many voters is the candidate's stance on Ukraine and whether they will escalate or deescalate the war.

    • Republican Divisions on Foreign Policy and Democratic Concerns over Biden's CandidacyThe GOP is split on foreign policy, with some advocating for peace and others for escalation. Dems have concerns about Biden's re-election, with calls for new leadership. Indy voters favor GOP, risks to Biden include recession, Ukraine, and corruption scandals. Media coverage criticized for dismissing facts and important stories.

      The Republican Party is divided on the issue of foreign policy, particularly regarding the ongoing war, with some candidates advocating for escalation and others pushing for peace. Meanwhile, there are growing concerns among Democrats about President Biden's candidacy for re-election, with some expressing a desire for a new generation of leaders. Recent polls indicate that independent voters are favoring Republican candidates, and there are increasing calls for Biden to step down. The risks to a Biden candidacy include an economic recession, a worsening situation in Ukraine, and ongoing corruption scandals. Despite the majority of the electorate expressing a preference for someone other than Biden or Trump, it seems likely that the two will face off in the next election. The media's handling of these issues has been criticized for being overly dismissive of certain facts and for failing to adequately cover important stories.

    • Allegations of financial dealings between Joe Biden and his son Hunter in UkraineDespite investigations into Burisma for corruption, Joe Biden did not discourage his son from joining its board, and allegations suggest he may have leveraged his power to halt an investigation

      There are allegations of significant financial dealings involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter, particularly in relation to Ukraine. These dealings have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and possible bribery. The timeline shows that Hunter joined the board of Burisma in 2014, a time when the company was under investigation for corruption. Despite this, and despite Joe Biden's role in U.S. foreign policy regarding Ukraine, he did not discourage his son from taking the position. Furthermore, there are allegations that Biden leveraged his power to have a prosecutor investigating Burisma fired, which stopped the investigation. These actions raise questions about Biden's motivations and the potential for corruption. The media should be asking Biden about these issues, but they have not done so extensively. The historical context and the sequence of events suggest that further investigation is warranted.

    • Ukraine Prosecutor's Removal and $1 Billion Loan GuaranteeVice President Biden's actions in Ukraine raised questions about potential influence peddling and access to power, as the removal of a prosecutor investigating Burisma became a condition for a $1 billion loan guarantee.

      The removal of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma, a company linked to Hunter Biden, became a condition for a $1 billion loan guarantee in late 2015, according to Vice President Biden. This raises questions about potential influence peddling and access to power. Regarding the 2024 presidential race, Savannah Hernandez and Will Witt, two conservative commentators, expressed their disagreement with Donald Trump's stance on abortion. They believe that candidates should uphold the sanctity of life and not compromise their principles for political gain. Savannah also argued that Trump's charisma and energy make him a formidable candidate, despite his comments on abortion. In summary, the discussion touched upon political corruption in Ukraine and the ongoing debate within the conservative movement about the importance of upholding pro-life values in politics.

    • South Dakota Governor and Trump Advisor Alleged Years-Long AffairGovernor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski are accused of a years-long affair, with evidence including private flights, public displays of affection, and testimonies from Republicans. The scandal damages Noem's family values reputation and Lewandowski's history of controversy.

      There have been numerous scandals involving public figures, including Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota and Trump adviser Corey Lewandowski, who are alleged to have had a years-long affair. The Daily Mail, a reputable publication known for factual reporting, has covered this story extensively, with evidence including private flights, public displays of affection, and testimonies from Republicans in the know. This scandal is particularly noteworthy as Noem has built her reputation on her family values platform and romantic relationship with her husband. Additionally, Lewandowski has a history of controversy and threatening behavior. Despite the denials from both parties, the evidence presented by the Daily Mail is compelling. This incident highlights the challenges and potential consequences for public figures when their personal lives intersect with their public image.

    • Politicians failing to meet moral standardsPoliticians often fall short of moral standards, leading to disillusionment and disengagement among young people. Holding them accountable to their values and treating them as public servants is crucial.

      The current political landscape often fails to reflect the values and ideals it promotes, with many politicians falling short of the moral standards they claim to uphold. This issue is not limited to any particular party or individual, as the speaker points out the hypocrisy in the case of Christy Noem, a potential vice presidential candidate facing allegations of an affair. The speaker also criticizes the politicization of conservatism and the blurring of lines between public figures and celebrities, which can lead to a loss of trust in the political system and disengagement among young people. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for holding politicians accountable to their stated values and treating them as public servants rather than celebrities.

    • Power dynamics and consent in relationshipsTake all claims of power imbalances and consent seriously, have open and honest conversations, and recognize potential for misunderstandings, manipulation, and abuse.

      Power dynamics and consent in relationships continue to be complex and contentious issues, particularly when it comes to high-profile figures. The recent allegations against Russell Brand and the woman discussed earlier in this conversation highlight the importance of taking all claims seriously and acknowledging the potential for power imbalances. Brand's attempts to deny and minimize the allegations demonstrate the challenges in addressing such issues, especially when there are discrepancies in the accounts and the involvement of the media. The anonymity of some accusers also raises questions about the credibility and motivations behind their claims. Ultimately, it's crucial to have open and honest conversations about these topics, while also recognizing the potential for misunderstandings, manipulation, and abuse.

    • Stay open-minded in sexual misconduct casesInvestigate details, hear from both parties, avoid jumping to conclusions, beware of false accusations, consider timing and public figure's stance.

      It's important to stay open-minded and consider all facts before jumping to conclusions in cases of sexual misconduct allegations. The speaker emphasized the need for investigating the details and hearing from both parties involved. She also cautioned against disbelieving all women who come forward with allegations, but also noted that there are instances where women may falsely accuse men. The timing of allegations and the public figure's stance on controversial issues were also mentioned as potential factors that could influence public perception. Ultimately, the speaker urged for a rational and fact-based approach to these situations.

    • Approach allegations of misconduct with an open mindExamine allegations thoroughly, remember every situation is unique, and stay informed to create a better future

      It's important to approach allegations of misconduct with an open mind and a case-by-case basis, rather than making assumptions based on biases or the current social climate. The #MeToo movement highlighted the need to believe women, but we should avoid overcorrecting and returning to a dismissive attitude towards their claims. There have been detailed accounts of alleged misconduct against a public figure, and it's crucial to examine these allegations thoroughly, recognizing that every situation is unique. It's essential to remember that there are still good people, including men in politics and beyond, who serve as positive role models. The lack of heroic figures in today's society can make it disheartening, but staying informed and advocating for change can help create a better future.

    • The importance of nuance and compassion in dealing with accusationsThe political climate can lead to a loss of trust and respect, but considering evidence and context before jumping to conclusions can help maintain respect and trust for individuals and institutions.

      The focus on political divisions and false accusations can lead to a loss of trust and respect for individuals and institutions. The speaker expresses concern over the current political climate, where people are labeled as conservative or liberal based on their beliefs regarding allegations against public figures. She emphasizes the importance of having good role models and values, and the need to move beyond politics when dealing with accusations. The speaker also shares her personal experiences with being a woman in politics and the backlash she faces when speaking out against men. She calls for a more nuanced approach, where we consider the evidence and context before jumping to conclusions. The speaker also advocates for a pause before canceling individuals and giving them a chance to respond to allegations. In essence, she encourages a more thoughtful and compassionate approach to dealing with accusations and maintaining trust and respect for individuals and institutions.

    • Politicians' Professionalism and Consideration in Public SettingsPoliticians should act professionally and considerately towards others in public settings, avoiding displays of hubris and entitlement.

      Politicians, regardless of their party affiliations, have a responsibility to act professionally and considerately towards others, especially in public settings. The recent incident involving Representative Lauren Boebert and her boyfriend, caught on tape being overly affectionate during a theater performance, highlights this issue. While some may find their behavior distasteful or inappropriate, the real concern lies in Boebert's response, where she reportedly asked, "Do you know who I am?" This display of hubris and sense of entitlement is unacceptable for someone in a position of power. Similarly, a Virginia State House candidate, Susanna Gibson, made headlines for soliciting money from people online to perform sex acts with her husband on video. Gibson's actions not only raise ethical concerns but also potentially violate Virginia's prostitution laws. Both incidents underscore the importance of accountability and professionalism among our elected officials. They serve at our behest and should remember that their actions reflect on us as a community.

    • Media's Double Standard in Reporting Political ScandalsThe media's response to political scandals varies based on the politician's party affiliation, raising concerns about hypocrisy and double standards. This inconsistency can impact American values both domestically and internationally.

      The media's handling of scandals involving politicians, particularly those from different parties, raises questions about hypocrisy and double standards. The discussion revolves around the cases of two politicians - one, a Democrat, had pornographic content on her website and was met with a different response from the media compared to a Republican who was accused of an inappropriate behavior. The speaker expresses concern over the normalization of such behavior and the potential impact on American values, both domestically and internationally. The speaker also touches upon the idea of leftism as a new religion in a post-Christian world and how it protects its own. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for accountability and consistency in reporting and representing American values.

    • Maintaining principles and morals in societySociety should uphold principles and morals, encourage accountability, and value beauty, truth, and excellence instead of embracing mediocrity and ugliness.

      It's important to uphold principles and morals, even in the face of societal pressures to abandon them. The current state of politics and society, as discussed, raises concerns about the degradation of values and morals. This is evident in various aspects, such as public figures' conduct and the way society responds to it. Instead of encouraging accountability and holding individuals responsible for their actions, there seems to be a trend towards protecting and excusing inappropriate behavior. This not only sets a poor example for future generations but also undermines the pride and respect we should have for our country and its leaders. It's crucial to remember that we should strive for a society that values beauty, truth, and excellence, rather than embracing mediocrity and ugliness. This includes holding public figures to a higher standard and encouraging open, honest discussions about their actions.

    • Double standard in media scrutiny towards public figuresPerception of unequal treatment in media towards certain public figures, emphasizing the need for fair and unbiased coverage.

      There is a perceived double standard when it comes to media scrutiny and public figures. During the conversation, it was discussed how some individuals, like Will Smith, face minimal consequences for fabricating stories, while others, like Russell Brand, face intense scrutiny. The left, specifically, was mentioned as often receiving a pass from the media. Despite frustration with this situation, the hosts urged listeners to support Will Smith and his new book, "Do Not Comply," which is being released the next day. They also announced an upcoming guest, Doug Brunt, who will be on the show to discuss his new book. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for fair and unbiased media coverage, and the importance of continuing to engage with and support innovative thinkers and writers.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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